// Token: 0x060069ED RID: 27117 RVA: 0x001E1F90 File Offset: 0x001E0190
        internal bool PrepareForFiniteUpdate(PageBreakRecord breakRecord)
            bool flag = !this.IsEmpty;

            if (this._section.StructuralCache != null)
                if (this._section.StructuralCache.ForceReformat)
                    flag = false;
                else if (this._section.StructuralCache.DtrList != null)
                    if (!flag)
                    flag = false;
        // Token: 0x06006835 RID: 26677 RVA: 0x001D5B40 File Offset: 0x001D3D40
        internal PageBreakRecord FormatFinite(Size pageSize, Thickness pageMargin, PageBreakRecord breakRecord)
            this._formattedLinesCount = 0;
            TextDpi.EnsureValidPageSize(ref pageSize);
            TextDpi.EnsureValidPageMargin(ref pageMargin, pageSize);
            double num = PtsHelper.CalculatePageMarginAdjustment(this._structuralCache, pageSize.Width - (pageMargin.Left + pageMargin.Right));

            if (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(num))
                pageMargin.Right += num - num / 100.0;
            this._pageMargin = pageMargin;
            base.SetContentBox(new Rect(pageMargin.Left, pageMargin.Top, pageSize.Width - (pageMargin.Left + pageMargin.Right), pageSize.Height - (pageMargin.Top + pageMargin.Bottom)));
            using (this._structuralCache.SetDocumentFormatContext(this))
                if (this._ptsPage.PrepareForFiniteUpdate(breakRecord))
                    this._structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PushNewPageData(pageSize, this._pageMargin, true, true);
                    this._structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PushNewPageData(pageSize, this._pageMargin, false, true);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates entry of BreakRecordTable with new data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageNumber">Index of the entry to update.</param>
        /// <param name="page">DocumentPage object that has been just created.</param>
        /// <param name="brOut">Output BreakRecord for created page.</param>
        /// <param name="dependentMax">Last content position that can affect the output break record.</param>
        internal void UpdateEntry(int pageNumber, FlowDocumentPage page, PageBreakRecord brOut, TextPointer dependentMax)
            ITextView             textView;
            BreakRecordTableEntry entry;
            bool isClean;

            Invariant.Assert(pageNumber >= 0 && pageNumber <= _breakRecords.Count, "The previous BreakRecord does not exist.");
            Invariant.Assert(page != null && page != DocumentPage.Missing, "Cannot update BRT with an invalid document page.");

            // Get TextView for DocumentPage. This TextView is used to access list of
            // content ranges. Those serve as optimalization in finding affeceted pages.
            textView = (ITextView)((IServiceProvider)page).GetService(typeof(ITextView));
            Invariant.Assert(textView != null, "Cannot access ITextView for FlowDocumentPage.");

            // Get current state of BreakRecordTable
            isClean = this.IsClean;

            // Add new entry into BreakRecordTable
            entry              = new BreakRecordTableEntry();
            entry.BreakRecord  = brOut;
            entry.DocumentPage = new WeakReference(page);
            entry.TextSegments = textView.TextSegments;
            entry.DependentMax = dependentMax;
            if (pageNumber == _breakRecords.Count)

                // Raise PaginationProgress event only if we did not have valid
                // entry for specified page number.
                _owner.OnPaginationProgress(pageNumber, 1);
                // If old Page and/or BreakRecord are not changing, do not dispose them.
                if (_breakRecords[pageNumber].BreakRecord != null &&
                    _breakRecords[pageNumber].BreakRecord != entry.BreakRecord)
                if (_breakRecords[pageNumber].DocumentPage != null &&
                    _breakRecords[pageNumber].DocumentPage.Target != null &&
                    _breakRecords[pageNumber].DocumentPage.Target != entry.DocumentPage.Target)
                _breakRecords[pageNumber] = entry;

            // Raise PaginationCompleted event only if the BreakRecordTable just
            // become clean.
            if (!isClean && this.IsClean)
Exemple #4
        // Token: 0x06006754 RID: 26452 RVA: 0x001CDFA8 File Offset: 0x001CC1A8
        internal PageBreakRecord GetPageBreakRecord(int pageNumber)
            PageBreakRecord pageBreakRecord = null;

            Invariant.Assert(pageNumber >= 0 && pageNumber <= this._breakRecords.Count, "Invalid PageNumber.");
            if (pageNumber > 0)
                Invariant.Assert(this._breakRecords[pageNumber - 1] != null, "Invalid BreakRecordTable entry.");
                pageBreakRecord = this._breakRecords[pageNumber - 1].BreakRecord;
                Invariant.Assert(pageBreakRecord != null, "BreakRecord can be null only for the first page.");
Exemple #5
        //  Internal Methods

        #region Internal Methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves input BreakRecord for given PageNumber.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageNumber">
        /// Page index indicating which input BreakRecord should be retrieved.</param>
        /// <returns>Input BreakRecord for given PageNumber.</returns>
        internal PageBreakRecord GetPageBreakRecord(int pageNumber)
            PageBreakRecord breakRecord = null;

            Invariant.Assert(pageNumber >= 0 && pageNumber <= _breakRecords.Count, "Invalid PageNumber.");

            // Input BreakRecord for the first page is always NULL.
            // For the rest of pages, go to the entry preceding requested index and
            // return the output BreakRecord.
            if (pageNumber > 0)
                Invariant.Assert(_breakRecords[pageNumber - 1] != null, "Invalid BreakRecordTable entry.");
                breakRecord = _breakRecords[pageNumber - 1].BreakRecord;
                Invariant.Assert(breakRecord != null, "BreakRecord can be null only for the first page.");
        internal void CreateFinitePage(PageBreakRecord breakRecord)
            this.OnBeforeFormatPage(true, false);
            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)
                TracePageFormatting.Trace(TraceEventType.Start, TracePageFormatting.FormatPage, this.PageContext, this.PtsContext);
            IntPtr pfsBRPageStart = (breakRecord != null) ? breakRecord.BreakRecord : IntPtr.Zero;

            PTS.FSFMTR fsfmtr;
            IntPtr     value;
            IntPtr     zero;
            int        num = PTS.FsCreatePageFinite(this.PtsContext.Context, pfsBRPageStart, this._section.Handle, out fsfmtr, out value, out zero);

            if (num != 0)
                this._ptsPage.Value = IntPtr.Zero;
                zero = IntPtr.Zero;
                PTS.ValidateAndTrace(num, this.PtsContext);
                this._ptsPage.Value = value;
            if (zero != IntPtr.Zero)
                StructuralCache structuralCache = this._section.StructuralCache;
                if (structuralCache != null)
                    this._breakRecord = new PageBreakRecord(this.PtsContext, new SecurityCriticalDataForSet <IntPtr>(zero), (breakRecord != null) ? (breakRecord.PageNumber + 1) : 1);
            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)
                TracePageFormatting.Trace(TraceEventType.Stop, TracePageFormatting.FormatPage, this.PageContext, this.PtsContext);
            this.OnAfterFormatPage(true, false);
        internal void UpdateFinitePage(PageBreakRecord breakRecord)
            if (this.IsEmpty)
            this.OnBeforeFormatPage(true, true);
            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)
                TracePageFormatting.Trace(TraceEventType.Start, TracePageFormatting.FormatPage, this.PageContext, this.PtsContext);
            IntPtr pfsBRPageStart = (breakRecord != null) ? breakRecord.BreakRecord : IntPtr.Zero;

            PTS.FSFMTR fsfmtr;
            IntPtr     intPtr;
            int        num = PTS.FsUpdateFinitePage(this.PtsContext.Context, this._ptsPage.Value, pfsBRPageStart, this._section.Handle, out fsfmtr, out intPtr);

            if (num != 0)
                PTS.ValidateAndTrace(num, this.PtsContext);
            if (intPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
                StructuralCache structuralCache = this._section.StructuralCache;
                if (structuralCache != null)
                    this._breakRecord = new PageBreakRecord(this.PtsContext, new SecurityCriticalDataForSet <IntPtr>(intPtr), (breakRecord != null) ? (breakRecord.PageNumber + 1) : 1);
            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)
                TracePageFormatting.Trace(TraceEventType.Stop, TracePageFormatting.FormatPage, this.PageContext, this.PtsContext);
            this.OnAfterFormatPage(true, true);
Exemple #8
        // Token: 0x0600675B RID: 26459 RVA: 0x001CE224 File Offset: 0x001CC424
        internal void UpdateEntry(int pageNumber, FlowDocumentPage page, PageBreakRecord brOut, TextPointer dependentMax)
            Invariant.Assert(pageNumber >= 0 && pageNumber <= this._breakRecords.Count, "The previous BreakRecord does not exist.");
            Invariant.Assert(page != null && page != DocumentPage.Missing, "Cannot update BRT with an invalid document page.");
            ITextView textView = (ITextView)((IServiceProvider)page).GetService(typeof(ITextView));

            Invariant.Assert(textView != null, "Cannot access ITextView for FlowDocumentPage.");
            bool isClean = this.IsClean;

            BreakRecordTable.BreakRecordTableEntry breakRecordTableEntry = new BreakRecordTable.BreakRecordTableEntry();
            breakRecordTableEntry.BreakRecord  = brOut;
            breakRecordTableEntry.DocumentPage = new WeakReference(page);
            breakRecordTableEntry.TextSegments = textView.TextSegments;
            breakRecordTableEntry.DependentMax = dependentMax;
            if (pageNumber == this._breakRecords.Count)
                this._owner.OnPaginationProgress(pageNumber, 1);
                if (this._breakRecords[pageNumber].BreakRecord != null && this._breakRecords[pageNumber].BreakRecord != breakRecordTableEntry.BreakRecord)
                if (this._breakRecords[pageNumber].DocumentPage != null && this._breakRecords[pageNumber].DocumentPage.Target != null && this._breakRecords[pageNumber].DocumentPage.Target != breakRecordTableEntry.DocumentPage.Target)
                this._breakRecords[pageNumber] = breakRecordTableEntry;
            if (!isClean && this.IsClean)
        internal void UpdateFinitePage(PageBreakRecord breakRecord)
            if (IsEmpty)

            OnBeforeFormatPage(true, true);

            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)

            // Retrieve PTS break record
            IntPtr brIn = (breakRecord != null) ? breakRecord.BreakRecord : IntPtr.Zero;

            // Create finite page and update layout size information
            PTS.FSFMTR formattingResult;
            IntPtr brOut;
            int fserr = PTS.FsUpdateFinitePage(PtsContext.Context, _ptsPage.Value, brIn,
                                               _section.Handle, out formattingResult, out brOut);

            if (fserr != PTS.fserrNone)
                // Do inplace cleanup.

                // Generic error handling.
                PTS.ValidateAndTrace(fserr, PtsContext);
            if (brOut != IntPtr.Zero)
                StructuralCache structuralCache = _section.StructuralCache;
                if (structuralCache != null)
                    _breakRecord = new PageBreakRecord(PtsContext, new SecurityCriticalDataForSet<IntPtr>(brOut), (breakRecord != null) ? breakRecord.PageNumber + 1 : 1);

            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)

            OnAfterFormatPage(true, true);
        internal void CreateFinitePage(PageBreakRecord breakRecord)
            OnBeforeFormatPage(true, false);

            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)

            // Retrieve PTS break record
            IntPtr brIn = (breakRecord != null) ? breakRecord.BreakRecord : IntPtr.Zero;

            // Create finite page and update layout size information
            PTS.FSFMTR formattingResult;
            IntPtr brOut;
            IntPtr ptsPage;
            int fserr = PTS.FsCreatePageFinite(PtsContext.Context, brIn, _section.Handle, out formattingResult, out ptsPage, out brOut);
            if (fserr != PTS.fserrNone)
                // Formatting failed and ptsPage may be set to a partially formatted page. Set value to IntPtr.Zero
                _ptsPage.Value = IntPtr.Zero;
                brOut = IntPtr.Zero;
                PTS.ValidateAndTrace(fserr, PtsContext);
                _ptsPage.Value = ptsPage;
            if (brOut != IntPtr.Zero)
                StructuralCache structuralCache = _section.StructuralCache;
                if (structuralCache != null)
                    _breakRecord = new PageBreakRecord(PtsContext, new SecurityCriticalDataForSet<IntPtr>(brOut), (breakRecord != null) ? breakRecord.PageNumber + 1 : 1);

            if (TracePageFormatting.IsEnabled)

            OnAfterFormatPage(true, false);
        // Prepare for incremental update process of a finite page. Finite 
        // page incremental is always done by PTS as full format with change
        // delta exposed through queries.
        // Allow incremental update if there is a page previously created.
        // Before formatting needs to make sure that following is done:
        // a) If ForceReformat is true, clear entire NameTable (reformat needs to
        //    start from the first page).
        // b) If there is existing DTR, invalidate NameTable from the firts position
        //    stored in DTR list, then clear DTR list.
        // NOTE: If ForceReformat is false and DTR list is null, it means that 
        //       existing NameTable is in a valid state, and format can be done using
        //       cached portion of the NameTable.
        //      breakRecord - PageBreakRecord describing start position of the page.
        // Returns: 'true' if can do incremental update.
        internal bool PrepareForFiniteUpdate(PageBreakRecord breakRecord)
            bool canUpdate = !IsEmpty;
            Debug.Assert(!canUpdate || _section.CanUpdate);
            if (_section.StructuralCache != null)
                // No update is possible when ForceReformat flag is set.
                // Clear update information and clear entire NameTable.
                if (_section.StructuralCache.ForceReformat)
                    canUpdate = false;
                    Debug.Assert(breakRecord == null || !_section.StructuralCache.DestroyStructure, "Cannot format from dirty break record unless StructuralCache.DestroyStructure is not set.");
                    // Update structural cache info. The DestroyStructureCache parameter is set to true if
                    // the name table is not preserved. If the name table is to be preserved, e.g. for highlight
                    // changed, we do not clear structure cache
                    _section.StructuralCache.ClearUpdateInfo(/*destroy structure cache:*/ _section.StructuralCache.DestroyStructure);
                // If there is DRT list, invalidate entire NameTable starting from the 
                // position of the first DTR.
                // Then clear update info, if incremental update is not possible.
                else if (_section.StructuralCache.DtrList != null)
                    if (!canUpdate)
                // The NameTable is in a valid state, but cannot do incremental update, because
                // there is no DTR stored anymore.
                    canUpdate = false;
            return canUpdate;
Exemple #12
        // Format content into a single finite page.
        //       pageSize - size of the page
        //       pageMargin - margin of the page
        //       breakRecord - input BreakRecor for the page
        // Returns: Returns output break record.
        internal PageBreakRecord FormatFinite(Size pageSize, Thickness pageMargin, PageBreakRecord breakRecord)

            // Every time full format is done reset formatted lines count to 0.
            _formattedLinesCount = 0;

            // Make sure that PTS limitations are not exceeded.
            TextDpi.EnsureValidPageSize(ref pageSize);
            TextDpi.EnsureValidPageMargin(ref pageMargin, pageSize);

            double pageMarginAdjustment = PtsHelper.CalculatePageMarginAdjustment(_structuralCache, pageSize.Width - (pageMargin.Left + pageMargin.Right));
            if (!DoubleUtil.IsZero(pageMarginAdjustment))
                // Potentially some FP drift here, as we're anticipating that our column count will now work out exactly. Add a small fraction back to prevent this
                pageMargin.Right += pageMarginAdjustment - (pageMarginAdjustment / 100.0);
            _pageMargin = pageMargin;

            SetContentBox(new Rect(pageMargin.Left, pageMargin.Top,
                pageSize.Width - (pageMargin.Left + pageMargin.Right),
                pageSize.Height - (pageMargin.Top + pageMargin.Bottom)));


                if (_ptsPage.PrepareForFiniteUpdate(breakRecord))
                    _structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PushNewPageData(pageSize, _pageMargin, true, true);
                    _structuralCache.CurrentFormatContext.PushNewPageData(pageSize, _pageMargin, false, true);


            return _ptsPage.BreakRecord;
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates entry of BreakRecordTable with new data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageNumber">Index of the entry to update.</param>
        /// <param name="page">DocumentPage object that has been just created.</param>
        /// <param name="brOut">Output BreakRecord for created page.</param>
        /// <param name="dependentMax">Last content position that can affect the output break record.</param>
        internal void UpdateEntry(int pageNumber, FlowDocumentPage page, PageBreakRecord brOut, TextPointer dependentMax)
            ITextView textView;
            BreakRecordTableEntry entry;
            bool isClean;

            Invariant.Assert(pageNumber >= 0 && pageNumber <= _breakRecords.Count, "The previous BreakRecord does not exist.");
            Invariant.Assert(page != null && page != DocumentPage.Missing, "Cannot update BRT with an invalid document page.");
            // Get TextView for DocumentPage. This TextView is used to access list of
            // content ranges. Those serve as optimalization in finding affeceted pages.
            textView = (ITextView)((IServiceProvider)page).GetService(typeof(ITextView));
            Invariant.Assert(textView != null, "Cannot access ITextView for FlowDocumentPage.");

            // Get current state of BreakRecordTable
            isClean = this.IsClean;

            // Add new entry into BreakRecordTable
            entry = new BreakRecordTableEntry();
            entry.BreakRecord = brOut;
            entry.DocumentPage = new WeakReference(page);
            entry.TextSegments = textView.TextSegments;
            entry.DependentMax = dependentMax;
            if (pageNumber == _breakRecords.Count)

                // Raise PaginationProgress event only if we did not have valid
                // entry for specified page number.
                _owner.OnPaginationProgress(pageNumber, 1);
                // If old Page and/or BreakRecord are not changing, do not dispose them.
                if (_breakRecords[pageNumber].BreakRecord != null && 
                    _breakRecords[pageNumber].BreakRecord != entry.BreakRecord)
                if (_breakRecords[pageNumber].DocumentPage != null && 
                    _breakRecords[pageNumber].DocumentPage.Target != null &&
                    _breakRecords[pageNumber].DocumentPage.Target != entry.DocumentPage.Target)
                _breakRecords[pageNumber] = entry;

            // Raise PaginationCompleted event only if the BreakRecordTable just
            // become clean.
            if (!isClean && this.IsClean)