internal override DiagnosticInfo GetResolvedInfo()
            if (lazyActualObsoleteDiagnostic == null)
                // A symbol's Obsoleteness may not have been calculated yet if the symbol is coming
                // from a different compilation's source. In that case, force completion of attributes.

                if (symbol.ObsoleteState == ThreeState.True)
                    var inObsoleteContext = ObsoleteAttributeHelpers.GetObsoleteContextState(containingSymbol, forceComplete: true);
                    Debug.Assert(inObsoleteContext != ThreeState.Unknown);

                    if (inObsoleteContext == ThreeState.False)
                        DiagnosticInfo info = ObsoleteAttributeHelpers.CreateObsoleteDiagnostic(symbol, binderFlags);
                        if (info != null)
                            Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.lazyActualObsoleteDiagnostic, info, null);

                // If this symbol is not obsolete or is in an obsolete context, we don't want to report any diagnostics.
                // Therefore make this a Void diagnostic.
                Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref this.lazyActualObsoleteDiagnostic, CSDiagnosticInfo.VoidDiagnosticInfo, null);

        internal override DiagnosticInfo GetResolvedInfo()
            if (_lazyActualObsoleteDiagnostic == null)
                // A symbol's Obsoleteness may not have been calculated yet if the symbol is coming
                // from a different compilation's source. In that case, force completion of attributes.

                var kind = ObsoleteAttributeHelpers.GetObsoleteDiagnosticKind(_symbol, _containingSymbol, forceComplete: true);
                Debug.Assert(kind != ObsoleteDiagnosticKind.Lazy);
                Debug.Assert(kind != ObsoleteDiagnosticKind.LazyPotentiallySuppressed);

                var info = (kind == ObsoleteDiagnosticKind.Diagnostic) ?
                           ObsoleteAttributeHelpers.CreateObsoleteDiagnostic(_symbol, _binderFlags) :

                // If this symbol is not obsolete or is in an obsolete context, we don't want to report any diagnostics.
                // Therefore make this a Void diagnostic.
                Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _lazyActualObsoleteDiagnostic, info ?? CSDiagnosticInfo.VoidDiagnosticInfo, null);
