Exemple #1
        //-----  Get the binary RSA PRIVATE key, decrypting if necessary ----
        static byte[] DecodeOpenSSLPrivateKey(String instr)
            const String pemprivheader = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
            const String pemprivfooter = "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
            String       pemstr        = instr.Trim();

            byte[] binkey;
            if (!pemstr.StartsWith(pemprivheader) || !pemstr.EndsWith(pemprivfooter))

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(pemstr);

            sb.Replace(pemprivheader, "");  //remove headers/footers, if present
            sb.Replace(pemprivfooter, "");

            String pvkstr = sb.ToString().Trim();   //get string after removing leading/trailing whitespace

            {        // if there are no PEM encryption info lines, this is an UNencrypted PEM private key
                binkey = Convert.FromBase64String(pvkstr);
            catch (System.FormatException)
            {       //if can't b64 decode, it must be an encrypted private key
                    //Console.WriteLine("Not an unencrypted OpenSSL PEM private key");

            StringReader str = new StringReader(pvkstr);

            //-------- read PEM encryption info. lines and extract salt -----
            if (!str.ReadLine().StartsWith("Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED"))
            String saltline = str.ReadLine();

            if (!saltline.StartsWith("DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,"))
            String saltstr = saltline.Substring(saltline.IndexOf(",") + 1).Trim();

            byte[] salt = new byte[saltstr.Length / 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < salt.Length; i++)
                salt[i] = Convert.ToByte(saltstr.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16);
            if (!(str.ReadLine() == ""))

            //------ remaining b64 data is encrypted RSA key ----
            String encryptedstr = str.ReadToEnd();

            {   //should have b64 encrypted RSA key now
                binkey = Convert.FromBase64String(encryptedstr);
            catch (System.FormatException)
            {  // bad b64 data.

            //------ Get the 3DES 24 byte key using PDK used by OpenSSL ----

            SecureString despswd = GetSecPswd("Enter password to derive 3DES key==>");

            //Console.Write("\nEnter password to derive 3DES key: ");
            //String pswd = Console.ReadLine();
            byte[] deskey = GetOpenSSL3deskey(salt, despswd, 1, 2);    // count=1 (for OpenSSL implementation); 2 iterations to get at least 24 bytes
            if (deskey == null)
            //showBytes("3DES key", deskey) ;

            //------ Decrypt the encrypted 3des-encrypted RSA private key ------
            byte[] rsakey = DecryptKey(binkey, deskey, salt); //OpenSSL uses salt value in PEM header also as 3DES IV
            if (rsakey != null)
                return(rsakey);  //we have a decrypted RSA private key
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to decrypt RSA private key; probably wrong password.");