Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the newly generated population in Metastone.
        /// </summary>
        private void TestNewPopulation(List <HSGAIndividual> currentPop, int currentGenerationNum)
            for (int i = 0; i < _MaxPopulation; i++)
                // get back all the cards we removed from the lists during
                // previous mutations/validations
                JSONHandler.GetAllCards(numOfFiles, initialDirectory);

                // Reassemble the deck string for the current individual.
                currentPop[i].deck = JSONHandler.GenerateDeckString(currentPop[i], comboBox1.Text);

                GeneFunctions gene = new GeneFunctions();

                // check if deck is legal
                bool isLegal = JSONHandler.ValidateDeck(currentPop[i].cardList);

                //if deck isnt legal, no need to test it in metastone
                if (isLegal == true)
                    // test each individual against each hero class type.
                    for (int opponentNum = 0; opponentNum < 9; opponentNum++)
                        // send over individual and opponent class numbers
                        GenerateMetastoneValues(comboBox1.SelectedIndex, opponentNum);
                        // run gradlew run command in cmd in metastone directory

                        // retreive the sim stats from text file.
                        Dictionary <string, float> currentStats = new Dictionary <string, float>();
                        currentStats = ParseMetastoneResults();
                        // accumulate current win rate per game.
                        gene.CalculatePerGameStats(currentStats, opponentNum);
                // calc fitness - fitness function
                // calc legality
                currentPop[i].winRateFitness           = gene.winRateFitness;
                currentPop[i].legalFitness             = gene.legalityFitness;
                currentPop[i].standardDeviationFitness = gene.standardDeviationFitness;

                // send individual stats to its correspondent folder.
                using (StreamWriter w = File.CreateText(generationDirectory + "\\Generation" + currentGenerationNum + "\\Individual" + i + ".txt"))
                    w.WriteLine("Total Wins: " + currentPop[i].winRateFitness);
                    w.WriteLine("Legality: " + currentPop[i].legalFitness);
                    w.WriteLine("Standard Deviation: " + currentPop[i].standardDeviationFitness);
                    for (int j = 0; j < currentPop[i].cardList.Count; j++)
                        string s = currentPop[i].cardList[j]._CardID;
Exemple #2
        private List <HSGAIndividual> ProduceInitialPopulation(int initialGenNum)
            selectedClass        = comboBox1.GetItemText(comboBox1.SelectedItem);
            JSONHandler.filePath = deckDirectory;
            List <HSGAIndividual> currentPop = new List <HSGAIndividual>();

            // assemble the initial population
            // test each individual in the population
            for (int i = 0; i < _MaxPopulation; i++)
                JSONHandler.GetAllCards(numOfFiles, initialDirectory);

                HSGAIndividual GeneIndividual = new HSGAIndividual();
                // Create the deck for the current individual.
                Tuple <string, List <Card> > t = new Tuple <string, List <Card> >("", null);
                t = JSONHandler.GenerateSpecificDeck(selectedClass);
                GeneIndividual.deck = t.Item1;
                // cList = JSONHandler.GetFinalDeckList();
                GeneIndividual.cardList = t.Item2;

                GeneFunctions gene = new GeneFunctions();

                // check if deck is legal - dont really need to do it here
                // because initial population will be legal regardless
                bool isLegal = JSONHandler.ValidateDeck(GeneIndividual.cardList);

                //if deck isnt legal, no need to test it in metastone
                if (isLegal == true)
                    // test each individual against each hero class type.
                    for (int opponentNum = 0; opponentNum < 9; opponentNum++)
                        // send over individual and opponent class numbers
                        GenerateMetastoneValues(comboBox1.SelectedIndex, opponentNum);
                        // run gradlew run command in cmd in metastone directory

                        // retreive the sim stats from text file.
                        Dictionary <string, float> currentStats = new Dictionary <string, float>();
                        currentStats = ParseMetastoneResults();
                        // accumulate current win rate per game.
                        gene.CalculatePerGameStats(currentStats, opponentNum);
                // calc fitness - fitness function
                // calc legality
                GeneIndividual.winRateFitness           = gene.winRateFitness;
                GeneIndividual.legalFitness             = gene.legalityFitness;
                GeneIndividual.standardDeviationFitness = gene.standardDeviationFitness;

                // Add the individual to the population

                // send individual stats to its correspondent folder.
                using (StreamWriter w = File.CreateText(generationDirectory + "\\Generation" + initialGenNum + "\\Individual" + i + ".txt"))
                    w.WriteLine("Total Wins: " + GeneIndividual.winRateFitness);
                    w.WriteLine("Legality: " + GeneIndividual.legalFitness);
                    w.WriteLine("Standard Deviation: " + GeneIndividual.standardDeviationFitness);
                    for (int j = 0; j < GeneIndividual.cardList.Count; j++)
                        string s = GeneIndividual.cardList[j]._CardID;
