public unsafe static EfiLoadOption MarshalFromNative(IntPtr data)
            var result = new EfiLoadOption();

            result.Attributes         = *(uint *)data;
            result.FilePathListLength = *(ushort *)(data + 4);
            result.Description        = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(data + 6);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Parse options
            new Mono.Options.OptionSet
                { "y|sysprep", "Operate on SysPrep variables, not Boot Variables.", n => VariableType = UefiLoadOptionType.SysPrep },
                { "r|driver", "Operate on Driver variables, not Boot Variables.", n => VariableType = UefiLoadOptionType.Driver },
                { "v|verbose", "print additional information", n => ErrorHandling.Verbosity++ },

            if (!IsElevated)
                Console.WriteLine("Administrative privileges are needed.");

            if (VariableType == UefiLoadOptionType.Boot)
                ErrorHandling.HandleWarning(() => Console.WriteLine($"BootNext: {read_u16("BootNext")}"), "Could not read variable 'BootNext'", verbosity: 2);
                ErrorHandling.HandleWarning(() => Console.WriteLine($"BootCurrent: {read_u16("BootCurrent"):X4}"), "Could not read variable 'BootCurrent'", verbosity: 2);
                ErrorHandling.HandleWarning(() => Console.WriteLine($"Timeout : {read_u16("Timeout")}"), "Could not read variable 'Timeout'", verbosity: 2);

             * ErrorHandling.HandleWarning(() => Console.WriteLine($"{Enum.GetName(typeof(UefiLoadOptionType), VariableType)}Order: {string.Join(",", read_order(VariableType).Select(y => $"{y:X4}"))}"),
             *  VariableType == UefiLoadOptionType.Boot ? "No BootOrder is set; firmware will attempt recovery" : $"No { Enum.GetName(typeof(UefiLoadOptionType), VariableType)}Order is set",
             *  verbosity: 2);

            // Windows does not provide any documented function to iterate over all available firmware variables
            // An undocumented function NtEnumerateBootEntries ntdll.dll returns all boot options in Windows specific struct
            // It internally calls HalEnumerateEnvironmentVariablesEx from hal.dll, which actually returns all variables,
            // filters them to only show Boot#### variables, and do additional parsing for convenience and Windows specific options.

            var BootEntryNames = read_all_boot_entry_names();

            foreach (var variableName in BootEntryNames)
                var  buffer = IntPtr.Zero;
                uint size   = 0;
                    (buffer, size) = read_dyn(variableName);
                    var loadOption = EfiLoadOption.MarshalFromNative(buffer);
                    Console.WriteLine(variableName + ((loadOption.Attributes & EfiLoadOption.LOAD_OPTION_ACTIVE) != 0 ? "* " : "  ") + loadOption.Description);
                catch (Win32Exception win32exeption)
                    if (win32exeption.NativeErrorCode == 203) //not exist, skip
