/// <summary>
        /// Send ESP3 frame to serial port associated to the EnOcean USB gateway
        /// The sender address must be in the range and because the EnOcean gateway can emulate 128 sender addresses from the Base_Id
        /// For example, if the Base_Id is FF.56.2A.80 and the sender address is, the resultant address is FF.56.2A.C6
        /// </summary>
        private void SendToSerial(CancellationToken token)
            string frame;

            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    while (udpToSerialQueue.TryDequeue(out frame))
                        WriteError("Frame : " + frame);
                        byte[] buffer = Tools.HexStringToByteArray(frame);
                        WriteError("Buffer : " + Tools.ByteArrayToHexString(buffer));
                        int dataLength = Convert.ToInt32(frame.Substring(3, 5).Replace("-", ""), 16);
                        WriteError("dataLength : " + dataLength.ToString());
                        buffer[6 + dataLength - 5]  = gwBaseId[0];
                        buffer[7 + dataLength - 5]  = gwBaseId[1];
                        buffer[8 + dataLength - 5]  = gwBaseId[2];
                        buffer[9 + dataLength - 5] |= gwBaseId[3];     // Logical OR between the lower byte of the Base_Id and the lower byte of the sender address
                        WriteError("Buffer : " + Tools.ByteArrayToHexString(buffer));
                        CRC8.SetAllCRC8(ref buffer);
                        archiveQueue.Enqueue(DateTime.Now.MyDateTimeFormat() + " [TX] " + Tools.ByteArrayToHexString(buffer));
                        serialPort.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    WriteError("SendToSerial Exception: " + ex.Message);
                    System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController svc = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController("EnoGateway");
            WriteInfo("  Bye from task SendToSerial");
 /// <summary>
 /// Receive bytes from the serial port associated to the EnOcean USB gateway and extract valid ESP3 frame
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 /// This code apply to EnOcean Serial Protocol 3.0 (ESP3)                       ESP3 Packet:    ----Sync Byte -------------------------
 ///                                                                                             ----Header-----------------------------
 /// As soon as a Sync-Byte (value 0x55) is identified,  the subsequent                          -------Data Length --------------------
 /// 4 byte-Header  is  compared with  the  corresponding  CRC8H value.                          ------ Optional Data Length -----------
 /// If the result is a match  the Sync-Byte is correct.  Consequently,                          -------Packet Type --------------------
 /// the ESP3 packet is detected properly  and the subsequent data will                          -------CRC8 Header --------------------
 /// be passed.  If the header does not match the CRC8H, the value 0x55                          ----Data ------------------------------
 /// does not correspond to a Sync-Byte. The next 0x55 withing the data                          ----Optional Data ---------------------
 /// stream is picked and the verification is repeated.                                          ----CRC8 Data -------------------------
 private void ReceiveFromSerial(CancellationToken token)
     while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
             while (serialPort.BytesToRead > 0)
                 recBuffer[ptrBuffer] = (byte)serialPort.ReadByte();                 // Read one byte
                 if (ptrBuffer == 0 && recBuffer[ptrBuffer] != 0x55)
                     return;                                                         // Wait for the Sync Byte
                 if (ptrBuffer == 5)                                                 // Wait for the Header of the frame (6 bytes received)
                     if (CRC8.GetCRC8Header(recBuffer) != recBuffer[5])              // Bad CRC8H
                         ShiftRecBuffer();                                           // Shift left the header trying to find a new Sync Byte
                 if (ptrBuffer >= 5)                                                 // CRC8H is Ok. Analyse the frame length
                     uint dataLength         = recBuffer[1] * (uint)256 + recBuffer[2];
                     uint optionalDataLength = recBuffer[3];
                     if (ptrBuffer == (dataLength + optionalDataLength + 6))                 // Wait for receiving the full frame
                         if (CRC8.GetCRC8Data(recBuffer, ptrBuffer) != recBuffer[ptrBuffer]) // Bad CRC8D
                             ShiftRecBuffer();                                               // Shift left the frame trying to find a new Sync Byte
                         byte[] frame = new byte[ptrBuffer + 1];
                         for (int i = 0; i < (ptrBuffer + 1); i++)
                             frame[i]     = recBuffer[i];
                             recBuffer[i] = 0;
                         ptrBuffer = 0;
         catch (Exception ex)
             WriteError("ReceiveFromSerial Exception: " + ex.Message);
             System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController svc = new System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController("EnoGateway");
     WriteInfo("  Bye from task ReceiveFromSerial");