Exemple #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Homosapien firstMan = new Homosapien("Adam", 10, 10, 7, 100);

            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} strength, {2} intelligence, {3} dexterity, {4} health", firstMan.name, firstMan.strength, firstMan.intelligence, firstMan.dexterity, firstMan.health);
            Homosapien firstWoman = new Homosapien("Eve", 8, 10, 9, 100);

            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} strength, {2} intelligence, {3} dexterity, {4} health", firstWoman.name, firstWoman.strength, firstWoman.intelligence, firstWoman.dexterity, firstWoman.health);
            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} health", firstWoman.name, firstWoman.health);
            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} health", firstMan.name, firstMan.health);
            Wizard firstWiz = new Wizard("Merlin");

            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} intelligence, and {2} health", firstWiz.name, firstWiz.intelligence, firstWiz.health);
            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} health", firstMan.name, firstMan.health);
            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} health", firstWiz.name, firstWiz.health);
            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} health", firstWiz.name, firstWiz.health);
            Ninja firstNinja = new Ninja("Ryoku");

            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} strength, {2} intelligence, {3} dexterity, {4} health", firstNinja.name, firstNinja.strength, firstNinja.intelligence, firstNinja.dexterity, firstNinja.health);
            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} strength, {2} intelligence, {3} dexterity, {4} health", firstWoman.name, firstWoman.strength, firstWoman.intelligence, firstWoman.dexterity, firstWoman.health);
            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} strength, {2} intelligence, {3} dexterity, {4} health", firstNinja.name, firstNinja.strength, firstNinja.intelligence, firstNinja.dexterity, firstNinja.health);
            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} health", firstMan.name, firstMan.health);
            Samurai firstSam = new Samurai("Tom Cruise");

            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} strength, {2} intelligence, {3} dexterity, {4} health", firstSam.name, firstSam.strength, firstSam.intelligence, firstSam.dexterity, firstSam.health);
            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} health", firstMan.name, firstMan.health);
            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} strength, {2} intelligence, {3} dexterity, {4} health", firstSam.name, firstSam.strength, firstSam.intelligence, firstSam.dexterity, firstSam.health);
            System.Console.WriteLine("I am {0} and I have {1} strength, {2} intelligence, {3} dexterity, {4} health", firstSam.name, firstSam.strength, firstSam.intelligence, firstSam.dexterity, firstSam.health);