Exemple #1
 void BuildAt( int constructorid, IUnitDef unitdef, Float3 buildsite )
     IUnitDef placeholder;
     if( unitdef.name.ToLower() == "armmex" ) // use smaller placeholder for mexes so fit closer to intended metalspot
         placeholder = buildtable.UnitDefByName[ "ARMMOHO".ToLower() ] as IUnitDef;
         placeholder = buildtable.UnitDefByName[ "CORGANT".ToLower() ] as IUnitDef;
     buildsite = aicallback.ClosestBuildSite( placeholder, buildsite, 1400.0, 2 );            
     buildsite = aicallback.ClosestBuildSite( unitdef, buildsite, 1400.0, 2 );            
     if( unitdef.name == BuildTable.ArmMex )
         placeholder = buildtable.UnitDefByName[ BuildTable.ArmMoho ] as IUnitDef;
         buildsite = aicallback.ClosestBuildSite( placeholder, buildsite, 1400.0, 2 );            
         buildsite = aicallback.ClosestBuildSite( unitdef, buildsite, 1400.0, 2 );            
         buildsite = BuildPlanner.GetInstance().ClosestBuildSite( unitdef, buildsite, 3000 );
         buildsite.y = aicallback.GetElevation( buildsite.x, buildsite.z );
         buildsite = aicallback.ClosestBuildSite( unitdef, buildsite, 1400, 2 );            
     logfile.WriteLine( "building " + unitdef.name + " at " + buildsite.ToString() );
     if( ShowNextBuildSite )
         aicallback.DrawUnit(unitdef.name, buildsite, 0.0f, 500, aicallback.GetMyAllyTeam(), true, true);
     aicallback.GiveOrder( constructorid, new Command( - unitdef.id, buildsite.ToDoubleArray() ) );
 public override Command ToSpringCommand()
     if (pos == null)
         return(new Command(-idtobuild, new double[] { }));
         return(new Command(-idtobuild, pos.ToDoubleArray()));
Exemple #3
        public void UnitCreated(int unit)
            aicallback.SendTextMsg("Unit created: " + unit, 0);

            IUnitDef unitdef = aicallback.GetUnitDef(unit);

            aicallback.SendTextMsg("Unit created: " + unitdef.name, 0);

            IMoveData movedata = unitdef.movedata;

            if (movedata != null)
                aicallback.SendTextMsg("Max Slope: " + movedata.maxSlope, 0);

            if (unitdef.isCommander)
                int    numbuildoptions    = unitdef.GetNumBuildOptions();
                string buildoptionsstring = "Build options: ";
                for (int i = 0; i < numbuildoptions; i++)
                    buildoptionsstring += unitdef.GetBuildOption(i);
                aicallback.SendTextMsg(buildoptionsstring, 0);

                Float3 commanderpos = aicallback.GetUnitPos(unit);
                aicallback.SendTextMsg("Commanderpos: " + commanderpos.ToString(), 0);

                int numunitdefs = aicallback.GetNumUnitDefs();
                aicallback.SendTextMsg("Num unit defs: " + numunitdefs, 0);

                for (int i = 1; i <= numunitdefs; i++)
                    IUnitDef thisunitdef = aicallback.GetUnitDefByTypeId(i);
                    if (thisunitdef.name == "ARMSOLAR")
                        aicallback.SendTextMsg("Found solar collector def: " + thisunitdef.id, 0);

                        Float3 nearestbuildpos = aicallback.ClosestBuildSite(thisunitdef, commanderpos, 1400, 2);
                        aicallback.SendTextMsg("Closest build site: " + nearestbuildpos.ToString(), 0);

                        aicallback.DrawUnit("ARMSOLAR", nearestbuildpos, 0,
                                            200, aicallback.GetMyAllyTeam(), true, true);

                        aicallback.GiveOrder(unit, new Command(-thisunitdef.id, nearestbuildpos.ToDoubleArray()));
Exemple #4
        void ExploreWith(int unitid)
            bool         destinationfound = false;
            Float3       currentpos       = aicallback.GetUnitPos(unitid);
            MovementMaps movementmaps     = MovementMaps.GetInstance();
            IUnitDef     unitdef          = UnitDefListByDeployedId[unitid] as IUnitDef;
            int          currentarea      = movementmaps.GetArea(unitdef, currentpos);
            LosMap       losmap           = LosMap.GetInstance();

            if (csai.DebugOn)
                logfile.WriteLine("explorewith unit " + unitid + " " + unitdef.humanName + " area: " + currentarea);

             * int numtriesleft = 30; // just try a few times then give up
             * // maybe there is a better way to do this?
             * while( !destinationfound )
             * {
             *  Float3 destination = GetRandomDestination();
             * // logfile.WriteLine( "SpreadSearchWithSearchGrid attempt " + destination.ToString() );
             *  int mapx = (int)( destination.x / 16 );
             *  int mapy = (int)( destination.z / 16 );
             *  if( ( movementmaps.GetArea( unitdef, destination ) == currentarea &&
             *      losmap.LastSeenFrameCount[ mapx, mapy ] < recentmeansnumframes || numtriesleft <= 0 ) )
             *  {
             *      logfile.WriteLine( "Looks good. Go. " + numtriesleft + " retriesleft" );
             *      if( csai.DebugOn )
             *      {
             *          aicallback.CreateLineFigure( currentpos, destination,10,true,400,0);
             *          aicallback.DrawUnit( "ARMFAV", destination, 0.0f, 400, aicallback.GetMyAllyTeam(), true, true);
             *      }
             *      aicallback.GiveOrder( unitid, new Command( Command.CMD_MOVE, destination.ToDoubleArray() ) );
             *      return;
             *  }
             *  numtriesleft--;
             * }
            // find nearest, area that hasnt had los recently
            //int maxradius = Math.Max( aicallback.GetMapWidth(), aicallback.GetMapHeight() ) / 2;
            //for( int radius =
            Float3 nextpoint = LosMap.GetInstance().GetNearestUnseen(currentpos, unitdef, 6000);

            if (nextpoint == null)
                nextpoint = GetRandomDestination();
            aicallback.GiveOrder(unitid, new Command(Command.CMD_MOVE, nextpoint.ToDoubleArray()));
Exemple #5
        void ExploreWith(int unitid)
            Float3 destination = new Float3();

            if (PriorityTargets.Count > 0)
                destination = PriorityTargets.Dequeue() as Float3;
                logfile.WriteLine("dequeued next destination: " + destination.ToString());
                destination.x = random.Next(0, aicallback.GetMapWidth() * MovementMaps.SQUARE_SIZE);
                destination.z = random.Next(0, aicallback.GetMapHeight() * MovementMaps.SQUARE_SIZE);
                destination.y = aicallback.GetElevation(destination.x, destination.y);
                logfile.WriteLine("mapwidth: " + aicallback.GetMapWidth() + " squaresize: " + MovementMaps.SQUARE_SIZE);
                logfile.WriteLine("ScoutController sending scout " + unitid + " to " + destination.ToString());
            aicallback.GiveOrder(unitid, new Command(Command.CMD_MOVE, destination.ToDoubleArray()));
 void MoveTo(Float3 pos)
     // check whether we really need to do anything or if order is roughly same as last one
     if (csai.DebugOn)
         aicallback.DrawUnit("ARMSOLAR", pos, 0.0f, 50, aicallback.GetMyAllyTeam(), true, true);
     if (restartedfrompause || Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(pos, lasttargetpos) > (movetothreshold * movetothreshold))
         foreach (DictionaryEntry de in UnitDefListByDeployedId)
             int      deployedid = (int)de.Key;
             IUnitDef unitdef    = de.Value as IUnitDef;
             aicallback.GiveOrder(deployedid, new Command(Command.CMD_MOVE, pos.ToDoubleArray()));
         restartedfrompause = false;
         lasttargetpos      = pos;
 void MoveTo( Float3 pos )
     // check whether we really need to do anything or if order is roughly same as last one
     aicallback.DrawUnit("ARMSOLAR", pos, 0.0f, 50, aicallback.GetMyAllyTeam(), true, true);
     if( restartedfrompause || Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance( pos, lasttargetpos ) > ( movetothreshold * movetothreshold ) )
         aicallback.GiveGroupOrder( groupid, new Command( Command.CMD_MOVE, pos.ToDoubleArray() ) );
         foreach( DictionaryEntry de in UnitDefListByDeployedId )
             int deployedid = (int)de.Key;
             IUnitDef unitdef = de.Value as IUnitDef;
             aicallback.GiveOrder( deployedid, new Command( Command.CMD_MOVE, pos.ToDoubleArray() ) );
         restartedfrompause = false;
         lasttargetpos = pos;
Exemple #8
        void ExploreWith(int unitid)
            Float3 destination = GetRandomDestination();

            aicallback.GiveOrder(unitid, new Command(Command.CMD_MOVE, destination.ToDoubleArray()));
 void ExploreWith( int unitid )
     Float3 destination = new Float3();
     if( PriorityTargets.Count > 0 )
         destination = PriorityTargets.Dequeue() as Float3;
         logfile.WriteLine( "dequeued next destination: " + destination.ToString() );
         destination.x = random.Next(0, aicallback.GetMapWidth() * MovementMaps.SQUARE_SIZE );
         destination.z = random.Next( 0, aicallback.GetMapHeight() * MovementMaps.SQUARE_SIZE );
         destination.y = aicallback.GetElevation( destination.x, destination.y );
         logfile.WriteLine( "mapwidth: " + aicallback.GetMapWidth() + " squaresize: " + MovementMaps.SQUARE_SIZE );
         logfile.WriteLine( "ScoutController sending scout " + unitid + " to " + destination.ToString() );
     aicallback.GiveOrder( unitid, new Command( Command.CMD_MOVE, destination.ToDoubleArray() ) );
 void CommanderBuildAt(IUnitDef unitdef, Float3 buildsite)
     logfile.WriteLine("Commander building " + unitdef.name + " at " + buildsite.ToString());
     aicallback.DrawUnit(unitdef.name, buildsite, 0.0f, 500, aicallback.GetMyAllyTeam(), true, true);
     aicallback.GiveOrder(commanderid, new Command(-unitdef.id, buildsite.ToDoubleArray()));
Exemple #11
 void CommanderBuildAt( IUnitDef unitdef, Float3 buildsite )
     logfile.WriteLine( "Commander building " + unitdef.name + " at " + buildsite.ToString() );
     aicallback.DrawUnit(unitdef.name, buildsite, 0.0f, 500, aicallback.GetMyAllyTeam(), true, true);
     aicallback.GiveOrder( commanderid, new Command( - unitdef.id, buildsite.ToDoubleArray() ) );
        void BuildAt( int constructorid, IUnitDef unitdef, Float3 buildsite )
            IUnitDef placeholder;
            if( unitdef.name.ToLower() == "armmex" ) // use smaller placeholder for mexes so fit closer to intended metalspot
                placeholder = buildtable.UnitDefByName[ "ARMMOHO".ToLower() ] as IUnitDef;
                placeholder = buildtable.UnitDefByName[ "CORGANT".ToLower() ] as IUnitDef;
            buildsite = aicallback.ClosestBuildSite( placeholder, buildsite, 1400.0, 2 );
            buildsite = aicallback.ClosestBuildSite( unitdef, buildsite, 1400.0, 2 );
            if( unitdef.name == "ARMMEX" )
                placeholder = buildtable.UnitDefByName[ "ARMMOHO".ToLower() ] as IUnitDef;
                buildsite = aicallback.ClosestBuildSite( placeholder, buildsite, 1400.0, 2 );
                buildsite = aicallback.ClosestBuildSite( unitdef, buildsite, 1400.0, 2 );
                buildsite = BuildPlanner.GetInstance().ClosestBuildSite( unitdef, buildsite, 3000 );
                buildsite.y = aicallback.GetElevation( buildsite.x, buildsite.z );
                buildsite = aicallback.ClosestBuildSite( unitdef, buildsite, 1400, 2 );

            logfile.WriteLine( "building " + unitdef.name + " at " + buildsite.ToString() );
            if( ShowNextBuildSite )
                aicallback.DrawUnit(unitdef.name, buildsite, 0.0f, 500, aicallback.GetMyAllyTeam(), true, true);
            aicallback.GiveOrder( constructorid, new Command( - unitdef.id, buildsite.ToDoubleArray() ) );
 public override double[] ToDoubleArray()
 public override Command ToSpringCommand()
     return(new Command(Command.CMD_MOVE, targetpos.ToDoubleArray()));
Exemple #15
 void Move(int unitid)
     aicallback.GiveOrder(unitid, new Command(Command.CMD_MOVE, targetpos.ToDoubleArray()));