// This function prepares the simulation by creating all the necessary data structures it will
        // need during the simulation.  All required data is copied from the core game data structures
        // so that the simulation itself can be run in a background thread without having issues with
        // the core game changing the data while the simulation is running.
        public bool PrepareSimulation(LogMsg _log, List <Part> parts, double theGravity, double theAtmosphere = 0, double theMach = 0, bool dumpTree = false, bool vectoredThrust = false, bool fullThrust = false)
            log = _log;
            if (log != null)
                log.AppendLine("PrepareSimulation started");


            // Store the parameters in members for ease of access in other functions
            partList   = parts;
            gravity    = theGravity;
            atmosphere = theAtmosphere;
            mach       = theMach;
            lastStage  = StageManager.LastStage;
            maxMach    = 1.0f;
            if (log != null)
                log.AppendLine("lastStage = ", lastStage);

            // Clear the lists for our simulation parts

            // A dictionary for fast lookup of Part->PartSim during the preparation phase

            if (partList.Count > 0 && partList[0].vessel != null)
                vesselName = partList[0].vessel.vesselName;
                vesselType = partList[0].vessel.vesselType;
            // First we create a PartSim for each Part (giving each a unique id)
            int partId = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < partList.Count; ++i)
                Part part = partList[i];

                // If the part is already in the lookup dictionary then log it and skip to the next part
                if (partSimLookup.ContainsKey(part))
                    if (log != null)
                        log.AppendLine("Part ", part.name, " appears in vessel list more than once");

                // Create the PartSim
                PartSim partSim = PartSim.New(part, partId, atmosphere, log);

                // Add it to the Part lookup dictionary and the necessary lists
                partSimLookup.Add(part, partSim);

                if (partSim.isFuelLine)

                if (partSim.isEngine)
                    partSim.CreateEngineSims(allEngines, atmosphere, mach, vectoredThrust, fullThrust, log);

                if (partSim.isRCS)
                    partSim.CreateRCSSims(allRCS, atmosphere, mach, vectoredThrust, fullThrust, log);


            for (int i = 0; i < allEngines.Count; ++i)
                maxMach = Mathf.Max(maxMach, allEngines[i].maxMach);


            // Now that all the PartSims have been created we can do any set up that needs access to other parts
            // First we set up all the parent links
            for (int i = 0; i < allParts.Count; i++)
                PartSim partSim = allParts[i];
                partSim.SetupParent(partSimLookup, log);

            // Then, in the VAB/SPH, we add the parent of each fuel line to the fuelTargets list of their targets
            if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor)
                for (int i = 0; i < allFuelLines.Count; ++i)
                    PartSim partSim = allFuelLines[i];

                    CModuleFuelLine fuelLine = partSim.part.GetModule <CModuleFuelLine>();
                    if (fuelLine.target != null)
                        PartSim targetSim;
                        if (partSimLookup.TryGetValue(fuelLine.target, out targetSim))
                            if (log != null)
                                log.AppendLine("Fuel line target is ", targetSim.name, ":", targetSim.partId);

                            if (log != null)
                                log.AppendLine("No PartSim for fuel line target (", partSim.part.partInfo.name, ")");
                        if (log != null)
                            log.AppendLine("Fuel line target is null");

            if (log != null)
                log.AppendLine("SetupAttachNodes and count stages");
            for (int i = 0; i < allParts.Count; ++i)
                PartSim partSim = allParts[i];

                partSim.SetupAttachNodes(partSimLookup, log);
                if (partSim.decoupledInStage >= lastStage)
                    lastStage = partSim.decoupledInStage + 1;

            // And finally release the Part references from all the PartSims
            if (log != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < allParts.Count; ++i)

            // And dereference the core's part list
            partList = null;

            if (log != null)
                log.AppendLine("PrepareSimulation: ", _timer.ElapsedMilliseconds, "ms");

            log = null;
