public void Deregister() { DS_HazeCore core = DS_HazeCore.Instance; if (core != null) { core.RemoveLightVolume(this); } }
public void Deregister() { DS_HazeCore instance = DS_HazeCore.Instance; if (!Object.op_Inequality((Object)instance, (Object)null)) { return; } instance.RemoveLightVolume(this); }
/// <summary> /// On Awake we need to check there is only one Haze Controller in the scene and /// set up the singleton reference to it. /// </summary> void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else if (instance != this) { Debug.LogError("DeepSky::DS_HazeCore:Awake - There is more than one Haze Controller in this scene! Disabling " + name); enabled = false; } }
public void Register() { DS_HazeCore instance = DS_HazeCore.Instance; if (Object.op_Equality((Object)instance, (Object)null)) { Debug.LogError((object)"DeepSky::DS_HazeLightVolume: Attempting to add a light volume but no HS_HazeCore found in scene! Please make sure there is a DS_HazeCore object."); } else { instance.AddLightVolume(this); } }
public void Register() { DS_HazeCore core = DS_HazeCore.Instance; if (core == null) { Debug.LogError("DeepSky::DS_HazeLightVolume: Attempting to add a light volume but no HS_HazeCore found in scene! Please make sure there is a DS_HazeCore object."); } else { core.AddLightVolume(this); } }
public static void CreateDeepSkyHazeZone() { GameObject zone = new GameObject("DS_HazeZone", typeof(DS_HazeZone)); zone.transform.localScale = new Vector3(100, 50, 100); DS_HazeCore core = DS_HazeCore.Instance; if (core != null) { zone.transform.SetParent(core.transform); } Selection.objects = new Object[] { zone }; }
private void Awake() { if (Object.op_Equality((Object)DS_HazeCore.instance, (Object)null)) { DS_HazeCore.instance = this; } else { if (!Object.op_Inequality((Object)DS_HazeCore.instance, (Object)this)) { return; } Debug.LogError((object)("DeepSky::DS_HazeCore:Awake - There is more than one Haze Controller in this scene! Disabling " + ((Object)this).get_name())); ((Behaviour)this).set_enabled(false); } }
public static void CreateDeepSkyHazeController() { DS_HazeCore core = DS_HazeCore.Instance; GameObject cont; if (core == null) { cont = new GameObject("DS_HazeController", typeof(DS_HazeCore)); cont.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); } else { cont = core.gameObject; Debug.LogWarning("DeepSky::CreateDeepSkyHazeController - there is already a Haze Controller in this scene!"); } Selection.objects = new Object[] { cont }; }
private void OnPreRender() { if (!this.CheckHasSystemSupport()) { ((Behaviour)this).set_enabled(false); } this.UpdateResources(); this.SetShaderKeyWords(); this.m_PerFrameRadianceTarget = RenderTexture.GetTemporary(this.m_X, this.m_Y, 0, !this.m_Camera.get_allowHDR() ? (RenderTextureFormat)0 : (RenderTextureFormat)2, (RenderTextureReadWrite)1, this.AntiAliasingLevel()); ((Object)this.m_PerFrameRadianceTarget).set_name("_DS_Haze_PerFrameRadiance"); ((Texture)this.m_PerFrameRadianceTarget).set_filterMode((FilterMode)0); this.m_ClearRadianceCmdBuffer.Clear(); this.m_ClearRadianceCmdBuffer.SetRenderTarget(RenderTargetIdentifier.op_Implicit((Texture)this.m_PerFrameRadianceTarget)); this.m_ClearRadianceCmdBuffer.ClearRenderTarget(false, true, Color.get_clear()); DS_HazeCore instance = DS_HazeCore.Instance; DS_HazeContextItem ctx; if (this.m_OverrideContextAsset && Object.op_Inequality((Object)this.m_Context, (Object)null)) { ctx = !this.m_OverrideContextVariant ? this.m_Context.Context.GetContextItemBlended(this.m_Time) : this.m_Context.Context.GetItemAtIndex(this.m_ContextItemIndex); } else { if (Object.op_Equality((Object)instance, (Object)null)) { this.SetGlobalParamsToNull(); return; } ctx = instance.GetRenderContextAtPosition(((Component)this).get_transform().get_position()); } if (ctx == null) { this.SetGlobalParamsToNull(); } else { this.SetMaterialFromContext(ctx); float farClipPlane = this.m_Camera.get_farClipPlane(); float num1 = Mathf.Tan(this.m_Camera.get_fieldOfView() * 0.5f * ((float)Math.PI / 180f)); float num2 = num1 * this.m_Camera.get_aspect(); Vector3 vector3_1 = Vector3.op_Multiply(((Component)this).get_transform().get_forward(), farClipPlane); Vector3 vector3_2 = Vector3.op_Multiply(Vector3.op_Multiply(((Component)this).get_transform().get_right(), num2), farClipPlane); Vector3 vector3_3 = Vector3.op_Multiply(Vector3.op_Multiply(((Component)this).get_transform().get_up(), num1), farClipPlane); this.m_Material.SetVector("_ViewportCorner", Vector4.op_Implicit(Vector3.op_Subtraction(Vector3.op_Subtraction(vector3_1, vector3_2), vector3_3))); this.m_Material.SetVector("_ViewportRight", Vector4.op_Implicit(Vector3.op_Multiply(vector3_2, 2f))); this.m_Material.SetVector("_ViewportUp", Vector4.op_Implicit(Vector3.op_Multiply(vector3_3, 2f))); if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)this.m_DirectLight) && this.m_RenderAtmosphereVolumetrics) { this.m_DirectionalLightCmdBuffer.Blit(RenderTargetIdentifier.op_Implicit((BuiltinRenderTextureType)0), RenderTargetIdentifier.op_Implicit((Texture)this.m_PerFrameRadianceTarget), this.m_Material, (int)(this.m_VolumeSamples + (this.m_DownsampleFactor != DS_HazeView.SizeFactor.Half ? 3 : 0))); } } if (!this.m_RenderLocalVolumetrics) { return; } Matrix4x4 viewProjMtx = Matrix4x4.op_Multiply(GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(this.m_Camera.get_projectionMatrix(), true), this.m_Camera.get_worldToCameraMatrix()); instance.GetRenderLightVolumes(((Component)this).get_transform().get_position(), this.m_PerFrameLightVolumes, this.m_PerFrameShadowLightVolumes); if (this.m_PerFrameLightVolumes.Count > 0) { this.m_RenderNonShadowVolumes.SetRenderTarget(RenderTargetIdentifier.op_Implicit((Texture)this.m_PerFrameRadianceTarget)); } foreach (DS_HazeLightVolume frameLightVolume in this.m_PerFrameLightVolumes) { frameLightVolume.SetupMaterialPerFrame(viewProjMtx, this.m_Camera.get_worldToCameraMatrix(), ((Component)this).get_transform(), !this.WillRenderWithTemporalReprojection ? 0.0f : this.m_InterleavedOffsetIndex); frameLightVolume.AddLightRenderCommand(((Component)this).get_transform(), this.m_RenderNonShadowVolumes, (int)this.m_DownsampleFactor); } foreach (DS_HazeLightVolume shadowLightVolume in this.m_PerFrameShadowLightVolumes) { shadowLightVolume.SetupMaterialPerFrame(viewProjMtx, this.m_Camera.get_worldToCameraMatrix(), ((Component)this).get_transform(), !this.WillRenderWithTemporalReprojection ? 0.0f : this.m_InterleavedOffsetIndex); shadowLightVolume.FillLightCommandBuffer(this.m_PerFrameRadianceTarget, ((Component)this).get_transform(), (int)this.m_DownsampleFactor); this.m_LightVolumeCmdBuffers.Add(shadowLightVolume.LightSource, shadowLightVolume.RenderCommandBuffer); } }
/// <summary> /// Create the Controller, Zone and View needed to see DeepSky effects, fitting /// the zone around the passed terrain or object (if supplied) and applying the /// selected preset. /// </summary> /// <param name="boundsObject"> The Zone will be scaled to surround this object/terrain. </param> /// <param name="presetPath"> Asset path to preset Context to load settings from. </param> private void AddQuickSetupToScene(GameObject boundsObject, string presetPath) { DS_HazeCore core = DS_HazeCore.Instance; GameObject cont; if (core == null) { cont = new GameObject("DS_HazeController", typeof(DS_HazeCore)); cont.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); } else { cont = core.gameObject; Debug.Log("DeepSky::AddQuickSetupToScene - There is already a Haze Controller in this scene! Skipping adding a new one."); } GameObject zone = new GameObject("DS_HazeZone", typeof(DS_HazeZone)); DS_HazeContextAsset ctxAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <DS_HazeContextAsset>(presetPath); if (ctxAsset == null) { Debug.LogWarning("DeepSky::AddQuickSetupToScene - Unable to load preset " + presetPath); } else { DS_HazeZone zoneComp = zone.GetComponent <DS_HazeZone>(); DS_HazeZoneEditor.SetZoneFromContextPreset(zoneComp, ctxAsset); } Vector3 zoneSize = new Vector3(250, 100, 250); Vector3 zoneLocation =; if (boundsObject) { zoneLocation = boundsObject.transform.position; bool useDefault = false; Vector3 objSize = zoneSize; Terrain ter = boundsObject.GetComponent <Terrain>(); if (ter) { // This is a terrain, get the size from the terrain data and scale zone to default inner blend zone. objSize = ter.terrainData.size; zoneLocation += ter.terrainData.size * 0.5f; } else { // Normal object, fit to mesh renderer bounds (if there is a mesh renderer). MeshRenderer mr = boundsObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); if (mr) { objSize = mr.bounds.size; zoneLocation =; } else { Debug.Log("DeepSky::AddQuickSetupToScene - Supplied object has no Mesh Renderer to get bounds from! Using default size."); useDefault = true; } } if (!useDefault) { // Make sure there is at least some size. if (objSize.x < 10) { objSize.x = 10; } if (objSize.y < 10) { objSize.y = 10; } if (objSize.z < 10) { objSize.z = 10; } zoneSize = objSize; float dT = Mathf.Min(zoneSize.x, zoneSize.y, zoneSize.z) * 0.1f; Vector3 scale = new Vector3(zoneSize.x / (zoneSize.x - dT), zoneSize.y / (zoneSize.y - dT), zoneSize.z / (zoneSize.z - dT)); zoneSize.Scale(scale); zoneSize.y += objSize.y * 0.1f; // Scale up by 10% in Y to give a little extra room at the top/bottom of the terrain/mesh. } } zone.transform.localScale = zoneSize; zone.transform.position = zoneLocation; zone.transform.SetParent(cont.transform); DS_HazeView view = m_Camera.GetComponent <DS_HazeView>(); if (view) { Debug.Log("DeepSky::AddQuickSetupToScene - The camera already has a Haze View! Skipping adding a new one."); return; } else { view = m_Camera.gameObject.AddComponent <DS_HazeView>(); view.DirectLight = m_DirectionalLight; } }