Exemple #1
        public void XorRectRegion(Rectangle newRectangle)
            //Step 0) Resize rectangle. Anything outside regionRectangle does not interest us as it will not be added to In
            int backMinX = this.region.getCoord()[0];
            int backMaxX = this.region.getCoord()[1];
            int backMinY = this.region.getCoord()[2];
            int backMaxY = this.region.getCoord()[3];

            Rectangle back       = new Rectangle(backMinX, backMaxX, backMinY, backMaxY);
            Rectangle Rintersect = Rectangle.intersection(back, newRectangle);

            if (!Rintersect.getInvalid())
                // Step 1) Find Intersection with Rectangles
                ListOperations intersect = ListOperations.regionListIntersect(this.In, newRectangle);

                // Step 2) Add rectangles except for the intersection
                this.In = addNotInIntersect(intersect, newRectangle);

                // Step 3) do the offset thing

Exemple #2
        public void AndRectRegion(Rectangle newRectangle)
            ListOperations newIn = new ListOperations();
            Rectangle      a;

            for (int c = In.Count() - 1; c >= 0; c--)
                a = Rectangle.intersection(this.In[c], newRectangle);
                this.CutOrIn(newIn, newRectangle, true);
            this.In = newIn;
Exemple #3
        private ListOperations addNotInIntersect(ListOperations intersect, Rectangle newRectangle)
            ListOperations result = new ListOperations();
            bool           added  = false;

            // Step 1) Add In. All rectangles inside In are disjoint.
            foreach (Rectangle item in this.In)
                added = false;
                for (int c = intersect.Count() - 1; c >= 0; c--)
                    //letztes Argument ist das XOR=true (die vereinigungsart);
                    if (!Rectangle.intersection(intersect[c], item).getInvalid() && !added)
                        result.AddRange(Rectangle.AddIntoRectangle(intersect[c], item, true));
                        added = true;
                    if ((c == 0) && (!added))
                        result.AddRange(Rectangle.AddIntoRectangle(intersect[c], item, true));

            // Step 2 add XOR to everywhere except for the intersections
            Window w = new Window();

            w.In = intersect;
            int length = w.In.Count();

            w.CutOrIn(intersect, newRectangle, false);
            w.In.RemoveRange(0, length);

            for (int i = w.In.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (i > w.In.Count() - 1)
                    i = w.In.Count() - 1;
                w.In = w.In.simplifyByX(w.In, i);
                if (i > w.In.Count() - 1)
                    i = w.In.Count() - 1;
                w.In = w.In.simplifyByY(w.In, i);
Exemple #4
        public static ListOperations AddIntoRectangle(Rectangle old, Rectangle add, bool XOR)
            ListOperations aList = new ListOperations();

            int oldMinX = old.getCoord()[0];
            int oldMaxX = old.getCoord()[1];
            int oldMinY = old.getCoord()[2];
            int oldMaxY = old.getCoord()[3];

            int addMinX = add.getCoord()[0];
            int addMaxX = add.getCoord()[1];
            int addMinY = add.getCoord()[2];
            int addMaxY = add.getCoord()[3];

            if (subset(old,add))
                if (XOR)
                    Rectangle upper = new Rectangle(oldMinX, oldMaxX, oldMaxY + 1, addMaxY);
                    Rectangle lower = new Rectangle(oldMinX, oldMaxX, addMinY, oldMinY - 1);
                    Rectangle left = new Rectangle(addMinX, oldMinX - 1, addMinY, addMaxY);
                    Rectangle right = new Rectangle(oldMaxX + 1, addMaxX, addMinY, addMaxY);
                    aList.validAdd(upper, true);
                    aList.validAdd(lower, true);
                    aList.validAdd(left, true);
                    aList.validAdd(right, true);
                    return aList;
                return aList;
            if(subset(add, old))
                if (XOR)
                    Rectangle upper = new Rectangle(oldMinX, oldMaxX, oldMaxY + 1, addMaxY);
                    Rectangle lower = new Rectangle(oldMinX, oldMaxX, addMinY, oldMinY - 1);
                    Rectangle left = new Rectangle(addMinX, oldMinX - 1, addMinY, addMaxY);
                    Rectangle right = new Rectangle(oldMaxX + 1, addMaxX, addMinY, addMaxY);
                    aList.validAdd(upper, true);
                    aList.validAdd(lower, true);
                    aList.validAdd(left, true);
                    aList.validAdd(right, true);
                    return aList;
                return aList;
                return aList;

            //new Rectangle between old bounds
            if ((oldMinX <= addMinX) &&  (addMaxX <= oldMaxX))
                Rectangle lower = new Rectangle(addMinX, addMaxX, addMinY, oldMinY-1);
                Rectangle upper = new Rectangle(addMinX, addMaxX, oldMaxY+1, addMaxY);
                aList.validAdd(lower, true);
                aList.validAdd(upper, true);
                return aList;

            //new Rectangle exceeds old bounds
            if ((addMinX <= oldMinX) && (oldMaxX <= addMaxX))
                Rectangle upper = new Rectangle(oldMinX, oldMaxX, oldMaxY+1, addMaxY);
                Rectangle lower = new Rectangle(oldMinX, oldMaxX, addMinY, oldMinY-1);
                Rectangle left = new Rectangle(addMinX, oldMinX-1, addMinY, addMaxY);
                Rectangle right = new Rectangle(oldMaxX+1, addMaxX, addMinY, addMaxY);
                aList.validAdd(upper, true);
                aList.validAdd(lower, true);
                aList.validAdd(left, true);
                aList.validAdd(right, true);
                return aList;

            //new Rectangle left of old bounds
            if ((oldMinX <= addMaxX) && (addMaxX <= oldMaxX))
                Rectangle upper = new Rectangle(oldMinX, addMaxX, oldMaxY+1, addMaxY);
                Rectangle lower = new Rectangle(oldMinX, addMaxX, addMinY, oldMinY-1);
                Rectangle left = new Rectangle(addMinX, oldMinX-1, addMinY, addMaxY);
                aList.validAdd(upper, true);
                aList.validAdd(lower, true);
                aList.validAdd(left, true);
                return aList;

            //new Rectangle right of old bounds
            if ((addMinX <= oldMaxX) && (oldMaxX <= addMaxX))
                Rectangle upper = new Rectangle(addMinX, oldMaxX, oldMaxY+1, addMaxY);
                Rectangle lower = new Rectangle(addMinX, oldMaxX, addMinY, oldMinY-1);
                Rectangle right = new Rectangle(oldMaxX+1, addMaxX, addMinY, addMaxY);
                aList.validAdd(upper, true);
                aList.validAdd(lower, true);
                aList.validAdd(right, true);
                return aList;
            return aList;