public LODApp(string wsn, string od, string sd, LogFile lf) { this.worldspaceName = wsn; this.outputDir = od; this.terrainDir = od + "\\.."; this.gameDir = sd; this.logFile = lf; this.quadList = new List<QuadDesc>(); this.verbose = false; this.fixTangents = false; this.generateTangents = true; this.generateVertexColors = true; this.mergeShapes = true; this.useHDFlag = false; this.useFadeNode = false; this.removeUnseenFaces = false; this.globalScale = 1f; this.eliminateSize = 0.0f; this.lodLevelToGenerate = -1; }
public void Write(string fileName, LogFile logFile) { try { BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter((Stream)new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create)); this.header.Update(this.blocks); this.header.Write(writer); for (int index = 0; (long)index < (long)this.header.GetNumBlocks(); ++index) this.blocks[index].Write(writer); writer.Write(1); writer.Write(0); writer.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { logFile.WriteLog("Error writing " + fileName + " " + ex.Message); logFile.WriteLog("In case Mod Organizer is used, set output path outside of game and MO virtual file system directory"); logFile.Close(); System.Environment.Exit(502); } }
public void Read(string gameDir, string fileName, LogFile logFile) { MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); if (File.Exists(gameDir + fileName)) { try { FileStream fileStream = (FileStream)null; while (fileStream == null) { fileStream = Utils.GetFileStream(new FileInfo(gameDir + fileName), logFile); } BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader((Stream)fileStream); long length = binaryReader.BaseStream.Length; memoryStream.Write(binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)length), 0, (int)length); binaryReader.Close(); //logFile.WriteLog(" read " + fileName + " " + length); } catch (Exception ex) { logFile.WriteLog("Error reading " + fileName + " " + ex.Message); logFile.Close(); System.Environment.Exit(500); } } else if (BSAArchive.FileExists(fileName)) { try { //logFile.Console.WriteLine(" reading " + fileName + " from BSA"); byte[] newfile = BSAArchive.GetFile(fileName); int length = newfile.Length; memoryStream.Write(newfile, 0, length); //logFile.WriteLog(" read " + fileName + " " + length + " from BSA"); } catch (Exception ex) { logFile.WriteLog("Error reading " + fileName + " from BSA " + ex.Message); logFile.Close(); System.Environment.Exit(501); } } else { logFile.WriteLog(fileName + " not found"); logFile.Close(); System.Environment.Exit(404); } memoryStream.Position = 0L; //Console.WriteLine("Reading " + fileName); BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader((Stream)memoryStream); this.header.Read(reader); for (int index = 0; (long)index < (long)this.header.GetNumBlocks(); ++index) { //Console.WriteLine(index + " Block = " + this.header.GetBlockTypeAtIndex(index)); if (NiFile.classTypes.ContainsKey(this.header.GetBlockTypeAtIndex(index))) { NiObject niObject = (NiObject)Activator.CreateInstance(NiFile.classTypes[this.header.GetBlockTypeAtIndex(index)]); niObject.Read(this.header, reader); this.blocks.Add(niObject); } else { uint blockSizeAtIndex = this.header.GetBlockSizeAtIndex(index); reader.ReadBytes((int)blockSizeAtIndex); this.blocks.Add((NiObject)null); } } reader.Close(); //Console.WriteLine("done " + fileName); }
private static int Main(string[] args) { LogFile theLog = new LogFile(); if (Enumerable.Count<string>((IEnumerable<string>)args) < 1) { theLog.WriteLog("Nothing to do"); theLog.Close(); return -1; } string path = args[0]; if (!File.Exists(path)) { theLog.WriteLog("No input file " + path); theLog.Close(); return -1; } CultureInfo cultureInfo =; StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(path, System.Text.Encoding.Default, true); List<StaticDesc> statics = new List<StaticDesc>(); StringList BSAFiles = new StringList(); StringList ignoreList = new StringList(); StringList HDTexture = new StringList(); StringList notHDTexture = new StringList(); StringList HDMesh = new StringList(); StringList notHDMesh = new StringList(); Game.Mode = "tes5"; // 1 = 1 cell seems best Game.sampleSize = 1f; int counter = 0; string worldspaceName = ""; string gameDir = ""; string outputDir = ""; string uvfile = ""; float southWestX = 0; float southWestY = 0; float atlasTolerance = 0.2f; bool generateVertexColors = true; bool dontFixTangents = false; bool dontGenerateTangents = false; bool mergeShapes = true; bool removeUnseenFaces = false; bool ignoreWater = false; bool useHDFlag = true; bool useOptimizer = false; bool ignoreMaterial = false; float globalScale = 1f; while (!streamReader.EndOfStream) { string[] strArray2 = streamReader.ReadLine().Split('='); if (strArray2.Length == 2) { ++counter; if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "worldspace") { worldspaceName = strArray2[1]; } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "cellsw") { string[] strArray1 = strArray2[1].Split(' '); southWestX = float.Parse(strArray1[0], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); southWestY = float.Parse(strArray1[1], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "pathdata") { gameDir = strArray2[1].ToLower(); if (!Directory.Exists(gameDir)) { theLog.WriteLog("No Data directory " + gameDir); theLog.Close(); return -1; } } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "pathoutput") { outputDir = strArray2[1]; if (!Directory.Exists(outputDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDir); } } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "textureatlasmap") { uvfile = strArray2[1]; } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "resource") { if (File.Exists(strArray2[1])) { BSAFiles.Add(strArray2[1].ToLower()); } } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "ishdmeshmask") { HDMesh.Add(strArray2[1].ToLower()); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "nothdmeshmask") { notHDMesh.Add(strArray2[1].ToLower()); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "ishdtexturemask") { HDTexture.Add(strArray2[1].ToLower()); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "nothdtexturemask") { notHDTexture.Add(strArray2[1].ToLower()); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "atlastolerance") { atlasTolerance = float.Parse(strArray2[1], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "ignoretranslation") { ignoreList.Add(strArray2[1].ToLower()); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "gamemode") { Game.Mode = ((strArray2[1].ToLower())); if (Game.Mode == "fo3") { Game.Mode = "fnv"; } //generateVertexColors = false; } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "dontgeneratevertexcolors") { generateVertexColors = !Boolean.Parse(strArray2[1]); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "dontfixtangents") { dontFixTangents = Boolean.Parse(strArray2[1]); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "dontgeneratetangents") { dontGenerateTangents = Boolean.Parse(strArray2[1]); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "dontmergeshapes") { mergeShapes = !Boolean.Parse(strArray2[1]); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "removeunseenfaces") { removeUnseenFaces = Boolean.Parse(strArray2[1]); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "ignorewater") { ignoreWater = Boolean.Parse(strArray2[1]); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "usehdflag") { useHDFlag = Boolean.Parse(strArray2[1]); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "useoptimizer") { useOptimizer = Boolean.Parse(strArray2[1]); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "ignorematerial") { ignoreMaterial = Boolean.Parse(strArray2[1]); } if (strArray2[0].ToLower() == "globalscale") { globalScale = float.Parse(strArray2[1], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); } } else { break; } } Dictionary<string, string> cmdArgs = Program.CollectCmdArgs(args); if (CmdArgs.GetBool(cmdArgs, "dontGenerateVertexColors", false)) { generateVertexColors = false; } if (CmdArgs.GetBool(cmdArgs, "dontFixTangents", false)) { dontFixTangents = true; } if (CmdArgs.GetBool(cmdArgs, "dontGenerateTangents", false)) { dontGenerateTangents = true; } if (CmdArgs.GetBool(cmdArgs, "dontMergeShapes", false)) { mergeShapes = false; } if (CmdArgs.GetBool(cmdArgs, "removeUnseenFaces", false)) { removeUnseenFaces = true; } if (CmdArgs.GetBool(cmdArgs, "ignoreWater", false)) { ignoreWater = true; } if (CmdArgs.GetBool(cmdArgs, "ignoreMaterial", false)) { ignoreMaterial = true; } if (CmdArgs.GetBool(cmdArgs, "usehdlod", false)) { useHDFlag = true; } if (CmdArgs.GetBool(cmdArgs, "globalScale", false)) { globalScale = CmdArgs.GetFloat(cmdArgs, "globalScale", 1f); } int int1 = CmdArgs.GetInt(cmdArgs, "lodLevel", -1); int int2 = CmdArgs.GetInt(cmdArgs, "x", -1); int int3 = CmdArgs.GetInt(cmdArgs, "y", -1); theLog.WriteLog("Game Mode: " + Game.Mode.ToUpper()); theLog.WriteLog("Fix Tangents: " + (!dontFixTangents ? "True" : "False")); theLog.WriteLog("Generate Tangents: " + (!dontGenerateTangents ? "True" : "False")); theLog.WriteLog("Generate Vertex Colors: " + (generateVertexColors ? "True" : "False")); theLog.WriteLog("Merge Meshes: " + (mergeShapes ? "True" : "False")); theLog.WriteLog("Remove Faces under Terrain: " + (removeUnseenFaces ? "True" : "False")); theLog.WriteLog("Remove Faces under Water: " + (!ignoreWater ? "True" : "False")); theLog.WriteLog("Use HD Flag: " + (useHDFlag ? "True" : "False")); //theLog.WriteLog("Use Optimizer: " + (useOptimizer ? "True" : "False")); theLog.WriteLog("Ignore Materials: " + (ignoreMaterial ? "True" : "False")); theLog.WriteLog("Global scale: " + string.Format("{0:0.00}", globalScale)); theLog.WriteLog("Specific level: " + (int1 != -1 ? int1.ToString() : "No")); if (int2 != -1 && int3 == -1) theLog.WriteLog("Specific quad: [" + (object)int2.ToString() + ", X]"); else if (int2 == -1 && int3 != -1) theLog.WriteLog("Specific quad: [X, " + (object)int3.ToString() + "]"); else if (int2 != -1 && int3 != -1) theLog.WriteLog("Specific quad: [" + (object)int2.ToString() + ", " + (string)(object)int3.ToString() + "]"); else theLog.WriteLog("Specific quad: No"); streamReader.Close(); if (worldspaceName == "") { theLog.WriteLog("No Worldspace"); theLog.Close(); return -1; } if (outputDir == "") { theLog.WriteLog("No PathOutput"); theLog.Close(); return -1; } /*IniFile ini = new IniFile(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "My games\\skyrim\\skyrim.ini")); if (ini.IniReadValue("Archive", "sResourceArchiveList").ToLower().Contains("aaa")) { string archiveList1 = ini.IniReadValue("Archive", "sResourceArchiveList").ToLower(); string archiveList2 = ini.IniReadValue("Archive", "sResourceArchiveList2").ToLower(); if (archiveList2.Length > 0) { archiveList1 += "," + archiveList2; } BSAFiles.Clear(); BSAFiles.AddRange(archiveList1.Split(',')); for (int index = 0; index < BSAFiles.Count; ++index) { if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(gameDir, BSAFiles[index].Trim()))) { BSAFiles[index] = Path.Combine(gameDir, BSAFiles[index].Trim()); } } }*/ BSAArchive.Load(BSAFiles, theLog, (CmdArgs.GetBool(cmdArgs, "verbose", false))); streamReader = new StreamReader(path); for (int index = 0; index < counter; ++index) { streamReader.ReadLine(); } while (!streamReader.EndOfStream) { StaticDesc staticDesc = new StaticDesc(); string[] strArray2 = streamReader.ReadLine().Split('\t'); staticDesc.refID = strArray2[0]; //theLog.WriteLog(staticDesc.refID); staticDesc.staticFlags = int.Parse(strArray2[1], NumberStyles.HexNumber, (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); staticDesc.x = float.Parse(strArray2[2], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); staticDesc.y = float.Parse(strArray2[3], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); staticDesc.z = float.Parse(strArray2[4], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); staticDesc.rotX = float.Parse(strArray2[5], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); staticDesc.rotY = float.Parse(strArray2[6], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); staticDesc.rotZ = float.Parse(strArray2[7], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); staticDesc.scale = float.Parse(strArray2[8], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); staticDesc.staticName = strArray2[9]; staticDesc.refFlags = int.Parse(strArray2[10], NumberStyles.HexNumber, (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); staticDesc.materialName = strArray2[11]; staticDesc.staticFullModel = strArray2[12]; if (strArray2.Length >= 16) { staticDesc.staticModels = new string[3]; for (int index = 0; index < 3; ++index) { string str = strArray2[13 + index]; staticDesc.staticModels[index] = str.ToLower(); if (str.Length > 0 && !File.Exists(gameDir + str)) { if (!BSAArchive.FileExists(str)) { theLog.WriteLog("file not found " + gameDir + str); theLog.Close(); System.Environment.Exit(404); } } } statics.Add(staticDesc); } } streamReader.Close(); if (File.Exists(uvfile)) { theLog.WriteLog("Using UV Atlas: " + uvfile); streamReader = new StreamReader(uvfile); while (!streamReader.EndOfStream) { string[] strArray2 = streamReader.ReadLine().Split('\t'); AtlasDesc atlasDesc = new AtlasDesc(); if (strArray2.Length >= 8) { atlasDesc.SourceTexture = strArray2[0].ToLower(); int textureWidth = int.Parse(strArray2[1], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); int textureHeight = int.Parse(strArray2[2], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); int textureX = int.Parse(strArray2[3], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); int textureY = int.Parse(strArray2[4], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); int atlasWidth = int.Parse(strArray2[6], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); int atlasHeight = int.Parse(strArray2[7], (IFormatProvider)cultureInfo); atlasDesc.scaleU = (float) textureWidth / (float) atlasWidth; atlasDesc.scaleV = (float) textureHeight / (float)atlasHeight; atlasDesc.posU = (float)textureX / (float) atlasWidth; atlasDesc.posV = (float)textureY / (float) atlasHeight; atlasDesc.AtlasTexture = strArray2[5].ToLower(); atlasDesc.AtlasTextureN = strArray2[5].ToLower().Replace(".dds", ""); //theLog.WriteLog(atlasDesc.SourceTexture + "\t" + atlasDesc.AtlasTexture + "\t" + atlasDesc.scaleU + "\t" + atlasDesc.scaleV + "\t" + atlasDesc.posU + "\t" + atlasDesc.posV); AtlasList.Set(atlasDesc.SourceTexture, atlasDesc); } } streamReader.Close(); } theLog.WriteLog("Output: " + outputDir); theLog.WriteLog("Generating LOD for worldspace " + worldspaceName); List<Thread> list1 = new List<Thread>(); int num = 1; int index1 = 0; while (num <= 4) { list1.Add(new Thread((ParameterizedThreadStart)(state => { List<int> list2 = (List<int>)state; new LODApp(worldspaceName, outputDir, gameDir, theLog) { verbose = (CmdArgs.GetBool(cmdArgs, "verbose", false)), fixTangents = dontFixTangents, generateTangents = !dontGenerateTangents, generateVertexColors = generateVertexColors, mergeShapes = mergeShapes, useHDFlag = useHDFlag, useOptimizer = useOptimizer, useFadeNode = CmdArgs.GetBool(cmdArgs, "useFadeNode", false), removeUnseenFaces = removeUnseenFaces, globalScale = globalScale, lodLevelToGenerate = CmdArgs.GetInt(cmdArgs, "lodLevel", -1), lodX = CmdArgs.GetInt(cmdArgs, "x", -1), lodY = CmdArgs.GetInt(cmdArgs, "y", -1), southWestX = (int) southWestX, southWestY = (int) southWestY, atlasToleranceMin = atlasTolerance * -1f, atlasToleranceMax = atlasTolerance + 1f, removeUnderwaterFaces = !ignoreWater, ignoreMaterial = ignoreMaterial, skyblivionTexPath = CmdArgs.GetBool(cmdArgs, "skyblivionTexPath", false), ignoreTransRot = ignoreList, HDTextureList = HDTexture, notHDTextureList = notHDTexture, HDMeshList = HDMesh, notHDMeshList = notHDMesh }.GenerateLOD(list2[1], list2[0], statics); }))); list1[index1].Start((object)new List<int>() { num, index1 }); num <<= 1; ++index1; } while (list1.Count > 0) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < list1.Count; ++index2) { if (!list1[index2].IsAlive) { list1.RemoveAt(index2); --index2; } } Thread.Sleep(100); } theLog.Close(); return 0; }
public void GenerateTest(string strfile, LogFile logFile) { NiFile file = new NiFile(); NiNode rootNode = new NiNode(); file.AddBlock((NiObject)rootNode); this.quadLevel = 4; this.quadOffset = 16384f; QuadDesc quad = new QuadDesc(); quad.x = 0; quad.y = 0; quad.statics = new List<StaticDesc>(); StaticDesc curStat = new StaticDesc(); curStat.refID = "0"; curStat.rotX = 0.0f; curStat.rotY = 0.0f; curStat.rotZ = 0.0f; curStat.scale = 1f; curStat.x = 0.0f; curStat.y = 0.0f; curStat.z = 0.0f; curStat.staticName = "Test"; curStat.staticFullModel = strfile; curStat.staticModels = new string[3]; curStat.staticModels[0] = strfile; curStat.staticModels[1] = strfile; curStat.staticModels[2] = strfile; quad.statics.Add(curStat); List<ShapeDesc> shapes = this.ParseNif(quad, curStat, 0, file, rootNode); this.MergeNodes(shapes); for (int index = 0; index < shapes.Count; ++index) { BSSegmentedTriShape segmentedTriShape = new BSSegmentedTriShape((NiGeometry)shapes[index].shape); segmentedTriShape.SetRotation(new Matrix33(true)); segmentedTriShape.SetTranslation(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); rootNode.AddChild(file.AddBlock((NiObject)segmentedTriShape)); segmentedTriShape.SetData(file.AddBlock((NiObject)shapes[index].data)); } file.Write(this.outputDir + "\\" + this.worldspaceName + ".test.nif", logFile); }