public void ApplyCurrentOperation() { operandSlots.Init(); //setup operands var operandCount = mOperation.operands.Length; for (int i = 0; i < operandCount; i++) { var operand = mOperation.operands[i]; CardWidget newCard; if (operand.isEmpty) { newCard = null; } else { mCardParms[CardWidget.parmWholeEnabled] = cardWholeEnabled; mCardParms[CardWidget.parmNumber] = operand.number; mCardParms[CardWidget.parmCanDragInside] = true; mCardParms[CardWidget.parmCanDragOutside] = false; mCardParms[CardWidget.parmFractionVisual] = true; mCardParms[CardWidget.parmCardDrop] = operandSlots; mCardParms[CardWidget.parmCardDropIndex] = i; newCard = mPool.Spawn <CardWidget>(, "", null, mCardParms); } operandSlots.SetCard(i, newCard); } for (int i = operandCount; i < operandSlots.slots.Length; i++) //hide other operands { operandSlots.SetActive(i, false); } // //setup operators int operatorCount = mOperation.operators.Length; for (int i = 0; i < operatorCount; i++) { var op = mOperation.operators[i]; var opSlot = operatorSlots[i]; opSlot.SetOperator(op); opSlot.gameObject.SetActive(true); } for (int i = operatorCount; i < operatorSlots.Length; i++) //hide other operands { operatorSlots[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } // //setup answer input RefreshAnswerInput(); }
public GameObject Spawn(string templateName, Vector2 position, float rotate, M8.GenericParams parms) { GameObject spawnGO = null; TemplateInfo template = null; for (int i = 0; i < templates.Length; i++) { if (templates[i].name == templateName) { template = templates[i]; break; } } if (template != null) { mSpawnParms.Clear(); mSpawnParms[JellySpriteSpawnController.parmPosition] = position; mSpawnParms[JellySpriteSpawnController.parmRotation] = rotate; mSpawnParms.Merge(parms, true); var spawn = mPool.Spawn(templateName, templateName, null, mSpawnParms); spawnGO = spawn.gameObject; } else { Debug.LogWarning("Template does not exists: " + templateName); } return(spawnGO); }
public GridEntity Spawn(GridCell cell, GridCell cellSize) { GridEntity ret = null; //ensure we can spawn on given cell info var container = GridEditController.instance.entityContainer; if (container.IsPlaceable(cell, cellSize, null)) { if (!mPool) { mPool = M8.PoolController.CreatePool(poolGroup); mPool.AddType(template, poolCapacity, poolCapacity); } if (mSpawnParms == null) { mSpawnParms = new M8.GenericParams(); } mSpawnParms[GridEntity.parmData] = this; mSpawnParms[GridEntity.parmCellIndex] = cell; mSpawnParms[GridEntity.parmCellSize] = cellSize; ret = mPool.Spawn <GridEntity>(, name, container.root, mSpawnParms); } return(ret); }
void Update() { var activeCount = mPlantActives.Count; if (activeCount > mCurCount) { int count = activeCount - mCurCount; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { var pdc = mPlantActives.RemoveLast(); mSpawnPts.Add(pdc.transform.parent); pdc.Release(); } } else if (activeCount < mCurCount) { int count = mCurCount - activeCount; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int spawnToInd = Random.Range(0, mSpawnPts.Count); var spawnToTrans = mSpawnPts[spawnToInd]; mSpawnPts.RemoveAt(spawnToInd); var parms = new M8.GenericParams(); parms[Plant.parmSourceSun] = sourceSun; var pdc = mPoolCtrl.Spawn(, "plant", spawnToTrans, parms); pdc.transform.localPosition =; pdc.transform.localScale =; mPlantActives.Add(pdc); } } }
IEnumerator DoSpawn() { var waitStart = new WaitForSeconds(startDelay); var waitAfterSpawn = new WaitForSeconds(spawnAfterDelay); yield return(waitStart); while (true) { Vector2 spawnPt = spawnPoint.position; #if UNITY_EDITOR ApplyParams(); #endif var spawn = mPool.Spawn(,, null, mParms); spawn.despawnCallback += OnSpawnRelease; spawn.transform.position = spawnPt; mActives.Add(spawn); while (mActives.Count == activeCount) { yield return(null); } yield return(waitAfterSpawn); } }
IEnumerator DoSpawnQueue() { var wait = new WaitForSeconds(spawnDelay); while (mSpawnQueue.Count > 0) { while (mBlobActives.IsFull) //wait for blobs to release { yield return(null); } yield return(wait); var spawnInfo = mSpawnQueue.Dequeue(); //find valid spawn point Vector2 spawnPt =; while (true) { var pt = mSpawnPts[mCurSpawnPtInd]; mCurSpawnPtInd++; if (mCurSpawnPtInd == mSpawnPts.Length) { mCurSpawnPtInd = 0; } //check if valid var coll = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(pt, spawnPointCheckRadius, spawnPointCheckMask); if (!coll) { spawnPt = pt; break; } //invalid, check next yield return(null); } //spawn mSpawnParms[JellySpriteSpawnController.parmPosition] = spawnPt; mSpawnParms[Blob.parmNumber] = spawnInfo.number; var template = templateGroups[spawnInfo.templateIndex].template; mBlobNameCache.Clear(); mBlobNameCache.Append(; mBlobNameCache.Append(' '); mBlobNameCache.Append(spawnInfo.number); var blob = mPool.Spawn <Blob>(, mBlobNameCache.ToString(), null, mSpawnParms); blob.poolData.despawnCallback += OnBlobRelease; mBlobActives.Add(blob); } mSpawnRout = null; }
public void Spawn() { Transform t = PoolController.Spawn(grp, type, type + id, null, pos, rot); SceneSerializer ss = t.GetComponent <SceneSerializer>(); ss.__SetID(id); }
public void Play(Vector2 start, MixedNumber number) { //convert start, assume world space to screen space (UI) var cam = M8.Camera2D.main.unityCamera; Vector2 pos = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(start); var widget = mPool.Spawn <MixedNumberWidget>("", transform, pos, null); widget.number = number; StartCoroutine(DoActive(widget)); }
public static Transform Spawn(string group, string type, string name, Transform toParent, Vector3 position) { PoolController pc = GetPool(group); if (pc != null) { return(pc.Spawn(type, name, toParent, position)); } else { return(null); } }
IEnumerator DoSpawnAll(SpriteShape spriteShape, float delayPerSpawn) { var wait = new WaitForSeconds(delayPerSpawn); mParms[Rock.parmSpriteShape] = spriteShape; mParms[Rock.parmDir] = (Vector2)spawnPoint.up; for (int i = 0; i < capacity; i++) { mPool.Spawn(name, "", null, spawnPoint.position, mParms); yield return(wait); } }
public void Fill(MixedNumber[] numbers) { if (!mPool) { mPool = M8.PoolController.CreatePool(cardPoolGroup); mPool.AddType(cardTemplate, cardPoolCapacity, cardPoolCapacity); } if (cards != null) { Clear(); } else { cards = new CardWidget[slotAnchors.Length]; } M8.ArrayUtil.Shuffle(numbers); count = numbers.Length; if (count > slotAnchors.Length) { count = slotAnchors.Length; } for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { mCardParms[CardWidget.parmWholeEnabled] = cardWholeEnabled; mCardParms[CardWidget.parmNumber] = numbers[i]; mCardParms[CardWidget.parmCanDragInside] = false; mCardParms[CardWidget.parmCanDragOutside] = true; mCardParms[CardWidget.parmFractionVisual] = false; mCardParms[CardWidget.parmCardDrop] = this; mCardParms[CardWidget.parmCardDropIndex] = i; var newCard = mPool.Spawn <CardWidget>(, "", null, mCardParms); newCard.transform.SetParent(slotAnchors[i], false); newCard.transform.localPosition =; cards[i] = newCard; slotAnchors[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); } for (int i = count; i < slotAnchors.Length; i++) { slotAnchors[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
public static Transform Spawn(string group, string type, string name, Transform toParent, Vector2 position) { PoolController pc = GetPool(group); if (pc != null) { Transform t = pc.Spawn(type, name, toParent, position); Vector3 p = t.localPosition; p.z = 0.0f; t.localPosition = p; return(t); } else { return(null); } }
void AddNewPaletteItem(BlockInfo blockInfo, bool showIntro) { var parms = new M8.GenericParams(); parms[PaletteItemWidget.paramBlockInfo] = blockInfo; parms[PaletteItemWidget.paramShowIntro] = showIntro; PaletteItemWidget widget = widgetPool.Spawn <PaletteItemWidget>(, widgetContainer, parms); widget.releaseCallback += OnWidgetRelease; //hide if we are in play mode if (GameMapController.instance.mode == GameMapController.Mode.Play) { widget.gameObject.SetActive(false); } mActiveWidgets.Add(widget); }
protected override void DragEnd() { if (isDropValid) { if (curSpace == DragWidgetSpace.World) { var spawn = mPool.Spawn <M8.EntityBase>(, "", null, mParms); spawn.releaseCallback += OnEntityRelease; spawn.transform.position = cursorWorld.spawnPoint; spawn.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(Vector2.SignedAngle(Vector2.up, cursorWorld.spawnUp), Vector3.forward); //spawn.transform.up = cursorWorld.spawnUp; mActiveUnits.Add(spawn); UpdateState(); } } }
public M8.EntityBase Spawn() { if (!mIsForceSet) { SetForce(forceDefault); } if (!mIsDirSet) { SetDirAngle(angleDefault); } var parms = new M8.GenericParams(); parms[UnitEntity.parmPosition] = spawnPoint.position; parms[UnitStateForceApply.parmDir] = mDir; parms[UnitStateForceApply.parmForce] = mForce; var ent = mPool.Spawn <M8.EntityBase>(, "", null, parms); return(ent); }
void OnBlobDragBegin(Blob blob) { if (!mCurConnectDragging) { mConnectSpawnParms.Clear(); //params? mCurConnectDragging = mPool.Spawn <BlobConnect>(, "", null, mConnectSpawnParms); } curBlobDragging = blob; var toOp = mCurOp; //determine what the operator is based on blob's current connect state mCurConnectDragging.op = toOp; mCurConnectDragging.state = BlobConnect.State.Connecting; if (mCurConnectDragging.connectingSpriteRender) { mCurConnectDragging.connectingSpriteRender.color = curBlobDragging.color; } //determine if this is in a group curGroupDragging = GetGroup(blob); if (curGroupDragging != null) { //highlight entire group //flip operand order based if it's the first operand if (blob == curGroupDragging.blobOpLeft) { curGroupDragging.blobOpLeft = curGroupDragging.blobOpRight; curGroupDragging.blobOpRight = blob; } } }
public static T Spawn <T>(string spawnGroup, string typeName, Vector3 position) where T : EntityBase { #if POOLMANAGER SpawnPool pool = PoolManager.Pools[spawnGroup]; Transform spawned = pool.Spawn(pool.prefabs[typeName]); T ent = spawned != null?spawned.GetComponent <T>() : null; if (ent != null) { ent.transform.position = position; //add pool data controller } return(ent); #else Transform spawned = PoolController.Spawn(spawnGroup, typeName, typeName, null, position); T ent = spawned != null?spawned.GetComponent <T>() : null; return(ent); #endif }
//returns true if we are done private void SpawnCurrentEnemies(bool generateTelemetry) { if (mCurSpawnInd == spawns.Length) { return; } var spawnDat = spawns[mCurSpawnInd]; mSpawnReachGoalCount = 0; if (generateTelemetry) { mSpawnParm[UnitVelocityMoveController.parmSpeed] = (float)Random.Range(spawnDat.speedMin, spawnDat.speedMax + 1); mSpawnParm[UnitVelocityMoveController.parmAccel] = (float)Random.Range(spawnDat.accelMin, spawnDat.accelMax + 1); } int spawnCount = Mathf.Min(mEnterPoints.Length, spawnDat.pointIndices.Length); for (int i = 0; i < spawnCount; i++) { int spawnPtInd = Mathf.Clamp(spawnDat.pointIndices[i], 0, mEnterPoints.Length - 1); //fail-safe var enterPt = mEnterPoints[spawnPtInd]; var spawnPt = new Vector2(enterPt.x + spawnStartDistance, enterPt.y); var ent = mPool.Spawn <M8.EntityBase>(, "", null, spawnPt, mSpawnParm); ent.releaseCallback += OnSpawnReleased; mSpawns.Add(new SpawnData() { ent = ent, enterPt = enterPt, spawnPt = spawnPt }); } }
IEnumerator DoRecording() { var waitFixed = new WaitForFixedUpdate(); while (!points.IsFull && mBody.simulated && mBody.gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { var pt = mBody.position; var rot = mBody.rotation; //var vel = mBody.velocity; Vector2 vel; if (points.Count == 0) { vel =; } else { vel = (pt - points[points.Count - 1].position) / timeInterval; } Vector2 accel; if (points.Count == 0) { accel =; } else { accel = (vel - points[points.Count - 1].velocity) / timeInterval; } mPool.Spawn(, points.Count.ToString(), null, pt, null); if (points.Count == 0) { mMinPosition = mMaxPosition = pt; mMinVelocity = mMaxVelocity = vel; mMinAccelApprox = mMaxAccelApprox = accel; } else { if (pt.x < mMinPosition.x) { mMinPosition.x = pt.x; } if (pt.x > mMaxPosition.x) { mMaxPosition.x = pt.x; } if (pt.y < mMinPosition.y) { mMinPosition.y = pt.y; } if (pt.y > mMaxPosition.y) { mMaxPosition.y = pt.y; } if (vel.x < mMinVelocity.x) { mMinVelocity.x = vel.x; } if (vel.x > mMaxVelocity.x) { mMaxVelocity.x = vel.x; } if (vel.y < mMinVelocity.y) { mMinVelocity.y = vel.y; } if (vel.y > mMaxVelocity.y) { mMaxVelocity.y = vel.y; } if (accel.x < mMinAccelApprox.x) { mMinAccelApprox.x = accel.x; } if (accel.x > mMaxAccelApprox.x) { mMaxAccelApprox.x = accel.x; } if (accel.y < mMinAccelApprox.y) { mMinAccelApprox.y = accel.y; } if (accel.y > mMaxAccelApprox.y) { mMaxAccelApprox.y = accel.y; } } points.Add(new PointData() { position = pt, rotate = rot, velocity = vel, accelApprox = accel }); float curTime = 0f; while (curTime < timeInterval) { yield return(waitFixed); curTime += Time.fixedDeltaTime; } } mRecordRout = null; }
void Populate() { string questionStr = mQuestionData.stem; //TODO: multi images? const string imageTag = "[IMAGE]"; int imageTagSize = imageTag.Length; int imageInd = questionStr.IndexOf("[IMAGE]"); if (imageInd == -1) { Text txt = pool.Spawn <Text>(textPoolRef, textPoolRef, content, null); txt.transform.SetSiblingIndex(0); txt.text = questionStr; } else { string line1 = ""; if (imageInd > 0) { line1 = questionStr.Substring(0, imageInd).TrimEnd(); } string line2 = ""; if (imageInd + imageTagSize < questionStr.Length) { line2 = questionStr.Substring(imageInd + imageTagSize).Trim(); } int ind = 0; if (line1.Length > 0) { Text txt = pool.Spawn <Text>(textPoolRef, textPoolRef, content, null); txt.transform.SetSiblingIndex(ind); ind++; txt.text = line1; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mQuestionData.imageURL)) { RawImage img = pool.Spawn <RawImage>(imagePoolRef, imagePoolRef, content, null); img.transform.SetSiblingIndex(ind); ind++; StartCoroutine(DoLoadTexture(mQuestionData.imageURL, img)); } if (line2.Length > 0) { Text txt = pool.Spawn <Text>(textPoolRef, textPoolRef, content, null); txt.transform.SetSiblingIndex(ind); ind++; txt.text = line2; } } //choices int c = Mathf.Min(choiceTexts.Length, mQuestionData.alternatives.Length); for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { if (choiceTexts[i]) { choiceTexts[i].gameObject.SetActive(true); choiceTexts[i].text = mQuestionData.alternatives[i].text; } } //fail-safe for cheeky questions with < 4 choices for (int i = c; i < choiceTexts.Length; i++) { if (choiceTexts[i]) { choiceTexts[i].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
IEnumerator DoGoblins() { var knightSpawner = (EntitySpawnerWidget)unitSpawnerWidget; int lastKnightActiveCount = 0; for (int i = goblinPts.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var t = goblinPts[i]; var goblin = mGoblinPoolCtrl.Spawn <UnitEntity>(, "", null, t.position, null); mGoblins.Add(goblin); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(Random.Range(0.3f, 0.6f))); } bool isFirst = true; while (mGoblins.Count > 0) { var goblin = mGoblins.RemoveLast(); while (!goblin.body.simulated) //wait for it to be physically active { yield return(null); } //wait for knight to be spawned while (knightSpawner.activeUnitCount == lastKnightActiveCount) { yield return(null); } lastKnightActiveCount = knightSpawner.activeUnitCount; //wait for block to be moving to the right while (block1.body.velocity.x <= block1VelocityXThreshold) { yield return(null); } //wait a bit if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2f)); } //move goblin goblin.bodyMoveCtrl.moveHorizontal = -1f; //activate goblin force display once it touches if (!block1ForceGoblinGO.activeSelf) { while ((goblin.bodyMoveCtrl.collisionFlags & CollisionFlags.CollidedSides) == CollisionFlags.None) { yield return(null); } block1ForceGoblinGO.SetActive(true); } } }