internal void AddRange(IEnumerable <ComplexType> list, MapConfig config) { foreach (var cmp in list) { Add(cmp); } }
/// <summary> /// Builds the map. /// </summary> /// <param name="settings">The settings.</param> /// <param name="entityRenames">The entity renames.</param> /// <param name="additionalTypes">The additional types.</param> /// <returns></returns> public MapConfig GenerateMap(ProjectSettings settings, IDictionary <string, string> entityRenames, params ComplexType[] additionalTypes) { try { MapConfig builder = new MapConfig(); schemaDescriptor.ProjectSettings = settings; IDictionary <string, EntityMap> tables = schemaDescriptor.GetTables(); if (entityRenames == null) { entityRenames = new Dictionary <string, string>(); } IPostGenerationProcessor nameProcessor = new NamePostProcessor(schemaDescriptor.Dialect, transfactory, tableAbbreviator, settings); IPostGenerationProcessor relationshipProcessor = new RelationshipProcessor(schemaDescriptor.Dialect, settings); IPostGenerationProcessor propRenameProcessor = new PropertiesRenameProcessor(schemaDescriptor.Dialect); nameProcessor.Process(tables, builder.MappedStatements, entityRenames); relationshipProcessor.Process(tables, builder.MappedStatements, entityRenames); propRenameProcessor.Process(tables, builder.MappedStatements, entityRenames); builder.Settings = settings; builder.Settings.GeneratedBy = schemaDescriptor.ToString(); builder.Settings.Platform = schemaDescriptor.DatabaseProviderName; builder.EntityConfigs.AddRange(tables.Values); ComplexType baseModel = null; if ((additionalTypes != null) && (additionalTypes.Length > 0)) { builder.ComplexTypes.AddRange(additionalTypes); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.BaseModel) && builder.ComplexTypes.Contains(settings.BaseModel)) { baseModel = builder.ComplexTypes[settings.BaseModel]; } } foreach (var ent in builder.EntityConfigs) { ent.Parent = builder; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ent.Extends) && (baseModel != null)) { ent.Extends = baseModel.FullName; } MapPrimaryKey(ent); } builder.IsLoaded = true; builder.Settings.ConnectionString = "Data Source=[DB_Server];Initial Catalog=[DatabaseName];Integrated Security=True"; Console.WriteLine("we found {0} tables", tables.Count); return(builder); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); throw; } }
void ProcessElement(XmlReader reader, MapConfig config) { if (reader.Name.Equals("")) { while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { switch (reader.Name) { case "version": config.Settings.Version = reader.Value; break; case "rdbms": config.Settings.Platform = reader.Value; break; default: break; } } Read_GoDataElements(reader, config); } }
Relation Read_List(XmlReader reader, MapConfig config, CollectionType listType) { Relation rel = null; string elementName = null; switch (listType) { case CollectionType.List: elementName = "list"; break; case CollectionType.Map: elementName = "map"; break; case CollectionType.Set: elementName = "set"; break; default: return(null); } rel = Read_PropertyElement(reader, config, elementName, true) as Relation; rel.CollectionType = listType; return(rel); }
//void InitializeRelObject(ref Relation rel, Property prop) //{ // if (rel == null) // rel = new Relation(prop); //} #region <statement> StatementMap Read_StatementElement(XmlReader reader, MapConfig config, string elementName) { if (reader.CanReadElement(elementName)) { StatementMap statement = new StatementMap(); while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { string currentAttribute = reader.Name; switch (currentAttribute) { case "name": statement.Name = reader.Value; break; case "dbName": statement.DbName = reader.Value; break; case "canRunOn": statement.CanRunOn = reader.Value; break; case "resultMap": statement.ResultMap = reader.Value; break; case "resultIsCollection": statement.ResultIsCollection = ReadBool(reader.Value); break; case "inputParamType": statement.InputParametersMap.Add("a", reader.Value); break; case "parse": statement.IsParsingRequired = ReadBool(reader.Value); break; case "operationType": statement.OperationType = ReadEnumType <MappedStatementType>(reader.Value); break; default: break; } } if ((statement.OperationType == MappedStatementType.Undefined) && !elementName.ToUpper().Equals("STATEMENT")) { statement.OperationType = ReadEnumType <MappedStatementType>(elementName); } return(statement); } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Merges the map. /// </summary> /// <param name="config">The configuration.</param> /// <exception cref="GoliathDataException"> /// </exception> public void MergeMap(MapConfig config) { foreach (var entity in config.EntityConfigs) { if (EntityConfigs.Contains(entity.FullName)) { continue; } EntityConfigs.Add(entity); } foreach (var complexType in config.ComplexTypes) { if (ComplexTypes.Contains(complexType.FullName)) { continue; } ComplexTypes.Add(complexType); } config.MapStatements(config.Settings.Platform); MapStatements(Settings.Platform); LoadMappedStatements(config.MappedStatements); }
void ElementEntityReadRelations(XmlReader reader, MapConfig config, EntityMap entMap) { bool hasReachedEndGracefully = false; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.CanReadElement("property")) { var prop = Read_PropertyElement(reader, config, "property", true) as Relation; if (prop != null) { entMap.Add(prop); } } else if (reader.HasReachedEndOfElement("relations")) { hasReachedEndGracefully = true; break; } } if (!hasReachedEndGracefully) { throw new MappingSerializationException(typeof(PropertyCollection), "missing a </relations> end tag"); } }
internal void AddRange(IEnumerable <EntityMap> list, MapConfig config) { foreach (var ent in list) { ent.Parent = config; Add(ent); } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the mapped statements. /// </summary> /// <param name="xmlStream">The XML stream.</param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">xmlStream</exception> public void LoadMappedStatements(Stream xmlStream) { if (xmlStream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("xmlStream"); } var mapConfig = MapConfig.Create(xmlStream); LoadMappedStatements(mapConfig.UnprocessedStatements); }
/// <summary> /// Deserialize file and create a map model. /// </summary> /// <param name="xmlStream">The XML stream.</param> /// <param name="settings">The settings.</param> /// <param name="includeMetadataAttributes">if set to <c>true</c> [include metadata attributes].</param> /// <param name="generators">The generators.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static MapConfig Create(Stream xmlStream, ProjectSettings settings, bool includeMetadataAttributes = false, params IKeyGenerator[] generators) { var config = new MapConfig(generators); config.Load(xmlStream, includeMetadataAttributes); if (settings != null) { config.Settings = settings; } return(config); }
public void Read(XmlReader reader, MapConfig config) { while (reader.ReadToFollowing("", XmlNameSpace)) { switch (reader.NodeType) { case XmlNodeType.Element: ProcessElement(reader, config); break; default: break; } } }
void Read_ComplexTypesElement(XmlReader reader, MapConfig config) { while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.CanReadElement("type")) { var cp = this.Read_ComplexTypeElement(reader, config); if (cp != null) { config.ComplexTypes.Add(cp); } } else if (reader.HasReachedEndOfElement("complexTypes")) { return; } } throw new MappingSerializationException(typeof(ComplexTypeCollection), "missing a </complexTypes> end tag"); }
void Read_EntitiesElements(XmlReader reader, MapConfig config) { while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.CanReadElement("entity")) { var ent = Read_EntityElement(reader, config); if (ent != null) { ent.Parent = config; config.EntityConfigs.Add(ent); } } else if (reader.HasReachedEndOfElement("entities")) { return; } } throw new MappingSerializationException(typeof(EntityCollection), "missing a </entities> end tag"); }
void Read_Project_PropertiesElement(XmlReader reader, MapConfig config) { //bool hasReachedEndGracefully = false; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.CanReadElement("property")) { string propName = null; string propValue = null; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { var currAttribute = reader.Name; switch (currAttribute) { case "name": propName = reader.Value; break; case "value": propValue = reader.Value; break; default: break; } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propName)) { config.Settings.SetPropety(propName, propValue); } } else if (reader.HasReachedEndOfElement("")) { return; } } }
void ElementEntityPrimaryKey(XmlReader reader, MapConfig config, EntityMap entMap) { bool hasReachedEndGracefully = false; List <PrimaryKeyProperty> keys = new List <PrimaryKeyProperty>(); while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.CanReadElement("key")) { PrimaryKeyProperty pk = new PrimaryKeyProperty(); var prop = Read_PropertyElement(reader, config, "key", pk); if (prop != null) { pk.Key = prop; IKeyGenerator idGenerator; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pk.KeyGenerationStrategy) && config.PrimaryKeyGeneratorStore.TryGetValue(pk.KeyGenerationStrategy, out idGenerator)) { pk.KeyGenerator = idGenerator; } keys.Add(pk); } } else if (reader.HasReachedEndOfElement("primaryKey")) { hasReachedEndGracefully = true; break; } } if (!hasReachedEndGracefully) { throw new MappingSerializationException(typeof(PrimaryKey), "missing a </primaryKey> end tag"); } entMap.AddKeyRange(keys); }
void Read_GoDataElements(XmlReader reader, MapConfig config) { string previousElement = string.Empty; string currentElement = reader.Name; while (reader.Read()) { previousElement = currentElement; currentElement = reader.Name; if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { switch (currentElement) { case "entities": if (reader.CanReadElement("entities")) { Read_EntitiesElements(reader, config); } break; case "complexTypes": if (reader.CanReadElement("complexTypes")) { Read_ComplexTypesElement(reader, config); } break; case "": if (reader.CanReadElement("")) { Read_Project_PropertiesElement(reader, config); } break; case "statements": if (reader.CanReadElement("statements")) { Read_StatementsElement(reader, config, null); } break; default: break; } } else if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) { switch (previousElement) { case "connectionString": config.Settings.ConnectionString = reader.Value; break; case "tablePrefixes": config.Settings.TablePrefixes = reader.Value; break; case "namespace": config.Settings.Namespace = reader.Value; break; case "baseModel": config.Settings.BaseModel = reader.Value; break; case "generatedBy": config.Settings.GeneratedBy = reader.Value; break; case "supportManyToMany": config.Settings.SupportManyToMany = ReadBool(reader.Value); break; default: break; } } else if (reader.HasReachedEndOfElement("")) { return; } } throw new MappingSerializationException(typeof(MapConfig), "missing a </> end tag"); }
void Read_StatementsElement(XmlReader reader, MapConfig config, EntityMap entMap) { bool hasReachedEndGracefully = false; bool dependsOnEntity = entMap != null; while (reader.Read()) { StatementMap statement = null; string elementName = reader.Name; if (reader.CanReadElement("query") || reader.CanReadElement("insert") || reader.CanReadElement("statement") || reader.CanReadElement("update") || reader.CanReadElement("delete")) { statement = Read_StatementElement(reader, config, elementName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(statement.Name)) { if (dependsOnEntity) { statement.Name = StatementStore.BuildMappedStatementName(entMap, statement.OperationType); switch (statement.OperationType) { case MappedStatementType.Insert: entMap.UseMappedInsert = true; break; case MappedStatementType.Delete: entMap.UseMappedDelete = true; break; case MappedStatementType.Update: entMap.UseMappedUpdate = true; break; } } else { throw new MappingSerializationException(typeof(StatementMap), "A statement in does not have name defined. A name cannot be infered."); } } if (dependsOnEntity) { statement.DependsOnEntity = entMap.FullName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(statement.ResultMap)) { switch (statement.OperationType) { case MappedStatementType.Update: case MappedStatementType.ExecuteNonQuery: case MappedStatementType.Insert: case MappedStatementType.Delete: statement.ResultMap = typeof(Int32).ToString(); break; case MappedStatementType.Query: statement.ResultMap = entMap.FullName; break; case MappedStatementType.Undefined: break; default: break; } } if ((statement.InputParametersMap.Count == 0) && ((statement.OperationType == MappedStatementType.Insert) || (statement.OperationType == MappedStatementType.Update))) { //statement.InputParametersMap.Add("a", entMap.FullName); } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(statement.CanRunOn)) { //if can run on is empty we expect the platform to be on the main file. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.Settings.Platform)) { throw new MappingSerializationException(typeof(StatementMap), string.Format("Statement {0} missing canRunOn. Please specify which platform to run or specify one config rdbms.", statement.Name)); } statement.CanRunOn = config.Settings.Platform; } reader.MoveToElement(); if (!reader.IsEmptyElement) { while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.HasReachedEndOfElement(elementName)) { break; } if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) || (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA)) { statement.Body = reader.Value; } else if (reader.CanReadElement("dbParameters")) { while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.HasReachedEndOfElement("dbParameters")) { break; } if (reader.CanReadElement("param")) { Read_StatementParams(reader, statement); } } } else if (reader.CanReadElement("inputParameters")) { while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.HasReachedEndOfElement("inputParameters")) { break; } if (reader.CanReadElement("input")) { Read_StatementInputParam(reader, statement); } } } else if (reader.CanReadElement("body")) { while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.HasReachedEndOfElement("body")) { break; } if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) || (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA)) { statement.Body = reader.Value; } } } } } if (statement.OperationType == MappedStatementType.Undefined) { throw new MappingSerializationException(typeof(StatementMap), string.Format("Statement {0} must have have an operationType", statement.Name)); } config.UnprocessedStatements.Add(statement); } else if (reader.HasReachedEndOfElement("statements")) { hasReachedEndGracefully = true; break; } } if (!hasReachedEndGracefully) { throw new MappingSerializationException(typeof(StatementMap), "missing a </statements> end tag"); } }
Property Read_PropertyElement(XmlReader reader, MapConfig config, string elementName, bool forceReturnRel = false) { return(Read_PropertyElement(reader, config, elementName, null, forceReturnRel)); }
Property Read_PropertyElement(XmlReader reader, MapConfig config, string elementName, PrimaryKeyProperty pk, bool forceReturnRel = false) { if (reader.CanReadElement(elementName)) { var property = new Property(); var rel = new Relation(); bool loadedRel = false; string keyGen = null; string unsavedValue = null; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { string currentAttribute = reader.Name; switch (currentAttribute) { case "name": property.PropertyName = reader.Value; break; case "column": property.ColumnName = reader.Value; break; case "constraintType": property.ConstraintType = ReadEnumType <ConstraintType>(reader.Value); break; case "clrType": //property.ClrType = ReadClrType(reader.Value); break; case "dbType": property.DbType = ReadEnumType <System.Data.DbType>(reader.Value); break; case "sqlType": property.SqlType = reader.Value; break; case "length": property.Length = ReadInteger(reader.Value); break; case "precision": property.Precision = ReadInteger(reader.Value); break; case "scale": property.Scale = ReadInteger(reader.Value); break; case "type": property.ComplexTypeName = reader.Value; property.IsComplexType = true; break; case "lazy": property.LazyLoad = ReadBool(reader.Value); break; case "unique": property.IsUnique = ReadBool(reader.Value); break; case "primaryKey": property.IsPrimaryKey = ReadBool(reader.Value); break; case "default": property.DefaultValue = reader.Value; break; case "constraint": property.ConstraintName = reader.Value; break; case "ignoreOnUpdate": property.IgnoreOnUpdate = ReadBool(reader.Value); break; case "nullable": property.IsNullable = ReadBool(reader.Value); break; case "identity": property.IsIdentity = ReadBool(reader.Value); break; case "autoGenerated": property.IsAutoGenerated = ReadBool(reader.Value); break; case "order": property.Order = ReadInteger(reader.Value); break; //relation attributes case "relation": loadedRel = true; rel.RelationType = ReadEnumType <RelationshipType>(reader.Value); break; case "referenceTable": loadedRel = true; rel.ReferenceTable = reader.Value; break; case "referenceColumn": loadedRel = true; rel.ReferenceColumn = reader.Value; break; case "referenceProperty": loadedRel = true; rel.ReferenceProperty = reader.Value; break; case "refConstraint": loadedRel = true; rel.ReferenceConstraintName = reader.Value; break; case "refEntity": loadedRel = true; rel.ReferenceEntityName = reader.Value; break; case "exclude": loadedRel = true; rel.Exclude = ReadBool(reader.Value); break; case "inverse": loadedRel = true; rel.Inverse = ReadBool(reader.Value); break; case "mapColumn": loadedRel = true; rel.MapColumn = reader.Value; break; case "mapReferenceColumn": loadedRel = true; rel.MapReferenceColumn = reader.Value; break; case "manyToManyPropertyName": loadedRel = true; rel.ManyToManyPropertyName = reader.Value; break; case "propertyName": loadedRel = true; rel.MapPropertyName = reader.Value; break; case "mapTable": loadedRel = true; rel.MapTableName = reader.Value; break; //primary key attributes case "unsaved_value": unsavedValue = reader.Value; break; case "key_generator": keyGen = reader.Value; break; default: if (includeMetaData) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentAttribute) && currentAttribute.StartsWith("data_")) { string metaKey = currentAttribute.Replace("data_", string.Empty); if (!property.MetaDataAttributes.ContainsKey(metaKey)) { property.MetaDataAttributes.Add(metaKey, reader.Value); } } } break; } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementName) && elementName.Equals("key", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && pk != null) { pk.KeyGenerationStrategy = keyGen; pk.UnsavedValueString = unsavedValue; } if (loadedRel) { rel.LoadPropertyValues(property); return(rel); } if (forceReturnRel) { rel = new Relation(property); return(rel); } return(property); } return(null); }
EntityMap Read_EntityElement(XmlReader reader, MapConfig config) { EntityMap entMap = new EntityMap(); if (reader.CanReadElement("entity")) { while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { string currentAttribute = reader.Name; switch (currentAttribute) { case "name": entMap.Name = reader.Value; break; case "extends": entMap.Extends = reader.Value; break; case "assembly": entMap.AssemblyName = reader.Value; break; case "entityNamespace": entMap.Namespace = reader.Value; break; case "table": entMap.TableName = reader.Value; break; case "schema": entMap.SchemaName = reader.Value; break; case "alias": entMap.TableAlias = reader.Value; break; case "order": entMap.Order = ReadInteger(reader.Value); break; case "sort": entMap.SortOrder = ReadInteger(reader.Value); break; case "trackable": entMap.IsTrackable = ReadBool(reader.Value); break; case "linkTable": bool isLinkTable; if (bool.TryParse(reader.Value, out isLinkTable)) { entMap.IsLinkTable = isLinkTable; } break; default: if (includeMetaData) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentAttribute) && currentAttribute.StartsWith("data_")) { string metaKey = currentAttribute.Replace("data_", string.Empty); if (!entMap.MetaDataAttributes.ContainsKey(metaKey)) { entMap.MetaDataAttributes.Add(metaKey, reader.Value); } } } break; } } while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.HasReachedEndOfElement("entity")) { return(entMap); } //element primary key else if (reader.CanReadElement("primaryKey")) { ElementEntityPrimaryKey(reader, config, entMap); } //element properties else if (reader.CanReadElement("properties")) { ElementEntityProperties(reader, config, entMap); } //element relations else if (reader.CanReadElement("relations")) { ElementEntityReadRelations(reader, config, entMap); } else if (reader.CanReadElement("statements")) { Read_StatementsElement(reader, config, entMap); } } throw new MappingSerializationException(typeof(EntityMap), "missing a </entity> end tag"); } return(null); }
ComplexType Read_ComplexTypeElement(XmlReader reader, MapConfig config) { ComplexType compType = new ComplexType(null); if (reader.CanReadElement("type")) { while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { switch (reader.Name) { case "fullname": compType.FullName = reader.Value; break; case "enum": compType.IsEnum = ReadBool(reader.Value); break; default: break; } } while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.HasReachedEndOfElement("type")) { return(compType); } else if (reader.CanReadElement("properties")) { bool hasReachedEndGracefully = false; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.CanReadElement("property")) { var prop = Read_PropertyElement(reader, config, "property"); if (prop != null) { compType.Properties.Add(prop); } } else if (reader.HasReachedEndOfElement("properties")) { hasReachedEndGracefully = true; break; } } if (!hasReachedEndGracefully) { throw new MappingSerializationException(typeof(PropertyCollection), "missing a </properties> end tag"); } } } throw new MappingSerializationException(typeof(ComplexType), "missing a </type> end tag"); } return(null); }