public static void ExportTile() { return; if (CTreeManager.Trees.Count == 0) { CDebug.Warning($"CDartTxt: no output created on tile {CProgramStarter.currentTileIndex}"); return; } DateTime start = DateTime.Now; DateTime lastDebug = DateTime.Now; StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(HEADER_LINE + newLine); for (int i = 0; i < CTreeManager.Trees.Count; i++) { CDebug.Progress(i, CTreeManager.Trees.Count, DEBUG_FREQUENCY, ref lastDebug, start, "Export dart (trees)"); CTree tree = CTreeManager.Trees[i]; string line = GetLine(tree); if (line != null) { output.Append(line + newLine); } } //CDebug.WriteLine(output); WriteToFile(output.ToString()); }
/// <summary> /// Assigns vege poins to trees. Handled in TreeManager /// </summary> private void ProcessVegePoints() { vege.Sort((b, a) => a.Z.CompareTo(b.Z)); //sort descending by height const int debugFrequency = 10000; DateTime processVegePointsStart = DateTime.Now; CDebug.WriteLine("ProcessVegePoints", true); DateTime previousDebugStart = DateTime.Now; int pointsToAddCount = vege.Count; //pointsToAddCount = 12000; for (int i = 0; i < pointsToAddCount; i++) { if (CProjectData.backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { return; } Vector3 point = vege[i]; CTreeManager.AddPoint(point, i); CDebug.Progress(i, vege.Count, debugFrequency, ref previousDebugStart, processVegePointsStart, "added point"); } CDebug.WriteLine("maxPossibleTreesAssignment = " + CTreeManager.maxPossibleTreesAssignment + " todo: investigate if too high"); CAnalytics.processVegePointsDuration = CAnalytics.GetDuration(processVegePointsStart); CDebug.Duration("ProcessVegePoints", processVegePointsStart); }
/// <summary> /// Add all (valid/invalid) tree points to the output and main output /// </summary> private static void AddTreePointsTo(ref StringBuilder pOutput, bool pValid, ref DateTime start) { string res; DateTime lastDebug = DateTime.Now; List <CTree> trees = pValid ? CTreeManager.Trees : CTreeManager.InvalidTrees; for (int i = 0; i < trees.Count; i++) { if (CProjectData.backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { return; } CDebug.Progress(i, trees.Count, DEBUG_FREQUENCY, ref lastDebug, start, "Export las (trees)"); CTree t = trees[i]; //without this there are always invalid trees in the main file at buffer zones if (t.isAtBufferZone) { continue; } res = GetTreeLines(t); //already ends with "newLine" pOutput.Append(res); } //mainOutput.Append(pOutput); }
private void AddPointsFromLines(List <Tuple <EClass, Vector3> > pParsedLines) { DateTime addStartTime = DateTime.Now; CDebug.WriteLine("AddPointsFromLines " + pParsedLines.Count); int pointsToAddCount = pParsedLines.Count; pParsedLines.Sort((a, b) => b.Item2.Z.CompareTo(a.Item2.Z)); //lines are sorted. first point is peak for sure Init(pParsedLines[0].Item2, treeIndex, treePointExtent); DateTime lineStartTime = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 1; i < Math.Min(pParsedLines.Count, pointsToAddCount); i++) { Tuple <EClass, Vector3> parsedLine = pParsedLines[i]; Vector3 point = parsedLine.Item2; //all points belong to 1 tree. force add it AddPoint(point); CDebug.Progress(i, pParsedLines.Count, 100000, ref lineStartTime, addStartTime, "added point:"); } CDebug.Duration("All points added", addStartTime); }
/// <summary> /// Assigns all vege points in preprocess arrays. /// Then it calculates the expected average tree height. /// </summary> private void PreprocessVegePoints() { const int debugFrequency = 10000; DateTime PreprocessVegePointsStart = DateTime.Now; CDebug.WriteLine("PreprocessVegePoints", true); DateTime preprocessVegePointsStart = DateTime.Now; DateTime previousDebugStart = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < vege.Count; i++) { if (CProjectData.backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { return; } Vector3 point = vege[i]; preprocessDetailArray.AddPointInField(point); preprocessNormalArray.AddPointInField(point); CDebug.Progress(i, vege.Count, debugFrequency, ref previousDebugStart, preprocessVegePointsStart, "preprocessed point"); } //fill missing heigh - will be used in detection process //rank 2 - rank 1 (max) extends local maximas -> unwanted effect preprocessDetailArray.FillMissingHeights(2); preprocessDetailArray.FillMissingHeights(2); CDebug.Duration("PreprocessVegePoints", PreprocessVegePointsStart); //determine average tree height if (CParameterSetter.GetBoolSettings(ESettings.autoAverageTreeHeight)) { //not valid anymore //why not valid??...seems to work fine CTreeManager.AVERAGE_TREE_HEIGHT = preprocessNormalArray.GetAverageZ(); if (float.IsNaN(CTreeManager.AVERAGE_TREE_HEIGHT)) { CDebug.Error("AVERAGE_TREE_HEIGHT = NaN. using input value"); CTreeManager.AVERAGE_TREE_HEIGHT = CParameterSetter.GetIntSettings(ESettings.avgTreeHeigh); } } else { CTreeManager.AVERAGE_TREE_HEIGHT = CParameterSetter.GetIntSettings(ESettings.avgTreeHeigh); } }
/// <summary> /// Export file using data from currently loaded trees /// </summary> public static void ExportCurrent() { if (!exportShape) { return; } DateTime start = DateTime.Now; DateTime lastDebug = DateTime.Now; List <IFeature> treePositions = new List <IFeature>(); List <IFeature> treeBorders = new List <IFeature>(); StringBuilder shpInfo = new StringBuilder(); shpInfo.Append(ATTR_ID + SEP); shpInfo.Append(ATTR_X + SEP); shpInfo.Append(ATTR_Y + SEP); //shpInfo.Append(ATTR_AREA + SEP); shpInfo.Append(ATTR_HEIGHT + SEP); shpInfo.Append(ATTR_DBG + SEP); shpInfo.Append(ATTR_AGB); shpInfo.AppendLine(); for (int i = 0; i < CTreeManager.Trees.Count; i++) { CDebug.Progress(i, CTreeManager.Trees.Count, DEBUG_FREQUENCY, ref lastDebug, start, "Export shp (trees)"); CTree tree = CTreeManager.Trees[i]; //tree positions Feature f = GetTreePosition(tree, ref shpInfo); treePositions.Add(f); treePositionsAll.Add(f); //tree borders f = GetTreeBorder(tree); treeBorders.Add(f); treeAreasAll.Add(f); } CLasExporter.WriteToFile(shpInfo, CProjectData.outputTileSubfolder + "shape_info.csv"); if (exportShapeTreePos) { ExportFeatures(treePositions, TREE_POS_FILE, false); } if (exportShapeTreeAreas) { ExportFeatures(treeBorders, TREE_BORDER_FILE, false); } }
private static void LoadTrees(List <string> pFileNames) { DateTime loadTreesStartTime = DateTime.Now; DateTime lastDebugTime = DateTime.Now; CDebug.WriteLine("Load reftrees: "); foreach (string fileName in pFileNames) { CDebug.WriteLine(" - " + fileName); } for (int i = 0; i < pFileNames.Count; i++) { if (CProjectData.backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { return; } string fileName = pFileNames[i]; CDebug.Progress(i, pFileNames.Count, 1, ref lastDebugTime, loadTreesStartTime, "load reftree"); CRefTree deserializedRefTree = CRefTree.Deserialize(fileName); bool isDeserializedTreeValid = deserializedRefTree != null && deserializedRefTree.IsCurrentVersion(); CRefTree refTree = isDeserializedTreeValid ? deserializedRefTree : new CRefTree(fileName, i, TREE_POINT_EXTENT, true); refTree.RefTreeTypeName = fileName; //GetTypeName(fileName); if (!refTree.isValid) { //this reftree is not valid. case for reftrees in 'ignore' folder CDebug.Warning($"Skipping reftree {fileName}"); continue; } //material set durring assigning to tree //refTree.Obj.UseMtl = CMaterialManager.GetRefTreeMaterial(counter); Trees.Add(refTree); CDebug.WriteLine($"Loaded tree: {fileName}. height = {refTree.GetTreeHeight()}"); } CAnalytics.loadReftreesDuration = CAnalytics.GetDuration(loadTreesStartTime); CDebug.Duration("Load reftrees", loadTreesStartTime); CAnalytics.loadedReftrees = Trees.Count; DebugReftrees(); }
public static void ExportPartition(string pFileSuffix = "", string pIndexPrefix = "") { //folderPath = CObjExporter.CreateFolderIn( // CProjectData.saveFileName, CProjectData.outputTileSubfolder); //just creates a folder (for analytics etc) if (!CParameterSetter.GetBoolSettings(ESettings.export3d) || CRxpParser.IsRxp) { CDebug.WriteLine("Skipping export"); return; } int counter = 0; DateTime exportPartitionStart = DateTime.Now; DateTime previousDebugStart = DateTime.Now; int partsCount = partitionXRange * partitionYRange; int debugFrequency = 1; for (int x = 0; x < partitionXRange; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < partitionYRange; y++) { if (CProjectData.backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { return; } counter++; List <Obj> objsInPartition = objPartition[x, y]; //export only if partition contains some objects (doesn't have to) if (objsInPartition.Count > 0) { CObjExporter.ExportObjs(objsInPartition, $"{CProjectData.saveFileName}_{pIndexPrefix}[{x},{y}]{pFileSuffix}", CProjectData.outputTileSubfolder); } CDebug.Progress(counter, partsCount, debugFrequency, ref previousDebugStart, exportPartitionStart, "Export of part"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Add points from given class to the output and main output /// </summary> private static void AddPointsTo(ref StringBuilder pOutput, EClass pClass, ref DateTime start) { List <Vector3> points = CProjectData.Points.GetPoints(pClass); string res; DateTime lastDebug = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++) { if (CProjectData.backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { return; } CDebug.Progress(i, points.Count, DEBUG_FREQUENCY, ref lastDebug, start, "Export las (ground points)"); Vector3 p = points[i]; CVector3D globalP = CUtils.GetGlobalPosition(p); res = GetPointLine(globalP, 1, 0, GetClassColor(pClass)) + newLine; pOutput.Append(res); } //mainOutput.Append(pOutput); }
private static string GetPreprocessedFilePath() { DateTime getPreprocessedFilePathStart = DateTime.Now; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; CDebug.Progress(1, 3, 1, ref start, getPreprocessedFilePathStart, "classifyFilePath", true); string classifyFilePath = CPreprocessController.GetClassifiedFilePath(); if (CRxpParser.IsRxp) { return(classifyFilePath); } /////// lassplit ////////// CDebug.Step(EProgramStep.Pre_Split); CDebug.Progress(2, 3, 1, ref start, getPreprocessedFilePathStart, "splitFilePath", true); //split mode = NONE => split file is same as classified file string splitFilePath = classifyFilePath; switch ((ESplitMode)CParameterSetter.GetIntSettings(ESettings.currentSplitMode)) { case ESplitMode.Manual: splitFilePath = CPreprocessController.LasSplit(classifyFilePath); break; case ESplitMode.Shapefile: splitFilePath = CPreprocessController.LasClip(classifyFilePath); break; } return(splitFilePath); }
private void ProcessUnassignedPoints() { DateTime debugStart = DateTime.Now; DateTime previousDebugStart = DateTime.Now; for (int i = 0; i < unassigned.Count; i++) { if (CProjectData.backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { return; } CDebug.Progress(i, unassigned.Count, 100000, ref previousDebugStart, debugStart, "ProcessUnassignedPoints"); if (CProjectData.backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { return; } Vector3 point = unassigned[i]; unassignedArray.AddPointInField(point); if (CTreeManager.GetDetectMethod() == EDetectionMethod.Balls) { ballArray.AddPointInField(point); } } if (CTreeManager.GetDetectMethod() == EDetectionMethod.Balls) { //unassignedArray.FillArray(); //doesnt make sense const bool filterBasedOnheight = false; //balls are expected to be in this height above ground if (filterBasedOnheight) { ballArray.FilterPointsAtHeight(1.8f, 2.7f); } //add filtered points to detail array List <Vector3> filteredPoints = ballArray.GetPoints(); foreach (Vector3 point in filteredPoints) { if (CProjectData.backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { return; } ballDetailArray.AddPointInField(point); } List <CBallField> ballFields = new List <CBallField>(); //vege.Sort((b, a) => a.Z.CompareTo(b.Z)); //sort descending by height List <CBallField> sortedFields = ballDetailArray.fields; //sortedFields.Sort((a, b) => a.indexInField.Item1.CompareTo(b.indexInField.Item1)); //sortedFields.Sort((a, b) => a.indexInField.Item2.CompareTo(b.indexInField.Item2)); sortedFields.OrderBy(a => a.indexInField.Item1).ThenBy(a => a.indexInField.Item2); //List<Vector3> mainPoints = new List<Vector3>(); debugStart = DateTime.Now; previousDebugStart = DateTime.Now; //process for (int i = 0; i < sortedFields.Count; i++) { if (CProjectData.backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { return; } CDebug.Progress(i, sortedFields.Count, 100000, ref previousDebugStart, debugStart, "Detecting balls"); CBallField field = (CBallField)sortedFields[i]; field.Detect(); if (field.ball != null && field.ball.isValid) { ballFields.Add(field); ballsMainPoints.AddRange(field.ball.GetMainPoints(true)); ballsCenters.Add(; ballsCenters.AddRange(CUtils.GetPointCross(; //return; ballsSurface.AddRange(field.ball.GetSurfacePoints()); } } foreach (CBallField field in ballFields) { ballPoints.AddRange(field.points); } } }
/// <summary> /// Merges all trees, whose peak has good AddFactor to another tree /// </summary> private static void MergeGoodAddFactorTrees(bool pOnlyInvalid) { DateTime mergeStart = DateTime.Now; DateTime previousMergeStart = DateTime.Now; int iteration = 0; int maxIterations = Trees.Count; for (int i = Trees.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (CProjectData.backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { return; } if (i >= Trees.Count) { //CDebug.WriteLine("Tree was deleted"); continue; } CTree treeToMerge = Trees[i]; if (treeToMerge.treeIndex == 48 || treeToMerge.treeIndex == 1001) { CDebug.WriteLine(""); } if (pOnlyInvalid && !treeToMerge.isValid && treeToMerge.IsAtBorder()) { //CDebug.Warning(treeToMerge + " is at border"); continue; } //dont merge tree if it is local maximum //if some tree is very close (in neighbouring detail field) //merge it with the highest one if (detectMethod == EDetectionMethod.AddFactor2D) { if (treeToMerge.Equals(22)) { CDebug.WriteLine(); } if (treeToMerge.IsLocalMaximum()) { continue; } CTreeField f = CProjectData.Points.treeDetailArray.GetFieldContainingPoint(treeToMerge.peak.Center); List <CTree> treesInHood = f.GetDetectedTreesFromNeighbourhood(); foreach (CTree tree in treesInHood) { if (tree.Equals(treeToMerge)) { continue; } MergeTrees(tree, treeToMerge); break; } continue; } List <CTree> possibleTrees = GetPossibleTreesToMergeWith(treeToMerge, EPossibleTreesMethod.ClosestHigher); Vector3 pPoint = treeToMerge.peak.Center; float bestAddPointFactor = 0; CTree selectedTree = null; foreach (CTree possibleTree in possibleTrees) { bool isFar = false; bool isSimilarHeight = false; if (possibleTree.isValid && treeToMerge.isValid) { float mergeFactor = GetMergeValidFacor(treeToMerge, possibleTree); if (mergeFactor > 0.9f) { selectedTree = possibleTree; break; } } if (pOnlyInvalid && possibleTree.isValid && treeToMerge.isValid) { continue; } if (treeToMerge.isValid) { //treeToMerge is always lower float possibleTreeHeight = possibleTree.GetTreeHeight(); float treeToMergeHeight = treeToMerge.GetTreeHeight(); const float maxPeaksDistance = 1; float peaksDist = CUtils.Get2DDistance(treeToMerge.peak, possibleTree.peak); if (peaksDist > maxPeaksDistance) { isFar = true; } const float maxPeakHeightDiff = 1; if (possibleTreeHeight - treeToMergeHeight < maxPeakHeightDiff) { isSimilarHeight = true; } } float addPointFactor = possibleTree.GetAddPointFactor(pPoint, treeToMerge); float requiredFactor = 0.5f; if (isFar) { requiredFactor += 0.1f; } if (isSimilarHeight) { requiredFactor += 0.1f; } if (pOnlyInvalid) { requiredFactor -= 0.2f; } if (addPointFactor > requiredFactor && addPointFactor > bestAddPointFactor) { selectedTree = possibleTree; bestAddPointFactor = addPointFactor; if (bestAddPointFactor > 0.9f) { break; } } } if (selectedTree != null) { float dist = CUtils.Get2DDistance(treeToMerge.peak.Center, selectedTree.peak.Center); treeToMerge = MergeTrees(ref treeToMerge, ref selectedTree, pOnlyInvalid); } CDebug.Progress(iteration, maxIterations, 50, ref previousMergeStart, mergeStart, "merge"); iteration++; } }
public static void Export(int pTileIndex) { if (!exportBitmap) { return; } //init for each tile treeMarkerSize = GetTreeBrushSize(false); DateTime bitmapStart = DateTime.Now; CVegeArray array = CProjectData.Points.vegeDetailArray; Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(array.arrayXRange, array.arrayYRange); int maxValue = 0; for (int x = 0; x < array.arrayXRange; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < array.arrayYRange; y++) { CVegeField element = array.GetField(x, y); int? colorVal = element.GetColorValue(); //from detailed array if (colorVal == null) { continue; } int colorVaInt = (int)colorVal; if (colorVaInt > maxValue) { maxValue = colorVaInt; } int rVal = colorVaInt; //highlight buffer zone bool isAtBufferZone = CTreeMath.IsAtBufferZone(element.Center); if (isAtBufferZone) { rVal = Math.Min(rVal + 30, 255); } Color color = Color.FromArgb(rVal, colorVaInt, colorVaInt); //CDebug.WriteLine($"{x},{y} = {color}"); bitmap.SetPixel(x, y, color); if (exportMain && !isAtBufferZone) { Tuple <int, int> posInMain = GetIndexInMainBitmap(element.Center); if (posInMain == null) { continue; } if (color.R > 255) { CDebug.Error("color.R = " + color.R); } mainMap.SetPixel(posInMain.Item1, posInMain.Item2, color); } } } //StretchColorRange(ref bitmap, maxValue); //FilterBitmap(ref bitmap, GetKernelSize(array.stepSize, .2f), EFilter.Max); if (exportHeightmap) { ExportBitmap(bitmap, "heightmap", pTileIndex); } int bitmapsCount = 3; bool useCheckTree = CParameterSetter.GetBoolSettings(ESettings.useCheckTreeFile); if (useCheckTree) { bitmapsCount++; } CDebug.Progress(1, bitmapsCount, 1, ref bitmapStart, bitmapStart, "bitmap: "); if (exportPositions) { Bitmap bitmapTreePos = new Bitmap(bitmap); AddTreesToBitmap(array, bitmapTreePos, true, false); ExportBitmap(bitmapTreePos, "tree_positions", pTileIndex); if (useCheckTree) { Bitmap bitmapChecktree = new Bitmap(bitmapTreePos); ExportBitmap(bitmapChecktree, "tree_check", pTileIndex); CDebug.Progress(bitmapsCount - 1, bitmapsCount, 1, ref bitmapStart, bitmapStart, "bitmap: "); } } CDebug.Progress(2, bitmapsCount, 1, ref bitmapStart, bitmapStart, "bitmap: "); if (exportBorders) { Bitmap bitmapTreeBorder = new Bitmap(bitmap); AddTreesToBitmap(array, bitmapTreeBorder, true, true); ExportBitmap(bitmapTreeBorder, "tree_borders", pTileIndex); } CDebug.Progress(bitmapsCount, bitmapsCount, 1, ref bitmapStart, bitmapStart, "bitmap: "); CAnalytics.bitmapExportDuration = CAnalytics.GetDuration(bitmapStart); CDebug.Duration("bitmap export", bitmapStart); }
/// <summary> /// Returns path to the classified forest file. /// If it is not created it runs: /// - lasground /// - lasheight /// - lasclassify /// commands /// </summary> internal static string GetClassifiedFilePath() { DateTime getClassifiedFilePathStart = DateTime.Now; DateTime start = DateTime.Now; if (File.Exists(preprocessedFilePath)) { return(preprocessedFilePath); } //forest file is already processed bool preprocess = CParameterSetter.GetBoolSettings(ESettings.preprocess); if (!preprocess || CRxpParser.IsRxp) { return(forestFilePath); } /////// lastile ////////// CDebug.Step(EProgramStep.Pre_Tile); //takes long time for large files but cant meassure process FileInfo[] tiledFiles = GetTiledFiles(forestFilePath, tmpTiledFilesFolder, PREPROCESS_TILE_SIZE, CProjectData.bufferSize); List <string> classifyFilePaths = new List <string>(); tilesCount = tiledFiles.Length; for (int i = 0; i < tiledFiles.Length; i++) { currentTileIndex = i; CDebug.Progress(i, tiledFiles.Length, 1, ref start, getClassifiedFilePathStart, "GetClassifiedFilePath", true); FileInfo fi = tiledFiles[i]; /////// lasnoise ////////// CDebug.Step(EProgramStep.Pre_Noise); string noiseFilePath = LasNoise(fi.FullName); /////// lasground ////////// CDebug.Step(EProgramStep.Pre_LasGround); string groundFilePath = LasGround(noiseFilePath); /////// lasheight ////////// CDebug.Step(EProgramStep.Pre_LasHeight); string heightFilePath = LasHeight(groundFilePath); /////// lasclassify ////////// CDebug.Step(EProgramStep.Pre_LasClassify); string classifyFilePath = LasClassify(heightFilePath); classifyFilePaths.Add(classifyFilePath); } /////// lasmerge ////////// //LasMerge(classifyFilePaths); CDebug.Step(EProgramStep.Pre_LasReverseTile); /////// reverse lastile ////////// LasReverseTiles(classifyFilePaths); /////// delete unnecessary tmp files ////////// if (CParameterSetter.GetBoolSettings(ESettings.deleteTmp)) { CDebug.Step(EProgramStep.Pre_DeleteTmp); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(currentTmpFolder); FileInfo[] fileInfos = di.GetFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < fileInfos.Length; i++) { FileInfo fi = fileInfos[i]; if (IsTmpFile(fi)) { CDebug.WriteLine($"delete tmp file {fi.Name}"); fi.Delete(); } } //delete tiles folder new DirectoryInfo(tmpTiledFilesFolder).Delete(true); } return(preprocessedFilePath); }
//public static string[] GetDebugHeaderLines() //{ // string[] result = new string[19]; // for(int i = 0; i <= 14; i++) // { // result[i] = "%"; // } // result[15] = "% scale factor x y z 1 1 1"; // result[16] = "% offset x y z 0 0 0"; // result[17] = "% min x y z 0 0 0"; // result[18] = "% max x y z 0 0 0"; // //result[19] = "-20.10000 -3.21350 631.06150 0"; // return result; //} public static CRxpInfo ParseFile(string pFile) { int sync_to_pps = 0; IntPtr h3ds = IntPtr.Zero; int opened = scanifc_point3dstream_open(pFile, ref sync_to_pps, ref h3ds); Console.WriteLine($"opened = {opened}, h3ds = {h3ds}"); uint PointCount = 1; int EndOfFrame = 1; const uint BLOCK_SIZE = 1000; scanifc_xyz32[] BufferXYZ = new scanifc_xyz32[BLOCK_SIZE]; scanifc_attributes[] BufferMISC = new scanifc_attributes[BLOCK_SIZE]; ulong[] BufferTIME = new ulong[BLOCK_SIZE]; List <Tuple <EClass, Vector3> > fileLines = new List <Tuple <EClass, Vector3> >(); //fileLines.AddRange(GetDebugHeaderLines().ToList<string>()); Vector3 min = new Vector3(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue); Vector3 max = new Vector3(int.MinValue, int.MinValue, int.MinValue); int readIteration = 0; DateTime debugStart = DateTime.Now; DateTime previousDebugStart = DateTime.Now; int maxLinesToLoad = int.MaxValue; //5000000 while (PointCount != 0 || EndOfFrame != 0) { //debug smaller batch if (fileLines.Count >= maxLinesToLoad) { break; } if (CProjectData.backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { break; } readIteration++; CDebug.Progress(readIteration, int.MaxValue, 1000, ref previousDebugStart, debugStart, "Parsing Rxp file (size unknown)"); int read = scanifc_point3dstream_read( h3ds, BLOCK_SIZE, BufferXYZ, BufferMISC, BufferTIME, ref PointCount, ref EndOfFrame); for (int i = 0; i < PointCount; i++) { scanifc_xyz32 xyz = BufferXYZ[i]; //Console.WriteLine($"BufferXYZ = {xyz.x},{xyz.y},{xyz.z}"); RefreshMinMax(xyz, ref min, ref max); fileLines.Add(new Tuple <EClass, Vector3>(EClass.Undefined, xyz.ToVector())); } } CHeaderInfo header = new CHeaderInfo(new Vector3(1, 1, 1), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), min, max); CRxpInfo rxpInfo = new CRxpInfo(fileLines, header); return(rxpInfo); }
/// <summary> /// Assigns to each of detected trees the most suitable refTree /// </summary> public static void AssignRefTrees() { if (Trees.Count == 0) { //CDebug.Error("no reftrees loaded"); return; } DateTime addTreeObjModelsStart = DateTime.Now; CDebug.WriteLine("Get reftree models"); const int debugFrequency = 10; DateTime assignRefTreesStart = DateTime.Now; CDebug.WriteLine("AssignRefTrees"); DateTime previousDebugStart = DateTime.Now; int counter = 0; float similaritySum = 0; foreach (CTree t in CTreeManager.Trees) { if (CProjectData.backgroundWorker.CancellationPending) { break; } Tuple <CRefTree, STreeSimilarity> suitableRefTree = GetMostSuitableRefTree(t); CRefTree mostSuitableRefTree = suitableRefTree.Item1; if (mostSuitableRefTree == null) { CDebug.Error("no reftrees assigned!"); continue; } SetRefTreeObjTransform(ref mostSuitableRefTree, t, suitableRefTree.Item2.angleOffset); similaritySum += suitableRefTree.Item2.similarity; //CDebug.WriteLine($"similaritySum += {suitableRefTree.Item2.similarity}"); Obj suitableTreeObj = mostSuitableRefTree.Obj.Clone(); suitableTreeObj.Name += "_" + t.treeIndex; t.assignedRefTreeObj = suitableTreeObj; t.assignedRefTree = mostSuitableRefTree; //t.RefTreeTypeName = mostSuitableRefTree.RefTreeTypeName; //copy the type name suitableTreeObj.UseMtl = t.assignedMaterial.Name; CDebug.Progress(counter, CTreeManager.Trees.Count, debugFrequency, ref previousDebugStart, assignRefTreesStart, "Assigned reftree"); counter++; //CDebug.WriteLine("\n mostSuitableRefTree = " + mostSuitableRefTree); } CAnalytics.averageReftreeSimilarity = similaritySum / CTreeManager.Trees.Count; CAnalytics.reftreeAssignDuration = CAnalytics.GetDuration(addTreeObjModelsStart); CDebug.Duration("Assign reftree models", addTreeObjModelsStart); }