public static void GetEEPROM(this Node node, Home home)
     var memoryEEPROM = GetBinaryConfiguration(node, home).Item2;
     //guardamos el bin
     File.WriteAllBytes(node.Mac.ToString() + ".bin", memoryEEPROM);
     //guardamos el hex
     Hex.SaveBin2Hex(memoryEEPROM, node.Mac.ToString());
        public async void SendConfiguration(Node node, Home home)
            ushort nodeAddress = (ushort)node.Address;

            bool isNewTransaction = !this.currentWriteTransactions.ContainsKey(nodeAddress);
            bool isAbortedOrCompletedTransaction = isNewTransaction ?
                false : 
                this.currentWriteTransactions[nodeAddress].FragmentWriteTransaction.IsAborted ||

            if (isNewTransaction || isAbortedOrCompletedTransaction)
                // If the last transaction was aborted or completed. Remove it to allow a new one.
                if (isAbortedOrCompletedTransaction)

                var configuration = node.GetBinaryConfiguration(home);

                var newTransaction = new FragmentWriteTransaction(this, OperationMessage.OPCodes.ConfigWrite, typeof(ConfigWriteStatusCodes), nodeAddress, configuration.Item2);
                this.currentWriteTransactions.Add(nodeAddress, new ConfigTransaction()
                    Checksum = configuration.Item1,
                    FragmentWriteTransaction = newTransaction,
                    TimeFlag = (DateTime)(node.LastChecksumUpdate ?? DateTime.MinValue),

                if (!await newTransaction.StartTransaction())
                    //TODO: Check the problem
                    PrintLog(true, string.Format("An error occurred on configuration update for node 0x{0:X4}", nodeAddress));
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the EEPROM configuration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="home">The home.</param>
        /// <returns>A tuple containing the checksum (Item1) and the raw bytes (Item2)</returns>
        public Tuple<ushort, byte[]> GenerateEEPROM(Home home)
            _tempMemory = new List<Byte>();

            //Generar toda la memoria (la memoria se genera con CRC16 a "00 00")



            ushort pointerStartDinamicIndex = (ushort)_tempMemory.Count;
            _dinamicIndex = new List<ushort>();

            //fill with 00 in memory for Dinamic Index
            for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)






            //free region

            //change directions of DinamicIndex using the DinamicIndexList
            //DINAMIC END

            byte[] memory = _tempMemory.ToArray();

            //Calculamos el tamaño en bytes
            ushort sizeMemory = (ushort)memory.Length;

            memory[3] = sizeMemory.UshortToByte(_baseConfiguration.LittleEndian)[0];
            memory[4] = sizeMemory.UshortToByte(_baseConfiguration.LittleEndian)[1];

            //Generar el CRC
            byte[] crc = new Crc16().ComputeChecksumBytes(memory, _baseConfiguration.LittleEndian);

            //sustituimos el valor de CRC que esta en la posicion de memoria 0x05 0x06, no hace falta contar con endianidad
            memory[5] = crc[0];
            memory[6] = crc[1];

            ushort crcResult = BitConverter.ToUInt16(crc, 0);

            return new Tuple<ushort,byte[]>(crcResult, memory);
 public static Tuple<ushort, byte[]> GetBinaryConfiguration(this Node node, Home home)
     FirmwareUno fw = new FirmwareUno(node, 0x00); //TODO: Ojo
     return fw.GenerateEEPROM(home);
        //Cogemos por defecto la configuration del NetworkManager
        private byte[] NetworkConfig(Home home)
            List<byte> result = new List<byte>();






            return result.ToArray();