Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("Please Enter Choice");
                Console.WriteLine("0. Quit");
                Console.WriteLine("1. Two Sum");
                Console.WriteLine("2. Two Array Mutiplication");
                Console.WriteLine("3.  Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock");
                Console.WriteLine("4.  Product of Array Except Self ");
                Console.WriteLine("5.  Product of Array Except Self Memory Optimization ");
                Console.WriteLine("6.  Roman to Int");
                Console.WriteLine("7.  Add Two Number of list is already in reverse Order");
                Console.WriteLine("8.  Add Two Number Not using System.Collections.Generic");
                Console.WriteLine("9. Merge Two Sorted List");
                Console.WriteLine("10. findMaxSubArraySumEqualsk : ");
                Console.WriteLine("11. Squre Sorted Array ");
                Console.WriteLine("12. Custom Sort String  Liner Sort Algo ");
                Console.WriteLine("13. Custom Sort String  Recursive Merge Sort Algo ");
                Console.WriteLine("14. Swap For Longest Repeated Character Substring");
                Console.WriteLine("15. Palindrome ");
                Console.WriteLine("16. Pascal Tree ");
                Console.WriteLine("17.  Array Should Only if matches to chars Param Leet Code Weekly ");
                Console.WriteLine("18.  Longest Vaild Paretheses Online FB  Using Stack");
                Console.WriteLine("19.  Longest Vaild Paretheses Online FB ");
                Console.WriteLine("20. Lexington Graph");
                Console.WriteLine("21. Alien Direcory Leet Code");
                Console.WriteLine("22. Intersection of Two Arrays");
                Console.WriteLine("23. Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodess");
                // https://leetcode.com/interview/reports/SW50ZXJ2aWV3U2Vzc2lvbk5vZGU6MjQzOTQ2
                Console.WriteLine("24. Goat Latin");
                Console.WriteLine("25. Serialize And Deserialize Binary Tree");
                Console.WriteLine("26. Is Complete BST");
                Console.WriteLine("27. Vertical Order Of BST");
                Console.WriteLine("28. Clone Graph");
                Console.WriteLine("29. 3 Sum");
                Console.WriteLine("30. Longest Airthmatic Possiblity");
                Console.WriteLine("31. Jagged Array");
                Console.WriteLine("32. Minimum time required to produce m items");
                Console.WriteLine("33. Minimum time required to produce m items");
                int   choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                int[] prod, result;
                if (choice == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Program Ends..");
                solution sln = new solution();
                switch (choice)
                case 1:
                    #region Case 1
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter maximum number to genrate array ");
                    int   size       = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                    int[] arrayInPut = new int[size];
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        Console.WriteLine("Please enter Number ");
                        int inputNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                        arrayInPut[i] = inputNumber;
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter target ");
                    int inputTarget = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                    result = sln.TwoSum(arrayInPut, inputTarget);

                case 2:
                    #region Case 2
                    int[,] array1 = new int[, ]
                        { 1, 2, 3 },
                        { 1, 2, 3 },
                        { 1, 2, 3 }
                    int[,] array2 = new int[, ]
                        { 1 },
                        { 1 },
                        { 1 }
                    sln.MultiplicationOfTwoDimetionArray(array1, array2);

                case 3:
                    #region Case 3
                    StockQuestion Q     = new StockQuestion();
                    int[]         price = new int[6];
                    price[0] = 7;
                    price[1] = -8;
                    price[2] = 20;
                    price[3] = 3;
                    price[4] = 6;
                    price[5] = 4;

                    int maxProfit = Q.MaxProfit(price);
                    Console.WriteLine("Max Profit : " + maxProfit);

                case 4:
                    #region Case 4
                    ProductOfArrayItSelf prd = new ProductOfArrayItSelf();
                    //int[] prod = new int[4];
                    //prod[0] = 1;
                    //prod[1] = 2;
                    //prod[2] = 3;
                    //prod[3] = 4;
                    //10, 3, 5, 6, 2
                    prod    = new int[5];
                    prod[0] = 10;
                    prod[1] = 3;
                    prod[2] = 5;
                    prod[3] = 6;
                    prod[4] = 2;
                    int[] currentPrice = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
                    int[] resultProd   = prd.ProductOfArray(currentPrice, currentPrice.Length);
                    Console.WriteLine("Array Product is :");
                    for (int i = 0; i < resultProd.Length; i++)
                        Console.Write(resultProd[i] + " ");

                case 5:
                    #region Case 5
                    ProductOfArrayItSelf prdMemory = new ProductOfArrayItSelf();
                    prod    = new int[5];
                    prod[0] = 10;
                    prod[1] = 3;
                    prod[2] = 5;
                    prod[3] = 6;
                    prod[4] = 2;
                    result  = prdMemory.ProductOfArrayMemoryOptimization(prod, prod.Length);
                    Console.WriteLine("Array Product Memory Optimization is :");
                    for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
                        Console.Write(result[i] + " ");

                case 6:
                    #region Case 6
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter Roman Combination Of Number : I  V  X L C D M ");
                    string     input             = Console.ReadLine();
                    RomanToInt roman             = new RomanToInt();
                    int        romainToIntResult = roman.RomanToIntConverter(input);
                    Console.WriteLine("Romain to int : " + romainToIntResult);

                case 7:
                    #region Case 7
                    ArrayTwoNumber arn             = new ArrayTwoNumber();
                    List <int>     lstAddTwoNumber = arn.AddNumbers();
                    Console.WriteLine("Addition Of Number 555 + 175 ");
                    foreach (int i in lstAddTwoNumber)

                case 8:
                    #region Case 8
                    ArrayTwoNumber arn2 = new ArrayTwoNumber();
                    ListNode       l1, l2;
                    ListNode       l1temp8 = new ListNode(8);
                    ListNode       l1temp1 = new ListNode(1);
                    l1temp1.next = l1temp8;
                    ListNode l2temp0 = new ListNode(0);
                    l1 = l1temp1;
                    l2 = l2temp0;
                    arn2.AddNumberNoGenrics(l1, l2);

                case 9:
                    #region Case 9
                    MergeTwoList mg   = new MergeTwoList();
                    ListNode     lmg1 = new ListNode(1);
                    lmg1.next      = new ListNode(2);
                    lmg1.next.next = new ListNode(4);
                    ListNode lmg2 = new ListNode(1);
                    lmg2.next      = new ListNode(3);
                    lmg2.next.next = new ListNode(4);
                    mg.MergeTwoLists(lmg1, lmg2);

                case 10:
                    #region Case 10
                    //int[] baseArray = new int[6];
                    //baseArray[0] = 10;
                    //baseArray[1] = 5;
                    //baseArray[2] = 2;
                    //baseArray[3] = 7;
                    //baseArray[4] = 1;
                    //baseArray[5] = 9;
                    //int k = 15;
                    int[] baseArray = new int[5];
                    baseArray[0] = 1;
                    baseArray[1] = -1;
                    baseArray[2] = 5;
                    baseArray[3] = -2;
                    baseArray[4] = 7;
                    int k         = 3;
                    int maxLength = MaximumSizeSubarraySumEqualK.findMaxSubArraySumEqualsk(baseArray, k);
                    Console.WriteLine("Max length :" + maxLength);

                case 11:
                    #region Case 11
                    SqureSortedArray sq           = new SqureSortedArray();
                    int[]            sotedArrayIP = { -4, -1, 0, 3, 10 };
                    int[]            resultSet    = sq.SortedSumArray(sotedArrayIP);

                case 12:
                    #region Case 12
                    CustomSortString cstm = new CustomSortString();
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter string s in lowser case : ");
                    string S = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter string T in lowser case : ");
                    string T = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                    string linserSearchOP = cstm.customSortStringLiner(S, T);
                    Console.WriteLine("OP : " + linserSearchOP);

                case 13:
                    #region Case 13
                    CustomSortString cstm2 = new CustomSortString();
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter string s in lowser case : ");
                    string Sm = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter string T in lowser case : ");
                    string Tm = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                    string linserSearchOPm = cstm2.customSortStringMergeSort(Sm, Tm);
                    Console.WriteLine("OP : " + linserSearchOPm);

                case 14:
                    #region Case 14
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter string To SwapLongestRepeatedCharacterSubstring");
                    string longString = Console.ReadLine();
                    SwapLongestRepeatedCharacterSubstring slrch = new SwapLongestRepeatedCharacterSubstring();
                    int maxRepatedafterSwap = slrch.MaxRepOpt1(longString);
                    Console.WriteLine(" Result Of Max Swap : " + maxRepatedafterSwap);

                case 15:
                    #region Case 15
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter string of your choice");
                    string        Palinedrome       = Console.ReadLine();
                    Palindrome    palindrome        = new Palindrome();
                    List <string> palindromeResults = new List <string>();
                    palindromeResults = palindrome.ValidPalindromeSubmittedLeetCodeRecursive(Palinedrome);

                case 16:
                    #region Case 16
                    PascalTraingle pascalT = new PascalTraingle();
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter number for pascal traingle ");
                    int pascalNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                    var intList      = pascalT.Generate(pascalNumber);
                    foreach (var el in intList)
                        foreach (var eel2 in el)

                case 17:
                    #region Case 17
                    CountCharacters chCount = new CountCharacters();
                    string[]        words   = { "dyiclysmffuhibgfvapygkorkqllqlvokosagyelotobicwcmebnpznjbirzrzsrtzjxhsfpiwyfhzyonmuabtlwin", "ndqeyhhcquplmznwslewjzuyfgklssvkqxmqjpwhrshycmvrb", "ulrrbpspyudncdlbkxkrqpivfftrggemkpyjl", "boygirdlggnh", "xmqohbyqwagkjzpyawsydmdaattthmuvjbzwpyopyafphx", "nulvimegcsiwvhwuiyednoxpugfeimnnyeoczuzxgxbqjvegcxeqnjbwnbvowastqhojepisusvsidhqmszbrnynkyop", "hiefuovybkpgzygprmndrkyspoiyapdwkxebgsmodhzpx", "juldqdzeskpffaoqcyyxiqqowsalqumddcufhouhrskozhlmobiwzxnhdkidr", "lnnvsdcrvzfmrvurucrzlfyigcycffpiuoo", "oxgaskztzroxuntiwlfyufddl", "tfspedteabxatkaypitjfkhkkigdwdkctqbczcugripkgcyfezpuklfqfcsccboarbfbjfrkxp", "qnagrpfzlyrouolqquytwnwnsqnmuzphne", "eeilfdaookieawrrbvtnqfzcricvhpiv", "sisvsjzyrbdsjcwwygdnxcjhzhsxhpceqz", "yhouqhjevqxtecomahbwoptzlkyvjexhzcbccusbjjdgcfzlkoqwiwue", "hwxxighzvceaplsycajkhynkhzkwkouszwaiuzqcleyflqrxgjsvlegvupzqijbornbfwpefhxekgpuvgiyeudhncv", "cpwcjwgbcquirnsazumgjjcltitmeyfaudbnbqhflvecjsupjmgwfbjo", "teyygdmmyadppuopvqdodaczob", "qaeowuwqsqffvibrtxnjnzvzuuonrkwpysyxvkijemmpdmtnqxwekbpfzs", "qqxpxpmemkldghbmbyxpkwgkaykaerhmwwjonrhcsubchs" };
                    chCount.Countcharacters(words, "usdruypficfbpfbivlrhutcgvyjenlxzeovdyjtgvvfdjzcmikjraspdfp");

                case 18:
                    StringOfParentheses st = new StringOfParentheses();
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter string you wnat to check");
                    string ipParentheses = Console.ReadLine();
                    string opParentheses = st.StringOfParenthesesReturn(ipParentheses);

                case 19:
                    #region Parenthesis
                    StringOfParentheses stLeet = new StringOfParentheses();
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter string you want to check");
                    string ipString            = Console.ReadLine();
                    string resultOPParentheses = stLeet.LongestLavidParenthese(ipString);

                case 20:
                    #region Lexington Graph
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter string to verify lexington");
                    string lex = Console.ReadLine();
                    LastSubStringLexicographical lx = new LastSubStringLexicographical();

                case 21:
                    #region Alien Dictionary
                    string[] Alienwords = { "hello", "leetcode" };
                    string   order      = "hlabcdefgijkmnopqrstuvwxyz";
                    VerifyingAlienDictionary vrfyAlien = new VerifyingAlienDictionary();
                    vrfyAlien.IsAlienSorted(Alienwords, order);

                case 22:
                    #region Intersection OF Two Array
                    int[] arrayFirst = { 1, 2, 4, 9 };
                    int[] arrayLast  = { 9, 4, 7, 6 };
                    IntersectionOfTwoArray IntersetArray = new IntersectionOfTwoArray();
                    int[] resultIntersection             = IntersetArray.checkIntersectionOfTwoArray(arrayFirst, arrayLast);

                case 23:
                    #region Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes
                    TreeNode root = new TreeNode(3);
                    root.left             = new TreeNode(5);
                    root.right            = new TreeNode(1);
                    root.left.left        = new TreeNode(6);
                    root.left.right       = new TreeNode(2);
                    root.left.right.left  = new TreeNode(7);
                    root.left.right.right = new TreeNode(4);
                    root.right.left       = new TreeNode(0);
                    root.right.right      = new TreeNode(8);

                     * 1. Calculate Depth of Tree = Depth Of tree => 1 + Right Or Left Side or tree, Whichever is bigger the add 1 to it. It will be depth of Tree
                     * 2. Go to left of right to math deplth from step 1. Return the Node which meet target. Initital deplth will be 1 target is step 1.
                    SmallestSubtreeWithAllDeepestNodes smallestSubTree = new SmallestSubtreeWithAllDeepestNodes();
                    TreeNode resultSmallestTree = smallestSubTree.subtreeWithAllDeepest(root);
                    Console.WriteLine("Node Vaule " + resultSmallestTree.val + " left " + resultSmallestTree.left.val + " right " + resultSmallestTree.right.val);

                case 24:
                    #region Goat Latin
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter string you want to takt to Goat");
                    string    aLongString = Console.ReadLine();
                    GoatLatin gt          = new GoatLatin();

                case 25:
                    #region Serialize and Deserialize binary tree
                    TreeNodeSerDesiralize rootSerDe = new TreeNodeSerDesiralize(1);
                    rootSerDe.left        = new TreeNodeSerDesiralize(2);
                    rootSerDe.right       = new TreeNodeSerDesiralize(3);
                    rootSerDe.right.left  = new TreeNodeSerDesiralize(4);
                    rootSerDe.right.right = new TreeNodeSerDesiralize(5);
                    SerDesiralizeBT serDesiralizeBT  = new SerDesiralizeBT();
                    var             serializedString = serDesiralizeBT.serialize(rootSerDe);
                    var             deserializedNode = serDesiralizeBT.deserialize(serializedString);

                case 26:
                    #region Is Complete BST
                    IsCompleteBST isBT             = new IsCompleteBST();
                    TreeNodeBST   bstCompleteValid = new TreeNodeBST(1);
                    bstCompleteValid.left  = new TreeNodeBST(2);
                    bstCompleteValid.right = new TreeNodeBST(3);
                    /* Un Comment below line to get BST*/
                    // bstCompleteValid.left.left = new TreeNodeBST(4);
                    bstCompleteValid.left.right = new TreeNodeBST(5);
                    bstCompleteValid.right.left = new TreeNodeBST(6);
                    bool IsBST = isBT.CheckIsCompleteBST(bstCompleteValid);
                    if (IsBST)
                        Console.WriteLine("Is Complete BST ");
                        Console.WriteLine("Is NOT Complete BST ");

                case 27:
                    #region Vertical Order Of Binary Tree
                    TreeNode rt = new TreeNode(3);
                    rt.left        = new TreeNode(9);
                    rt.left.left   = new TreeNode(4);
                    rt.left.right  = new TreeNode(0);
                    rt.right       = new TreeNode(8);
                    rt.right.left  = new TreeNode(1);
                    rt.right.right = new TreeNode(7);
                    VerticalOrderOfBinaryTree vbst = new VerticalOrderOfBinaryTree();
                    // var myVericalOrderList =  vbst.getListOfLevelOrder(rt);

                case 28:
                    #region Clone Of Graph
                    CloneGraphNode node0 = new CloneGraphNode(0);
                    CloneGraphNode node1 = new CloneGraphNode(1);
                    CloneGraphNode node2 = new CloneGraphNode(2);

                    List <CloneGraphNode> list0 = new List <CloneGraphNode>();
                    node0.neighbors = list0;

                    node1.neighbors = new List <CloneGraphNode>();

                    node2.neighbors = new List <CloneGraphNode>();

                    //   CloneGraph clngraph = new CloneGraph();

                case 29:
                    #region 3 Sum
                    _3Sum      sum           = new _3Sum();
                    List <int> sumArrayInput = new List <int> {
                        -1, 1, 0, 5

                case 30:
                    #region longest airthmatic expression
                    int[] set1 = { 1, 7, 10, 13, 14, 19 };
                    int   n1   = set1.Length;
                    LongestAirthmaticPossibility.lenghtOfLongestAP(set1, n1);

                case 31:
                    #region SumRegion
                    int[][]      matrix       = { new int[] { 3, 0, 1, 4, 2 }, new int[] { 5, 6, 3, 2, 1 }, new int[] { 1, 2, 0, 1, 5 }, new int[] { 4, 1, 0, 1, 7 }, new int[] { 1, 0, 3, 0, 5 } };
                    SumRectangle sumRectangle = new SumRectangle(matrix);
                    // Console.WriteLine("Sum Of matrix in Box is :" + sumRectangle.SumRegion(2, 1, 4, 3));
                    //Console.WriteLine("Sum Of matrix in Box is :" + sumRectangle.SumRegion2(2, 1, 4, 3));
                    int[]             Inums             = new int[] { -2, 0, 3, -5, 2, -1 };
                    NumarrayImmutable numarrayImmutable = new NumarrayImmutable(Inums);
                    Console.WriteLine("Sum Of Immutable : " + numarrayImmutable.SumRange(0, 2));

                case 32:
                    #region Minimum time required to create items
                    //int[] arr = { 1, 2, 3 };
                    //int n = arr.Length;
                    //int m = 11;
                    int[] arr = { 1, 2, 5, 10, 35, 89 };
                    int   n   = arr.Length;
                    int   m   = 6;
                    MinTimeToCreateProduct minTimeToCreateProduct = new MinTimeToCreateProduct();
                    Console.WriteLine("Minimum time required to create Product " + minTimeToCreateProduct.minTime(arr, n, m));

                case 33:
                    FindingCriticalPoint findingCriticalPoint = new FindingCriticalPoint();
                    var op = findingCriticalPoint.criticalConnections(4, findingCriticalPoint.createDummyData());

                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Choice");
Exemple #2
 public void init()
     findingCriticalPoint = new FindingCriticalPoint();
     connections          = createDummyData();