public static void CorvusManagerTest() { CorvusManager cm = new CorvusManager("COM6", 57600); cm.rmove(-6, -5, -2); Thread.Sleep(5000); cm.rmove(6, 5, 2); }
// Constructor public CoDASyncWindow() { InitializeComponent(); CM = null; //new CorvusManager("COM6", 57600); IsCMSet = false; DM = null; IsDMSet = false; // initialize locker for signaling condition that computation is done done = true; __doneLocker = new Object(); __readSerialEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); __readDAQEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); __bufferReadyCountdown = new CountdownEvent(3); position = null; sample = null; sample_array = null; time = null; output = ""; // output file name outputFileName = ""; outputStream = null; __outputFileStreamLocker = new Object(); // configure timer general parameters samplingTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(); __timerLocker = new Object(); samplingTimer.Elapsed += TimerHandler; samplingTimer.AutoReset = true; acquisitionInProgress = false; // create threads readSerialThread = null; readDAQThread = null; storeDataThread = null; // listing variables execInProgress = false; executionThread = null; __execThreadLocker = new Object(); }
public static void CorvusManagerTestPos() { CorvusManager corman = new CorvusManager("COM6", 57600); Console.WriteLine("Getting position..."); String s = null; if (corman.pos(ref s)) { Console.WriteLine("Position successfully read: " + s); } else { Console.WriteLine("Impossible to read position."); } Console.WriteLine("Moving Origin to point 3, 2, -1.5"); if (corman.setpos(3, 2, (float)1.5)) { Console.WriteLine("Origin Successfully moved!"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Faled to move origin!"); } Console.WriteLine("Getting new position."); if (corman.pos(ref s)) { Console.WriteLine("New position is " + s); } else { Console.WriteLine("Impossible to read new position."); } Console.WriteLine("Moving to origin"); if (!corman.move(0, 0, 0)) { Console.WriteLine("Impossible to move to origin"); } corman.Close(); }
public void ConnectPortButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (IsCMSet && CM.IsOpen) { CM.Close(); } CM = new CorvusManager(PortTextBox.Text, Int32.Parse(BaudRateTextBox.Text)); IsCMSet = true; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show( "Invalid port or baud rate configuration", "Corvus Configuration Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error ); } this.updateCorvusConnectionStatus(); = displayLineToLog; }
public void TestPeriodicalAcquisition() { CM = new CorvusManager("COM6", 57600); IsCMSet = true; int[] channels = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; DM = new DAQManager("Dev2", channels); IsDMSet = true; System.Timers.Timer t = new System.Timers.Timer(1000); t.Elapsed += TimerHandler; t.AutoReset = true; Thread thread_store = new Thread(Store); thread_store.Start(); Thread thread_serial = new Thread(ReadSerial); thread_serial.Start(); Thread thread_daq = new Thread(ReadDAQmx); thread_daq.Start(); t.Enabled = true; Thread.Sleep(10000); thread_store.Abort(); thread_daq.Abort(); thread_serial.Abort(); Console.WriteLine("Test ended, press enter to exit."); Console.Read(); File.WriteAllText("D:\\OrigliaMarco\\CoDASync\\Acquisition.txt", output); }