Exemple #1
        protected static FR_Guid Execute(DbConnection Connection, DbTransaction Transaction, P_L3PY_AFVfATtB_0934 Parameter, CSV2Core.SessionSecurity.SessionSecurityTicket securityTicket = null)
            //Leave UserCode region to enable user code saving
            #region UserCode
            var returnValue = new FR_Guid();

             * 0. Find current fiscal year if none is given by the parameter
             * 1. Load bill to find recepient's BPID
             * 2. Find all values from accounting transactions that are not fully assigned to other bills
             * 3. Assign maximum free amount that needs to be assigned to bill

            #region 0. Find current fiscal year if none is given by the parameter

            Guid currentFiscalYearID = Parameter.FiscalYearID;
            if (currentFiscalYearID == Guid.Empty)
                currentFiscalYearID = CL2_FiscalYear.Complex.Retrieval.cls_Get_Current_FiscalYear.Invoke(
                    Connection, Transaction, securityTicket).Result.ACC_FiscalYearID;


            #region 1. Load bill to find recepient's BPID

            var billHeader = new CL1_BIL.ORM_BIL_BillHeader();
            billHeader.Load(Connection, Transaction, Parameter.BillHeaderID);


            #region 2. Find all values from accounting transactions that are not fully assigned to other bills

            var unassignedParam = new CL3_Payments.Atomic.Retrieval.P_L3PY_GAATNFAtP_0846
                FiscalYearID          = currentFiscalYearID,
                BusinessParticipantID = billHeader.BillRecipient_BuisnessParticipant_RefID

            var transactions = CL3_Payments.Atomic.Retrieval.cls_Get_All_AccountingTransactions_Not_Fully_Assigned_to_Payments.Invoke(
                Connection, Transaction, unassignedParam, securityTicket).Result.Where(x => x.UnassignedTransactionValue > 0);


            #region 3. Assign maximum free amount that needs to be assigned to bill

            var payedParam = new CL3_Payments.Atomic.Retrieval.P_L3PY_GPAfB_1312
                BillHeaderID_List = new Guid[] { Parameter.BillHeaderID }
            var payed = CL3_Payments.Atomic.Retrieval.cls_Get_Payed_Amount_for_Bills.Invoke(Connection, Transaction, payedParam, securityTicket).Result;

            decimal amountLeftToBill = billHeader.TotalValue_IncludingTax - payed.Single(x => x.BillHeaderID == Parameter.BillHeaderID).TotalPayedValue;
            foreach (var item in transactions)
                // if the whole bill is payed with transaction - stop the iteration
                if (Decimal.Compare(amountLeftToBill, Decimal.Zero) == 0)

                decimal assignedAmount = item.UnassignedTransactionValue;
                if (amountLeftToBill > item.UnassignedTransactionValue)
                    assignedAmount = amountLeftToBill;

                var assignParam = new P_L3PY_AATtB_1107
                    AccountTransactionID = item.AccountingTransactionID,
                    AssignedAmount       = assignedAmount,
                    BillHeaderID         = Parameter.BillHeaderID

                cls_Assign_AccountingTransaction_to_Bill.Invoke(Connection, Transaction, assignParam, securityTicket);



            #endregion UserCode
Exemple #2
 /// Invokes the method for the given Connection, and Transaction, leaving them open/not commited if no exceptions occured
 public static FR_Guid Invoke(DbConnection Connection, DbTransaction Transaction, P_L3PY_AFVfATtB_0934 Parameter, CSV2Core.SessionSecurity.SessionSecurityTicket securityTicket = null)
     return(Invoke(Connection, Transaction, null, Parameter, securityTicket));
Exemple #3
        /// Method Invocation of wrapper classes
        protected static FR_Guid Invoke(DbConnection Connection, DbTransaction Transaction, string ConnectionString, P_L3PY_AFVfATtB_0934 Parameter, CSV2Core.SessionSecurity.SessionSecurityTicket securityTicket = null)
            bool cleanupConnection  = Connection == null;
            bool cleanupTransaction = Transaction == null;

            FR_Guid functionReturn = new FR_Guid();

                if (cleanupConnection == true)
                    Connection = CSV2Core_MySQL.Support.DBSQLSupport.CreateConnection(ConnectionString);
                if (cleanupTransaction == true)
                    Transaction = Connection.BeginTransaction();

                functionReturn = Execute(Connection, Transaction, Parameter, securityTicket);

                #region Cleanup Connection/Transaction
                //Commit the transaction
                if (cleanupTransaction == true)
                //Close the connection
                if (cleanupConnection == true)
            catch (Exception ex)
                    if (cleanupTransaction == true && Transaction != null)
                catch { }

                    if (cleanupConnection == true && Connection != null)
                catch { }

                throw new Exception("Exception occured in method cls_Assign_Free_Value_from_AccountingTransaction_to_Bill", ex);
Exemple #4
 /// Opens the connection/transaction for the given connectionString, and closes them when complete
 public static FR_Guid Invoke(string ConnectionString, P_L3PY_AFVfATtB_0934 Parameter, CSV2Core.SessionSecurity.SessionSecurityTicket securityTicket = null)
     return(Invoke(null, null, ConnectionString, Parameter, securityTicket));