Exemple #1
 public BigInteger shiftLeft(int n)
     if ((n == 0) || (sign == 0))
     return((n > 0) ? BitLevel.shiftLeft(this, n) : BitLevel.shiftRight(
                this, -n));
Exemple #2
        internal static int[] divide(int[] quot, int quotLength, int[] a, int aLength, int[] b, int bLength)
            int[] normA = new int[aLength + 1];       // the normalized dividend
            // an extra byte is needed for correct shift
            int[] normB       = new int[bLength + 1]; // the normalized divisor;
            int   normBLength = bLength;

             * Step D1: normalize a and b and put the results to a1 and b1 the
             * normalized divisor's first digit must be >= 2^31
            int divisorShift = BigDecimal.numberOfLeadingZeros(b[bLength - 1]);

            if (divisorShift != 0)
                BitLevel.shiftLeft(normB, b, 0, divisorShift);
                BitLevel.shiftLeft(normA, a, 0, divisorShift);
                Array.Copy(a, normA, aLength);
                Array.Copy(b, normB, bLength);
            int firstDivisorDigit = normB[normBLength - 1];
            // Step D2: set the quotient index
            int i = quotLength - 1;
            int j = aLength;

            while (i >= 0)
                // Step D3: calculate a guess digit guessDigit
                int guessDigit = 0;
                if (normA[j] == firstDivisorDigit)
                    // set guessDigit to the largest unsigned int value
                    guessDigit = -1;
                    long product = (((normA[j] & 0xffffffffL) << 32) + (normA[j - 1] & 0xffffffffL));
                    long res     = Division.divideLongByInt(product, firstDivisorDigit);
                    guessDigit = (int)res;      // the quotient of divideLongByInt
                    int rem = (int)(res >> 32); // the remainder of
                    // divideLongByInt
                    // decrease guessDigit by 1 while leftHand > rightHand
                    if (guessDigit != 0)
                        long leftHand    = 0;
                        long rightHand   = 0;
                        bool rOverflowed = false;
                        guessDigit++; // to have the proper value in the loop
                        // below
                            if (rOverflowed)
                            // leftHand always fits in an unsigned long
                            leftHand = (guessDigit & 0xffffffffL)
                                       * (normB[normBLength - 2] & 0xffffffffL);

                             * rightHand can overflow; in this case the loop
                             * condition will be true in the next step of the loop
                            rightHand = ((long)rem << 32)
                                        + (normA[j - 2] & 0xffffffffL);
                            long longR = (rem & 0xffffffffL)
                                         + (firstDivisorDigit & 0xffffffffL);

                             * checks that longR does not fit in an unsigned int;
                             * this ensures that rightHand will overflow unsigned
                             * long in the next step
                            if (BigDecimal.numberOfLeadingZeros((int)((long)(((ulong)longR) >> 32))) < 32)
                                rOverflowed = true;
                                rem = (int)longR;
                        } while (((long)((ulong)leftHand ^ 0x8000000000000000L) > (long)((ulong)rightHand ^ 0x8000000000000000L)));
                // Step D4: multiply normB by guessDigit and subtract the production
                // from normA.
                if (guessDigit != 0)
                    int borrow = Division.multiplyAndSubtract(normA, j
                                                              - normBLength, normB, normBLength,
                    // Step D5: check the borrow
                    if (borrow != 0)
                        // Step D6: compensating addition
                        long carry = 0;
                        for (int k = 0; k < normBLength; k++)
                            carry += (normA[j - normBLength + k] & 0xffffffffL)
                                     + (normB[k] & 0xffffffffL);
                            normA[j - normBLength + k] = (int)carry;
                            carry = (long)(((ulong)carry) >> 32);
                if (quot != null)
                    quot[i] = guessDigit;
                // Step D7

             * Step D8: we got the remainder in normA. Denormalize it id needed
            if (divisorShift != 0)
                // reuse normB
                BitLevel.shiftRight(normB, normBLength, normA, 0, divisorShift);
            Array.Copy(normA, normB, bLength);