        //  Public Methods

        #region Public Methods

        /// <summary>
        ///     Override of Object.Equals that returns true when the dependency
        ///     property contained within each attribute is the same.
        /// </summary>
        public override bool Equals(object value)
            DependencyPropertyAttribute da = value as DependencyPropertyAttribute;

            if (da != null &&
                object.ReferenceEquals(da._dp, _dp) &&
                da._isAttached == _isAttached)

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     This method is called on demand when we need to get at one or
        ///     more attributes for this property.  Because obtaining attributes
        ///     can be costly, we wait until now to do the job.
        /// </summary>
        private void MergeAttributes()
            AttributeCollection baseAttributes;

            if (_property != null)
                baseAttributes = _property.Attributes;
                baseAttributes = GetAttachedPropertyAttributes();

            List <Attribute> newAttributes = new List <Attribute>(baseAttributes.Count + 1);

            bool readOnly = false;

            foreach (Attribute a in baseAttributes)
                Attribute             attrToAdd = a;
                DefaultValueAttribute defAttr   = a as DefaultValueAttribute;

                if (defAttr != null)
                    // DP metadata always overrides CLR metadata for
                    // default value.
                    attrToAdd = null;
                    ReadOnlyAttribute roAttr = a as ReadOnlyAttribute;
                    if (roAttr != null)
                        // DP metata is the merge of CLR metadata for
                        // read only
                        readOnly  = roAttr.IsReadOnly;
                        attrToAdd = null;

                if (attrToAdd != null)

            // Always include the metadata choice
            readOnly |= _dp.ReadOnly;

            // If we are an attached property and non-read only, the lack of a
            // set method will make us read only.
            if (_property == null && !readOnly && GetAttachedPropertySetMethod(_dp) == null)
                readOnly = true;

            // Add our own DependencyPropertyAttribute
            DependencyPropertyAttribute dpa = new DependencyPropertyAttribute(_dp, (_property == null));


            // Add DefaultValueAttribute if the DP has a default
            // value
            if (_metadata.DefaultValue != DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                newAttributes.Add(new DefaultValueAttribute(_metadata.DefaultValue));

            // And add a read only attribute if needed
            if (readOnly)
                newAttributes.Add(new ReadOnlyAttribute(true));

            // Inject these attributes into our attribute array.  There
            // is a quirk to the way this works.  Attributes as they
            // are returned by the CLR and by AttributeCollection are in
            // priority order with the attributes at the front of the list
            // taking precidence over those at the end.  Attributes
            // handed to MemberDescriptor's AttributeArray, however, are
            // in reverse priority order so the "last one in wins".  Therefore
            // we need to reverse the array.

            Attribute[] attrArray = newAttributes.ToArray();
            for (int idx = 0; idx < attrArray.Length / 2; idx++)
                int       swap = attrArray.Length - idx - 1;
                Attribute t    = attrArray[idx];
                attrArray[idx]  = attrArray[swap];
                attrArray[swap] = t;

            AttributeArray = attrArray;