Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Called by a store when an item is being deleted.
 /// NOTE: This method is not used in this implementation. It is included here only to respect interface contract.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pEventInfo">A pointer to an IExStoreEventInfo Interface that can be used to obtain additional information related to the event.</param>
 /// <param name="bstrURLItem">A string containing a URL to the item that will be deleted upon successful completion of all synchronous events. When the transaction is open, this variable is unlocked.</param>
 /// <param name="lFlags">Bitwise AND flag gives further information about the delete event.</param>
 public void OnSyncDelete(IExStoreEventInfo pEventInfo, string bstrURLItem, int lFlags)
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Implementation of a Synchronous Event. This event will be triggered every time a
        /// mail message arrives at the mailbox where it is registered. It is synchronous because
        /// message will wait for the code here implemented to end execution before beeing available in mailbox.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pEventInfo">A pointer to an IExStoreEventInfo interface that can be used to obtain further information related to the event.</param>
        /// <param name="bstrURLItem">A string containing the URL of the item on which the event is occurring.</param>
        /// <param name="lFlags">Bitwise AND flag gives further information about the save event.</param>
        public void OnSyncSave(IExStoreEventInfo pEventInfo, string bstrURLItem, int lFlags)
            // Initialize local variables
            OWMailConfiguration configuration = null;
            EventLog            log           = null;
            Stream stream  = null;
            Record recItem = null;

                // These values are checked to identify a saving event before beeing commited
                // Exchange Server SDK value and Exchange Server 2003 have presented different values
                // so both were included in this implementation. The enum is also checked here, just in case...
                if (lFlags == 33554440 || lFlags == 33554432 || lFlags == (int)EVT_SINK_FLAGS.EVT_SYNC_COMMITTED)
                    // These two must have the same value
                    string sourceApplication = "OWMail";
                    //string logName = "OWMail";

                    // If Event Viewer entry does not exists (e.g., first time), then create it
                    if (!EventLog.SourceExists(sourceApplication))
                        EventLog.CreateEventSource(sourceApplication, sourceApplication);

                    log        = new EventLog(sourceApplication);
                    log.Log    = sourceApplication;
                    log.Source = sourceApplication;

                    // Get settings from OWMail 2.0 XML configuration file
                    configuration = new OWMailConfiguration(ConfigurationFilePath);

                    // Get a ADO Record object from pEventInfo parameter
                    IExStoreDispEventInfo pDispEventInfo = (IExStoreDispEventInfo)pEventInfo;
                    recItem = (Record)pDispEventInfo.EventRecord;

                    // Get a ADO Stream object from ADO Record
                    stream = new StreamClass();
                    stream.Open(recItem, ConnectModeEnum.adModeRead, StreamOpenOptionsEnum.adOpenStreamFromRecord, string.Empty, string.Empty);

                    // Creates a new Guid to use when saving message and attachments to TEMP directory.
                    // TEMP directory path is stored in configuration file.
                    string guid     = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    string filePath = configuration.TempDirectoryPath + @"\" + guid + ".eml";

                    // Saves the ADO Stream to TEMP directory
                    stream.SaveToFile(filePath, SaveOptionsEnum.adSaveCreateNotExist);

                    // Creates a CDO Message object
                    Message message = new MessageClass();
                    // Gets message data loaded from ADO Record object
                    message.DataSource.OpenObject(recItem, "_Record");

                    // Assigns local variables from loaded message fields
                    string   from     = message.From;
                    string   to       = message.To;
                    string   cc       = message.CC;
                    string   subject  = (string)message.Fields["urn:schemas:httpmail:normalizedsubject"].Value;
                    DateTime mailDate = message.ReceivedTime;
                    string   body     = (string)message.Fields["urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription"].Value;

                    // Use event source URL to extract mailbox name
                    string[] urlElements = bstrURLItem.Split('/');
                    string   mailboxName = urlElements[urlElements.Length - 3];

                    // Use mailbox name to extract its operation settings from configuration
                    string userLogin = configuration.GetUserLoginByMailboxName(mailboxName, '@');

                    // OWApi Web Service accepts blank credentials
                    string password = string.Empty;
                    //string entityName = string.Empty;

                    // This list will hold all message entities encapsulated in MailContact objects
                    ArrayList list = new ArrayList();

                    // This object has functions to ease the extraction of message entity fields
                    MailContactHelper mailContactHelper = new MailContactHelper();
                    // Get a list with all entities referred in FROM, TO, CC, BCC message fields
                    list = mailContactHelper.GetMailContactsList(from, to, cc);

                    // Directory name to be created in case Extract Attachments option is activated
                    string directoryName = configuration.TempDirectoryPath + @"\" + guid;

                    // OWApiHelper is a wrapper for OWApi Web Service InsertRegistry method.
                    // If call is successfull, result will contain the ID of record created in tblEntities
                    int result = OWApiHelper.InsertRegistry(userLogin, password, list, configuration, directoryName, guid, filePath, message.Attachments, subject, mailDate, body);

                    //Not Register
                    if (result == 0)
                        throw new Exception("Não é possivel inserir o registo.");

                    // Clean up temporary message file
                    if (File.Exists(filePath))

                    // Clean up temporary attachments directory
                    if (Directory.Exists(directoryName))
                        Directory.Delete(directoryName, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Exception ex2 = null;
                log.WriteEntry(ex.Message + " " + ex.StackTrace, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                ex2 = ex.InnerException;
                while (ex2 != null)
                    log.WriteEntry(ex2.Message + " " + ex2.StackTrace, EventLogEntryType.Error);
                    ex2 = ex.InnerException;
                throw ex;
                // Always cleans up unmanaged resources
                if (stream != null)

                if (recItem != null)