public IEnumerable<SystemReference> Load(string rootPath, SystemReference reference)
            if (reference == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("reference");

            rootPath = rootPath.Reslash();
            // Ensure we have the root path separate from the reference
            var rootIndex = reference.Path.IndexOf(rootPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            var relativePath = reference.Path;
            if (rootIndex >= 0)
                relativePath = relativePath.Substring(rootIndex+rootPath.Length);

            var results = Parse(rootPath, relativePath, reference.Name);

            if (!results.Any())
                yield return reference;//.ToSystemReference(rootPath);


            // Return the files in the correct order
            var processed = new List<Reference>();
            var loops = 0;
            var maxLoops = results.Count;
            while (results.Any())
                if (loops++ > maxLoops)
                    throw new StackOverflowException();

                var noDependencies = results
                    .Where(x => x.Value.Count(v => !processed.Contains(v)) == 0)

                if (!noDependencies.Any())
                    throw new Exception("Unable to add order, there aren't any files that don't have a dependency");

                for (int index = 0; index < noDependencies.Count; index++)
                    var noDependency = noDependencies[index];

                    if (index == noDependencies.Count - 1)
                        noDependency.Key.Wait = true;
                    yield return noDependency.Key;
        public string GenerateReference(SystemReference reference)
            var relativePath = reference.RelativePath(true);
            var wait = reference.Wait ? ".wait()" : "";

            return reference.Name.EndsWith("-module")
                       ? string.Format(".script(\"/hotglue.axd{0}&name={2}\"){1}", relativePath, wait, string.Join("&name=", reference.ReferenceNames))
                       : string.Format(".script(\"/hotglue.axd{0}\"){1}", relativePath, wait);
        public string GenerateReference(SystemReference reference)
            var relativePath = reference.RelativePath(true);

            return reference.Name.EndsWith("-module")
                       ? string.Format("<script src=\"/hotglue.axd{0}&name={1}\"></script>", relativePath, string.Join("&name=", reference.ReferenceNames))
                       : string.Format("<script src=\"/hotglue.axd{0}\"></script>", relativePath)
                       + Environment.NewLine;
Exemple #4
        public static string Reference(
            HelperContext context,
            HelperOptions options,
            string root,
            IEnumerable<string> names)
            var package = Package.Build(context.Configuration, root);
            var references = new List<SystemReference>();

            if (context.Debug)
                foreach (var name in names)
                    var cleanedName = name.Reslash();

                    string file = cleanedName.StartsWith("/")
                                      ? cleanedName.Substring(1)
                                      : Path.Combine(context.Configuration.ScriptPath.Reslash(), cleanedName).Reslash();
                    file = file.StartsWith("/") ? file.Substring(1) : file;

                    cleanedName = file.Substring(file.LastIndexOf("/", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);

                    var reference = new SystemReference(new DirectoryInfo(root), new FileInfo(Path.Combine(root, file)), cleanedName);

                    references.AddRange(context.Locator.Load(root, reference));

                return package.GenerateReferences(references, options);

            foreach (var name in names)
                var appName = name + "-glue";
                var appDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(root);
                var appFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(root + context.Configuration.ScriptPath, appName));
                var appReference = new SystemReference(appDirectory, appFile, appName) { Type = Model.Reference.TypeEnum.App };

            return package.GenerateReferences(references, options);
Exemple #5
 public static string Compile(string rootPath, string filePath, string fileName)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootPath))
         throw new ArgumentNullException("rootPath");
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath))
         throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath");
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))
         throw new ArgumentNullException("fileName");
     var config = LoadedConfiguration.Load(HotGlueConfiguration.Default());
     var locator = new GraphReferenceLocator(config);
     var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(rootPath);
     var fileInfo = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(filePath, fileName));
     var reference = new SystemReference(directoryInfo, fileInfo, fileName);
     var references = locator.Load(rootPath, reference);
     var package = Package.Build(config, rootPath);
     return package.Compile(references);
Exemple #6
 public SystemReference Clone(string suffix)
     var clone = new SystemReference
                     ReferenceNames = ReferenceNames,
                     SystemPath = SystemPath,
                     Name = Name + suffix,
                     Extension = Extension,
                     Path = Path,
                     Type = Type,
                     Wait = Wait
     return clone;
Exemple #7
        public static SystemReference Build(Reference.TypeEnum type, string fullPath, string rootPath, string keys)
            var name = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fullPath).RealFileName();
            var directory = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(fullPath);

            var reference = new SystemReference(new DirectoryInfo(rootPath), new FileInfo(System.IO.Path.Combine(directory, name)), name) { Type = type };
            foreach (var key in keys.Split(','))
            return reference;
        // recursive function
        private void Parse(DirectoryInfo rootDirectory, String relativePath, RelativeReference relativeReference, ref Dictionary<SystemReference, IList<RelativeReference>> references)
            String currentPath = Path.Combine(rootDirectory.FullName, relativePath);
            SystemReference systemReference = null;
            var modifiedPath = Regex.Replace(relativeReference.ReferenceName, "^~/", "/");
            var referenceIsAbsolutePath = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(relativeReference.ReferenceName) &&
                                          (modifiedPath[0] == '/');
            var filePath = referenceIsAbsolutePath
                               ? Path.Combine(rootDirectory.FullName, modifiedPath.Substring(1))
                               : Path.Combine(currentPath, relativeReference.ReferenceName);
            var fileReference = new FileInfo(filePath);

            // Doesn't really exist, just create the system reference and return
            if (relativeReference.Type == Reference.TypeEnum.Generated)
                systemReference = new SystemReference(rootDirectory, fileReference, relativeReference.ReferenceName) { Type = relativeReference.Type };
                if (!references.ContainsKey(systemReference))
                    references.Add(systemReference, new List<RelativeReference>());

            if (fileReference.Exists)
                systemReference = new SystemReference(rootDirectory, fileReference, relativeReference.ReferenceName) { Type = relativeReference.Type };

            if (systemReference == null)
                throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("Unable to find the file: '{0}' in the current path: '{1}'.", relativeReference.Name, filePath));

            // We check for library references here rather than below, because we have the actual file path now
            if (relativeReference.Type == Reference.TypeEnum.Library)
                if (!references.ContainsKey(systemReference))
                    references.Add(systemReference, new List<RelativeReference>());

            var newRelativeReferences = GetReferences(systemReference, ref references);
            foreach (var reference in newRelativeReferences)
                Parse(rootDirectory, systemReference.Path, reference, ref references);
        private IList<RelativeReference> GetReferences(SystemReference reference, ref Dictionary<SystemReference, IList<RelativeReference>> references)
            if (references.ContainsKey(reference))
                // Duplicates within the different files with different types
                CheckForDuplicateReference(reference, references.Keys);
                // if its not a duplicate reference type, but has a different reference name, add it to the collection
                var existing = references.Single(x => x.Key.Equals(reference));
                if (!existing.Key.ReferenceNames.Contains(reference.ReferenceNames.Single()))
                return new List<RelativeReference>(); // already parsed file

            references.Add(reference, new List<RelativeReference>());

            var text = File.ReadAllText(reference.FullPath);
            var currentReferences = new List<RelativeReference>();
            foreach (var findReference in _configuration.FindReferences)

            var list = references[reference];
            foreach (var currentReference in currentReferences.OrderBy(r => r.Index))
                // find any duplicate references for the same type in the file and remove.
                // look off the full referenced name and not the internal equals name
                if (!list.Any(x => x.ReferenceName.Equals(currentReference.ReferenceName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                    // Duplicates within the same file with different types
                    CheckForDuplicateReference(currentReference, list);

            return list;
        public void ShouldMatch(SystemReference[] good, List<SystemReference> generated)

            // check in list
            for (int index = 0; index < good.Length; index++)
                var reference = good[index];

                ShouldMatch(reference, generated[index]);
 public SystemReference BuildReference(string path, string name, Reference.TypeEnum type)
     var root = new DirectoryInfo("../../");
     var reference = new SystemReference(root, new FileInfo(Path.Combine(root.FullName, configuration.ScriptPath + path + "/" + name)), name)
         Type = type
     return reference;