protected string initLevel2Menu(string prtID, string roleID) { string resultHtml = ""; string query = "select distinct t.f_role ,t.f_right, as prtName,q.menulevel ,q.ID as prtID from ht_svr_sys_role t left join ht_svr_sys_menu s on substr(t.f_right,to_number(s.f_ID),1) ='1' and s.f_type = '0' and s.is_del = '0' left join ht_svr_prt_menu q on = s.f_pid and = '" + prtID + "' where q.menulevel = '2' and t.f_id = '" + roleID + "' order by q.ID"; MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); DataSet data = opt.CreateDataSetOra(query); resultHtml += "<ul style='height: 300px;'>\r\n"; resultHtml += addChildMenu(prtID, roleID); if (data != null && data.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in data.Tables[0].Rows) { resultHtml += " <li><cite></cite><a class='subhead'>" + row["prtName"].ToString() + "</a>\r\n"; resultHtml += "<ul>\r\n"; resultHtml += addChildMenu(row["prtID"].ToString(), roleID); resultHtml += "</ul>\r\n"; resultHtml += "</li>\r\n"; } } resultHtml += "</ul>\r\n"; return(resultHtml); }
protected void listtype_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DropDownList list = (DropDownList)sender; int rowindex = ((GridViewRow)list.NamingContainer).RowIndex; DropDownList listpara = (DropDownList)GridView1.Rows[rowindex].FindControl("listPara"); MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); opt.bindDropDownList(listpara, "select para_code,para_name from ht_pub_tech_para where para_type like '1%' and substr(para_code,1,5) = '" + list.SelectedValue + "' and is_del = '0'", "para_name", "para_code"); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { BindData(); MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("正在初始化下拉菜单"); opt.bindDropDownList(energyConsumptionPoint, "SELECT DISTINCT ENG_CODE, ENG_NAME FROM HT_ENG_CONSUMPTION_ITEM WHERE IS_DEL!=1 AND IS_VALID =1", "ENG_NAME", "ENG_CODE"); } }
protected void Delete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); string query = "delete from ht_qlt_collection where para_code = '" + txtID.Text + "'"; string log_message = opt.UpDateOra(query) == "Success" ? "删除数采条件成功" : "删除数采条件失败"; log_message += "--标识:" + txtID.Text; InsertTlog(log_message); setBlank(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.PageLoad(sender, e); if (!IsPostBack) { tvHtml = InitTree(); MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); opt.bindDropDownList(listSection, "select * from ht_pub_tech_section where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by section_code", "Section_NAME", "SECTION_CODE"); } }
protected void btnModify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); { string[] seg = { "PROCESS_CODE", "PROCESS_NAME", "REMARK", "IS_VALID", "CREATE_ID", "CREATE_TIME" }; string[] value = { txtCode.Text, txtName.Text, txtDscrp.Text, Convert.ToInt16(rdValid.Checked).ToString(), ((MSYS.Data.SysUser)Session["user"]).id, System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") }; opt.MergeInto(seg, value, 1, "HT_PUB_INSPECT_PROCESS"); } }
protected void bindGrid(string qlt_code, string section) { string query = "select g1.PARA_CODE as 参数编码,g1.lower as 下限,g1.upper as 上限,g1.QLT_TYPE as 考核类型,g1.MINUS_SCORE as 超限扣分,g1.REMARK as 备注 from ht_QLT_stdd_code_detail g1 left join ht_pub_tech_para g2 on g2.para_code = g1.para_code where g1.is_del = '0' and g2.para_type like '______1%' and g1.qlt_code = '" + qlt_code + "' and substr(g1.para_code,1,5) = '" + section + "'"; MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); DataSet set = opt.CreateDataSetOra(query); DataTable data = set.Tables[0]; bindgrid(data, hideprc.Value); }
protected void bindGrid() { MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); string query = "select F_USER as 用户,F_COMPUTER as 操作站,F_TIME as 时间,F_DESCRIPT as 描述 from HT_SVR_LOGIN_RECORD where F_TIME between '" + StartTime.Text + "' and '" + EndTime.Text + "' order by F_TIME"; DataSet data = opt.CreateDataSetOra(query); GridView1.DataSource = data; GridView1.DataBind(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { MSYS.Data.SysUser user = (MSYS.Data.SysUser)Session["User"]; MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); //opt.bindDropDownList(tag, "select DISTINCT ALM_TAGNAME from fixalarms", "ALM_TAGNAME", "ALM_TAGNAME"); opt.bindDropDownList(area, "select DISTINCT ALM_ALMAREA from fixalarms order by ALM_ALMAREA", "ALM_ALMAREA", "ALM_ALMAREA"); } }
protected void btnDel2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string query = "update HT_PUB_MATERIEL set IS_DEL = '1' where MATERIAL_CODE = '" + txtCode2.Text + "'"; MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); string log_message = opt.UpDateOra(query) == "Success" ? "物料删除成功" : "物料删除失败"; log_message += ",物料编码:" + txtCode2.Text; InsertTlog(log_message); }
protected DataRow getTableData(string tableId) { string query = "SELECT * FROM HT_QLT_INSPECT_FACTORY WHERE id = '" + tableId + "'"; MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(query); DataSet tableData = opt.CreateDataSetOra(query); return(tableData.Tables[0].Rows[0]); }
protected void listGridarea_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DropDownList list = (DropDownList)sender; GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)list.NamingContainer; int rowindex = row.RowIndex; DropDownList list1 = (DropDownList)row.FindControl("listGridEq"); MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); opt.bindDropDownList(list1, "select distinct t.IDKEY,t.EQ_NAME from ht_eq_eqp_tbl t where t.is_del = '0' and t.is_valid = '1' and t.section_code = '" + list.SelectedValue + "' order by t.idkey", "EQ_NAME", "IDKEY"); }
protected void bindGrid1() { string query = "select t.mt_name as 润滑计划,t1.f_name as 部门, as 审批状态, as 执行状态,t.remark as 备注,t.pz_code,t.task_status from ht_eq_lb_plan t left join ht_svr_org_group t1 on t1.f_code = t.create_dept_id left join ht_inner_aprv_status t2 on = t.flow_status left join ht_inner_eqexe_status t3 on = t.task_status where t.expired_date between '" + txtStart.Text + "' and '" + txtStop.Text + "' and t.IS_DEL = '0' and t.FLOW_STATUS = '2' and t.task_status = '5' "; MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); DataSet data = opt.CreateDataSetOra(query); GridView1.DataSource = data; GridView1.DataBind(); }//绑定gridview1数据源
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetBlank(); MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); string id = (Convert.ToInt16(opt.GetSegValue("select nvl(max(substr(F_CODE,4,3)),0) as F_CODE from HT_SVR_ORG_GROUP ", "F_CODE")) + 1).ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'); txtCode.Text = "007" + id + "00"; listParent.SelectedValue = "00700000"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(updtpanel1, this.Page.GetType(), "", " $('.shade').fadeIn(200);", true); }
protected void UpdateGrid_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string query = "select g1.PARA_CODE as 参数编码,g1.lower as 下限,g1.upper as 上限,g1.QLT_TYPE as 考核类型,g1.MINUS_SCORE as 超限扣分,g1.REMARK as 备注 from ht_QLT_stdd_code_detail g1 left join ht_pub_tech_para g3 on g3.para_code = g1.para_code left join ht_pub_tech_section g2 on substr(g1.para_code ,1,5) = g2.section_code where g1.is_del = '0' and g1.qlt_code = '" + txtCode.Text + "' and g2.section_code = '" + hideprc.Value + "' and g3.para_type like '______1%' and g3.is_del = '0'"; MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); DataSet set = opt.CreateDataSetOra(query); DataTable data = set.Tables[0]; bindgrid(data, hideprc.Value); }
protected void bindGrid2() { string query = " select SHIFT_CODE as 班时编码,SHIFT_NAME as 班时名称,WORKSHOP_ID as 所属车间ID,BEGIN_TIME as 班时开始时间,END_TIME as 班时结束时间,INTER_DAY as 是否跨天,CREATE_TIME as 创建时间,MODIFY_TIME as 修改时间 from ht_sys_shift where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by SHIFT_CODE"; MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); DataSet data = opt.CreateDataSetOra(query); GridView2.DataSource = data; GridView2.DataBind(); }
protected void bindGrid1() { string query = "select TEAM_CODE as 班组编码,TEAM_NAME as 班组名称,WORKSHOP_ID as 车间ID,CREATE_TIME as 创建时间,MODIFY_TIME as 修改时间 from ht_sys_team where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by TEAM_CODE"; MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); DataSet data = opt.CreateDataSetOra(query); GridView1.DataSource = data; GridView1.DataBind(); }
protected void listGridsct_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DropDownList list = (DropDownList)sender; GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)list.NamingContainer; int rowindex = row.RowIndex; DropDownList list1 = (DropDownList)row.FindControl("listGridEq"); MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); opt.bindDropDownList(list1, "select IDKEY,EQ_NAME from ht_eq_eqp_tbl where section_code = '" + list.SelectedValue + "' order by idkey", "EQ_NAME", "IDKEY"); }
protected void btnModify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); if (txtCode.Text.Length == 10 && txtCode.Text.Substring(0, 5) == listSection.SelectedValue) { string oldepath = opt.GetSegValue("select * from HT_PUB_TECH_PARA where PARA_CODE = '" + txtCode.Text + "'", "PATH_NODE"); string[] seg = { "PARA_CODE", "PARA_NAME", "PARA_UNIT", "PARA_TYPE", "REMARK", "IS_VALID", "CREATE_ID", "CREATE_TIME", "EQUIP_CODE", "SET_TAG", "VALUE_TAG", "BUSS_ID", "PATH_NODE" }; string[] value = { txtCode.Text, txtName.Text, txtUnit.Text, getType(), txtDscrp.Text, Convert.ToInt16(rdValid.Checked).ToString(), ((MSYS.Data.SysUser)Session["User"]).id, System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), listEquip.SelectedValue, txtSetTag.Text, txtValueTag.Text, listApt.SelectedValue, listPathnode.SelectedValue }; string log_message; if (opt.MergeInto(seg, value, 1, "HT_PUB_TECH_PARA") == "Success") { log_message = "保存参数点成功"; tvHtml = InitTree(); string[] procseg = { }; object[] procvalues = { }; opt.ExecProcedures("Create_Online_month_Report", procseg, procvalues); if (ckQuaAnalyze.Checked && oldepath != listPathnode.SelectedValue) { DataSet points = opt.CreateDataSetOra("select distinct path_code,path_name from ht_pub_para_weight t "); if (points != null && points.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow row in points.Tables[0].Rows) { if (listPathnode.SelectedValue == "") { opt.UpDateOra("insert into ht_pub_para_weight(para_code,path_code,weight,path_name)values ('" + txtCode.Text + "','" + row["path_code"].ToString() + "','0.2','" + row["path_name"].ToString() + "')"); } else { DataSet paras = opt.CreateDataSetOra("select r.para_code,t.pathcode from ht_pub_path_prod t left join ht_pub_path_node s on s.is_del = '0' and s.section_code = t.section_code and substr(t.section_path,s.orders,1) = '0' left join ht_pub_tech_para r on r.path_node = and r.is_del = '0' and r.para_type like '______1%' where t.pathcode = '" + row["path_code"].ToString() + "' and t.is_del = '0' and r.para_code = '" + txtCode.Text + "'"); if (paras != null && paras.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { opt.UpDateOra("delete from ht_pub_para_weight where para_code = '" + txtCode.Text + "' and path_code = '" + row["path_code"].ToString() + "'"); } } } } } // opt.UpDateOra("delete from ht_pub_para_weight where PATH_CODE = '" + listPathAll.SelectedValue + "'"); // opt.UpDateOra("insert into ht_pub_para_weight ( select r.para_code,t.pathcode,'0',0.2,'test1' from ht_pub_path_prod t left join ht_pub_path_node s on s.is_del = '0' and s.section_code = t.section_code and substr(t.section_path,s.orders,1) = '1' left join ht_pub_tech_para r on r.path_node = and r.is_del = '0' and r.para_type like '______1%' where t.pathcode = '" + listPathAll.SelectedValue + "' and t.is_del = '0' and r.para_code is not null union select r.para_code,'" + listPathAll.SelectedValue + "','0',0.2,'test1' from ht_pub_tech_para r where r.para_type like '______1%' and r.path_node is null and r.is_del = '0')"); } else { log_message = "保存参数点失败"; } log_message += "--数据详情:" + string.Join(",", value); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel4, this.Page.GetType(), "sucess", "initTree();alert('" + log_message + "');", true); InsertTlog(log_message); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(UpdatePanel4, this.Page.GetType(), "message", "alert('请确认工艺参数所属工艺段是否正确')", true); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.PageLoad(sender, e); if (!IsPostBack) { MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); opt.bindDropDownList(listSection, "select section_code,section_name from ht_pub_tech_section where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by section_code ", "section_name", "section_code"); opt.bindDropDownList(listEq, "select IDKEY,EQ_NAME from ht_eq_eqp_tbl where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1'", "EQ_NAME", "IDKEY"); bindGrid(); } }
protected void btnGridIssue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//查看审批流程 { Button btn = (Button)sender; int rowIndex = ((GridViewRow)btn.NamingContainer).RowIndex; string ID = GridView1.DataKeys[rowIndex].Value.ToString(); string query = "select pos as 顺序号, workitemid as 审批环节,username as 负责人,comments as 意见,opiniontime 审批时间,(case status when '0' then '未审批' when '1' then '未通过' else '己通过' end) as 审批状态 from ht_pub_aprv_opinion r left join ht_pub_aprv_flowinfo s on r.gongwen_id = where s.busin_id = '" + ID + "' order by pos"; MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); GridView3.DataSource = opt.CreateDataSetOra(query); GridView3.DataBind(); }
protected void btnGridNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { setBlank(); SetEnable("未提交"); MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); txtCode.Text = "RP" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + (Convert.ToInt16(opt.GetSegValue("select nvl( max(substr(pz_code,11,3)),0) as ordernum from HT_EQ_RP_PLAN where substr(pz_code,1,10) ='RP" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'", "ordernum")) + 1).ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'); MSYS.Data.SysUser user = (MSYS.Data.SysUser)Session["User"]; listEditor.SelectedValue =; listApt.SelectedValue = user.OwningBusinessUnitId; bindGrid2(""); }
protected void initView() { MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); txtRecordtime.Text = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); txtEndtime.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); opt.bindDropDownList(listProd, "select prod_code,prod_name from ht_pub_prod_design where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by prod_code", "prod_name", "prod_code"); opt.bindDropDownList(listProd2, "select prod_code,prod_name from ht_pub_prod_design where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by prod_code", "prod_name", "prod_code"); opt.bindDropDownList(listTeam, "select team_code,team_name from ht_sys_team where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by team_code", "team_name", "team_code"); opt.bindDropDownList(listTeam2, "select team_code,team_name from ht_sys_team where is_del = '0' and is_valid = '1' order by team_code", "team_name", "team_code"); bindGrid(); }
protected void listGridType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DropDownList list = (DropDownList)sender; GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)list.NamingContainer; if (list.SelectedValue != "") { MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); opt.bindDropDownList((DropDownList)row.FindControl("listGridName"), "select material_code,material_name from ht_pub_materiel where is_del = '0' and mat_category = '原材料' and (substr(type_code,1,4) ='" + list.SelectedValue + "' or substr(material_code,1,4) = '" + list.SelectedValue + "')", "material_name", "material_code"); } }
protected void btnGridNew_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)// 新增领退明细 { setBlank(); MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); txtCode.Text = "SF" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + (Convert.ToInt16(opt.GetSegValue("select nvl(max(substr(ORDER_SN,11,3)),0) as ordernum from HT_STRG_FLAVOR where substr(ORDER_SN,1,10) ='SF" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "'", "ordernum")) + 1).ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'); MSYS.Data.SysUser user = (MSYS.Data.SysUser)Session["User"]; listCreator.SelectedValue =; listApt.SelectedValue = user.OwningBusinessUnitId; bindGrid2(); SetEnable(true); }
protected void btnDel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); string query = "delete from HT_SVR_PRT_MENU where NAME = '" + txtMenu.Text + "'"; string log_message = opt.UpDateOra(query) == "Success" ? "删除父级菜单成功" : "删除父级菜单失败"; log_message += "--标识:" + txtMenu.Text; InsertTlog(log_message); BindList(RightTree.Nodes, ""); SetBlank(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.PageLoad(sender, e); if (!IsPostBack) { bindData(); BindList(RightTree.Nodes, ""); MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); opt.bindDropDownList(listPrt, "select * from ht_svr_prt_menu where IS_DEL = '0' order by ID", "NAME", "ID"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.PageLoad(sender, e); if (!IsPostBack) { txtEtime.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); txtBtime.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM") + "-01"; MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); opt.bindDropDownList(listRecipe, "select Prod_code,Prod_name from ht_pub_prod_design where is_del = '0' and B_FLOW_STATUS = '2'", "PROD_NAME", "PROD_CODE"); } }
protected void btnGridview_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//查看领退明细 { Button btn = (Button)sender; int rowIndex = ((GridViewRow)btn.NamingContainer).RowIndex; txtCode.Text = GridView1.DataKeys[rowIndex].Value.ToString(); MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); DataSet data = opt.CreateDataSetOra("select * from HT_STRG_FLAVOR where ORDER_SN = '" + txtCode.Text + "'"); if (data != null && data.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { txtPrdctdate.Text = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["OUT_DATE"].ToString(); listStatus.SelectedValue = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["AUDIT_MARK"].ToString(); listStorage.SelectedValue = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["WARE_HOUSE_ID"].ToString(); listApt.SelectedValue = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DEPT_ID"].ToString(); if (listStrgOut.Items.FindByValue(data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Relation_code"].ToString()) != null) { listStrgOut.SelectedValue = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Relation_code"].ToString(); txtStrgOut.Visible = false; listStrgOut.Visible = true; } else { listStrgOut.SelectedValue = ""; txtStrgOut.Text = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Relation_code"].ToString(); txtStrgOut.Visible = true; listStrgOut.Visible = false; } txtValiddate.Text = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["EXPIRED_DATE"].ToString(); txtPlanno.Text = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["MONTHPLANNO"].ToString(); string temp = opt.GetSegValue("select Prod_code from ht_prod_month_plan_detail where plan_no = '" + data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["MONTHPLANNO"].ToString() + "'", "PROD_CODE"); if (listPrdct.Items.FindByValue(temp) != null) { listPrdct.SelectedValue = temp; } else { listPrdct.SelectedValue = ""; } txtStemSum.Text = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CABOSUM"].ToString(); listCreator.SelectedValue = data.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CREATOR_ID"].ToString(); } if (listStatus.SelectedItem.Text == "未提交") { SetEnable(true); } else { SetEnable(false); } bindGrid2(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MSYS.DAL.DbOperator opt = new MSYS.DAL.DbOperator(); foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView3.Rows) { string[] seg = { "ID", "FIRST", "SECOND", "THIRD" }; string[] value = { ((TextBox)row.FindControl("txtOrder")).Text, ((DropDownList)row.FindControl("listTeam1")).Text, ((DropDownList)row.FindControl("listTeam2")).Text, ((DropDownList)row.FindControl("listTeam3")).Text }; opt.MergeInto(seg, value, 1, "ht_inner_team_schedule"); } }