Exemple #1
        public void UpdateQueue()
            // Ignore if there's no connection with the peer
            if (!Peer.IsConnected)

            // Ignore if nothing's in the queue
            if (_queue.Count == 0)

            if (_beingSpawned.Count >= MaxConcurrentRequests)
                // If we're currently at the maximum available concurrent spawn count
                var finishedSpawns = _beingSpawned.Where(s => s.IsDoneStartingProcess);

                // Remove finished spawns
                foreach (var finishedSpawn in finishedSpawns)

            // If we're still at the maximum concurrent requests
            if (_beingSpawned.Count >= MaxConcurrentRequests)

            var task = _queue.Dequeue();

            var data = new SpawnRequestPacket()
                SpawnerId           = SpawnerId,
                CustomOptions       = task.CustomOptions,
                Options             = task.Options,
                SpawnTaskId         = task.Id,
                SpawnTaskUniqueCode = task.UniqueCode

            var msg = Mst.Create.Message((short)MstMessageCodes.SpawnProcessRequest, data);

            Peer.SendMessage(msg, (status, response) =>
                if (status != ResponseStatus.Success)
                    Logs.Error("Spawn request was not handled. Status: " + status + " | " + response.AsString("Unknown Error"));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Default spawn spawned process request handler that will be used by controller if <see cref="spawnRequestHandler"/> is not overriden
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="message"></param>
        public virtual void SpawnRequestHandler(SpawnRequestPacket data, IIncomingMessage message)
            Logger.Debug($"Default spawn handler started handling a request to spawn process for spawn controller [{SpawnerId}]");

            // Create process args string
            var processArguments = new MstProperties();

            // Check if we're overriding an IP to master server
            var masterIpArgument = string.IsNullOrEmpty(SpawnSettings.MasterIp) ?
                                   Connection.ConnectionIp : SpawnSettings.MasterIp;

            // Create master IP arg
            processArguments.Set(Mst.Args.Names.MasterIp, masterIpArgument);

            /// Check if we're overriding a port to master server
            var masterPortArgument = SpawnSettings.MasterPort < 0 ? Connection.ConnectionPort : SpawnSettings.MasterPort;

            // Create master port arg
            processArguments.Set(Mst.Args.Names.MasterPort, masterPortArgument);

            // Machine Ip
            processArguments.Set(Mst.Args.Names.RoomIp, SpawnSettings.MachineIp);

            // Create port for room arg
            int machinePortArgument = Mst.Server.Spawners.GetAvailablePort();

            processArguments.Set(Mst.Args.Names.RoomPort, machinePortArgument);

            // Room Name
            //processArguments.Set(Mst.Args.Names.RoomName, $"\"{data.Options.AsString(MstDictKeys.roomName, "Room_" + Mst.Helper.CreateRandomString(6))}\"");

            // Room Region
            //processArguments.Set(Mst.Args.Names.RoomRegion, $"\"{SpawnSettings.Region}\"");

            // Room Max Connections
            //if (data.Options.Has(MstDictKeys.maxPlayers))
            //    processArguments.Set(Mst.Args.Names.RoomMaxConnections, data.Options.AsString(MstDictKeys.maxPlayers));

            // Get the scene name
            //if (data.Options.Has(MstDictKeys.sceneName))
            //    processArguments.Set(Mst.Args.Names.LoadScene, data.Options.AsString(MstDictKeys.sceneName));

            // Create use websockets arg
            //if (SpawnSettings.UseWebSockets)
            //    processArguments.Set(Mst.Args.Names.UseWebSockets, string.Empty);

            // Create spawn id arg
            processArguments.Set(Mst.Args.Names.SpawnTaskId, data.SpawnTaskId);

            // Create spawn code arg
            processArguments.Set(Mst.Args.Names.SpawnTaskUniqueCode, data.SpawnTaskUniqueCode);

            // Create custom args

            // Path to executable
            var executablePath = SpawnSettings.ExecutablePath;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(executablePath))
                executablePath = File.Exists(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0])
                    ? Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0]
                    : Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName;

            // In case a path is provided with the request
            if (data.Options.Has(MstDictKeys.ROOM_EXE_PATH))
                executablePath = data.Options.AsString(MstDictKeys.ROOM_EXE_PATH);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.OverrideExePath))
                executablePath = data.OverrideExePath;

            /// Create info about starting process
            var startProcessInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(executablePath)
                CreateNoWindow  = false,
                UseShellExecute = true,
                Arguments       = processArguments.ToReadableString(" ", " ")

            Logger.Debug("Starting process with args: " + startProcessInfo.Arguments);

            var processStarted = false;

                new Thread(() =>
                        using (var process = Process.Start(startProcessInfo))
                            Logger.Debug("Process started. Spawn Id: " + data.SpawnTaskId + ", pid: " + process.Id);
                            processStarted = true;

                            lock (processLock)
                                // Save the process
                                processes[data.SpawnTaskId] = process;

                            var processId = process.Id;

                            // Notify server that we've successfully handled the request
                            MstTimer.RunInMainThread(() =>
                                NotifyProcessStarted(data.SpawnTaskId, processId, startProcessInfo.Arguments);

                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (!processStarted)
                            MstTimer.RunInMainThread(() => { message.Respond(ResponseStatus.Failed); });

                        Logger.Error("An exception was thrown while starting a process. Make sure that you have set a correct build path. " +
                                     $"We've tried to start a process at [{executablePath}]. You can change it at 'SpawnerBehaviour' component");
                        lock (processLock)
                            // Remove the process

                        MstTimer.RunInMainThread(() =>
                            // Release the port number
                            Logger.Debug($"Notifying about killed process with spawn id [{data.SpawnTaskId}]");
            catch (Exception e)
                message.Respond(e.Message, ResponseStatus.Error);