/* This delegate can be used to reference any function that returns void and does not take any arguments */ public static void Main() { Student student = new Student("Evan", 13, 8); /* The delegate declared above can be assigned as follows: */ Del1 del = student.Birthday; /* Invoke the delegate: */ del(); /* Reassign the delegate: */ del = student.Graduate; /* Invoke the delgate again: */ del(); Console.WriteLine(student); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("What type is declared when delegate keyword is used?"); Console.WriteLine(typeof(Learn).BaseType.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); Student student = new Student(); ProgrammingCourse course = new ProgrammingCourse(); student.AttendToCourse(course); //After a long time student will call student.StartLearningBecauseExamIsTomorrow(); Console.Read(); }
//studenti se sortiraju abecedno public static Comparison WhichStudentComesFirst(Student s1, Student s2) { return(String.Compare(s1.name, s2.name) < 0 ? Comparison.theFirstComesFirst : Comparison.theSecondComesFirst); }