public static JintEngine CreateEngine(params string[] jsFiles) { var js = new JintEngine(); foreach (var jsFile in jsFiles) js.Run(File.ReadAllText(Globals.WebRoot + jsFile)); return js; }
public void CheckinScript(ScriptedPatchRequest request, Jint.JintEngine context) { CachedResult value; if (cacheDic.TryGetValue(request, out value)) { if (value.Queue.Count > 20) { return; } value.Queue.Enqueue(context); return; } cacheDic.AddOrUpdate(request, patchRequest => { var queue = new ConcurrentQueue <Jint.JintEngine>(); queue.Enqueue(context); return(new CachedResult { Queue = queue, Timestamp = SystemTime.UtcNow, Usage = 1 }); }, (patchRequest, result) => { result.Queue.Enqueue(context); return(result); }); }
protected override void RemoveEngineCustomizations(JintEngine jintEngine) { jintEngine.RemoveParameter("documentId"); jintEngine.RemoveParameter("replicateTo"); foreach (var sqlReplicationTable in config.SqlReplicationTables) { jintEngine.RemoveParameter("replicateTo" + sqlReplicationTable.TableName); } }
public static void Main(String[] args) { Logger logger = new ConsoleLogger(); Logging.SetLogger(logger); string script = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(args[0]); JintEngine engine = new JintEngine(); engine.SetParameter("language", "cs"); engine.SetParameter("util", new Util(engine)); engine.Run(script); }
protected override void CustomizeEngine(JintEngine jintEngine) { jintEngine.SetParameter("documentId", docId); jintEngine.SetFunction("replicateTo", new Action<string,JsObject>(ReplicateToFunction)); foreach (var sqlReplicationTable in config.SqlReplicationTables) { var current = sqlReplicationTable; jintEngine.SetFunction("replicateTo" + sqlReplicationTable.TableName, (Action<JsObject>)(cols => { var tableName = current.TableName; ReplicateToFunction(tableName, cols); })); } }
void Start() { JintEngine e = new JintEngine(); e.SetFunction("log", new Jint.Delegates.Action<object>((a) => Debug.Log(a))); e.SetFunction("add", new Jint.Delegates.Func<double, double, double>((a,b) => a + b)); TextAsset script = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("Test"); e.Run(script.text); }
public void Initialize(SmugglerOptions options) { if (options == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.TransformScript)) return; jint = new JintEngine() .AllowClr(false) .SetDebugMode(false) .SetMaxRecursions(50) .SetMaxSteps(options.MaxStepsForTransformScript); jint.Run(string.Format(@" function Transform(docInner){{ return ({0}).apply(this, [docInner]); }};", options.TransformScript)); }
public JavaScriptInterpreter() { Console.Write("Loading JavaScript interpreter: "); try { m_engine = new JintEngine(); m_engine.AllowClr = false; m_engine.DisableSecurity(); Console.WriteLine("done."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL."); Console.WriteLine("Unable to load JavaScript engine\n*********************************************\n\t" + e.Message + "\n*********************************************"); } }
public static void Main(String[] args) { Logger logger = new ConsoleLogger(); Logging.SetLogger(logger); string script = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(args[0]); JintEngine engine = new JintEngine(); engine.SetParameter("language", "cs"); #if TEST_WINPHONE engine.SetParameter("platform", "winphone"); #else engine.SetParameter("platform", "windows"); #endif engine.SetParameter("util", new Util(engine)); engine.Run(script); }
public ExecutionVisitor(Options options, IScriptEngineContext context, JintEngine jintEngine) { JintEngine = jintEngine; this.scriptEngineContext = context; this.methodInvoker = context.GetMethodInvoker(this);//new CachedMethodInvoker(this); this.propertyGetter = new CachedReflectionPropertyGetter(methodInvoker); this.constructorInvoker = new CachedConstructorInvoker(methodInvoker); this.typeResolver = context.GetTypeResolver();//new CachedTypeResolver(); this.fieldGetter = new CachedReflectionFieldGetter(methodInvoker); _entitiyAccessor = new EntityAccessor(); GlobalScope = new JsObject(); Global = new JsGlobal(this, options); GlobalScope.Prototype = Global as JsDictionaryObject; EnterScope(GlobalScope); CallStack = new Stack<string>(); }
public static void Initialize(SmugglerOptions options) { if (options != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.TransformScript)) { jint = new JintEngine() .AllowClr(false) .SetDebugMode(false) .SetMaxRecursions(50) .SetMaxSteps(options.MaxStepsForTransformScript); jint.Run(string.Format(@" function Transform(docInner){{ return ({0}).apply(this, [docInner]); }};", options.TransformScript)); } propertiesTypeByName = new Dictionary<string, JTokenType>(); }
public Plugin(DirectoryInfo directory, string name, string code) { Name = name; Code = code; RootDirectory = directory; Timers = new Dictionary<String, TimedEvent>(); Engine = new JintEngine(); Engine.AllowClr(true); InitGlobals(); Engine.Run(code); try { Engine.CallFunction("On_PluginInit"); } catch { } }
public void init() { en = new JintEngine(); en.DisableSecurity(); en.AllowClr = true; en.SetFunction("print", new Action<object>(Console.WriteLine)); en.SetFunction("alert", new Action<object>(n=>{ MessageBox.Show(n.ToString()); })); //en.SetFunction("cs_exe", new Action<string>(Exe)); //en.SetFunction("cs_exe", new Action<string, string>(Exe)); //en.SetFunction("cs_exeWait", new Action<string, string, string>(ExeWait)); //en.SetFunction("cs_exe", new Action<string, string, string>(Exe)); en.SetFunction("cs_exeWait", new Action<string, string, bool, string>(ExeWait)); en.SetFunction("cs_process", new Action<string, string, bool, string>(ExeWait)); }
public override void Load(string code = "") { try { Engine = new JintEngine(Options.Ecmascript5) .AllowClr(true); Engine.SetParameter("Commands", chatCommands) .SetParameter("DataStore", DataStore.GetInstance()) .SetParameter("Find", Find.GetInstance()) .SetParameter("GlobalData", GlobalData) .SetParameter("Plugin", this) .SetParameter("Server", Server.GetInstance()) .SetParameter("ServerConsoleCommands", consoleCommands) .SetParameter("Util", Util.GetInstance()) .SetParameter("Web", Web) .SetParameter("World", World.GetInstance()) .SetFunction("importClass", new importit(importClass)); Program = JintEngine.Compile(code, false); Globals = (from statement in Program.Statements where statement.GetType() == typeof(FunctionDeclarationStatement) select ((FunctionDeclarationStatement)statement).Name).ToList<string>(); Engine.Run(Program); object author = GetGlobalObject("Author"); object about = GetGlobalObject("About"); object version = GetGlobalObject("Version"); Author = author == null ? "" : author.ToString(); About = about == null ? "" : about.ToString(); Version = version == null ? "" : version.ToString(); State = PluginState.Loaded; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogException(ex); State = PluginState.FailedToLoad; PluginLoader.GetInstance().CurrentlyLoadingPlugins.Remove(Name); } PluginLoader.GetInstance().OnPluginLoaded(this); }
public static string CallJInt(string expression) { string _result = ""; string _expression = expression; try { // execute the expression object _returnValue = new JintEngine().Run(_expression); if (_returnValue != null) { _result = _returnValue.ToString(); } } catch (Exception ex) { _result = "$$ERR:" + ex.Message; IGenFormCommonRoutines._processMessages.Add("For expression: " + expression + ", err=" + ex.Message); } return _result; }
static void Main(string[] args) { JsGlobal dummy; JintEngine eng = new JintEngine(); JsArray root = null; root = new JsArray(); eng.GlobalScope["PersistentRoot"] = root; eng.SetDebugMode(true); eng.SetFunction("log" , new Jint.Delegates.Func<JsInstance, JsInstance>((JsInstance obj) => { Console.WriteLine(obj==null?"NULL":obj.Value==null?"NULL 2":obj.Value.ToString()); return JsUndefined.Instance; })); // ((JsFunction)eng.GlobalScope["log"]).Execute(eng.Visitor, null, new JsInstance[] { new JsUndefined() }); // Console.WriteLine("\r\n" + eng.Run(File.ReadAllText(@"Scripts\func_jsonifier.js"))); Console.WriteLine("\r\n" + eng.Run(File.ReadAllText(@"Scripts\test.js"))); while (true) { Console.Write("] "); var l = Console.ReadLine(); if (l.Length == 0) break; var res = eng.Run(l); Console.WriteLine(res == null ? "<.NET NULL>" : res.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("Saving..."); // Console.ReadLine(); // root.Modify(); // s.Close(); // Console.Write("Enter to close"); // Console.ReadLine(); }
public void JintTest() { string script = @" return this; name = ''; port1 = 1312; port2 = 3749; port3 = 8691; port4 = 9215; port5 = 7419; port6 = 9777; port7 = 8194; port8 = 8864; port9 = 6929; port10 = 8378; WQGYJD = port9 + (101629-341) / 88; return(name + ':' + WQGYJD); "; JintEngine context = new JintEngine(); var result = context.Run(script); Assert.IsNotNull(result); }
private JintEngine CreateEngine(ScriptedPatchRequest patch) { var scriptWithProperLines = NormalizeLineEnding(patch.Script); var wrapperScript = String.Format(@" function ExecutePatchScript(docInner){{ (function(doc){{ {0} }}).apply(docInner); }}; ", scriptWithProperLines); var jintEngine = new JintEngine() .AllowClr(false) #if DEBUG .SetDebugMode(true) #else .SetDebugMode(false) #endif .SetMaxRecursions(50) .SetMaxSteps(maxSteps); AddScript(jintEngine, "Raven.Database.Json.lodash.js"); AddScript(jintEngine, "Raven.Database.Json.ToJson.js"); AddScript(jintEngine, "Raven.Database.Json.RavenDB.js"); jintEngine.SetFunction("LoadDocument", ((Func<string, object>)(value => { var loadedDoc = loadDocumentStatic(value); if (loadedDoc == null) return null; loadedDoc[Constants.DocumentIdFieldName] = value; return ToJsObject(jintEngine.Global, loadedDoc); }))); jintEngine.Run(wrapperScript); return jintEngine; }
public Util(JintEngine engine) { this.engine = engine; }
public static JintEngine Load(Stream s) { JintEngine engine = new JintEngine(); Load(engine, s); return engine; }
public static void Load(JintEngine engine, Stream s) { BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); var visitor = (ExecutionVisitor)formatter.Deserialize(s); engine.Visitor = visitor; }
private object ProcessValue(string val) { var engine = new JintEngine(); engine.SetParameter("$root", _data.Last()); engine.SetParameter("$data", _data.Peek()); engine.SetParameter("ko", Ko.Instance); if (_data.Count > 1) engine.SetParameter("$parent", _data.ElementAt(1)); // TODO: Support jQuery and Knockout libraries. //engine.Run(Properties.Resources.jquery); //engine.Run(Properties.Resources.knockout); // Simplify $root vars by ignoring $parent(s) leading up to it. val = RootPat.Replace(val, m => "$root."); #region Handle $parent chains and $parents[i] pseudovariables. // Simplify $parent(s) chains into a single $parents[generations] variable. val = ParentPat.Replace(val, m => string.Format("$parents{0}.", m.Groups["Index"].Captures.Cast<Capture>() .Sum(c => int.Parse(c.Value) - 1) + m.Groups[1].Captures.Count)); // Assign the appropriate data value from the stack. foreach (var m in from Match m in ParentsPat.Matches(val) select m.Groups[1].Value) engine.SetParameter("$parents" + m, _data.ElementAt(_data.Count - int.Parse(m))); #endregion // 1. Find non-js keyword members and prefix them with "$data." // 2. Capitalize the first letter after a dot or space to conform to C# naming conventions. val = Word.Replace(val, m => (ReservedKeywords.IsMatch(m.Groups["Word"].Value) || m.Groups[1].Value == "$") ? m.Value : string.Concat(m.Groups[1].Value, DotOrDollar.IsMatch(m.Groups[1].Value) ? string.Empty : "$data.", m.Groups["c1"].Value.ToUpper(), m.Groups[2].Value)); return engine.Run(val); }
void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { string script=textEditor1.Text; IsInNetDelegate IsInNet = PacExtensions.IsInNetAction; localHostOrDomainIsDelegate localHostOrDomainIs = PacExtensions.localHostOrDomainIs; myIpAddressDelegate myIpAddress = PacExtensions.myIpAddress; isResolvableDelegate isResolvable = PacExtensions.isResolvable; dateRangeDelegate dateRange = PacExtensions.dateRange; weekdayRangeDelegate weekdayRange = PacExtensions.weekdayRange; timeRangeDelegate timeRange = PacExtensions.timeRange; isPlainHostNameDelegate isPlainHostName = PacExtensions.isPlainHostName; dnsDomainIsDelegate dnsDomainIs = PacExtensions.dnsDomainIs; dnsResolveDelegate dnsResolve = PacExtensions.dnsResolve; alertDelegate alert = PacExtensions.alert; dnsDomainLevelsDelegate dnsDomainLevels = PacExtensions.dnsDomainLevels; shExpMatchDelegate shExpMatch = PacExtensions.shExpMatch; JintEngine jint = new JintEngine() .SetDebugMode(true) .SetFunction("isInNet", IsInNet) .SetFunction("localHostOrDomainIs", localHostOrDomainIs) .SetFunction("myIpAddress", myIpAddress) .SetFunction("isResolvable", isResolvable) .SetFunction("dateRange", dateRange) .SetFunction("weekdayRange", weekdayRange) .SetFunction("timeRange", timeRange) .SetFunction("isPlainHostName", isPlainHostName) .SetFunction("dnsDomainIs", dnsDomainIs) .SetFunction("dnsResolve", dnsResolve) .SetFunction("alert", alert) .SetFunction("dnsDomainLevels", dnsDomainLevels) .SetFunction("shExpMatch", shExpMatch); try { jint.Step += jint_Step; textEditor1.Text = script; var result = jint.Run(script); executionHistory.Clear(); listBox1.Invoke(new Action(delegate { listBox1.Items.Clear(); })); Uri uri; if (!textBoxURL.Text.Contains("://")) { this.Invoke(new Action(delegate { textBoxURL.Text = "http://" + textBoxURL.Text; })); } if (!Uri.TryCreate(textBoxURL.Text, UriKind.Absolute, out uri)) { listView1.Invoke(new Action(delegate { listView1.Items.Add(string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid URL", textBoxURL.Text), 2); })); } else { PacExtensions.CounterReset(); result = jint.Run(string.Format("FindProxyForURL(\"{0}\",\"{1}\")", uri.ToString(), uri.Host)); Trace.WriteLine(result); textBoxProxy.Invoke(new Action(delegate { listView1.Items.Add(string.Format("IsInNet Count: {0} Total Duration: {1} ms", PacExtensions.IsInNetCount, PacExtensions.IsInNetDuration.Milliseconds)); listView1.Items.Add(string.Format("DnsDomainIs Count: {0} Total Duration: {1} ms", PacExtensions.DnsDomainIsCount, PacExtensions.DnsDomainIsDuration.Milliseconds)); textBoxProxy.Text = result.ToString(); foreach (string s in PacExtensions.EvaluationHistory) { listView1.Items.Add(s, 0); } })); } } catch (Jint.Native.JsException ex) { listBox1.Invoke(new Action(delegate { string msg = ex.Message.Replace("An unexpected error occurred while parsing the script. Jint.JintException: ", ""); listView1.Items.Add(msg, 2); })); } catch (System.NullReferenceException) { listBox1.Invoke(new Action(delegate { string msg = "Null reference. Probably variable/function not defined, remember functions and variables are case sensitive."; listView1.Items.Add(msg, 2); })); } catch (JintException ex) { listBox1.Invoke(new Action(delegate { int i = ex.InnerException.ToString().IndexOf(":"); string msg = ex.InnerException.ToString(); if (msg.Contains("line")) { int x = msg.IndexOf("line"); int y = msg.IndexOf(":", x); if (y > 0) { string lineNumber = msg.Substring(x + 5, y - x - 5); int line; if (Int32.TryParse(lineNumber, out line)) { textEditor1.HighlightActiveLine = true; textEditor1.GotoLine(line - 1); } } } if (i > 0) { msg= msg.Substring(i + 1); } msg = msg.Substring(0, msg.IndexOf(" at Jint.")); if (msg.Contains("Object reference not set to an instance of an object.")) { msg = "Variable/Function not defined. Remember variables/functions are case sensitive."; } //.Replace("An unexpected error occurred while parsing the script. Jint.JintException: ", ""); listView1.Items.Add(msg, 2); if (!msg.Contains("Variable/Function not defined.")) { listBox1.Items.Add(string.Format("Fatal Error: {0}. {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException)); } })); } catch (Exception ex) { listBox1.Invoke(new Action(delegate { listBox1.Items.Add(string.Format("Fatal Error: {0}", ex.Message)); })); } }
private void OutputLog(JintEngine engine) { var arr = engine.GetParameter("debug_outputs") as JsArray; if (arr == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { var o = arr.get(i); if (o == null) continue; Debug.Add(o.ToString()); } }
protected virtual void CustomizeEngine(JintEngine jintEngine) { }
protected virtual void RemoveEngineCustomizations(JintEngine jintEngine) { }
private static void AddScript(JintEngine jintEngine, string ravenDatabaseJsonMapJs) { jintEngine.Run(GetFromResources(ravenDatabaseJsonMapJs)); }
protected override void RemoveEngineCustomizations(JintEngine jintEngine) { jintEngine.RemoveParameter("documentId"); jintEngine.RemoveParameter("sqlReplicate"); }
internal static JintEngine CreateEngine(ScriptedPatchRequest patch) { var wrapperScript = String.Format(@" function ExecutePatchScript(docInner){{ (function(doc){{ {0}{1} }}).apply(docInner); }}; ", patch.Script, patch.Script.EndsWith(";") ? String.Empty : ";"); var jintEngine = new JintEngine() .AllowClr(false) .SetDebugMode(false) .SetMaxRecursions(50) .SetMaxSteps(10*1000); jintEngine.Run(GetFromResources("Raven.Database.Json.Map.js")); jintEngine.Run(GetFromResources("Raven.Database.Json.lodash.js")); jintEngine.Run(GetFromResources("Raven.Database.Json.RavenDB.js")); jintEngine.SetFunction("LoadDocument", ((Func<string, object>)(value => { var loadedDoc = loadDocumentStatic(value); if (loadedDoc == null) return null; loadedDoc[Constants.DocumentIdFieldName] = value; return ToJsObject(jintEngine.Global, loadedDoc); }))); jintEngine.Run(wrapperScript); return jintEngine; }
protected override void CustomizeEngine(JintEngine jintEngine) { jintEngine.SetParameter("documentId", docId); jintEngine.SetFunction("sqlReplicate", (Action<string, string, JsObject>)((table, pkName, cols) => { var itemToReplicates = dictionary.GetOrAdd(table); itemToReplicates.Add(new ItemToReplicate { PkName = pkName, DocumentId = docId, Columns = ToRavenJObject(cols) }); })); }
public Jint() { JintEngine = new JintEngine(); }
public static void Load(JintEngine engine, Stream s) { ExecutionVisitor executionVisitor = (ExecutionVisitor) new BinaryFormatter().Deserialize(s); engine.visitor = executionVisitor; }