Exemple #1
        //int InjectAndCheckBlindDelay(string payload, int time, int avg_time)
        //    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        //    {
        //        this.Scnr.RequestTrace(string.Format("  Injecting {0}", payload));
        //        Response res = this.Scnr.Inject(payload);
        //        string res_trace = string.Format("	==> Code-{0} Length-{1} Time-{2}ms.", res.Code, res.BodyLength, res.RoundTrip);
        //        if (i == 0)
        //        {
        //            if (res.RoundTrip >= (time * 1000))
        //            {
        //                this.Scnr.ResponseTrace(string.Format("{0} <i<b>>Delay Observed! Rechecking the result with the same Injection string<i</b>>", res_trace));
        //            }
        //            else
        //            {
        //                this.Scnr.ResponseTrace(string.Format("{0} No Time Delay.", res_trace));
        //                break;
        //            }
        //        }
        //        else if (i == 1)
        //        {
        //            if (res.RoundTrip >= (time * 1000))
        //            {
        //                this.Scnr.ResponseTrace(string.Format("{0} <i<br>><i<cr>>Delay Observed Again! Indicates Presence of SQL Injection<i</cr>>", res_trace));
        //                this.RequestTriggers.Add(payload);
        //                this.RequestTriggerDescs.Add(string.Format("The payload in this request contains a SQL query snippet which if executed will cause a delay of {0} milliseconds. The payload is {1}", time * 1000, payload));
        //                this.TriggerRequests.Add(this.Scnr.InjectedRequest.GetClone());
        //                this.ResponseTriggers.Add("");
        //                this.ResponseTriggerDescs.Add(string.Format("It took {0} milliseconds to get this response. It took so long because of the {1} milliseconds delay caused by the payload.", res.RoundTrip, time * 1000));
        //                this.TriggerResponses.Add(res);
        //                this.TriggerCount = this.TriggerCount + 1;
        //                FindingReason reason = this.GetBlindTimeReason(payload, time * 1000, res.RoundTrip, avg_time, this.TriggerCount);
        //                this.reasons.Add(reason);
        //                //#this.ReportSQLInjection()
        //                return 1;
        //            }
        //            else
        //            {
        //                this.Scnr.ResponseTrace(string.Format("{0} <i<b>>Time Delay did not occur again!<i</b>>", res_trace));
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return 0;
        int InjectAndCheckBlindDelay(SqlInjectionPayloadParts PayloadParts)
            TimeBasedCheckResults TimeCheckResults = DoTimeDelayBasedCheck(TimePayloadGenerator, PayloadParts);

            if (TimeCheckResults.Success)

                this.RequestTriggerDescs.Add(string.Format("The payload in this request contains a SQL query snippet which if executed will cause a delay of {0} milliseconds. The payload is {1}", TimeCheckResults.DelayInduced, TimeCheckResults.DelayPayload));

                this.ResponseTriggerDescs.Add(string.Format("It took {0} milliseconds to get this response. It took so long because of the {1} milliseconds delay caused by the payload.", TimeCheckResults.DelayObserved, TimeCheckResults.DelayInduced));

                this.TriggerCount = this.TriggerCount + 1;
                FindingReason reason = this.GetBlindTimeReason(TimeCheckResults, this.TriggerCount);
                return 1;
            return 0;
Exemple #2
        int CheckBlindTime()
            int score = 0;
            this.Scnr.Trace("<i<br>><i<h>>Checking for Time based Injection:<i</h>>");
            //this.Scnr.Trace("<i<br>> Sending three requests to get a baseline of the response time for time based check:");
            //int min_delay = -1;
            //int max_delay = 0;
            //int time = 10000;
            //List<string> base_line_delays = new List<string>();
            //int avg_time = 0;
            //for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            //    Response res = this.Scnr.Inject();
            //    avg_time = avg_time + res.RoundTrip;
            //    base_line_delays.Add(string.Format("  {0}) Response time is - {1} ms", i + 1, res.RoundTrip));
            //    if (res.RoundTrip > max_delay)
            //    {
            //        max_delay = res.RoundTrip;
            //    }
            //    if (res.RoundTrip < min_delay || min_delay == -1)
            //    {
            //        min_delay = res.RoundTrip;
            //    }
            //this.Scnr.Trace(string.Join("<i<br>>", base_line_delays.ToArray()));
            //avg_time = avg_time / 3;

            //if (min_delay > 5000)
            //    time = ((max_delay + min_delay) / 1000) + 1;
            //    time = ((max_delay + 5000) / 1000) + 1;

            //this.Scnr.Trace(string.Format("<i<br>> Response Times: Minimum - {0}ms. Maximum - {1}ms.", min_delay, max_delay));
            //this.Scnr.Trace(string.Format("<i<br>> <i<b>>Testing with delay time of {0}ms.<i</b>>", time * 1000));
            SqlInjectionPayloadParts PayloadParts = new SqlInjectionPayloadParts();
            foreach (string inj_str in time_check)
                PayloadParts.SqlCommand = inj_str;
                //string payload = inj_str.Replace("__TIME__", time.ToString());
                //score = score + this.InjectAndCheckBlindDelay(payload, time, avg_time);
                score = score + this.InjectAndCheckBlindDelay(PayloadParts);
            return score;