public SerializableLeapQuaternion(LeapQuaternion q) { x = q.x; y = q.y; z = q.z; w = q.w; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { Leap.LeapQuaternion lq = hand.GetLeapHand().Rotation; float z = new Quaternion(lq.x, lq.y, lq.z, lq.w).eulerAngles.z; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, z); }
public LeapTransform(Vector translation, LeapQuaternion rotation, Vector scale) : this() { _scale = scale; // these are non-trival setters. this.translation = translation; this.rotation = rotation; // Calls validateBasis }
private static Bone makeBone(Bone.BoneType name, Vector proximalPosition, float length, float width, Vector direction, Vector up, bool isLeft) { LeapQuaternion rotation = UnityEngine.Quaternion.LookRotation(-direction.ToVector3(), up.ToVector3()).ToLeapQuaternion(); return(new Bone( proximalPosition, proximalPosition + direction * length, Vector.Lerp(proximalPosition, proximalPosition + direction * length, .5f), direction, length, width, name, rotation)); }
private static LeapQuaternion angleAxis(float angle, Vector axis) { if (!axis.MagnitudeSquared.NearlyEquals(1.0f)) { throw new ArgumentException("Axis must be a unit vector."); } float sineHalfAngle = Mathf.Sin(angle / 2.0f); LeapQuaternion q = new LeapQuaternion(sineHalfAngle * axis.x, sineHalfAngle * axis.y, sineHalfAngle * axis.z, Mathf.Cos(angle / 2.0f)); return(q.Normalized); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new Arm object. /// @since 3.0 /// </summary> public Arm(Vector elbow, Vector wrist, Vector center, Vector direction, float length, float width, LeapQuaternion rotation) : base(elbow, wrist, center, direction, length, width, BoneType.TYPE_METACARPAL, //ignored for arms rotation) { }
/** * Constructs a new Bone object. * * @param prevJoint The proximal end of the bone (closest to the body) * @param nextJoint The distal end of the bone (furthest from the body) * @param center The midpoint of the bone * @param direction The unit direction vector pointing from prevJoint to nextJoint. * @param length The estimated length of the bone. * @param width The estimated average width of the bone. * @param type The type of finger bone. * @param basis The matrix representing the orientation of the bone. * @since 3.0 */ public Bone(Vector prevJoint, Vector nextJoint, Vector center, Vector direction, float length, float width, Bone.BoneType type, LeapQuaternion rotation) { PrevJoint = prevJoint; NextJoint = nextJoint; Center = center; Direction = direction; Rotation = rotation; Length = length; Width = width; Type = type; }
// This is only usable when the basis vectors have not been modified directly. public LeapQuaternion TransformQuaternion(LeapQuaternion rhs) { if (_quaternionDirty) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Calling TransformQuaternion after Basis vectors have been modified."); } if (_flip) { // Mirror the axis of rotation accross the flip axis. rhs.x *= _flipAxes.x; rhs.y *= _flipAxes.y; rhs.z *= _flipAxes.z; } LeapQuaternion t = _quaternion.Multiply(rhs); return(t); }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a hand. /// /// Generally, you should not create your own Hand objects. Such objects will not /// have valid tracking data. Get valid Hand objects from a frame /// received from the service. /// @since 3.0 /// </summary> public Hand(long frameID, int id, float confidence, float grabStrength, float grabAngle, float pinchStrength, float pinchDistance, float palmWidth, bool isLeft, float timeVisible, Arm arm, List <Finger> fingers, Vector palmPosition, Vector stabilizedPalmPosition, Vector palmVelocity, Vector palmNormal, LeapQuaternion palmOrientation, Vector direction, Vector wristPosition) { FrameId = frameID; Id = id; Confidence = confidence; GrabStrength = grabStrength; GrabAngle = grabAngle; PinchStrength = pinchStrength; PinchDistance = pinchDistance; PalmWidth = palmWidth; IsLeft = isLeft; TimeVisible = timeVisible; Arm = arm; Fingers = fingers; PalmPosition = palmPosition; StabilizedPalmPosition = stabilizedPalmPosition; PalmVelocity = palmVelocity; PalmNormal = palmNormal; Rotation = palmOrientation; Direction = direction; WristPosition = wristPosition; }
/// <summary> /// Returns a test Leap Hand object transformed by the leftHandTransform argument. /// If the Leap hand is a right hand, the position and rotation of the Hand will be /// mirrored along the X axis (so you can provide LeapTransform to construct both /// left and right hands. /// </summary> public static Hand MakeTestHand(bool isLeft, LeapTransform leftHandTransform, int frameId = 0, int handId = 0, UnitType unitType = UnitType.LeapUnits) { // Apply the appropriate mirroring if this is a right hand. if (!isLeft) { leftHandTransform.translation = new Vector(-leftHandTransform.translation.x, leftHandTransform.translation.y, leftHandTransform.translation.z); leftHandTransform.rotation = new LeapQuaternion(-leftHandTransform.rotation.x, leftHandTransform.rotation.y, leftHandTransform.rotation.z, -leftHandTransform.rotation.w); leftHandTransform.MirrorX(); } // Leap space is oriented differently than Unity space, so correct for this here. var hand = makeLeapSpaceTestHand(frameId, handId, isLeft) .Transform(leftHandTransform); var correctingQuaternion = Quaternion.Euler(90f, 0f, 180f); var correctingLeapQuaternion = new LeapQuaternion(correctingQuaternion.x, correctingQuaternion.y, correctingQuaternion.z, correctingQuaternion.w); var transformedHand = hand.Transform(new LeapTransform(Vector.Zero, correctingLeapQuaternion)); if (unitType == UnitType.UnityUnits) { transformedHand.TransformToUnityUnits(); } return(transformedHand); }
void Update() { Leap.Frame frame = _provider.CurrentFrame; if (frame != null) { foreach (Leap.Hand hand in frame.Hands) { GameObject measured = hand.IsLeft ? lmeasured : rmeasured; Leap.Bone tip = hand.Fingers[0].Bone(Leap.Bone.BoneType.TYPE_DISTAL); // why is this necessary Leap.Vector v = tip.NextJoint; Vector3 uv = new Vector3(v.x, v.y, v.z); Leap.LeapQuaternion q = tip.Rotation; Quaternion uq = new Quaternion(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w); measured.transform.position = uv; measured.transform.rotation = uq; } } bool lTriggerDown = Input.GetAxis("LeftVRTriggerAxis") > 0.5; bool rTriggerDown = Input.GetAxis("RightVRTriggerAxis") > 0.5; bool triggerDown = lTriggerDown || rTriggerDown; ltruth.SetActive(lTriggerDown); rtruth.SetActive(rTriggerDown); lmeasured.SetActive(lTriggerDown); rmeasured.SetActive(rTriggerDown); if (triggerDown) { if (!lastTriggerDown) { leapOrigin.transform.localPosition =; leapOrigin.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; truths = new List <Vector3>(); measurements = new List <Vector3>(); } else { Transform cam = Camera.main.transform; if (lmeasured.activeInHierarchy) { truths.Add(cam.InverseTransformPoint(ltruth.transform.position)); measurements.Add(cam.InverseTransformPoint(lmeasured.transform.position)); } if (rmeasured.activeInHierarchy) { truths.Add(cam.InverseTransformPoint(rtruth.transform.position)); measurements.Add(cam.InverseTransformPoint(rmeasured.transform.position)); } } } else { if (lastTriggerDown) { Vector3 truthCentroid = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); Vector3 measurementCentroid = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); int l = truths.Count; foreach (Vector3 p in measurements) { measurementCentroid += p; } measurementCentroid /= truths.Count; foreach (Vector3 p in truths) { truthCentroid += p; } truthCentroid /= truths.Count; double[,] A = new double[3, l]; double[,] B = new double[3, l]; int i = 0; foreach (Vector3 p in measurements) { Vector3 po = p - measurementCentroid; A[0, i] = po.x; A[1, i] = po.y; A[2, i] = po.z; i++; } i = 0; foreach (Vector3 p in truths) { Vector3 po = p - truthCentroid; B[0, i] = po.x; B[1, i] = po.y; B[2, i] = po.z; i++; } double[,] BAT = new double[3, 3]; alglib.rmatrixgemm(3, 3, l, 1, B, 0, 0, 0, A, 0, 0, 1, 0, ref BAT, 0, 0); double[] W = new double[3]; double[,] U = new double[3, 3]; double[,] VT = new double[3, 3]; alglib.rmatrixsvd(BAT, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, out W, out U, out VT); double[,] UVT = new double[3, 3]; alglib.rmatrixgemm(3, 3, 3, 1, U, 0, 0, 0, VT, 0, 0, 0, 0, ref UVT, 0, 0); double w = Math.Sqrt(1 + UVT[0, 0] + UVT[1, 1] + UVT[2, 2]) / 2.0; double iw4 = 1.0 / (w * 4); Quaternion q = new Quaternion((float)((UVT[2, 1] - UVT[1, 2]) * iw4), (float)((UVT[0, 2] - UVT[2, 0]) * iw4), (float)((UVT[1, 0] - UVT[0, 1]) * iw4), (float)w); Quaternion iq = Quaternion.Inverse(q); Vector3 mtt = truthCentroid - measurementCentroid; leapOrigin.transform.localPosition = truthCentroid - q * measurementCentroid; leapOrigin.transform.localRotation = q; StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("stored_calibration.txt"); writer.Write(String.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}", leapOrigin.transform.localPosition.x, leapOrigin.transform.localPosition.y, leapOrigin.transform.localPosition.z, leapOrigin.transform.localRotation.x, leapOrigin.transform.localRotation.y, leapOrigin.transform.localRotation.z, leapOrigin.transform.localRotation.w )); writer.Close(); truths = null; measurements = null; } } lastTriggerDown = triggerDown; }
public LeapTransform(Vector translation, LeapQuaternion rotation) : this(translation, rotation, Vector.Ones) { }
public static Vector4D ToVector4D(this Leap.LeapQuaternion V) { Vector4D tmp = new Vector4D((double)V.x, (double)V.y, (double)V.z, (double)V.w); return(tmp); }
private Quaternion FixQ(Leap.LeapQuaternion q) { return(new Quaternion(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w)); }
public static Quaternion ToUnity(this Leap.LeapQuaternion q) { return(new Quaternion(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w)); }