Exemple #1
    protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//
        Button btn      = (Button)sender;
        int    rowIndex = ((GridViewRow)btn.NamingContainer).RowIndex;
        string projcode = GridView1.DataKeys[rowIndex].Value.ToString();
        string query    = "select * from ht_qlt_inspect_proj where INSPECT_CODE = '" + projcode + "' and  is_del = '0'";

        MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt  = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
        DataSet             data = opt.CreateDataSetOra(query);

        if (data != null && data.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            txtCode.Text            = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["INSPECT_CODE"].ToString();
            txtName.Text            = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["INSPECT_NAME"].ToString();
            listType2.SelectedValue = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["INSPECT_TYPE"].ToString();
            if (listType2.SelectedValue == "0")
                opt.bindDropDownList(listSection2, "select Section_code,Section_name from ht_pub_tech_section where is_valid = '1' and is_del = '0' order by section_code", "Section_name", "Section_code");
                opt.bindDropDownList(listSection2, "select ID,Name from ht_inner_inspect_group t", "Name", "ID");
            listSection2.SelectedValue = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["INSPECT_GROUP"].ToString();
            txtRemark.Text             = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["REMARK"].ToString();
            listCreator.SelectedValue  = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CREATE_ID"].ToString();
            txtUnit.Text = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UNIT"].ToString();
        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel2, this.Page.GetType(), "", " $('.shade').fadeIn(200);", true);
Exemple #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        base.PageLoad(sender, e);
        if (!IsPostBack)
            txtStart.Text = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-15).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            txtStop.Text  = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(45).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
            opt.bindDropDownList(listEq, "select IDKEY,EQ_NAME from ht_eq_eqp_tbl where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by IDKEY", "EQ_NAME", "IDKEY");
            opt.bindDropDownList(listOptor, "select ID,name  from ht_svr_user t where is_del ='0' ", "name", "ID");
            opt.bindDropDownList(listArea, "select r.section_code,r.section_name from ht_pub_tech_section r  where r.is_del = '0' and r.is_valid = '1'  union select '' as section_code,'' as section_name from dual order by section_code", "section_name", "section_code");

                string equip = Request.QueryString["Equip"];
                if (equip != null)
                    hideequip.Value = equip;
Exemple #3
 protected void bindData3(string paracode)
         string query             = "select * from HT_PUB_TECH_PARA where  PARA_CODE = '" + paracode + "'";
         MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt  = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
         DataSet             data = opt.CreateDataSetOra(query);
         if (data != null && data.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
             DataRow row = data.Tables[0].Rows[0];
             txtCode.Text     = paracode;
             txtName.Text     = row["PARA_NAME"].ToString();
             txtUnit.Text     = row["PARA_UNIT"].ToString();
             txtSetTag.Text   = row["SET_TAG"].ToString();
             txtValueTag.Text = row["VALUE_TAG"].ToString();
             txtDscrp.Text   = row["REMARK"].ToString();
             rdValid.Checked = ("1" == row["IS_VALID"].ToString());
             opt.bindDropDownList(listEquip, "select EQ_NAME,IDKEY from ht_eq_eqp_tbl t where t.section_code = '" + txtCode.Text.Substring(0, 5) + "'", "EQ_NAME", "IDKEY");
             listEquip.SelectedValue   = row["EQUIP_CODE"].ToString();
             listSection.SelectedValue = paracode.Substring(0, 5);
             listApt.SelectedValue     = row["BUSS_ID"].ToString();
             opt.bindDropDownList(listPathnode, "select nodename,id from ht_pub_path_node t where section_code = '" + listSection.SelectedValue + "' and is_del = '0'", "nodename", "id");
             listPathnode.SelectedValue = row["PATH_NODE"].ToString();
     catch (Exception error)
         ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel4, this.Page.GetType(), "error", "<Script>alert('" + error.Message + "')</Script>", false);
Exemple #4
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     base.PageLoad(sender, e);
     if (!IsPostBack)
         MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
         opt.bindDropDownList(listApt, "select F_CODE,F_NAME from HT_SVR_ORG_GROUP", "F_NAME", "F_CODE");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listRole, "select * from ht_svr_sys_role t", "F_ROLE", "F_ID");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listTeam, "select team_code,team_name from ht_sys_team t where t.is_del = '0' order by team_code", "team_name", "team_code");
         if (Session["User"] != null)
             SysUser user = (SysUser)Session["User"];
             txtID.Text             = user.id;
             txtName.Text           = user.text;
             listApt.SelectedValue  = user.OwningBusinessUnitId;
             listRole.SelectedValue = user.UserRoleID;
             DataSet dt = opt.CreateDataSetOra("select * from ht_svr_user where ID = '" + txtID.Text + "'");
             if (dt != null && dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                 DataRow row = dt.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                 txtPhone.Text  = row["MOBILE"].ToString();
                 txtCallNO.Text = row["PHONE"].ToString();
                 txtFax.Text    = row["RTXID"].ToString();
                 listTeam.SelectedValue = row["TEAM_CODE"].ToString();
                 txtEmail.Text          = row["EMAIL"].ToString();
                 txtDscp.Text           = row["DESCRIPTION"].ToString();
Exemple #5
    protected void btnModify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();

        string[] seg   = { "QLT_CODE", "QLT_NAME", "STANDARD_VOL", "B_DATE", "E_DATE", "CREATE_ID", "CREATE_DATE", "REMARK" };
        string[] value = { txtCode.Text, txtName.Text, txtVersion.Text, txtExeDate.Text, txtEndDate.Text, ((MSYS.Data.SysUser)Session["User"]).id, txtCrtDate.Text, txtDscpt.Text, };

        string log_message;

        if (opt.MergeInto(seg, value, 1, "HT_QLT_STDD_CODE") == "Success")
            log_message = "保存质量考核标准成功";
            opt.bindDropDownList(listVersion, "select QLT_CODE,QLT_NAME from ht_qlt_STDD_CODE where is_valid = '1' and is_del= '0'", "QLT_NAME", "QLT_CODE");
            opt.bindDropDownList(listtech, "select QLT_CODE,QLT_NAME from ht_qlt_STDD_CODE where is_valid = '1' and is_del= '0'", "QLT_NAME", "QLT_CODE");
            opt.bindDropDownList(listtechC, "select QLT_CODE,QLT_NAME from ht_qlt_STDD_CODE where is_valid = '1' and is_del= '0'", "QLT_NAME", "QLT_CODE");
            listAprv.SelectedValue = "-1";
            log_message = "保存质量考核标准失败";
        log_message += "--数据详情:" + string.Join(",", value);
Exemple #6
 protected void initView()
     MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
     opt.bindDropDownList(listVersion, "select TECH_CODE,TECH_NAME from HT_TECH_STDD_CODE where is_valid = '1' and is_del= '0'", "TECH_NAME", "TECH_CODE");
     opt.bindDropDownList(listtech, "select * from HT_TECH_STDD_CODE where is_valid = '1' and is_del = '0'", "TECH_NAME", "TECH_CODE");
     opt.bindDropDownList(listtechC, "select * from HT_TECH_STDD_CODE where is_valid = '1' and is_del = '0'", "TECH_NAME", "TECH_CODE");
Exemple #7
    protected void bindGrid2(string code)
        string query = "select t.section as 工段,t.equipment_id as 设备名称,t.point as 数据点,t.OLDVALUE as 原值,t.POINTVALUE as 校准值,t.SAMPLE_TIME as 校准时间,t.STATUS as 状态,t.remark as 备注 ,t.ID  from HT_EQ_MCLBR_PLAN_detail  t where t.main_id = '" + code + "' and t.is_del = '0'";

        MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt  = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
        DataSet             data = opt.CreateDataSetOra(query);

        GridView2.DataSource = data;
        if (data != null && data.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            for (int i = GridView2.PageSize * GridView2.PageIndex; i < GridView2.PageSize * (GridView2.PageIndex + 1) && i < data.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                int          j     = i - GridView2.PageSize * GridView2.PageIndex;
                DataRowView  mydrv = data.Tables[0].DefaultView[i];
                GridViewRow  row   = GridView2.Rows[j];
                DropDownList list1 = (DropDownList)row.FindControl("listGridsct");
                DropDownList list2 = (DropDownList)row.FindControl("listGridEq");
                DropDownList list3 = (DropDownList)row.FindControl("listGridPoint");
                list1.SelectedValue = mydrv["工段"].ToString();
                opt.bindDropDownList(list2, "select IDKEY,EQ_NAME  from ht_eq_eqp_tbl where section_code = '" + list1.SelectedValue + "'  order by idkey", "EQ_NAME", "IDKEY");
                list2.SelectedValue = mydrv["设备名称"].ToString();
                opt.bindDropDownList(list3, "select para_code,para_name from ht_pub_tech_para where equip_code = '" + list2.SelectedValue + "' order by para_code ", "para_name", "para_code");
                list3.SelectedValue = mydrv["数据点"].ToString();
                ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtGridOldvalue")).Text = mydrv["原值"].ToString();
                ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtGridNewvalue")).Text = mydrv["校准值"].ToString();
                ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtGridClbrtime")).Text = mydrv["校准时间"].ToString();
                ((DropDownList)row.FindControl("listGrid2Status")).SelectedValue = mydrv["状态"].ToString();
                ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtGridremark")).Text = mydrv["备注"].ToString();
Exemple #8
 protected void initView()
     MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
     opt.bindDropDownList(listtype, "select distinct ID,inspect_type from ht_inner_bool_display t", "inspect_type", "ID");
     opt.bindDropDownList(listType2, "select distinct ID,inspect_type from ht_inner_bool_display t", "inspect_type", "ID");
     opt.bindDropDownList(listCreator, "select s.name,s.id from ht_svr_sys_role t left join ht_svr_sys_menu r on substr(t.f_right,r.f_id,1) = '1' left join ht_svr_user s on s.role = t.f_id where r.f_id = '" + this.RightId + "' union select q.name,q.id from ht_svr_sys_role t left join ht_svr_sys_menu r on substr(t.f_right,r.f_id,1) = '1' left join ht_svr_org_group  s on s.f_role = t.f_id  left join ht_svr_user q on q.levelgroupid = s.f_code  where r.f_id = '" + this.RightId + "'  order by id desc", "Name", "ID");
Exemple #9
 protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (listtype.SelectedValue != "" && listSection.SelectedValue != "")
         listType2.SelectedValue = listtype.SelectedValue;
         MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
         if (listType2.SelectedValue == "0")
             opt.bindDropDownList(listSection2, "select Section_code,Section_name from ht_pub_tech_section where is_valid = '1' and is_del = '0' order by section_code", "Section_name", "Section_code");
             opt.bindDropDownList(listSection2, "select ID,Name from ht_inner_inspect_group t", "Name", "ID");
         listSection2.SelectedValue = listSection.SelectedValue;
         string temp = opt.GetSegValue("select nvl(max(substr(inspect_code,10,3)),0) + 1 as code from Ht_Qlt_Inspect_Proj where inspect_type = '" + listtype.SelectedValue + "' and inspect_group = '" + listSection.SelectedValue + "'", "code");
         txtCode.Text = "703" + listtype.SelectedValue + listSection.SelectedValue.PadLeft(5, '0') + temp.PadLeft(3, '0');
         listCreator.SelectedValue = ((MSYS.Data.SysUser)Session["User"]).id;
         txtName.Text = "";
         ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel2, this.Page.GetType(), "", " $('.shade').fadeIn(200);", true);
         ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel2, this.Page.GetType(), "noselect", "alert('请选择检查项目类型及所属分组');", true);
Exemple #10
    protected void btnModify1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();

            string[] seg   = { "SECTION_CODE", "SECTION_NAME", "REMARK", "IS_PATH_CONFIG", "CREATE_ID", "CREATE_TIME" };
            string[] value = { txtCode_1.Text, txtName_1.Text, txtDscrp_1.Text, Convert.ToInt16(rdValid_1.Checked).ToString(), ((MSYS.Data.SysUser)Session["user"]).id, System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") };
            string   log_message;
            if (opt.MergeInto(seg, value, 1, "HT_PUB_TECH_SECTION") == "Success")
                log_message = "保存工艺段成功";
                tvHtml      = InitTree();
                opt.bindDropDownList(listSection_2, "select section_code,section_name from ht_pub_tech_section where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by section_code", "section_name", "section_code");
                opt.bindDropDownList(listSection, "select section_code,section_name from ht_pub_tech_section where is_valid = '1' and is_del = '0' order by section_code", "section_name", "section_code");

                string[] procseg    = { };
                object[] procvalues = { };
                opt.ExecProcedures("Create_Online_month_Report", procseg, procvalues);

                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel4, this.Page.GetType(), "sucess", "initTree();alert('保存成功');", true);
                log_message = "保存工艺段失败";
            log_message += "--数据详情:" + string.Join("-", value);
Exemple #11
    protected void btnDel1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt         = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
        List <string>       commandlist = new List <string>();

        commandlist.Add("update HT_PUB_TECH_SECTION set IS_DEL = '1' where SECTION_CODE = '" + txtCode_1.Text + "'");
        //commandlist.Add("update ht_pub_inspect_process set IS_DEL = '1' where substr(PROCESS_CODE,1,5) = '" + txtCode.Text + "'");
        commandlist.Add("update HT_PUB_TECH_PARA set IS_DEL = '1' where substr(PARA_CODE,1,5) =  '" + txtCode_1.Text + "'");
        string log_message;

        if (opt.TransactionCommand(commandlist) == "Success")
            log_message = "删除工艺段成功";
            tvHtml      = InitTree();
            opt.bindDropDownList(listSection_2, "select section_code,section_name from ht_pub_tech_section where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by section_code", "section_name", "section_code");
            opt.bindDropDownList(listSection, "select section_code,section_name from ht_pub_tech_section where is_valid = '1' and is_del = '0' order by section_code", "section_name", "section_code");
            string[] procseg    = { };
            object[] procvalues = { };
            opt.ExecProcedures("Create_Online_month_Report", procseg, procvalues);
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel4, this.Page.GetType(), "sucess", "initTree();alert('删除成功');", true);
            log_message = "删除工艺段失败";
        log_message += ",工艺段ID:" + txtCode_1.Text;
Exemple #12
    protected void bindGrid2()
        //string query = "select r.inspect_type as 检查类型,r.inspect_group as 分组, r.inspect_code as 检查项目编码,j.upper_value as 上限 ,j.lower_value as 下限,j.minus_score as 单次扣分,j.REMARK as 备注 from ht_qlt_inspect_proj r left join HT_QLT_INSPECT_STDD_SUB j on j.inspect_code = r.inspect_code  where  j.stdd_code = '" + listVersion.SelectedValue + "' and r.is_del = '0' and r.is_valid = '1' and r.inspect_type = '0' order by r.inspect_code";
        string query = "select r.inspect_type as 检查类型,r.inspect_group as 分组, r.inspect_code as 检查项目编码,j.upper_value as 上限 ,j.lower_value as 下限,j.minus_score as 单次扣分,j.REMARK as 备注 from ht_qlt_inspect_proj r left join HT_QLT_INSPECT_STDD_SUB j on j.inspect_code = r.inspect_code  where  j.stdd_code = '" + listVersion.SelectedValue + "' and r.is_del = '0' and r.is_valid = '1' and r.inspect_type = '0' union select  r.inspect_type as 检查类型,r.inspect_group as 分组, r.inspect_code as 检查项目编码,0 as 上限 ,0 as 下限,0 as 单次扣分,'' as 备注    from ht_qlt_inspect_proj r where r.is_del = '0' and r.is_valid = '1' and r.inspect_type = '0' and r.inspect_code in   (select inspect_code from ht_qlt_inspect_proj where  r.is_del = '0' and r.is_valid = '1' and r.inspect_type = '0' minus select inspect_code from HT_QLT_INSPECT_STDD_SUB where IS_DEL = '0'  and stdd_code = '" + listVersion.SelectedValue + "') order by 检查项目编码";

        MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt  = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
        DataSet             data = opt.CreateDataSetOra(query);

        GridView2.DataSource = data;
        if (data != null && data.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
            for (int i = GridView2.PageSize * GridView2.PageIndex; i < GridView2.PageSize * (GridView2.PageIndex + 1) && i < data.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                int         j     = i - GridView2.PageSize * GridView2.PageIndex;
                DataRowView mydrv = data.Tables[0].DefaultView[i];
                GridViewRow row   = GridView2.Rows[j];

                DropDownList list = (DropDownList)row.FindControl("listGroup");
                opt.bindDropDownList(list, "select Section_code,Section_name from ht_pub_tech_section where is_valid = '1' and is_del = '0' order by section_code", "Section_name", "Section_code");
                list.SelectedValue = mydrv["分组"].ToString();
                DropDownList list2 = (DropDownList)row.FindControl("listInspect");
                opt.bindDropDownList(list2, "select inspect_code,inspect_name from ht_qlt_inspect_proj where  inspect_group = '" + list.SelectedValue + "' and is_del = '0'", "inspect_name", "inspect_code");
                ((DropDownList)row.FindControl("listInspect")).SelectedValue = mydrv["检查项目编码"].ToString();
                ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtUpper")).Text  = mydrv["上限"].ToString();
                ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtLower")).Text  = mydrv["下限"].ToString();
                ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtScore")).Text  = mydrv["单次扣分"].ToString();
                ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtRemark")).Text = mydrv["备注"].ToString();
Exemple #13
 protected void initView()
     MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
     opt.bindDropDownList(listVersion, "select INSPECT_STDD_NAME,INSPECT_STDD_CODE from HT_QLT_INSPECT_STDD where is_valid = '1' and is_del= '0'", "INSPECT_STDD_NAME", "INSPECT_STDD_CODE");
     opt.bindDropDownList(listtech, "select INSPECT_STDD_NAME,INSPECT_STDD_CODE from HT_QLT_INSPECT_STDD where is_valid = '1' and is_del= '0'", "INSPECT_STDD_NAME", "INSPECT_STDD_CODE");
     opt.bindDropDownList(listtechC, "select INSPECT_STDD_NAME,INSPECT_STDD_CODE from HT_QLT_INSPECT_STDD where is_valid = '1' and is_del= '0'", "INSPECT_STDD_NAME", "INSPECT_STDD_CODE");
Exemple #14
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     base.PageLoad(sender, e);
     if (!IsPostBack)
         txtStartDate.Text = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
         txtStopDate.Text  = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
         MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
         opt.bindDropDownList(listShift, "select t.shift_code,t.shift_name  from ht_sys_shift t where t.is_valid = '1' and t.is_del = '0' order by t.shift_code", "shift_name", "shift_code");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listTeam, "select t.team_code,t.team_name  from ht_sys_team t where t.is_valid = '1' and t.is_del = '0' order by t.team_code", "team_name", "team_code");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listolder, "select s.name,s.id from ht_svr_sys_role t left join ht_svr_sys_menu r on substr(t.f_right,r.f_id,1) = '1' left join ht_svr_user s on s.role = t.f_id where r.f_id = '" + this.RightId + "' union select q.name,q.id from ht_svr_sys_role t left join ht_svr_sys_menu r on substr(t.f_right,r.f_id,1) = '1' left join ht_svr_org_group  s on s.f_role = t.f_id  left join ht_svr_user q on q.levelgroupid = s.f_code  where r.f_id = '" + this.RightId + "'  order by id desc", "name", "ID");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listnewer, "select s.name,s.id from ht_svr_sys_role t left join ht_svr_sys_menu r on substr(t.f_right,r.f_id,1) = '1' left join ht_svr_user s on s.role = t.f_id where r.f_id = '" + this.RightId + "' union select q.name,q.id from ht_svr_sys_role t left join ht_svr_sys_menu r on substr(t.f_right,r.f_id,1) = '1' left join ht_svr_org_group  s on s.f_role = t.f_id  left join ht_svr_user q on q.levelgroupid = s.f_code  where r.f_id = '" + this.RightId + "'  order by id desc", "name", "ID");
         if (((MSYS.Data.SysUser)Session["user"]).UserRole == "生产处电气维修")
             rdElec.Enabled  = false;
             rdMchnc.Enabled = false;
             rdElec.Checked  = true;
             rdMchnc.Checked = false;
         else if (((MSYS.Data.SysUser)Session["user"]).UserRole == "生产处机械维修")
             rdElec.Enabled  = false;
             rdMchnc.Enabled = false;
             rdElec.Checked  = false;
             rdMchnc.Checked = true;
             rdElec.Enabled  = true;
             rdMchnc.Enabled = true;
Exemple #15
    protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//
            Button btn              = (Button)sender;
            int    rowIndex         = ((GridViewRow)btn.NamingContainer).RowIndex;
            MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
            energyConsumptionPoint.SelectedIndex = energyConsumptionPoint.Items.IndexOf(energyConsumptionPoint.Items.FindByText(GridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[2].Text)); //GridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[2].Text;
            opt.bindDropDownList(processName, "SELECT DISTINCT PROCESS_CODE, PROCESS_NAME FROM HT_ENG_CONSUMPTION_ITEM WHERE IS_DEL=0 AND ENG_CODE=" + energyConsumptionPoint.SelectedValue.ToString(), "PROCESS_NAME", "PROCESS_CODE");
            //processName.SelectedItem.Text = GridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[3].Text;
            processName.SelectedIndex = processName.Items.IndexOf(processName.Items.FindByText(GridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[3].Text));
            opt.bindDropDownList(department, "SELECT DISTINCT UNIT_CODE ,UNIT_NAME FROM HT_ENG_CONSUMPTION_ITEM WHERE IS_DEL =0 AND ENG_CODE = " + energyConsumptionPoint.SelectedValue.ToString() + " AND PROCESS_CODE=" + processName.SelectedValue.ToString(), "UNIT_NAME", "UNIT_CODE");
            //department.SelectedItem.Text = GridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[6].Text;
            department.SelectedIndex = department.Items.IndexOf(department.Items.FindByText(GridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[6].Text));
            consumeID.Text           = GridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[1].Text;
            Time.Text = GridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[4].Text;
            energyConsumption.Text = GridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[5].Text;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("edit" + energyConsumptionPoint.SelectedItem.Value);
            if (GridView1.Rows[rowIndex].Cells[7].Text == "是")
                rdValid.Checked = true;
                rdValid.Checked = false;

        catch (Exception ee)
Exemple #16
 protected void listSection_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
     opt.bindDropDownList(listEquip, "select EQ_NAME,IDKEY from ht_eq_eqp_tbl t where t.Section_code = '" + listSection.SelectedValue + "' and t.is_del = '0'", "EQ_NAME", "IDKEY");
     opt.bindDropDownList(listPathnode, "select nodename,id from ht_pub_path_node t where section_code = '" + listSection.SelectedValue + "' and is_del = '0'", "nodename", "id");
     txtCode.Text = "";
Exemple #17
 protected void BindData()
     MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
     opt.bindDropDownList(ENG_NAME, query, "ENG_NAME", "ENG_CODE");
Exemple #18
    protected void initView()
        MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();

        opt.bindDropDownList(listProd, "select prod_code,prod_name from ht_pub_prod_design where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by prod_code", "prod_name", "prod_code");
        opt.bindDropDownList(listProd2, "select prod_code,prod_name from ht_pub_prod_design where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by prod_code", "prod_name", "prod_code");
        opt.bindDropDownList(listTeam, "select team_code,team_name from ht_sys_team where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by team_code", "team_name", "team_code");
        opt.bindDropDownList(listTeam2, "select team_code,team_name from ht_sys_team where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by team_code", "team_name", "team_code");
Exemple #19
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     base.PageLoad(sender, e);
     if (!IsPostBack)
         MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
         opt.bindDropDownList(listPrt1, "select mattree_code,mattree_name,PARENT_CODE  from ht_pub_mattree where is_del = '0' order by PARENT_CODE", "mattree_name", "mattree_code");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listType2, "select  MATTREE_CODE ,  MATTREE_NAME ,  PARENT_CODE    from HT_PUB_MATTREE where  is_del = '0' order by PARENT_CODE", "MATTREE_NAME", "MATTREE_CODE");
         tvHtml = InitTree();
Exemple #20
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     base.PageLoad(sender, e);
     if (!IsPostBack)
         MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
         opt.bindDropDownList(listProd, "select prod_code,prod_name,CREATE_TIME from ht_pub_prod_design where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by CREATE_TIME", "prod_name", "prod_code");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listTeam, "select team_code,team_name from ht_sys_team  where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by team_code", "team_name", "team_code");
     tvHtml = InitTree("生产");
Exemple #21
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     base.PageLoad(sender, e);
     if (!IsPostBack)
         MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
         opt.bindDropDownList(listRole, "select * from ht_svr_sys_role t", "F_ROLE", "F_ID");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listParent, "select f_code,F_name from ht_svr_org_group where substr(F_CODE,7,2) = '00'", "F_NAME", "F_CODE");
Exemple #22
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     base.PageLoad(sender, e);
     if (!IsPostBack)
         MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
         opt.bindDropDownList(listSection, "select section_code,section_name  from ht_pub_tech_section where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by section_code ", "section_name", "section_code");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listEq, "select IDKEY,EQ_NAME from ht_eq_eqp_tbl where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1'", "EQ_NAME", "IDKEY");
Exemple #23
 protected void initView()
     MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
     txtRecordtime.Text = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
     txtEndtime.Text    = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
     opt.bindDropDownList(listProd, "select prod_code,prod_name from ht_pub_prod_design where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by prod_code", "prod_name", "prod_code");
     opt.bindDropDownList(listProd2, "select prod_code,prod_name from ht_pub_prod_design where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by prod_code", "prod_name", "prod_code");
     opt.bindDropDownList(listTeam, "select team_code,team_name from ht_sys_team where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by team_code", "team_name", "team_code");
     opt.bindDropDownList(listTeam2, "select team_code,team_name from ht_sys_team where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by team_code", "team_name", "team_code");
Exemple #24
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     base.PageLoad(sender, e);
     if (!IsPostBack)
         MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
         opt.bindDropDownList(listApt, "select F_CODE,F_NAME from HT_SVR_ORG_GROUP", "F_NAME", "F_CODE");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listRole, "select * from ht_svr_sys_role t", "F_ROLE", "F_ID");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listTeam, "select team_code,team_name from ht_sys_team t where t.is_del = '0' order by team_code", "team_name", "team_code");
Exemple #25
 protected void listType2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
     if (listType2.SelectedValue == "0")
         opt.bindDropDownList(listSection2, "select Section_code,Section_name from ht_pub_tech_section where is_valid = '1' and is_del = '0' order by section_code", "Section_name", "Section_code");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listSection2, "select ID,Name from ht_inner_inspect_group t", "Name", "ID");
Exemple #26
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     base.PageLoad(sender, e);
     if (!IsPostBack)
         MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
         opt.bindDropDownList(listPro, "select PROD_CODE,PROD_NAME from ht_pub_prod_design t where is_del = '0' ", "PROD_NAME", "PROD_CODE");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listStatus, "select * from HT_INNER_BOOL_DISPLAY t", "CTRL_NAME", "ID");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listCrtApt, "select F_CODE,F_NAME from ht_svr_org_group ", "F_NAME", "F_CODE");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listCreator, "select s.name,s.id from ht_svr_sys_role t left join ht_svr_sys_menu r on substr(t.f_right,r.f_id,1) = '1' left join ht_svr_user s on s.role = t.f_id where r.f_id = '" + this.RightId + "' union select q.name,q.id from ht_svr_sys_role t left join ht_svr_sys_menu r on substr(t.f_right,r.f_id,1) = '1' left join ht_svr_org_group  s on s.f_role = t.f_id  left join ht_svr_user q on q.levelgroupid = s.f_code  where r.f_id = '" + this.RightId + "'  order by id desc", "Name", "ID");
Exemple #27
    protected void initView()
        txtBtime.Text = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
        txtEtime.Text = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
        MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
        opt.bindDropDownList(listProd, "select distinct t.prod_code,r.prod_name from ht_prod_report t left join ht_pub_prod_design r on r.prod_code = t.prod_code where r.is_valid = '1' and r.is_del = '0' and  substr(t.starttime,1,10) between '" + txtBtime.Text + "' and '" + txtEtime.Text + "' or substr(t.endtime,1,7) between '" + txtBtime.Text + "' and '" + txtEtime.Text + "' or (t.starttime > '" + txtBtime.Text + "' and t.endtime < '" + txtEtime.Text + "') and t.prod_code is not null  and r.prod_name is not null", "prod_name", "prod_code");
        opt.bindDropDownList(listSection, "select section_code,section_name from ht_pub_tech_section  where is_valid = '1' and is_del = '0' order by section_code", "section_name", "section_code");
        opt.bindDropDownList(listPoint, "select para_code,para_name from ht_pub_tech_para t where  para_type like '___1%' and is_del = '0'", "para_name", "para_code");
        opt.bindDropDownList(listBatch, "select distinct plan_id from ht_qlt_data_record t where b_time between '" + txtBtime.Text + "' and '" + txtEtime.Text + "'", "plan_id", "plan_id");

Exemple #28
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     base.PageLoad(sender, e);
     if (!IsPostBack)
         tvHtml = InitTree();
         MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
         opt.bindDropDownList(listSection_2, "select section_code,section_name from ht_pub_tech_section where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by section_code", "section_name", "section_code");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listSection, "select section_code,section_name from ht_pub_tech_section where is_valid = '1' and is_del = '0' order by section_code", "section_name", "section_code");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listApt, "select F_CODE,F_NAME from ht_svr_org_group order by f_code  ", "F_NAME", "F_CODE");
Exemple #29
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     base.PageLoad(sender, e);
     if (!IsPostBack)
         MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
         opt.bindDropDownList(listPathAll, "select distinct pathname,pathcode  from ht_pub_path_prod t where t.is_del = '0'  order by pathname", "pathname", "pathcode");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listSection, "select distinct r.section_code ,r.section_name   from ht_pub_tech_section r left join ht_pub_tech_para s on substr(s.para_code,1,5) = r.section_code and s.is_del = '0' and s.is_valid = '1' where r.is_del = '0' and r.is_valid = '1' and  s.para_type like '______1%'   order by r.section_code", "section_name", "section_code");
Exemple #30
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     base.PageLoad(sender, e);
     if (!IsPostBack)
         MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator();
         opt.bindDropDownList(listEditor, "select ID,Name from ht_SVR_USER where is_del = '0' order by id", "NAME", "ID");
         opt.bindDropDownList(listEditor2, "select ID,Name from ht_SVR_USER where is_del = '0' order by id", "NAME", "ID");
         txtMonth.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM");