Exemple #1
 void Update()
     if (status == STATUS.NORMAL)
         // for each possible match between one magnet on the moving part and those on the base
         foreach (MagnetMatch match in matches)
             // for each of the possible base magnets
             foreach (Magnet baseMagnet in match.baseMagnets)
                 // keeps monitoring position and rotation difference until the connection threshold is reached
                 if (checkDistance(baseMagnet, match.movingMagnet) && checkRotation(baseMagnet, match.movingMagnet))
                     // disables the moving part collider to avoid collisions while joining magnets
                     match.movingMagnet.transform.parent.GetComponent <Collider> ().enabled = false;
                     baseMagnetToJoin   = baseMagnet;
                     movingMagnetToJoin = match.movingMagnet;
                     status             = STATUS.JOINED;
     else if (status == STATUS.JOINED)
        // Whenever two magnets have been joined, the moving part is hidden and a corresponding static base part takes
        // its place, so as to avoid displaying imperfect connections with space in between, wrong angles, etc.
        private void HandleMagnetsJoined(GameObject joinedPart, Magnet baseMagnetJoined)
            magnetController.enabled = false;

            AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(lockSound, Camera.main.transform.position);

            // the moving part is immediately hidden and removed from the game

            // searches for a correspondance between the base magnet which has been connected and the array of
            // possible matches, so that it can reach the relevant disabled base part and enable it
            GameObject basePart = null;

            foreach (BaseObjectByMagnet baseObjectByMagnet in baseObjectsByMagnet)
                if (baseObjectByMagnet.baseMagnet == baseMagnetJoined)
                    basePart = baseObjectByMagnet.baseObject;

            // if all the base parts are now active, the game is over
            bool allBasePartsActive = true;

            foreach (Transform child in baseObject.transform)
                if (!child.gameObject.activeSelf)
                    allBasePartsActive = false;
            if (allBasePartsActive)
Exemple #3
        // Checks rotation difference threshold between magnets
        // FIXME: with a different controller, the Y axis should be considered too...
        private bool checkRotation(Magnet baseMagnet, Magnet movingMagnet)
            Vector3 difference = baseMagnet.transform.eulerAngles - movingMagnet.transform.eulerAngles;

            float absX = Mathf.Abs(difference.x);
            bool  xOK  = false;

            if ((absX - 0) < rotationThreshold.x || (360 - absX) < rotationThreshold.x)
                xOK = true;

            float absZ = Mathf.Abs(difference.z);
            bool  zOK  = false;

            if ((absZ - 0) < rotationThreshold.z || (360 - absZ) < rotationThreshold.z)
                zOK = true;

            return(xOK && zOK);
Exemple #4
        // Checks distance threshold between magnets
        private bool checkDistance(Magnet baseMagnet, Magnet movingMagnet)
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(baseMagnet.transform.position, movingMagnet.transform.position);

            return(Mathf.Abs(distance) <= distanceThreshold);
Exemple #5
 public void OnDisable()
     matches            = new List <MagnetMatch> ();
     baseMagnetToJoin   = null;
     movingMagnetToJoin = null;
Exemple #6
 void Start()
     status             = STATUS.NORMAL;
     baseMagnetToJoin   = null;
     movingMagnetToJoin = null;
Exemple #7
 private void HandleMagnetsJoined(GameObject joinedPart, Magnet baseMagnetJoined)
     selected = null;
     zoom     = 3f;