public override void OnUpdate() { Events["EnableDetection"].active = !IsDetecting; Events["DisableDetection"].active = IsDetecting; Events["EnableSounds"].active = !ScanningSound; Events["DisableSounds"].active = ScanningSound; if (Misc.GetTrueAltitude(vessel) <= this.DetectingHeight) { if (IsDetecting) { Status = powerRatio > 0 ? "Active" : "Insufficient Power"; } else { Status = "Idle"; } } else { Status = "Out Of Range"; } foreach (var animator in part.Modules.OfType <IDetectorAnimator>()) { animator.IsDetecting = IsDetecting; animator.PowerRatio = powerRatio; } }
public override void OnFixedUpdate() { var controller = KethaneController.GetInstance(this.vessel); double Altitude = Misc.GetTrueAltitude(vessel); if (IsDetecting && this.vessel != null && this.vessel.gameObject.activeSelf && Altitude <= this.DetectingHeight) { var energyRequest = PowerConsumption * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime; var energyDrawn = this.part.RequestResource("ElectricCharge", energyRequest); this.powerRatio = energyDrawn / energyRequest; TimerEcho += Time.deltaTime * (1 + Math.Log(TimeWarp.CurrentRate)) * this.powerRatio; var TimerThreshold = this.DetectingPeriod + Altitude * 0.000005d; // 0,5s delay at 100km var DepositUnder = controller.GetDepositUnder(); if (TimerEcho >= TimerThreshold) { if (DepositUnder != null && DepositUnder.Kethane >= 1.0f) { controller.DrawMap(true); controller.LastLat = vessel.latitude; controller.LastLon = Misc.clampDegrees(vessel.longitude); controller.LastQuantity = DepositUnder.Kethane; if (vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel && controller.ScanningSound) { PingDeposit.Play(); } } else { controller.DrawMap(false); if (vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel && controller.ScanningSound) { PingEmpty.Play(); } } TimerEcho = 0; } } else { this.powerRatio = 0; } }
public override void OnFixedUpdate() { double Altitude = Misc.GetTrueAltitude(vessel); if (IsDetecting && this.vessel != null && this.vessel.gameObject.activeSelf && Altitude <= this.DetectingHeight) { var energyRequest = PowerConsumption * TimeWarp.fixedDeltaTime; var energyDrawn = this.part.RequestResource("ElectricCharge", energyRequest); this.powerRatio = energyDrawn / energyRequest; TimerEcho += Time.deltaTime * (1 + Math.Log(TimeWarp.CurrentRate)) * this.powerRatio; var TimerThreshold = this.DetectingPeriod * (1 + Altitude * 0.000002d); if (TimerEcho >= TimerThreshold) { var detected = false; var cell = MapOverlay.GetCellUnder(vessel.mainBody, vessel.transform.position); if (resources.All(r => KethaneData.Current.Scans[r][][cell])) { return; } foreach (var resource in resources) { KethaneData.Current.Scans[resource][][cell] = true; if (KethaneData.Current.GetCellDeposit(resource, vessel.mainBody, cell) != null) { detected = true; } } MapOverlay.Instance.RefreshCellColor(cell, vessel.mainBody); TimerEcho = 0; if (vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel && ScanningSound) { (detected ? PingDeposit : PingEmpty).Play(); } } } else { this.powerRatio = 0; } }
public override void OnUpdate() { Events["EnableDetection"].active = !IsDetecting; Events["DisableDetection"].active = IsDetecting; var controller = KethaneController.GetInstance(this.vessel); Events["ShowMap"].active = !controller.ShowDetectorWindow; Events["HideMap"].active = controller.ShowDetectorWindow; if (Misc.GetTrueAltitude(vessel) <= this.DetectingHeight) { if (IsDetecting) { Status = powerRatio > 0 ? "Active" : "Insufficient Power"; } else { Status = "Idle"; } } else { Status = "Out Of Range"; } CelestialBody body = this.vessel.mainBody; if (body == null) { return; } var BaseT = this.part.transform.FindChild("model"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PartTransform)) { BaseT = BaseT.FindChild(PartTransform); } BaseT = BaseT.FindChild(BaseTransform); Vector3 bodyCoords = BaseT.InverseTransformPoint(body.transform.position); Vector2 pos = Misc.CartesianToPolar(bodyCoords); var alpha = (float)Misc.NormalizeAngle(pos.x + 90); var beta = (float)Misc.NormalizeAngle(pos.y); Transform RotH = BaseT.FindChild(HeadingTransform); Transform RotV = RotH.FindChild(ElevationTransform); if (Math.Abs(RotH.localEulerAngles.y - beta) > 90) { beta += 180; alpha = 360 - alpha; } var speed = Time.deltaTime * this.powerRatio * 60; RotH.localRotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(RotH.localRotation, Quaternion.AngleAxis(beta, new Vector3(0, 1, 0)), speed); RotV.localRotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(RotV.localRotation, Quaternion.AngleAxis(alpha, new Vector3(1, 0, 0)), speed); if (float.IsNaN(RotH.localRotation.w)) { RotH.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; } if (float.IsNaN(RotV.localRotation.w)) { RotV.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; } }