static void Show(Animal[] Animal_L) { foreach (Animal an in Animal_L) { Console.WriteLine("Animail: " + an.Genus + " " + " Weight: " + an.Weight); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { int choice; Animal[] Animal_L = new Animal[6]; Animal_L[0] = new Animal("pig", 50); Animal_L[1] = new Animal("dog", 20); Animal_L[2] = new Animal("cat", 5); Animal_L[3] = new Animal("kangaroo", 70); Animal_L[4] = new Animal("elephant", 700); Animal_L[5] = new Animal("mouse", 1); do { Console.WriteLine(@" 1. Sort with method ComareTo(); 2. Sort with SortWeightAscending; 3. Sort with SortGenusDescending; 4. In class Animals; 5. Exit"); choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (choice) { case 1: Array.Sort(Animal_L); Show(Animal_L); break; case 2: Array.Sort(Animal_L, Animal.SortWeightAscending()); Show(Animal_L); break; case 3: Array.Sort(Animal_L, Animal.SortGenusDescending()); Show(Animal_L); break; case 4: Animals AnimalsOb = new Animals(Animal_L); foreach (Animal oba in AnimalsOb) { Console.WriteLine(oba); } break; } }while(choice!=5); }
public Animals(Animal [] array) { animal = array; }