public Level(Maze maze, Room startingRoom, Room finishingRoom, Func<Level> next) { this.maze = maze; this.startingRoom = startingRoom; this.finishingRoom = finishingRoom; = next; }
public IHttpActionResult CreateMaze(MazeParam partialMaze) { try { int x = 0; int y = 0; MazeLib.Maze maze = this.mazeModel.Generate (partialMaze.Name, partialMaze.Rows, partialMaze.Cols); partialMaze.GoalPos = maze.GoalPos.ToString(); Converters.PositionConverter.ConvertPos(ref x, ref y, partialMaze.GoalPos); partialMaze.GoalPosRow = x; partialMaze.GoalPosCol = y; partialMaze.InitialPos = maze.InitialPos.ToString(); Converters.PositionConverter.ConvertPos(ref x, ref y, partialMaze.InitialPos); partialMaze.InitialPosRow = x; partialMaze.InitialPosCol = y; JObject jmaze = JObject.Parse(maze.ToJSON()); partialMaze.AsString = jmaze.GetValue("Maze").ToString(); return(Ok(JObject.Parse(partialMaze.ToJson()))); } catch (ArgumentException) { // Content bla bla BadRequest blabla return(NotFound()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Maze maze1 = new Maze(5, 5, null, 0, 0); maze1.GenerateTWMaze_GrowingTree(); maze1.dumpMaze(); // better integration for it, like generate maze1.blockVersion array // + display Byte[,] blockmaze = maze1.LineToBlock(); for (UInt16 y = 0; y < blockmaze.GetLength(1); y++) { string xline = string.Empty; for (UInt16 x = 0; x < blockmaze.GetLength(0); x++) { xline += ' ' + blockmaze[x, y].ToString(); } Debug.Print(string.Format("BM[{0}]={1}", y, xline)); } Byte[,] bigm = maze1.scaleMaze(3); for (UInt16 y = 0; y < bigm.GetLength(1); y++) { string xline = string.Empty; for (UInt16 x = 0; x < bigm.GetLength(0); x++) { xline += ' ' + bigm[x, y].ToString(); } Debug.Print(string.Format("BigM[{0}]={1}", y, xline)); } }
public MazeAdapter(MazeLib.Maze maze) { this.maze = maze; }
private bool isValidCarvePoint(Maze maze, Point2D origin, Point2D option) { // Can't carve the outer wall of the maze or things out of bounds. if (option.x < 1) { return(false); } if (option.y < 1) { return(false); } // Has already been carved. if (!maze.hasWallAt(option)) { return(false); } List <Point2D> pointsToCheck = new List <Point2D>() { // Check surrounding points option.Up(), option.Down(), option.Left(), option.Right(), // Also want the corner points option.TopLeft(), option.TopRight(), option.BottomLeft(), option.BottomRight() }; foreach (Point2D point in pointsToCheck) { // Don't disqualify if we are looking at the origin if (point.Equals(origin)) { continue; } // Or something connected to the origin! if (point.Equals(origin.Up())) { continue; } if (point.Equals(origin.Down())) { continue; } if (point.Equals(origin.Left())) { continue; } if (point.Equals(origin.Right())) { continue; } // All other points should be walls? if (!maze.hasWallAt(point)) { return(false); } } return(true); }
protected override void Initialize() { graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 1024; graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 768; graphics.ApplyChanges(); this.Window.AllowUserResizing = true; IsMouseVisible = true; methodArray = (PickMethod[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(PickMethod)); picking = PickMethod.Newest; mazeW = 20; mazeH = 18; backgroundsW = 500; backgroundsH = 400; holesCount = 0; holesMaxRadius = 0; layoutIndex = 0; mlayout = new Layout(mazeW, mazeH); aMazIng = new Maze(mazeW, mazeH, mlayout, 0, 0, PickMethod.Cyclic); aMazIng.GenerateTWMaze_GrowingTree(picking); //aMazIng.dumpMaze(); base.Initialize(); }