public override AutoCatResult CategorizeGame(GameInfo game, Filter filter) { if (games == null) { Program.Logger.Write(LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GamelistNull); throw new ApplicationException(GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameList); } if (db == null) { Program.Logger.Write(LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_DBNull); throw new ApplicationException(GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameDB); } if (game == null) { Program.Logger.Write(LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GameNull); return AutoCatResult.Failure; } if (!db.Contains(game.Id)) return AutoCatResult.NotInDatabase; string cat = game.Name.Substring(0, 1); cat = cat.ToUpper(); if (SkipThe && cat == "T" && game.Name.Substring(0, 4).ToUpper() == "THE ") cat = game.Name.Substring(4, 1).ToUpper(); if (GroupNumbers && Char.IsDigit(cat[0])) cat = "#"; if (Prefix!=null) cat = Prefix + cat; game.AddCategory(games.GetCategory(cat)); return AutoCatResult.Success; }
public DlgGame( GameList data, GameInfo game = null ) : this() { this.Data = data; Game = game; editMode = Game != null; }
public override AutoCatResult CategorizeGame( GameInfo game, Filter filter ) { if( games == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GamelistNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameList ); } if( db == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_DBNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameDB ); } if( game == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GameNull ); return AutoCatResult.Failure; } if( !db.Contains( game.Id ) ) return AutoCatResult.NotInDatabase; if (!game.IncludeGame(filter)) return AutoCatResult.Filtered; int year = db.GetReleaseYear( game.Id ); if( year > 0 || IncludeUnknown ) { game.AddCategory( games.GetCategory( GetProcessedString( year ) ) ); } return AutoCatResult.Success; }
private void cmdOk_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if( editMode ) { Game.Name = txtName.Text; Game.Executable = txtExecutable.Text; } else { int id; if( !int.TryParse( txtId.Text, out id ) ) { MessageBox.Show( GlobalStrings.DlgGameDBEntry_IDMustBeInteger, GlobalStrings.Gen_Warning, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning ); return; } if( Data.Games.ContainsKey( id ) ) { MessageBox.Show( GlobalStrings.DBEditDlg_GameIdAlreadyExists, GlobalStrings.DBEditDlg_Error, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error ); return; } else { Game = new GameInfo( id, txtName.Text, Data, txtExecutable.Text ); Game.ApplySource( GameListingSource.Manual ); Data.Games.Add( id, Game ); } } Game.SetFavorite( chkFavorite.Checked ); Game.Hidden = chkHidden.Checked; DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); }
public override AutoCatResult CategorizeGame( GameInfo game, Filter filter ) { if( games == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GamelistNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameList ); } if( db == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_DBNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameDB ); } if( game == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GameNull ); return AutoCatResult.Failure; } if( !db.Contains( game.Id ) || db.Games[game.Id].LastStoreScrape == 0 ) return AutoCatResult.NotInDatabase; if (!game.IncludeGame(filter)) return AutoCatResult.Filtered; List<string> gameFlags = db.GetFlagList( game.Id ); if( gameFlags == null ) gameFlags = new List<string>(); IEnumerable<string> categories = gameFlags.Intersect( IncludedFlags ); foreach( string catString in categories ) { Category c = games.GetCategory( GetProcessedString( catString ) ); game.AddCategory( c ); } return AutoCatResult.Success; }
private void cmdOk_Click( object sender, EventArgs e ) { if( editMode ) { Game.Name = txtName.Text; } else { int id; if( !int.TryParse( txtId.Text, out id ) ) { MessageBox.Show(GlobalStrings.DlgGameDBEntry_IDMustBeInteger, GlobalStrings.DBEditDlg_Warning, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } // jpodadera. Control if Game ID already exists to avoid exceptions if (Data.Games.ContainsKey(id)) { MessageBox.Show(GlobalStrings.DBEditDlg_GameIdAlreadyExists, GlobalStrings.DBEditDlg_Error, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } else { Game = new GameInfo(id, txtName.Text); Data.Games.Add(id, Game); } } if( chkFavorite.Checked ) { Game.AddCategory( Data.FavoriteCategory ); } else { Game.RemoveCategory( Data.FavoriteCategory ); } Game.Hidden = chkHidden.Checked; DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); }
public override AutoCatResult CategorizeGame( GameInfo game, Filter filter ) { if( games == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GamelistNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameList ); } if( db == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_DBNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameDB ); } if( game == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GameNull ); return AutoCatResult.Failure; } if( !db.Contains( game.Id ) ) return AutoCatResult.NotInDatabase; if (!game.IncludeGame(filter)) return AutoCatResult.Filtered; return AutoCatResult.Success; }
/// <summary> /// Adds an entry to the game list representing the given game. /// </summary> /// <param name="g">The game the new entry should represent.</param> private void AddGameToList( GameInfo g ) { string catName = g.GetCatStringExcept( gameData.FavoriteCategory, GlobalStrings.MainForm_Uncategorized ); ListViewItem item; // Shortcut games do not show internal identifier string strId = ( g.Id < 0 ) ? GlobalStrings.MainForm_External : g.Id.ToString(); item = new ListViewItem( new string[] { strId, g.Name, catName, g.ContainsCategory( gameData.FavoriteCategory ) ? "X" : String.Empty, g.Hidden ? "X" : String.Empty } ); item.Tag = g; // Shortcut games show with italic font. if( g.Id < 0 ) item.Font = new Font( item.Font, item.Font.Style | FontStyle.Italic ); lstGames.Items.Add( item ); }
void AddGameToCheckboxStates( GameInfo game, bool first ) { ignoreCheckChanges = true; if( first ) { chkFavorite.CheckState = game.ContainsCategory( gameData.FavoriteCategory ) ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked; chkHidden.CheckState = game.Hidden ? CheckState.Checked : CheckState.Unchecked; } else { if( chkFavorite.CheckState != CheckState.Indeterminate ) { if( game.ContainsCategory( gameData.FavoriteCategory ) ) { if( chkFavorite.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked ) chkFavorite.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate; } else { if( chkFavorite.CheckState == CheckState.Checked ) chkFavorite.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate; } } if( game.Hidden ) { if( chkHidden.CheckState == CheckState.Unchecked ) chkHidden.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate; } else { if( chkHidden.CheckState == CheckState.Checked ) chkHidden.CheckState = CheckState.Indeterminate; } } ignoreCheckChanges = false; }
/// <summary> /// Checks to see if a game should currently be displayed, based on the state of the category list. /// </summary> /// <param name="g">Game to check</param> /// <returns>True if it should be displayed, false otherwise</returns> bool ShouldDisplayGame( GameInfo g ) { if( !gameData.Games.ContainsKey( g.Id ) ) { return false; } if( lstCategories.SelectedItem == null ) { return false; } if( lstCategories.SelectedItem is string ) { if( (string)lstCategories.SelectedItem == GlobalStrings.MainForm_All ) { return true; } if( (string)lstCategories.SelectedItem == GlobalStrings.MainForm_Uncategorized ) { return !g.HasCategoriesExcept( gameData.FavoriteCategory ); } } else if( lstCategories.SelectedItem is Category ) { return g.ContainsCategory( lstCategories.SelectedItem as Category ); } return false; }
public override AutoCatResult CategorizeGame(GameInfo game, Filter filter) { if (games == null) { Program.Logger.Write(LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GamelistNull); throw new ApplicationException(GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameList); } if (db == null) { Program.Logger.Write(LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_DBNull); throw new ApplicationException(GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameDB); } if (game == null) { Program.Logger.Write(LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GameNull); return(AutoCatResult.Failure); } if (!db.Contains(game.Id) || db.Games[game.Id].LastStoreScrape == 0) { return(AutoCatResult.NotInDatabase); } if (!game.IncludeGame(filter)) { return(AutoCatResult.Filtered); } List <string> devs = db.GetDevelopers(game.Id); if (devs != null) { for (int index = 0; index < devs.Count; index++) { if (Developers.Contains(devs[index]) || AllDevelopers) { if (DevCount(devs[index]) >= MinCount) { game.AddCategory(games.GetCategory(GetProcessedString(devs[index]))); } } } } List <string> pubs = db.GetPublishers(game.Id); if (pubs != null) { for (int index = 0; index < pubs.Count; index++) { if (Publishers.Contains(pubs[index]) || AllPublishers) { if (PubCount(pubs[index]) >= MinCount) { game.AddCategory(games.GetCategory(GetProcessedString(pubs[index]))); } } } } return(AutoCatResult.Success); }
/// <summary> /// Applies this autocategorization scheme to the game with the given ID. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">The GameInfo object to process</param> /// <returns>False if the game was not found in database. This allows the calling function to potentially re-scrape data and reattempt.</returns> public abstract AutoCatResult CategorizeGame( GameInfo game );
public override AutoCatResult CategorizeGame(GameInfo game, Filter filter) { if (games == null) { Logger.Error(GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GamelistNull); throw new ApplicationException(GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameList); } if (db == null) { Logger.Error(GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_DBNull); throw new ApplicationException(GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameDB); } if (game == null) { Logger.Error(GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GameNull); return(AutoCatResult.Failure); } if (!db.Contains(game.Id)) { return(AutoCatResult.NotInDatabase); } if (!game.IncludeGame(filter)) { return(AutoCatResult.Filtered); } int score = db.Games[game.Id].ReviewPositivePercentage; int reviews = db.Games[game.Id].ReviewTotal; if (UseWilsonScore && (reviews > 0)) { // calculate the lower bound of the Wilson interval for 95 % confidence // see // $$ w^\pm = \frac{1}{1+\frac{z^2}{n}} // \left( \hat p + \frac{z^2}{2n} \pm z \sqrt{ \frac{\hat p (1 - \hat p)}{n} + \frac{z^2}{4n^2} } \right)$$ // where // $\hat p$ is the observed fraction of positive ratings (proportion of successes), // $n$ is the total number of ratings (the sample size), and // $z$ is the $1-{\frac {\alpha}{2}}$ quantile of a standard normal distribution // for 95% confidence, the $z = 1.96$ double z = 1.96; // normal distribution of (1-(1-confidence)/2), i.e. normal distribution of 0.975 for 95% confidence double p = score / 100.0; double n = reviews; p = Math.Round(100 * (((p + ((z * z) / (2 * n))) - (z * Math.Sqrt(((p * (1 - p)) + ((z * z) / (4 * n))) / n))) / (1 + ((z * z) / n)))); // debug: System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("score " + score + " of " + reviews + " is\tp = " + p + "\n"); score = Convert.ToInt32(p); } string result = null; foreach (UserScore_Rule rule in Rules) { if (CheckRule(rule, score, reviews)) { result = rule.Name; break; } } if (result != null) { result = GetProcessedString(result); game.AddCategory(games.GetCategory(result)); } return(AutoCatResult.Success); }
public override AutoCatResult CategorizeGame( GameInfo game, Filter filter ) { if( games == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GamelistNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameList ); } if( db == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_DBNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameDB ); } if( game == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GameNull ); return AutoCatResult.Failure; } if( !db.Contains( game.Id ) ) return AutoCatResult.NotInDatabase; if (!game.IncludeGame(filter)) return AutoCatResult.Filtered; int score = db.Games[game.Id].ReviewPositivePercentage; int reviews = db.Games[game.Id].ReviewTotal; if( UseWilsonScore && reviews > 0 ) { // calculate the lower bound of the Wilson interval for 95 % confidence // see // $$ w^\pm = \frac{1}{1+\frac{z^2}{n}} // \left( \hat p + \frac{z^2}{2n} \pm z \sqrt{ \frac{\hat p (1 - \hat p)}{n} + \frac{z^2}{4n^2} } \right)$$ // where // $\hat p$ is the observed fraction of positive ratings (proportion of successes), // $n$ is the total number of ratings (the sample size), and // $z$ is the $1-{\frac {\alpha}{2}}$ quantile of a standard normal distribution // for 95% confidence, the $z = 1.96$ double z = 1.96; // normal distribution of (1-(1-confidence)/2), i.e. normal distribution of 0.975 for 95% confidence double p = score / 100.0; double n = reviews; p = Math.Round( 100 * ( (p + z*z/(2*n) - z * Math.Sqrt((p*(1-p) + z*z/(4*n)) / n)) / (1 + z*z/n) ) ); // debug: System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("score " + score + " of " + reviews + " is\tp = " + p + "\n"); score = Convert.ToInt32( p ); } string result = null; foreach( UserScore_Rule rule in Rules ) { if( CheckRule( rule, score, reviews ) ) { result = rule.Name; break; } } if( result != null ) { result = GetProcessedString( result ); game.AddCategory( games.GetCategory( result ) ); } return AutoCatResult.Success; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new game to the database, or updates an existing game with new information. /// </summary> /// <param name="appId">App ID to add or update</param> /// <param name="appName">Name of app to add, or update to</param> /// <param name="overwriteName">If true, will overwrite any existing games. If false, will fail if the game already exists.</param> /// <param name="ignore">Set of games to ignore. Can be null. If the game is in this list, no action will be taken.</param> /// <param name="forceInclude">If true, include the game even if it is of an ignored type.</param> /// <param name="src">The listing source that this request came from.</param> /// <param name="isNew">If true, a new game was added. If false, an existing game was updated, or the operation failed.</param> /// <returns>True if the game was integrated, false otherwise.</returns> private GameInfo IntegrateGame( int appId, string appName, bool overwriteName, SortedSet<int> ignore, AppTypes includedTypes, GameListingSource src, out bool isNew ) { isNew = false; if( ( ignore != null && ignore.Contains( appId ) ) || !Program.GameDB.IncludeItemInGameList( appId, includedTypes ) ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Verbose, GlobalStrings.GameData_SkippedIntegratingGame, appId, appName ); return null; } GameInfo result = null; if( !Games.ContainsKey( appId ) ) { result = new GameInfo( appId, appName, this ); Games.Add( appId, result ); isNew = true; } else { result = Games[appId]; if( overwriteName ) { result.Name = appName; } } result.ApplySource( src ); Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Verbose, GlobalStrings.GameData_IntegratedGameIntoGameList, appId, appName, isNew ); return result; }
/// <summary> /// Adds a non-steam game to the gamelist. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameId">ID of the game in the steam config file</param> /// <param name="gameNode">Node for the game in the steam config file</param> /// <param name="launchIds">Dictionary of launch ids (name:launchId)</param> /// <param name="newGames">Number of NEW games that have been added to the list</param> /// <param name="preferSteamCategories">If true, prefers to use the categories from the steam config if there is a conflict. If false, prefers to use the categories from the existing gamelist.</param> /// <returns>True if the game was successfully added</returns> private bool IntegrateShortcut( int gameId, VdfFileNode gameNode, StringDictionary launchIds ) { VdfFileNode nodeName = gameNode.GetNodeAt( new string[] { "appname" }, false ); string gameName = ( nodeName != null ) ? nodeName.NodeString : null; // The ID of the created game must be negative int newId = -( gameId + 1 ); // This should never happen, but just in case if( Games.ContainsKey( newId ) ) { return false; } //Create the new GameInfo GameInfo game = new GameInfo( newId, gameName, this ); Games.Add( newId, game ); // Fill in the LaunchString game.LaunchString = launchIds[gameName]; // Fill in categories VdfFileNode tagsNode = gameNode.GetNodeAt( new string[] { "tags" }, false ); foreach( KeyValuePair<string, VdfFileNode> tag in tagsNode.NodeArray ) { string tagName = tag.Value.NodeString; game.AddCategory( this.GetCategory( tagName ) ); } // Fill in Hidden game.Hidden = false; if( gameNode.ContainsKey( "hidden" ) ) { VdfFileNode hiddenNode = gameNode["hidden"]; game.Hidden = ( hiddenNode.NodeString == "1" || hiddenNode.NodeInt == 1 ); } return true; }
/// <summary> /// Checks to see if a game should currently be displayed, based on the state of the category list. /// </summary> /// <param name="g">Game to check</param> /// <returns>True if it should be displayed, false otherwise</returns> bool ShouldDisplayGame( GameInfo g ) { if( currentProfile == null ) return false; if( txtSearch.Text != string.Empty && g.Name.IndexOf( txtSearch.Text, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase ) == -1 ) return false; if( !currentProfile.GameData.Games.ContainsKey( g.Id ) ) return false; if( g.Id < 0 && !currentProfile.IncludeShortcuts ) return false; if( lstCategories.SelectedItems.Count == 0 ) return false; if( AdvancedCategoryFilter ) { return ShouldDisplayGameAdvanced( g ); } if (g.Hidden) { return (lstCategories.SelectedItems[0].Tag.ToString() == GlobalStrings.MainForm_Hidden); } if( lstCategories.SelectedItems[0].Tag is Category ) { return g.ContainsCategory( lstCategories.SelectedItems[0].Tag as Category ); } else { if( lstCategories.SelectedItems[0].Tag.ToString() == GlobalStrings.MainForm_All ) { return true; } if( lstCategories.SelectedItems[0].Tag.ToString() == GlobalStrings.MainForm_Uncategorized ) { return !g.HasCategories(); } } return false; }
bool ShouldDisplayGameAdvanced( GameInfo g ) { bool isCategorized = false; bool isHidden = false; if( advFilterUncatState != AdvancedFilterState.None ) isCategorized = g.HasCategories(); if (advFilterHiddenState != AdvancedFilterState.None) isHidden = g.Hidden; if (advFilterUncatState == AdvancedFilterState.Require && isCategorized) return false; if (advFilterHiddenState == AdvancedFilterState.Require && !isHidden) return false; if (advFilterUncatState == AdvancedFilterState.Exclude && !isCategorized) return false; if (advFilterHiddenState == AdvancedFilterState.Exclude && isHidden) return false; if (advFilterUncatState == AdvancedFilterState.Allow || advFilterHiddenState == AdvancedFilterState.Allow || advFilterAllow.Count > 0) { if( advFilterUncatState != AdvancedFilterState.Allow || isCategorized ) { if ( advFilterHiddenState != AdvancedFilterState.Allow || !isHidden ) { if (!g.Categories.Overlaps(advFilterAllow)) return false; } } } if( !g.Categories.IsSupersetOf( advFilterRequire ) ) return false; if( g.Categories.Overlaps( advFilterExclude ) ) return false; return true; }
private bool ShouldHideGame( GameInfo g ) { return !ShouldDisplayGame( g ); }
public override AutoCatResult CategorizeGame(GameInfo game, Filter filter) { if (games == null) { Program.Logger.Write(LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GamelistNull); throw new ApplicationException(GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameList); } if (db == null) { Program.Logger.Write(LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_DBNull); throw new ApplicationException(GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameDB); } if (game == null) { Program.Logger.Write(LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GameNull); return AutoCatResult.Failure; } if (!db.Contains(game.Id) || db.Games[game.Id].LastStoreScrape == 0) return AutoCatResult.NotInDatabase; if (!game.IncludeGame(filter)) return AutoCatResult.Filtered; List<string> devs = db.GetDevelopers(game.Id); if (devs != null) { for (int index = 0; index < devs.Count; index++) { if (Developers.Contains(devs[index]) || AllDevelopers) { if (DevCount(devs[index]) >= MinCount) game.AddCategory(games.GetCategory(GetProcessedString(devs[index]))); } } } List<string> pubs = db.GetPublishers(game.Id); if (pubs != null) { for (int index = 0; index < pubs.Count; index++) { if (Publishers.Contains(pubs[index]) || AllPublishers) { if (PubCount(pubs[index]) >= MinCount) game.AddCategory(games.GetCategory(GetProcessedString(pubs[index]))); } } } return AutoCatResult.Success; }
void AddRemoveCategoryContextMenu(GameInfo game) { foreach (Category c in game.Categories) { bool found = false; foreach (ToolStripItem i in contextGameRemCat.Items) { if (i.Text == c.Name) found = true; } if (!found) { ToolStripItem item = contextGameRemCat.Items.Add(c.Name); item.Tag = c; item.Click += contextGameRemCat_Category_Click; } } }
void AddGameToMultiCatCheckStates( GameInfo game, bool first ) { foreach( ListViewItem catItem in lstMultiCat.Items ) { if( catItem.StateImageIndex != 2 ) { Category cat = catItem.Tag as Category; if( cat != null ) { if( first ) { catItem.StateImageIndex = game.ContainsCategory( cat ) ? 1 : 0; } else { if( game.ContainsCategory( cat ) ) { if( catItem.StateImageIndex == 0 ) catItem.StateImageIndex = 2; } else { if( catItem.StateImageIndex == 1 ) catItem.StateImageIndex = 2; } } } } } }
public override AutoCatResult CategorizeGame( GameInfo game, Filter filter ) { if( games == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GamelistNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameList ); } if( db == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_DBNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameDB ); } if( game == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GameNull ); return AutoCatResult.Failure; } if( !db.Contains( game.Id ) || db.Games[game.Id].LastStoreScrape == 0 ) return AutoCatResult.NotInDatabase; if (!game.IncludeGame(filter)) return AutoCatResult.Filtered; List<string> gameTags = db.GetTagList( game.Id ); if( gameTags != null ) { int added = 0; for( int index = 0; index < gameTags.Count && ( MaxTags == 0 || added < MaxTags ); index++ ) { if( IncludedTags.Contains( gameTags[index] ) ) { game.AddCategory( games.GetCategory( GetProcessedString( gameTags[index] ) ) ); added++; } } } return AutoCatResult.Success; }
/// <summary> /// Launchs selected game /// <param name="g">Game to launch</param> /// </summary> void LaunchGame( GameInfo g ) { if( g != null ) { string gameIdentifier; if( g.Id < 0 ) { // External game if( g.LaunchString == null ) { MessageBox.Show( GlobalStrings.MainForm_LaunchFailed ); return; } gameIdentifier = g.LaunchString; } else { // Steam game gameIdentifier = g.Id.ToString(); } System.Diagnostics.Process.Start( "steam://rungameid/" + gameIdentifier ); } }
/// <summary> /// Applies this autocategorization scheme to the game with the given ID. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">The GameInfo object to process</param> /// <returns> /// False if the game was not found in database. This allows the calling function to potentially re-scrape data /// and reattempt. /// </returns> public abstract AutoCatResult CategorizeGame(GameInfo game, Filter filter);
public DlgGame(GameList data, GameInfo game = null) : this() { Data = data; Game = game; editMode = Game != null; }
/// <summary> /// Applies this autocategorization scheme to the game with the given ID. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">The GameInfo object to process</param> /// <returns>False if the game was not found in database. This allows the calling function to potentially re-scrape data and reattempt.</returns> public abstract AutoCatResult CategorizeGame( GameInfo game, Filter filter );
/// <summary> /// Get LastPlayed date from a VDF node containing a list of games. /// Any games in the node not found in the game list will be added to the gamelist. /// </summary> /// <param name="appsNode">Node containing the game nodes</param> /// <param name="ignore">Set of games to ignore</param> /// <param name="forceInclude">Include games even if their type is not an included type</param> private void GetLastPlayedFromVdf(VdfFileNode appsNode, SortedSet<int> ignore, AppTypes includedTypes) { Dictionary<string, VdfFileNode> gameNodeArray = appsNode.NodeArray; if (gameNodeArray != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, VdfFileNode> gameNodePair in gameNodeArray) { int gameId; if (int.TryParse(gameNodePair.Key, out gameId)) { if ((ignore != null && ignore.Contains(gameId)) || !Program.GameDB.IncludeItemInGameList(gameId, includedTypes)) { Program.Logger.Write(LoggerLevel.Verbose, GlobalStrings.GameData_SkippedProcessingGame, gameId); } else if (gameNodePair.Value != null && gameNodePair.Value.NodeType == ValueType.Array) { GameInfo game = null; // Add the game to the list if it doesn't exist already if (!Games.ContainsKey(gameId)) { game = new GameInfo(gameId, Program.GameDB.GetName(gameId), this); Games.Add(gameId, game); Program.Logger.Write(LoggerLevel.Verbose, GlobalStrings.GameData_AddedNewGame, gameId, game.Name); } else { game = Games[gameId]; } if (gameNodePair.Value.ContainsKey("LastPlayed") && gameNodePair.Value["LastPlayed"].NodeInt != 0) { DateTime dt = Utility.GetDTFromUTime(gameNodePair.Value["LastPlayed"].NodeInt); if (dt > game.LastPlayed) game.LastPlayed = dt; Program.Logger.Write(LoggerLevel.Verbose, GlobalStrings.GameData_ProcessedGame, gameId, game.LastPlayed.ToString()); } } } } } }
public override AutoCatResult CategorizeGame(GameInfo game, Filter filter) { if (games == null) { Program.Logger.Write(LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GamelistNull); throw new ApplicationException(GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameList); } if (db == null) { Program.Logger.Write(LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_DBNull); throw new ApplicationException(GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameDB); } if (game == null) { Program.Logger.Write(LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GameNull); return(AutoCatResult.Failure); } if (!db.Contains(game.Id) || db.Games[game.Id].LastStoreScrape == 0) { return(AutoCatResult.NotInDatabase); } if (!game.IncludeGame(filter)) { return(AutoCatResult.Filtered); } if (RemoveAllCategories) { game.ClearCategories(); } else if (RemoveCategories != null) { List <Category> removed = new List <Category>(); foreach (string category in RemoveCategories) { Category c = gamelist.GetCategory(category); if (game.ContainsCategory(c)) { game.RemoveCategory(c); removed.Add(c); } } foreach (Category c in removed) { if (c.Count == 0) { gamelist.RemoveCategory(c); } } } if (AddCategories != null) { foreach (string category in AddCategories) { // add Category, or create it if it doesn't exist game.AddCategory(gamelist.GetCategory(GetProcessedString(category))); } } return(AutoCatResult.Success); }
/// <summary> /// Loads in games from a VDF node containing a list of games. /// Any games in the node not found in the game list will be added to the gamelist. /// If a game in the node has a tags subnode, the "favorite" field will be overwritten. /// If a game in the node has a category set, it will overwrite any categories in the gamelist. /// If a game in the node does NOT have a category set, the category in the gamelist will NOT be cleared. /// </summary> /// <param name="appsNode">Node containing the game nodes</param> /// <param name="ignore">Set of games to ignore</param> /// <param name="forceInclude">Include games even if their type is not an included type</param> /// <returns>Number of games loaded</returns> private int IntegrateGamesFromVdf( VdfFileNode appsNode, SortedSet<int> ignore, AppTypes includedTypes ) { int loadedGames = 0; Dictionary<string, VdfFileNode> gameNodeArray = appsNode.NodeArray; if( gameNodeArray != null ) { foreach( KeyValuePair<string, VdfFileNode> gameNodePair in gameNodeArray ) { int gameId; if( int.TryParse( gameNodePair.Key, out gameId ) ) { if( ( ignore != null && ignore.Contains( gameId ) ) || !Program.GameDB.IncludeItemInGameList( gameId, includedTypes ) ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Verbose, GlobalStrings.GameData_SkippedProcessingGame, gameId ); } else if( gameNodePair.Value != null && gameNodePair.Value.NodeType == ValueType.Array ) { GameInfo game = null; // Add the game to the list if it doesn't exist already if( !Games.ContainsKey( gameId ) ) { game = new GameInfo( gameId, Program.GameDB.GetName( gameId ), this ); Games.Add( gameId, game ); Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Verbose, GlobalStrings.GameData_AddedNewGame, gameId, game.Name ); } else { game = Games[gameId]; } loadedGames++; game.ApplySource( GameListingSource.SteamConfig ); game.Hidden = ( gameNodePair.Value.ContainsKey( "hidden" ) && gameNodePair.Value["hidden"].NodeInt != 0 ); VdfFileNode tagsNode = gameNodePair.Value["tags"]; if( tagsNode != null ) { Dictionary<string, VdfFileNode> tagArray = tagsNode.NodeArray; if( tagArray != null ) { List<Category> cats = new List<Category>( tagArray.Count ); foreach( VdfFileNode tag in tagArray.Values ) { string tagName = tag.NodeString; if( tagName != null ) { Category c = GetCategory( tagName ); if( c != null ) cats.Add( c ); } } if( cats.Count > 0 ) { SetGameCategories( gameId, cats, false ); } } } Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Verbose, GlobalStrings.GameData_ProcessedGame, gameId, string.Join( ",", game.Categories ) ); } } } } return loadedGames; }
private static void AddGameFromXmlNode( XmlNode node, Profile profile, int profileVersion ) { int id; if( XmlUtil.TryGetIntFromNode( node[XmlName_Game_Id], out id ) ) { GameListingSource source = XmlUtil.GetEnumFromNode<GameListingSource>( node[XmlName_Game_Source], GameListingSource.Unknown ); if( source < GameListingSource.Manual && profile.IgnoreList.Contains( id ) ) { return; } string name = XmlUtil.GetStringFromNode( node[XmlName_Game_Name], null ); GameInfo game = new GameInfo( id, name, profile.GameData ); game.Source = source; profile.GameData.Games.Add( id, game ); game.Hidden = XmlUtil.GetBoolFromNode( node[XmlName_Game_Hidden], false ); if( profileVersion < 1 ) { string catName; if( XmlUtil.TryGetStringFromNode( node[XmlName_Game_Category], out catName ) ) { game.AddCategory( profile.GameData.GetCategory( catName ) ); } if( ( node.SelectSingleNode( XmlName_Old_Game_Favorite ) != null ) ) { game.SetFavorite( true ); } } else { XmlNode catListNode = node.SelectSingleNode( XmlName_Game_CategoryList ); if( catListNode != null ) { XmlNodeList catNodes = catListNode.SelectNodes( XmlName_Game_Category ); foreach( XmlNode cNode in catNodes ) { string cat; if( XmlUtil.TryGetStringFromNode( cNode, out cat ) ) { game.AddCategory( profile.GameData.GetCategory( cat ) ); } } } } } }
public override AutoCatResult CategorizeGame( GameInfo game ) { if( games == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GamelistNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameList ); } if( db == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_DBNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameDB ); } if( game == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GameNull ); return AutoCatResult.Failure; } if( !db.Contains( game.Id ) || db.Games[game.Id].LastStoreScrape == 0 ) return AutoCatResult.NotInDatabase; if( RemoveOtherGenres && genreCategories != null ) { game.RemoveCategory( genreCategories ); } List<string> genreList = db.GetGenreList( game.Id, depth:MAX_PARENT_DEPTH, tagFallback:TagFallback ); if( genreList != null && genreList.Count > 0 ) { List<Category> categories = new List<Category>(); int max = MaxCategories; for( int i = 0; i < genreList.Count && ( MaxCategories == 0 || i < max ); i++ ) { if( !IgnoredGenres.Contains( genreList[i] ) ) { categories.Add( games.GetCategory( GetProcessedString( genreList[i] ) ) ); } else { max++; // ignored genres don't contribute to max } } game.AddCategory( categories ); } return AutoCatResult.Success; }
public override AutoCatResult CategorizeGame( GameInfo game ) { if( games == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GamelistNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameList ); } if( db == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_DBNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameDB ); } if( game == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GameNull ); return AutoCatResult.Failure; } if( !db.Contains( game.Id ) ) return AutoCatResult.NotInDatabase; int score = db.Games[game.Id].ReviewPositivePercentage; int reviews = db.Games[game.Id].ReviewTotal; string result = null; foreach( UserScore_Rule rule in Rules ) { if( CheckRule( rule, score, reviews ) ) { result = rule.Name; break; } } if( result != null ) { result = GetProcessedString( result ); game.AddCategory( games.GetCategory( result ) ); } return AutoCatResult.Success; }
public override AutoCatResult CategorizeGame( GameInfo game ) { if( games == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GamelistNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameList ); } if( db == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_DBNull ); throw new ApplicationException( GlobalStrings.AutoCatGenre_Exception_NoGameDB ); } if( game == null ) { Program.Logger.Write( LoggerLevel.Error, GlobalStrings.Log_AutoCat_GameNull ); return AutoCatResult.Failure; } if( !db.Contains( game.Id ) ) return AutoCatResult.NotInDatabase; string result = null; float hltbMain = db.Games[game.Id].HltbMain/60.0f; float hltbExtras = db.Games[game.Id].HltbExtras/60.0f; float hltbCompletionist = db.Games[game.Id].HltbCompletionist/60.0f; if (IncludeUnknown && hltbMain == 0.0f && hltbExtras == 0.0f && hltbCompletionist == 0.0f) result = UnknownText; else { foreach (Hltb_Rule rule in Rules) { if (CheckRule(rule, hltbMain, hltbExtras, hltbCompletionist)) { result = rule.Name; break; } } } if( result != null ) { result = GetProcessedString( result ); game.AddCategory( games.GetCategory( result ) ); } return AutoCatResult.Success; }
private static void AddGameFromXmlNode( XmlNode node, Profile profile, int profileVersion ) { int id; if( XmlUtil.TryGetIntFromNode( node["id"], out id ) ) { if( profile.IgnoreList.Contains( id ) || ( profile.IgnoreDlc && Program.GameDB.IsDlc( id ) ) ) { return; } string name = XmlUtil.GetStringFromNode( node["name"], null ); GameInfo game = new GameInfo( id, name ); profile.GameData.Games.Add( id, game ); game.Hidden = XmlUtil.GetBoolFromNode( node["hidden"], false ); if( profileVersion < 1 ) { string catName; if( XmlUtil.TryGetStringFromNode( node["category"], out catName ) ) { game.AddCategory( profile.GameData.GetCategory( catName ) ); } if( ( node.SelectSingleNode( "favorite" ) != null ) ) { game.AddCategory( profile.GameData.FavoriteCategory ); } } else { XmlNode catListNode = node.SelectSingleNode( "categories" ); if( catListNode != null ) { XmlNodeList catNodes = catListNode.SelectNodes( "category" ); foreach( XmlNode cNode in catNodes ) { string cat; if( XmlUtil.TryGetStringFromNode( cNode, out cat ) ) { game.AddCategory( profile.GameData.GetCategory( cat ) ); } } } } } }