Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes a node from the queue.  The node does not need to be the head of the queue.
        /// If the node is not in the queue, the result is undefined.  If unsure, check Contains() first
        /// O(log n)
        /// </summary>
        public void Remove(PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> node)
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));

            if (!Contains(node))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot call Remove() on a node which is not enqueued: " + node);

            //If the node is already the last node, we can remove it immediately
            if (node.QueueIndex == _numNodes)
                _nodes[_numNodes] = null;

            //Swap the node with the last node
            PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> formerLastNode = _nodes[_numNodes];

            _nodes[node.QueueIndex]   = formerLastNode;
            formerLastNode.QueueIndex = node.QueueIndex;
            _nodes[_numNodes]         = null;

            //Now bubble formerLastNode (which is no longer the last node) up or down as appropriate
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns (in O(1)!) whether the given node is in the queue.  O(1)
        /// </summary>
        public bool Contains(PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> node)
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));

            if (node.QueueIndex < 0 || node.QueueIndex >= _nodes.Length)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          "node.QueueIndex has been corrupted. Did you change it manually? Or add this node to another queue?");

            return(_nodes[node.QueueIndex] == node);
Exemple #3
        void OnNodeUpdated(PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> node)
            //Bubble the updated node up or down as appropriate
            int parentIndex = node.QueueIndex >> 1;

            if (parentIndex > 0 && HasHigherPriority(node, _nodes[parentIndex]))
                //Note that CascadeDown will be called if parentNode == node (that is, node is the root)
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method must be called on a node every time its priority changes while it is in the queue.
        /// <b>Forgetting to call this method will result in a corrupted queue!</b>
        /// Calling this method on a node not in the queue results in undefined behavior
        /// O(log n)
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdatePriority(PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> node, TPriority priority)
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));

            if (!Contains(node))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          "Cannot call UpdatePriority() on a node which is not enqueued: " + node);

            node.Priority = priority;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Resize the queue so it can accept more nodes.  All currently enqueued nodes are remain.
        /// Attempting to decrease the queue size to a size too small to hold the existing nodes results in undefined behavior
        /// O(n)
        /// </summary>
        public void Resize(int maxNodes)
            if (maxNodes <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(maxNodes), "Queue size cannot be smaller than 1");

            if (maxNodes < _numNodes)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Called Resize(" + maxNodes + "), but current queue contains " + _numNodes + " nodes");

            var newArray           = new PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> [maxNodes + 1];
            int highestIndexToCopy = Math.Min(maxNodes, _numNodes);

            Array.Copy(_nodes, newArray, highestIndexToCopy + 1);
            _nodes = newArray;
Exemple #6
        void CascadeUp(PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> node)
            //aka Heapify-up
            int parent;

            if (node.QueueIndex > 1)
                parent = node.QueueIndex >> 1;
                PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> parentNode = _nodes[parent];
                if (HasHigherPriority(parentNode, node))

                //Node has lower priority value, so move parent down the heap to make room
                _nodes[node.QueueIndex] = parentNode;
                parentNode.QueueIndex   = node.QueueIndex;

                node.QueueIndex = parent;
            while (parent > 1)
                parent >>= 1;
                PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> parentNode = _nodes[parent];
                if (HasHigherPriority(parentNode, node))

                //Node has lower priority value, so move parent down the heap to make room
                _nodes[node.QueueIndex] = parentNode;
                parentNode.QueueIndex   = node.QueueIndex;

                node.QueueIndex = parent;
            _nodes[node.QueueIndex] = node;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the head of the queue (node with minimum priority; ties are broken by order of insertion), and returns it.
        /// If queue is empty, result is undefined
        /// O(log n)
        /// </summary>
        public PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> Dequeue()
            if (_numNodes <= 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot call Dequeue() on an empty queue");

            if (!IsValidQueue())
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          "Queue has been corrupted (Did you update a node priority manually instead of calling " +
                          "UpdatePriority()? Or add the same node to two different queues?)");

            PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> returnMe = _nodes[1];

            //If the node is already the last node, we can remove it immediately
            if (_numNodes == 1)
                _nodes[1] = null;
                _numNodes = 0;

            //Swap the node with the last node
            PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> formerLastNode = _nodes[_numNodes];

            _nodes[1] = formerLastNode;
            formerLastNode.QueueIndex = 1;
            _nodes[_numNodes]         = null;

            //Now bubble formerLastNode (which is no longer the last node) down
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>
        /// Enqueue a node to the priority queue.  Lower values are placed in front. Ties are broken by
        /// first-in-first-out.
        /// </para>
        /// If the queue is full, the result is undefined. If the node is already enqueued, the result is undefined.
        /// O(log n)
        /// </summary>
        public void Enqueue(PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> node, TPriority priority)
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));

            if (_numNodes >= _nodes.Length - 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Queue is full - node cannot be added: " + node);

            if (Contains(node))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Node is already enqueued: " + node);

            node.Priority = priority;
            _nodes[_numNodes]   = node;
            node.QueueIndex     = _numNodes;
            node.InsertionIndex = _numNodesEverEnqueued++;
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if 'higher' has higher priority than 'lower', false otherwise.
        /// Note that calling HasHigherPriority(node, node) (ie. both arguments the same node) will return false
        /// </summary>
        bool HasHigherPriority(PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> higher, PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> lower)
            int cmp = _comparer(higher.Priority, lower.Priority);

            return(cmp < 0 || (cmp == 0 && higher.InsertionIndex < lower.InsertionIndex));
Exemple #10
        void CascadeDown(PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> node)
            //aka Heapify-down
            int finalQueueIndex = node.QueueIndex;
            int childLeftIndex  = 2 * finalQueueIndex;

            // If leaf node, we're done
            if (childLeftIndex > _numNodes)

            // Check if the left-child is higher-priority than the current node
            int childRightIndex = childLeftIndex + 1;
            PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> childLeft = _nodes[childLeftIndex];

            if (HasHigherPriority(childLeft, node))
                // Check if there is a right child. If not, swap and finish.
                if (childRightIndex > _numNodes)
                    node.QueueIndex         = childLeftIndex;
                    childLeft.QueueIndex    = finalQueueIndex;
                    _nodes[finalQueueIndex] = childLeft;
                    _nodes[childLeftIndex]  = node;
                // Check if the left-child is higher-priority than the right-child
                PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> childRight = _nodes[childRightIndex];
                if (HasHigherPriority(childLeft, childRight))
                    // left is highest, move it up and continue
                    childLeft.QueueIndex    = finalQueueIndex;
                    _nodes[finalQueueIndex] = childLeft;
                    finalQueueIndex         = childLeftIndex;
                    // right is even higher, move it up and continue
                    childRight.QueueIndex   = finalQueueIndex;
                    _nodes[finalQueueIndex] = childRight;
                    finalQueueIndex         = childRightIndex;
            // Not swapping with left-child, does right-child exist?
            else if (childRightIndex > _numNodes)
                // Check if the right-child is higher-priority than the current node
                PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> childRight = _nodes[childRightIndex];
                if (HasHigherPriority(childRight, node))
                    childRight.QueueIndex   = finalQueueIndex;
                    _nodes[finalQueueIndex] = childRight;
                    finalQueueIndex         = childRightIndex;
                // Neither child is higher-priority than current, so finish and stop.

            while (true)
                childLeftIndex = 2 * finalQueueIndex;

                // If leaf node, we're done
                if (childLeftIndex > _numNodes)
                    node.QueueIndex         = finalQueueIndex;
                    _nodes[finalQueueIndex] = node;

                // Check if the left-child is higher-priority than the current node
                childRightIndex = childLeftIndex + 1;
                childLeft       = _nodes[childLeftIndex];
                if (HasHigherPriority(childLeft, node))
                    // Check if there is a right child. If not, swap and finish.
                    if (childRightIndex > _numNodes)
                        node.QueueIndex         = childLeftIndex;
                        childLeft.QueueIndex    = finalQueueIndex;
                        _nodes[finalQueueIndex] = childLeft;
                        _nodes[childLeftIndex]  = node;
                    // Check if the left-child is higher-priority than the right-child
                    PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> childRight = _nodes[childRightIndex];
                    if (HasHigherPriority(childLeft, childRight))
                        // left is highest, move it up and continue
                        childLeft.QueueIndex    = finalQueueIndex;
                        _nodes[finalQueueIndex] = childLeft;
                        finalQueueIndex         = childLeftIndex;
                        // right is even higher, move it up and continue
                        childRight.QueueIndex   = finalQueueIndex;
                        _nodes[finalQueueIndex] = childRight;
                        finalQueueIndex         = childRightIndex;
                // Not swapping with left-child, does right-child exist?
                else if (childRightIndex > _numNodes)
                    node.QueueIndex         = finalQueueIndex;
                    _nodes[finalQueueIndex] = node;
                    // Check if the right-child is higher-priority than the current node
                    PriorityQueueNode <TPriority, TValue> childRight = _nodes[childRightIndex];
                    if (HasHigherPriority(childRight, node))
                        childRight.QueueIndex   = finalQueueIndex;
                        _nodes[finalQueueIndex] = childRight;
                        finalQueueIndex         = childRightIndex;
                    // Neither child is higher-priority than current, so finish and stop.
                        node.QueueIndex         = finalQueueIndex;
                        _nodes[finalQueueIndex] = node;