public static ConfigFilesFilter CreateDefaultConfigFilesFilter() { ConfigFilesFilter f = new ConfigFilesFilter(); Common.StringReader r = new Common.StringReader(); f.require_types.AddRange(r.Read(Common.Enviroment.RequiretypesDefaultConfigFile)); f.require_members.AddRange(r.Read(Common.Enviroment.RequiremembersDefaultConfigFile)); f.require_fields.AddRange(r.Read(Common.Enviroment.RequirefieldsDefaultConfigFile)); f.forbid_types.AddRange(r.Read(Common.Enviroment.ForbidtypesDefaultConfigFile)); f.forbid_members.AddRange(r.Read(Common.Enviroment.ForbidmembersDefaultConfigFile)); f.forbid_fields.AddRange(r.Read(Common.Enviroment.ForbidfieldsDefaultConfigFile)); return f; }
// Add some non-zero constants to the mix. public void AddConstantsToTDB(RandoopConfiguration config) { foreach (SimpleTypeValues vs in config.simpleTypeValues) { Type type = Type.GetType(vs.simpleType); if (type == null) { throw new Common.RandoopBareExceptions.InternalError("invalid simple type in XML config file."); } foreach (FileName fn in vs.fileNames) { string fileName = fn.fileName; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { throw new Common.RandoopBareExceptions.InvalidUserParamsException("Configuration file does not exist: " + fileName); } if (type.Equals(typeof(sbyte))) { SByteReader r = new SByteReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) { this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(sbyte), o)); } } else if (type.Equals(typeof(byte))) { ByteReader r = new ByteReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) { this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(byte), o)); } } else if (type.Equals(typeof(short))) { ShortReader r = new ShortReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) { this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(short), o)); } } else if (type.Equals(typeof(ushort))) { UshortReader r = new UshortReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) { this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(ushort), o)); } } else if (type.Equals(typeof(int))) { IntReader r = new IntReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) { this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(int), o)); } } else if (type.Equals(typeof(uint))) { UintReader r = new UintReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) { this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(uint), o)); } } else if (type.Equals(typeof(long))) { LongReader r = new LongReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) { this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(long), o)); } } else if (type.Equals(typeof(ulong))) { UlongReader r = new UlongReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) { this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(ulong), o)); } } else if (type.Equals(typeof(char))) { CharReader r = new CharReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) { this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(char), o)); } } else if (type.Equals(typeof(float))) { FloatReader r = new FloatReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) { this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(float), o)); } } else if (type.Equals(typeof(double))) { DoubleReader r = new DoubleReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) { this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(double), o)); } } else if (type.Equals(typeof(bool))) { BoolReader r = new BoolReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) { this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(bool), o)); } } else if (type.Equals(typeof(decimal))) { DecimalReader r = new DecimalReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) { this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(decimal), o)); } } else { if (!type.Equals(typeof(string))) { throw new Common.RandoopBareExceptions.InternalError("invalid simple type in XML config file."); } Common.StringReader r = new Common.StringReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) { this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(string), o)); } } } } }
// Add some non-zero constants to the mix. public void AddConstantsToTDB(RandoopConfiguration config) { foreach (SimpleTypeValues vs in config.simpleTypeValues) { Type type = Type.GetType(vs.simpleType); if (type == null) { throw new Common.RandoopBareExceptions.InternalError("invalid simple type in XML config file."); } foreach (FileName fn in vs.fileNames) { string fileName = fn.fileName; if (!File.Exists(fileName)) { throw new Common.RandoopBareExceptions.InvalidUserParamsException("Configuration file does not exist: " + fileName); } if (type.Equals(typeof(sbyte))) { SByteReader r = new SByteReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(sbyte), o)); } else if (type.Equals(typeof(byte))) { ByteReader r = new ByteReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(byte), o)); } else if (type.Equals(typeof(short))) { ShortReader r = new ShortReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(short), o)); } else if (type.Equals(typeof(ushort))) { UshortReader r = new UshortReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(ushort), o)); } else if (type.Equals(typeof(int))) { IntReader r = new IntReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(int), o)); } else if (type.Equals(typeof(uint))) { UintReader r = new UintReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(uint), o)); } else if (type.Equals(typeof(long))) { LongReader r = new LongReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(long), o)); } else if (type.Equals(typeof(ulong))) { UlongReader r = new UlongReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(ulong), o)); } else if (type.Equals(typeof(char))) { CharReader r = new CharReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(char), o)); } else if (type.Equals(typeof(float))) { FloatReader r = new FloatReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(float), o)); } else if (type.Equals(typeof(double))) { DoubleReader r = new DoubleReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(double), o)); } else if (type.Equals(typeof(bool))) { BoolReader r = new BoolReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(bool), o)); } else if (type.Equals(typeof(decimal))) { DecimalReader r = new DecimalReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(decimal), o)); } else { if (!type.Equals(typeof(string))) { throw new Common.RandoopBareExceptions.InternalError("invalid simple type in XML config file."); } Common.StringReader r = new Common.StringReader(); foreach (object o in r.Read(fileName)) this.AddPlan(Plan.Constant(typeof(string), o)); } } } }