public static Identifier Parse(string identifier)
     var tokens = identifier.Split('.');
     var region = new Region(tokens[0]);
     var id = Guid.Parse(tokens[1]);
     return new Identifier(id, region);
        public Identifier Persist(Region region, string serializedTask)
            var id = region.NewIdentifier();
            Persist(id, serializedTask);

            return id;
 public SynchronousExecutor(string name)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
         throw new ArgumentException("Argument name should be not null not empty string", "name");
     _name = name;
     _region = new Region(name);
        public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Identifier, ITask>> LoadAll(Region region)
            Contract.Require(region.IsValid, "region.IsValid");

            var serialized = _database.GetAll(region);

            var results = serialized.Select(Deserialize);

            return results;
        public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Identifier, string>> GetAll(Region region)
            foreach (var kvp in _database)
                var id = Identifier.Parse(kvp.Key);

                if(!id.Region.Equals(region)) continue;

                yield return new KeyValuePair<Identifier, string>(id, kvp.Value);
        public QueuedExecutor(QueuedExecutorSettings settings, IPersister persister)
            if (settings == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("settings");


            _settings = settings;
            _persister = persister;
            _region = new Region(_settings.Name);
            _queue = new ConcurrentQueue<ExecutionEnvelope>();
        public Identifier(Guid id, Region region)
            if (Guid.Empty.Equals(id))
                throw new ArgumentException("Id should be not empty Guid.", "id");

                throw new ArgumentException("Region should be initialized with not null not empty value", "region");

            _id = id;
            _region = region;
 public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Identifier, ITask>> LoadAll(Region region)
     return _empty;
Exemple #9
 public bool Equals(Region other)
     return string.Equals(_name, other._name);
 public IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Identifier, string>> GetAll(Region region)
     return _tasks.Where(x => x.Key.Region.Equals(region));