private void DrawPortraitArea(Rect rect)
            rect = rect.ContractedBy(17f);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect( - Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.PawnPortraitSize.x / 2f, rect.yMin - 20f, Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.PawnPortraitSize.x, Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.PawnPortraitSize.y), PortraitsCache.Get(this.curPawn, Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.PawnPortraitSize, default(Vector3), 1f));
            Rect rect2 = rect;

            rect2.width = 500f;
            CharacterCardUtility.DrawCharacterCard(rect2, this.curPawn, new Action(this.RandomizeCurPawn), rect);
            Rect rect3 = rect;

            rect3.yMin  += 100f;
            rect3.xMin   = rect2.xMax + 5f;
            rect3.height = 200f;
            Text.Font    = GameFont.Medium;
            Widgets.Label(rect3, "Health".Translate());
            Text.Font   = GameFont.Small;
            rect3.yMin += 35f;
            HealthCardUtility.DrawHediffListing(rect3, this.curPawn, true);
            Rect rect4 = new Rect(rect3.x, rect3.yMax, rect3.width, 200f);

            Text.Font = GameFont.Medium;
            Widgets.Label(rect4, "Relations".Translate());
            Text.Font   = GameFont.Small;
            rect4.yMin += 35f;
            SocialCardUtility.DrawRelationsAndOpinions(rect4, this.curPawn);
        private void DrawPortraitArea(Rect rect)
            rect = rect.ContractedBy(17f);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect( - PawnPortraitSize.x / 2f, rect.yMin - 24f, PawnPortraitSize.x, PawnPortraitSize.y), PortraitsCache.Get(curPawn, PawnPortraitSize));
            Rect rect2 = rect;

            rect2.width = 500f;
            CharacterCardUtility.DrawCharacterCard(rect2, curPawn, RandomizeCurPawn, rect);
            Rect rect3 = rect;

            rect3.yMin  += 100f;
            rect3.xMin   = rect2.xMax + 5f;
            rect3.height = 200f;
            Text.Font    = GameFont.Medium;
            Widgets.Label(rect3, "Health".Translate());
            Text.Font   = GameFont.Small;
            rect3.yMin += 35f;
            HealthCardUtility.DrawHediffListing(rect3, curPawn, showBloodLoss: true);
            Rect rect4 = new Rect(rect3.x, rect3.yMax, rect3.width, 200f);

            Text.Font = GameFont.Medium;
            Widgets.Label(rect4, "Relations".Translate());
            Text.Font   = GameFont.Small;
            rect4.yMin += 35f;
            SocialCardUtility.DrawRelationsAndOpinions(rect4, curPawn);
Exemple #3
        private static float DrawMedOperationsTab(Rect leftRect, Pawn pawn, Thing thingForMedBills, float curY)
            curY = (float)(curY + 2.0);
            Func <List <FloatMenuOption> > recipeOptionsMaker = delegate
                List <FloatMenuOption> list = new List <FloatMenuOption>();
                foreach (RecipeDef allRecipe in thingForMedBills.def.AllRecipes)
                    if (allRecipe.AvailableNow)
                        IEnumerable <ThingDef> enumerable = allRecipe.PotentiallyMissingIngredients(null, thingForMedBills.Map);
                        if (!enumerable.Any((ThingDef x) => x.isBodyPartOrImplant) && !enumerable.Any((ThingDef x) => x.IsDrug) && (!enumerable.Any() || !allRecipe.dontShowIfAnyIngredientMissing))
                            if (allRecipe.targetsBodyPart)
                                foreach (BodyPartRecord item in allRecipe.Worker.GetPartsToApplyOn(pawn, allRecipe))
                                    list.Add(HealthCardUtility.GenerateSurgeryOption(pawn, thingForMedBills, allRecipe, enumerable, item));
                                list.Add(HealthCardUtility.GenerateSurgeryOption(pawn, thingForMedBills, allRecipe, enumerable, null));
            Rect rect = new Rect((float)(leftRect.x - 9.0), curY, leftRect.width, (float)(leftRect.height - curY - 20.0));

            ((IBillGiver)thingForMedBills).BillStack.DoListing(rect, recipeOptionsMaker, ref HealthCardUtility.billsScrollPosition, ref HealthCardUtility.billsScrollHeight);
Exemple #4
 private static IEnumerable <IGrouping <BodyPartRecord, Hediff> > VisibleHediffGroupsInOrder(Pawn pawn, bool showBloodLoss)
     foreach (IGrouping <BodyPartRecord, Hediff> group in from x in HealthCardUtility.VisibleHediffs(pawn, showBloodLoss)
              group x by x.Part into x
              orderby HealthCardUtility.GetListPriority(x.First <Hediff>().Part) descending
              select x)
         yield return(group);
Exemple #5
        public static void DrawHediffListing(Rect rect, Pawn pawn, bool showBloodLoss)
            GUI.color = Color.white;
            if (Prefs.DevMode && Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing)
                HealthCardUtility.DoDebugOptions(rect, pawn);
            float lineHeight = Text.LineHeight;
            Rect  outRect    = new Rect(0f, 0f, rect.width, rect.height - lineHeight);
            Rect  viewRect   = new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)(rect.width - 16.0), HealthCardUtility.scrollViewHeight);
            Rect  rect2      = rect;

            if (viewRect.height > outRect.height)
                rect2.width -= 16f;
            Widgets.BeginScrollView(outRect, ref HealthCardUtility.scrollPosition, viewRect, true);
            GUI.color = Color.white;
            float num = 0f;

            HealthCardUtility.highlight = true;
            bool flag = false;

            foreach (IGrouping <BodyPartRecord, Hediff> item in HealthCardUtility.VisibleHediffGroupsInOrder(pawn, showBloodLoss))
                flag = true;
                HealthCardUtility.DrawHediffRow(rect2, pawn, item, ref num);
            if (!flag)
                GUI.color   = Color.gray;
                Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
                Rect rect3 = new Rect(0f, 0f, viewRect.width, 30f);
                Widgets.Label(rect3, "NoInjuries".Translate());
                Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout)
                HealthCardUtility.scrollViewHeight = num;
            float bleedRateTotal =;

            if (bleedRateTotal > 0.0099999997764825821)
                Rect   rect4 = new Rect(0f, rect.height - lineHeight, rect.width, lineHeight);
                string str   = "BleedingRate".Translate() + ": " + bleedRateTotal.ToStringPercent() + "/" + "LetterDay".Translate();
                int    num2  = HealthUtility.TicksUntilDeathDueToBloodLoss(pawn);
                str = ((num2 >= 60000) ? (str + " (" + "WontBleedOutSoon".Translate() + ")") : (str + " (" + "TimeToDeath".Translate(num2.ToStringTicksToPeriod(true, false, true)) + ")"));
                Widgets.Label(rect4, str);
            GUI.color = Color.white;
        protected override void FillTab()
            Pawn pawnForHealth = PawnForHealth;

            if (pawnForHealth == null)
                Log.Error("Health tab found no selected pawn to display.");
            Corpse corpse        = base.SelThing as Corpse;
            bool   showBloodLoss = corpse == null || corpse.Age < 60000;

            HealthCardUtility.DrawPawnHealthCard(new Rect(0f, 20f, size.x, size.y - 20f), pawnForHealth, ShouldAllowOperations(), showBloodLoss, base.SelThing);
Exemple #7
        public static void DrawHealthSummary(Rect rect, Pawn pawn, bool allowOperations, Thing thingForMedBills)
            GUI.color = Color.white;
            if (!allowOperations)
                HealthCardUtility.onOperationTab = false;
            List <TabRecord> list = new List <TabRecord>();

            list.Add(new TabRecord("HealthOverview".Translate(), delegate
                HealthCardUtility.onOperationTab = false;
            }, !HealthCardUtility.onOperationTab));
            if (allowOperations)
                string label = (!pawn.RaceProps.IsMechanoid) ? "MedicalOperationsShort".Translate(new object[]
                }) : "MedicalOperationsMechanoidsShort".Translate(new object[]
                list.Add(new TabRecord(label, delegate
                    HealthCardUtility.onOperationTab = true;
                }, HealthCardUtility.onOperationTab));
            TabDrawer.DrawTabs(rect, list);
            rect = rect.ContractedBy(9f);
            float curY = 0f;

            Text.Font   = GameFont.Medium;
            GUI.color   = Color.white;
            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
            if (HealthCardUtility.onOperationTab)
                PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(ConceptDefOf.MedicalOperations, KnowledgeAmount.FrameDisplayed);
                curY = HealthCardUtility.DrawMedOperationsTab(rect, pawn, thingForMedBills, curY);
                curY = HealthCardUtility.DrawOverviewTab(rect, pawn, curY);
            Text.Font   = GameFont.Small;
            GUI.color   = Color.white;
            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
Exemple #8
        public static void DrawPawnHealthCard(Rect outRect, Pawn pawn, bool allowOperations, bool showBloodLoss, Thing thingForMedBills)
            if (pawn.Dead && allowOperations)
                Log.Error("Called DrawPawnHealthCard with a dead pawn and allowOperations=true. Operations are disallowed on corpses.");
                allowOperations = false;
            outRect = outRect.Rounded();
            Rect rect  = new Rect(outRect.x, outRect.y, (float)(outRect.width * 0.375), outRect.height).Rounded();
            Rect rect2 = new Rect(rect.xMax, outRect.y, outRect.width - rect.width, outRect.height);

            rect.yMin += 11f;
            HealthCardUtility.DrawHealthSummary(rect, pawn, allowOperations, thingForMedBills);
            HealthCardUtility.DrawHediffListing(rect2.ContractedBy(10f), pawn, showBloodLoss);
        protected override void FillTab()
            Pawn pawnForHealth = this.PawnForHealth;

            if (pawnForHealth == null)
                Log.Error("Health tab found no selected pawn to display.");
                Corpse corpse        = base.SelThing as Corpse;
                bool   showBloodLoss = corpse == null || corpse.Age < 60000;
                Rect   outRect       = new Rect(0f, 20f, base.size.x, (float)(base.size.y - 20.0));
                HealthCardUtility.DrawPawnHealthCard(outRect, pawnForHealth, this.ShouldAllowOperations(), showBloodLoss, base.SelThing);
Exemple #10
        private void DrawPortraitArea(Rect rect)
            rect = rect.ContractedBy(17f);
            Vector2 center            =;
            float   x                 = center.x;
            Vector2 pawnPortraitSize  = Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.PawnPortraitSize;
            double  x2                = x - pawnPortraitSize.x / 2.0;
            double  y                 = rect.yMin - 20.0;
            Vector2 pawnPortraitSize2 = Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.PawnPortraitSize;
            float   x3                = pawnPortraitSize2.x;
            Vector2 pawnPortraitSize3 = Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.PawnPortraitSize;

            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((float)x2, (float)y, x3, pawnPortraitSize3.y), PortraitsCache.Get(this.curPawn, Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.PawnPortraitSize, default(Vector3), 1f));
            Rect rect2 = rect;

            rect2.width = 500f;
            CharacterCardUtility.DrawCharacterCard(rect2, this.curPawn, this.RandomizeCurPawn, rect);
            Rect rect3 = rect;

            rect3.yMin  += 100f;
            rect3.xMin   = (float)(rect2.xMax + 5.0);
            rect3.height = 200f;
            Text.Font    = GameFont.Medium;
            Widgets.Label(rect3, "Health".Translate());
            Text.Font   = GameFont.Small;
            rect3.yMin += 35f;
            HealthCardUtility.DrawHediffListing(rect3, this.curPawn, true);
            Rect rect4 = new Rect(rect3.x, rect3.yMax, rect3.width, 200f);

            Text.Font = GameFont.Medium;
            Widgets.Label(rect4, "Relations".Translate());
            Text.Font   = GameFont.Small;
            rect4.yMin += 35f;
            SocialCardUtility.DrawRelationsAndOpinions(rect4, this.curPawn);
Exemple #11
        private static void DrawHediffRow(Rect rect, Pawn pawn, IEnumerable <Hediff> diffs, ref float curY)
            float          num   = (float)(rect.width * 0.375);
            float          width = (float)(rect.width - num - 20.0);
            BodyPartRecord part  = diffs.First().Part;
            float          a     = (part != null) ? Text.CalcHeight(part.def.LabelCap, num) : Text.CalcHeight("WholeBody".Translate(), num);
            float          num2  = 0f;
            float          num3  = curY;
            float          num4  = 0f;

            foreach (IGrouping <int, Hediff> item in from x in diffs
                     group x by x.UIGroupKey)
                int    num5 = item.Count();
                string text = item.First().LabelCap;
                if (num5 != 1)
                    text = text + " x" + num5.ToString();
                num4 += Text.CalcHeight(text, width);
            num2 = num4;
            Rect rect2 = new Rect(0f, curY, rect.width, Mathf.Max(a, num2));

            if (part != null)
                GUI.color = HealthUtility.GetPartConditionLabel(pawn, part).Second;
                Widgets.Label(new Rect(0f, curY, num, 100f), part.def.LabelCap);
                GUI.color = HealthUtility.DarkRedColor;
                Widgets.Label(new Rect(0f, curY, num, 100f), "WholeBody".Translate());
            GUI.color = Color.white;
            foreach (IGrouping <int, Hediff> item2 in from x in diffs
                     group x by x.UIGroupKey)
                int             num6            = 0;
                Hediff          hediff          = null;
                Texture2D       texture2D       = null;
                TextureAndColor textureAndColor = null;
                float           num7            = 0f;
                foreach (Hediff item3 in item2)
                    if (num6 == 0)
                        hediff = item3;
                    textureAndColor = item3.StateIcon;
                    if (item3.Bleeding)
                        texture2D = HealthCardUtility.BleedingIcon;
                    num7 += item3.BleedRate;
                string text2 = hediff.LabelCap;
                if (num6 != 1)
                    text2 = text2 + " x" + num6.ToStringCached();
                GUI.color = hediff.LabelColor;
                float num8  = Text.CalcHeight(text2, width);
                Rect  rect3 = new Rect(num, curY, width, num8);
                Widgets.Label(rect3, text2);
                GUI.color = Color.white;
                Rect rect4 = new Rect((float)(rect2.xMax - 20.0), curY, 20f, 20f);
                if ((bool)texture2D)
                    Rect position = rect4.ContractedBy(GenMath.LerpDouble(0f, 0.6f, 5f, 0f, Mathf.Min(num7, 1f)));
                    GUI.DrawTexture(position, texture2D);
                    rect4.x -= rect4.width;
                if (textureAndColor.HasValue)
                    GUI.color = textureAndColor.Color;
                    GUI.DrawTexture(rect4, textureAndColor.Texture);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    rect4.x  -= rect4.width;
                curY += num8;
            GUI.color = Color.white;
            curY      = num3 + Mathf.Max(a, num2);
            TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect2, new TipSignal(() => HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip(diffs, pawn, part), (int)curY + 7857));
Exemple #12
        private static float DrawOverviewTab(Rect leftRect, Pawn pawn, float curY)
            curY        = (float)(curY + 4.0);
            Text.Font   = GameFont.Tiny;
            Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft;
            GUI.color   = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
            string str = string.Empty;

            if (pawn.gender != 0)
                str = pawn.gender.GetLabel() + " ";
            str = str + pawn.def.label + ", " + "AgeIndicator".Translate(pawn.ageTracker.AgeNumberString);
            Rect rect = new Rect(0f, curY, leftRect.width, 34f);

            Widgets.Label(rect, str.CapitalizeFirst());
            TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, () => pawn.ageTracker.AgeTooltipString, 73412);
            if (Mouse.IsOver(rect))
            GUI.color = Color.white;
            curY      = (float)(curY + 34.0);
            GUI.color = Color.white;
            if (pawn.IsColonist && !pawn.Dead)
                bool selfTend = pawn.playerSettings.selfTend;
                Rect rect2    = new Rect(0f, curY, leftRect.width, 24f);
                Widgets.CheckboxLabeled(rect2, "SelfTend".Translate(), ref pawn.playerSettings.selfTend, false);
                if (pawn.playerSettings.selfTend && !selfTend)
                    if (pawn.story.WorkTypeIsDisabled(WorkTypeDefOf.Doctor))
                        pawn.playerSettings.selfTend = false;
                        Messages.Message("MessageCannotSelfTendEver".Translate(pawn.LabelShort), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput);
                    else if (pawn.workSettings.GetPriority(WorkTypeDefOf.Doctor) == 0)
                        Messages.Message("MessageSelfTendUnsatisfied".Translate(pawn.LabelShort), MessageTypeDefOf.CautionInput);
                TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect2, "SelfTendTip".Translate(Faction.OfPlayer.def.pawnsPlural, 0.7f.ToStringPercent()).CapitalizeFirst());
                curY = (float)(curY + 28.0);
            if (pawn.playerSettings != null && !pawn.Dead && Current.ProgramState == ProgramState.Playing)
                Rect rect3 = new Rect(0f, curY, 140f, 28f);
                MedicalCareUtility.MedicalCareSetter(rect3, ref pawn.playerSettings.medCare);
                if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect((float)(leftRect.width - 70.0), curY, 70f, 28f), "MedGroupDefaults".Translate(), true, false, true))
                    Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_MedicalDefaults());
                curY = (float)(curY + 32.0);
            Text.Font = GameFont.Small;
            if (pawn.def.race.IsFlesh)
                Pair <string, Color> painLabel = HealthCardUtility.GetPainLabel(pawn);
                string painTip = HealthCardUtility.GetPainTip(pawn);
                curY = HealthCardUtility.DrawLeftRow(leftRect, curY, "PainLevel".Translate(), painLabel.First, painLabel.Second, painTip);
            if (!pawn.Dead)
                IEnumerable <PawnCapacityDef> source = (!pawn.def.race.Humanlike) ? ((!pawn.def.race.Animal) ? (from x in DefDatabase <PawnCapacityDef> .AllDefs
                                                                                                                where x.showOnMechanoids
                                                                                                                select x) : DefDatabase <PawnCapacityDef> .AllDefs.Where((PawnCapacityDef x) => x.showOnAnimals)) : (from x in DefDatabase <PawnCapacityDef> .AllDefs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     where x.showOnHumanlikes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     select x);
                    foreach (PawnCapacityDef item in from act in source
                             orderby act.listOrder
                             select act)
                        if (PawnCapacityUtility.BodyCanEverDoCapacity(pawn.RaceProps.body, item))
                            PawnCapacityDef      activityLocal   = item;
                            Pair <string, Color> efficiencyLabel = HealthCardUtility.GetEfficiencyLabel(pawn, item);
                            Func <string>        textGetter      = () => (!pawn.Dead) ? HealthCardUtility.GetPawnCapacityTip(pawn, activityLocal) : string.Empty;
                            curY = HealthCardUtility.DrawLeftRow(leftRect, curY, item.GetLabelFor(pawn.RaceProps.IsFlesh, pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike).CapitalizeFirst(), efficiencyLabel.First, efficiencyLabel.Second, new TipSignal(textGetter, pawn.thingIDNumber ^ item.index));
Exemple #13
        private static FloatMenuOption GenerateSurgeryOption(Pawn pawn, Thing thingForMedBills, RecipeDef recipe, IEnumerable <ThingDef> missingIngredients, BodyPartRecord part = null)
            string text = recipe.Worker.GetLabelWhenUsedOn(pawn, part);

            if (part != null && !recipe.hideBodyPartNames)
                text = text + " (" + part.def.label + ")";
            FloatMenuOption floatMenuOption;

            if (missingIngredients.Any())
                text += " (";
                bool flag = true;
                foreach (ThingDef missingIngredient in missingIngredients)
                    if (!flag)
                        text += ", ";
                    flag  = false;
                    text += "MissingMedicalBillIngredient".Translate(missingIngredient.label);
                text           += ")";
                floatMenuOption = new FloatMenuOption(text, null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null);
                Action action = delegate
                    Pawn pawn2 = thingForMedBills as Pawn;
                    if (pawn2 != null)
                        Bill_Medical bill_Medical = new Bill_Medical(recipe);
                        bill_Medical.Part = part;
                        if (recipe.conceptLearned != null)
                            PlayerKnowledgeDatabase.KnowledgeDemonstrated(recipe.conceptLearned, KnowledgeAmount.Total);
                        Map map = thingForMedBills.Map;
                        if (!map.mapPawns.FreeColonists.Any((Pawn col) => recipe.PawnSatisfiesSkillRequirements(col)))
                        if (!pawn2.InBed() && pawn2.RaceProps.IsFlesh)
                            if (pawn2.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                                if (!map.listerBuildings.allBuildingsColonist.Any((Building x) => x is Building_Bed && RestUtility.CanUseBedEver(pawn, x.def) && ((Building_Bed)x).Medical))
                                    Messages.Message("MessageNoMedicalBeds".Translate(), pawn2, MessageTypeDefOf.CautionInput);
                            else if (!map.listerBuildings.allBuildingsColonist.Any((Building x) => x is Building_Bed && RestUtility.CanUseBedEver(pawn, x.def)))
                                Messages.Message("MessageNoAnimalBeds".Translate(), pawn2, MessageTypeDefOf.CautionInput);
                        if (pawn2.Faction != null && !pawn2.Faction.def.hidden && !pawn2.Faction.HostileTo(Faction.OfPlayer) && recipe.Worker.IsViolationOnPawn(pawn2, part, Faction.OfPlayer))
                            Messages.Message("MessageMedicalOperationWillAngerFaction".Translate(pawn2.Faction), pawn2, MessageTypeDefOf.CautionInput);
                        ThingDef minRequiredMedicine = HealthCardUtility.GetMinRequiredMedicine(recipe);
                        if (minRequiredMedicine != null && pawn2.playerSettings != null && !pawn2.playerSettings.medCare.AllowsMedicine(minRequiredMedicine))
                            Messages.Message("MessageTooLowMedCare".Translate(minRequiredMedicine.label, pawn2.LabelShort, pawn2.playerSettings.medCare.GetLabel()), pawn2, MessageTypeDefOf.CautionInput);
                floatMenuOption = new FloatMenuOption(text, action, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null);
            floatMenuOption.extraPartWidth = 29f;
            floatMenuOption.extraPartOnGUI = ((Rect rect) => Widgets.InfoCardButton((float)(rect.x + 5.0), (float)(rect.y + (rect.height - 24.0) / 2.0), recipe));
Exemple #14
        private static IEnumerable <IGrouping <BodyPartRecord, Hediff> > VisibleHediffGroupsInOrder(Pawn pawn, bool showBloodLoss)
            using (IEnumerator <IGrouping <BodyPartRecord, Hediff> > enumerator = (from x in HealthCardUtility.VisibleHediffs(pawn, showBloodLoss)
                                                                                   group x by x.Part into x
                                                                                   orderby HealthCardUtility.GetListPriority(x.First().Part) descending
                                                                                   select x).GetEnumerator())
                if (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    IGrouping <BodyPartRecord, Hediff> group = enumerator.Current;
                    yield return(group);

                    /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/;
            yield break;
            /*Error near IL_0104: Unexpected return in MoveNext()*/;