Exemple #1
        private bool InterceptWithCircle(Circle2 other, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            var middlepointDistance = LineSegment2.CalcLenght(this.MiddlePoint, other.MiddlePoint);
            var radiusSum           = this.Radius + other.Radius;

            return(!(middlepointDistance > (radiusSum + tolerance)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the given 4 vertices form a rectangle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertices"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsRectangle(Vector2[] vertices, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            if (vertices == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("vertices");
            if (vertices.Count() != 4)
                throw new ArgumentException("You must submit 4 vertices!");

            var topLine    = new LineSegment2(vertices[0], vertices[1]).ToVector();
            var rightLine  = new LineSegment2(vertices[1], vertices[2]).ToVector();
            var bottomLine = new LineSegment2(vertices[2], vertices[3]).ToVector();
            var leftLine   = new LineSegment2(vertices[3], vertices[0]).ToVector();

            // Check that two lines have equal length

            if (Math.Abs(topLine.Length - bottomLine.Length) < tolerance &&
                Math.Abs(rightLine.Length - leftLine.Length) < tolerance)
                // Now ensure that the lines are orthogonal on each other
                bool isRect = topLine.IsPerpendicularTo(rightLine, tolerance);
                isRect &= rightLine.IsPerpendicularTo(bottomLine, tolerance);
                isRect &= bottomLine.IsPerpendicularTo(leftLine, tolerance);


        /// <summary>
        /// Arc-Line Interception
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uLine">Line to check</param>
        /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns the interception Point(s) if the Objects collide</returns>
        private List <Vector2> InterceptLine(LineSegment2 uLine, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            var intersections = new List <Vector2>();

            // Stretch the line on both ends by tolerance
            // TODO Is this still necessary??
            var strechtedLine = (uLine.Clone() as LineSegment2);

            strechtedLine.Stretch(tolerance, Direction.LEFT);
            strechtedLine.Stretch(tolerance, Direction.RIGHT);
            uLine = strechtedLine;

            // Intersect with a circle and test inter points if they lie on our arc
            var circle = new Circle2(this.MiddlePoint, this.Radius);

            foreach (var possiblePnt in circle.Intersect(uLine, tolerance))
                if (this.Contains(possiblePnt, tolerance))

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a Point lies in a circle
        /// (This is a strictly static method for performance reasons)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="middlePoint"></param>
        /// <param name="radius"></param>
        /// <param name="checkPoint"></param>
        /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool Contains(Vector2 middlePoint, double radius, Vector2 checkPoint, double tolerance)
            var len  = LineSegment2.CalcLenght(middlePoint, checkPoint);
            var dist = radius - (len - tolerance);

            return(dist >= 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the interception point of two Lines.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other"></param>
        /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns a Point if func succeeds. If there is no interception, empty point is returned.</returns>
        public Vector2? IntersectLine(LineSegment2 other, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)

            double interPntX = 0;
            double interPntY = 0;

            if (other == null || this.IsParallelTo(other, tolerance))
                return null;            // Lines are parralell

            //intercept of two endless lines
            if (!this.IsVertical && !other.IsVertical) {    // both NOT vertical
                interPntX = ((-1 * (this.YMovement - other.YMovement)) / (this.Slope - other.Slope));
                interPntY = (this.Slope * interPntX + this.YMovement);
            } else if (this.IsVertical) {                  // this vertical (so it must lie on this.X)
                interPntX = this.Start.X;
                interPntY = (other.Slope * interPntX + other.YMovement);
            } else if (other.IsVertical) {                // Line2 vertical (so it must lie on Line2.X)
                interPntX = other.Start.X;
                interPntY = (this.Slope * interPntX + this.YMovement);

            var interPnt = new Vector2(interPntX, interPntY);

            //check if computed intercept lies on our line.
            if (this.Contains(interPnt, tolerance) && other.Contains(interPnt, tolerance))
                return interPnt;
                return null;
 public static VisualLine Create(LineSegment2 line, Pen pen = null)
     return new VisualLine(line)
         Pen = pen
        public void Slope(string sp, string ep, double expected)
            var spv = Vector2.Parse(sp);
            var epv = Vector2.Parse(ep);
            var l1 = new LineSegment2(spv, epv);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, l1.Slope);
        public void Lenght(string sp, string ep, double expected)
            var spv = Vector2.Parse(sp);
            var epv = Vector2.Parse(ep);

            var l1 = new LineSegment2(spv, epv);

            Assert.AreEqual(l1.Length, expected);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a Rectangle collides with the Arc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect">Rectangle to check</param>
        /// <returns>On collision, true is returned, false otherwise</returns>
        private bool InterceptRectWith(AARectangle rect, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            var borderLines = LineSegment2.FromRectangle(rect); //get 4 borderlines from rect

            if (borderLines != null)
                return(InterceptLinesWith(borderLines, tolerance));
        public void Constructor(string sp, string ep)
            var spv = Vector2.Parse(sp);
            var epv = Vector2.Parse(ep);

            var l1 = new LineSegment2(spv, epv);

            Assert.AreEqual(l1.Start, spv);
            Assert.AreEqual(l1.End, epv);
        /// <summary>Checks if a Rectangle collides with the Arc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rect">Rectangle to check</param>
        /// <returns>On collision, a List of interception Points is returned</returns>
        private List <Vector2> InterceptRect(AARectangle rect, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            var intersections = new List <Vector2>();
            var borderLines   = LineSegment2.FromRectangle(rect); //get 4 borderlines from rect

            if (borderLines != null)
                intersections.AddRange(InterceptLines(borderLines, tolerance));
        /// <summary>
        /// Polygon - Line intersection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other"></param>
        /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerable <Vector2> InterceptLine(LineSegment2 other, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            var intersections = new List <Vector2>();
            var thisLines     = ToLines();

            foreach (var line in thisLines)
                var intersection = other.Intersect(line);
        private bool HasCollision(LineSegment2 other, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            // Test each line if it has a collision
            var lines = ToLines();

            foreach (var line in lines)
                if (other.HasCollision(line, tolerance))
                    return(true); // We have a collision and can stop
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all border lines of this polygon including the closing line
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public LineSegment2[] ToLines()
            var lines = new LineSegment2[_vertices.Count];

            if (_vertices.Count > 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < _vertices.Count; i++)
                    lines[i] = new LineSegment2(
                        _vertices[(i + 1) % _vertices.Count] // next vertex, cycle on end to the beginning
        public void ToLinesTest()
            var rect = new RectangleAA2(new Vector2(10,10), new SizeD(20,20));

            var lines = rect.ToLines();

            var bottom = new LineSegment2(new Vector2(10, 10), new Vector2(30, 10));
            var top = new LineSegment2(new Vector2(30, 30), new Vector2(10, 30));
            var right = new LineSegment2(new Vector2(30, 10), new Vector2(30, 30));
            var left = new LineSegment2(new Vector2(10, 30), new Vector2(10, 10));

            Assert.True((from l in lines where l.Equals(bottom) select l).Any());
            Assert.True((from l in lines where l.Equals(top) select l).Any());
            Assert.True((from l in lines where l.Equals(right) select l).Any());
            Assert.True((from l in lines where l.Equals(left) select l).Any());
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if this line segment properly intresects another line semgent.
        /// The intersection between two line segments is considered proper if they intersect in a single point in the interior of both segments (e.g. the intersection is a single point and is not equal to any of the endpoints).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other"></param>
        /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool IsIntersectionProper(LineSegment2 other, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            // If the lines are parallel, there cant be a proper intersection
            if (this.IsParallelTo(other, tolerance)) return false;

            var intersectionPoint = IntersectLine(other, tolerance);
            if (intersectionPoint.HasValue)
                // This intersection point must now lie on the interior of both lines, i.e. not on any endpoint of both lines.

                var point = intersectionPoint.Value;
                if (this.Start.Equals(point, tolerance) || this.End.Equals(point, tolerance)
                    || other.Start.Equals(point, tolerance) || other.End.Equals(point, tolerance))
                    return false; // The intersection is on the line start/end point - thus they only meet.
                return true;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Does a Point lie on the Arc line?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Contains(Vector2 point, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            bool conatins = false;

            // First, the distance from middlepoint to our Point must be equal to the radius:
            var distance = LineSegment2.CalcLenght(this.MiddlePoint, point);

            if (Math.Abs(distance - this.Radius) < tolerance)
                // If this is true, we only need to check if we are in the arc angle

                var bowMiddle    = this.GetPointOnArc(this.Angle / 2);
                var l1           = new LineSegment2(this.Location, bowMiddle);
                var l2           = new LineSegment2(this.GetPointOnArc(this.Angle), bowMiddle);
                var intersection = new LineSegment2(this.MiddlePoint, point);

                conatins = intersection.IntersectLine(l1, tolerance).HasValue || intersection.IntersectLine(l2, tolerance).HasValue;
Exemple #18
        private IEnumerable <Vector2> InterceptCircle(Circle2 other, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            var interceptions = new List <Vector2>();

            if (InterceptWithCircle(other, tolerance))
                var middlepointDistance = LineSegment2.CalcLenght(this.MiddlePoint, other.MiddlePoint);
                if (middlepointDistance < Math.Abs(this.Radius + other.Radius))
                    // circle is contained in other
                else if (middlepointDistance == 0 && (this.Radius == other.Radius))
                    // circle are concident -> infinite numbers of intersections
                    interceptions.AddRange(IntersectCircle(this, other));
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the interception point of two Lines.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other"></param>
        /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns a Point if func succeeds. If there is no interception, empty point is returned.</returns>
        public Vector2?IntersectLine(LineSegment2 other, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            double interPntX = 0;
            double interPntY = 0;

            if (other == null || this.IsParallelTo(other, tolerance))
                return(null);            // Lines are parralell

            //intercept of two endless lines
            if (!this.IsVertical && !other.IsVertical)      // both NOT vertical
                interPntX = ((-1 * (this.YMovement - other.YMovement)) / (this.Slope - other.Slope));
                interPntY = (this.Slope * interPntX + this.YMovement);
            else if (this.IsVertical)                      // this vertical (so it must lie on this.X)
                interPntX = this.Start.X;
                interPntY = (other.Slope * interPntX + other.YMovement);
            else if (other.IsVertical)                    // Line2 vertical (so it must lie on Line2.X)
                interPntX = other.Start.X;
                interPntY = (this.Slope * interPntX + this.YMovement);

            var interPnt = new Vector2(interPntX, interPntY);

            //check if computed intercept lies on our line.
            if (this.Contains(interPnt, tolerance) && other.Contains(interPnt, tolerance))
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if this line segment properly intresects another line semgent.
        /// The intersection between two line segments is considered proper if they intersect in a single point in the interior of both segments (e.g. the intersection is a single point and is not equal to any of the endpoints).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other"></param>
        /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool IsIntersectionProper(LineSegment2 other, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            // If the lines are parallel, there cant be a proper intersection
            if (this.IsParallelTo(other, tolerance))

            var intersectionPoint = IntersectLine(other, tolerance);

            if (intersectionPoint.HasValue)
                // This intersection point must now lie on the interior of both lines, i.e. not on any endpoint of both lines.

                var point = intersectionPoint.Value;
                if (this.Start.Equals(point, tolerance) || this.End.Equals(point, tolerance) ||
                    other.Start.Equals(point, tolerance) || other.End.Equals(point, tolerance))
                    return(false); // The intersection is on the line start/end point - thus they only meet.
 public LineSegment2[] ToLines()
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Circle-Line Interception
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uLine"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns all intersection points</returns>
        private List <Vector2> InterceptLine(LineSegment2 uLine, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            var     intersections = new List <Vector2>();
            Vector2 p1, p2;
            var     location = this.Location;

            // we assume that the circle Middlepoint is NULL/NULL
            // So we move the Line with the delta to NULL
            var helperLine = new LineSegment2(uLine.Start - location, uLine.End - location);

            // line
            var q = helperLine.YMovement;
            var m = helperLine.Slope;

            if (!helperLine.IsVertical)
                // The slope is defined as the Line isn't vertical

                var discriminant = (Math.Pow(m, 2) + 1) * Math.Pow(this.Radius, 2) - Math.Pow(q, 2);
                if (discriminant > 0)
                    // only positive discriminants for f() -> sqrt(discriminant) results are defined in |R

                    var p1X = (Math.Sqrt(discriminant) - m * (q)) / (Math.Pow(m, 2) + 1);
                    var p1Y = m * p1X + q;
                    var p2X = (-1 * (Math.Sqrt(discriminant) + m * q)) / (Math.Pow(m, 2) + 1);
                    var p2Y = m * p2X + q;

                    p1 = new Vector2(p1X, p1Y);
                    p2 = new Vector2(p2X, p2Y);

                    if (helperLine.Contains(p1, tolerance))
                        intersections.Add(p1 + location);
                    if ((p1.X != p2.X) || (p1.Y != p2.Y))
                        if (helperLine.Contains(p2, tolerance))
                            intersections.Add(p2 + location);
                // undefined slope, so we have to deal with it directly

                var p1X = this.Location.X + helperLine.Start.X;
                var p1Y = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(this.Radius, 2) - Math.Pow(p1X, 2));
                p1 = new Vector2(p1X, p1Y);
                p2 = new Vector2(p1.X, -p1.Y);

                if (helperLine.Contains(p1, tolerance))
                    intersections.Add(p1 + location);
                if (helperLine.Contains(p2, tolerance))
                    intersections.Add(p2 + location);

        /// <summary>
        /// Does a Point lie on the Arc line?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point"></param>
        /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Contains(Vector2 point, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            bool conatins = false;

            // First, the distance from middlepoint to our Point must be equal to the radius:
            var distance = LineSegment2.CalcLenght(this.MiddlePoint, point);
            if (Math.Abs(distance - this.Radius) < tolerance)
                // If this is true, we only need to check if we are in the arc angle

                var bowMiddle = this.GetPointOnArc(this.Angle/2);
                var l1 = new LineSegment2(this.Location, bowMiddle);
                var l2 = new LineSegment2(this.GetPointOnArc(this.Angle), bowMiddle);
                var intersection = new LineSegment2(this.MiddlePoint, point);

                conatins = intersection.IntersectLine(l1, tolerance).HasValue || intersection.IntersectLine(l2, tolerance).HasValue;

            return conatins;
        /// <summary>
        /// Arc-Line Interception
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uLine">Line to check</param>
        /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns the interception Point(s) if the Objects collide</returns>
        private List<Vector2> InterceptLine(LineSegment2 uLine, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            var intersections = new List<Vector2>();

            // Stretch the line on both ends by tolerance
            // TODO Is this still necessary??
            var strechtedLine = (uLine.Clone() as LineSegment2);
            strechtedLine.Stretch(tolerance, Direction.LEFT);
            strechtedLine.Stretch(tolerance, Direction.RIGHT);
            uLine = strechtedLine;

            // Intersect with a circle and test inter points if they lie on our arc
            var circle = new Circle2(this.MiddlePoint, this.Radius);
            foreach (var possiblePnt in circle.Intersect(uLine, tolerance))
                if (this.Contains(possiblePnt, tolerance))
            return intersections;
        public void IsVertical(string sp, string ep, bool expected)
            var spv = Vector2.Parse(sp);
            var epv = Vector2.Parse(ep);
            var l1 = new LineSegment2(spv, epv);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, l1.IsVertical);
 /// <summary>
 /// Arc - Line Collision
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="uLine">Line to check</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true, if the objects collide, false otherwise</returns>
 private bool InterceptLineWith(LineSegment2 uLine, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
     return InterceptLine(uLine, tolerance).Any();
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>Circle-Line Interception
        /// Does the Line intercept with the Circle?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uLine"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool InterceptLineWith(LineSegment2 uLine, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            var intersections = InterceptLine(uLine, tolerance);

 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a signed angle
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="direction"></param>
 /// <param name="next"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Angle GetSignedAngleBetween(LineSegment2 direction, Vector2 next)
     var angle = next.GetAngleTo(direction.ToVector());
     return angle * (direction.IsLeft(next) ? 1 : -1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all border lines of this polygon including the closing line
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public LineSegment2[] ToLines()
            var lines = new LineSegment2[_vertices.Count];

            if(_vertices.Count > 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < _vertices.Count; i++)
                    lines[i] = new LineSegment2(
                        _vertices[(i + 1) % _vertices.Count] // next vertex, cycle on end to the beginning
            return lines;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if one of the given lines intersects with this polygons border lines.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="otherLines"></param>
        /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool HasIntersection(LineSegment2[] otherLines, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            var myLines = this.ToLines();

            foreach (var myLine in myLines)
                foreach (var other in otherLines)
                    if (myLine.IntersectLine(other, tolerance).HasValue)
                        return true;
            return false;
 /// <summary>Circle-Line Interception
 /// Does the Line intercept with the Circle?
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="uLine"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private bool InterceptLineWith(LineSegment2 uLine, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
     var intersections = InterceptLine(uLine, tolerance);
     return intersections.Any();
        /// <summary> 
        /// Circle-Line Interception 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uLine"></param>
        /// <returns>Returns all intersection points</returns>
        private List<Vector2> InterceptLine(LineSegment2 uLine, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            var intersections = new List<Vector2>();
            Vector2 p1, p2;
            var location = this.Location;

            // we assume that the circle Middlepoint is NULL/NULL
            // So we move the Line with the delta to NULL
            var helperLine = new LineSegment2(uLine.Start - location, uLine.End - location);

            // line
            var q = helperLine.YMovement;
            var m = helperLine.Slope;

            if (!helperLine.IsVertical)
                // The slope is defined as the Line isn't vertical

                var discriminant = (Math.Pow(m, 2) + 1) * Math.Pow(this.Radius, 2) - Math.Pow(q, 2);
                if (discriminant > 0)
                    // only positive discriminants for f() -> sqrt(discriminant) results are defined in |R

                    var p1X = (Math.Sqrt(discriminant) - m * (q)) / (Math.Pow(m, 2) + 1);
                    var p1Y = m * p1X + q;
                    var p2X = (-1 * (Math.Sqrt(discriminant) + m * q)) / (Math.Pow(m, 2) + 1);
                    var p2Y = m * p2X + q;

                    p1 = new Vector2(p1X, p1Y);
                    p2 = new Vector2(p2X, p2Y);

                    if (helperLine.Contains(p1, tolerance))
                        intersections.Add(p1 + location);
                    if ((p1.X != p2.X) || (p1.Y != p2.Y))
                        if (helperLine.Contains(p2, tolerance))
                            intersections.Add(p2 + location);
                // undefined slope, so we have to deal with it directly

                var p1X = this.Location.X + helperLine.Start.X;
                var p1Y = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(this.Radius, 2) - Math.Pow(p1X, 2));
                p1 = new Vector2(p1X, p1Y);
                p2 = new Vector2(p1.X, -p1.Y);

                if (helperLine.Contains(p1, tolerance))
                    intersections.Add(p1 + location);
                if (helperLine.Contains(p2, tolerance))
                    intersections.Add(p2 + location);

            return intersections;
 /// <summary>
 /// Polygon - Line intersection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other"></param>
 /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private IEnumerable<Vector2> InterceptLine(LineSegment2 other, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
     var intersections = new List<Vector2>();
     var thisLines = ToLines();
     foreach (var line in thisLines)
         var intersection = other.Intersect(line);
     return intersections;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the given 4 vertices form a rectangle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertices"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsRectangle(Vector2[] vertices, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            if (vertices == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("vertices");
            if (vertices.Count() != 4) throw new ArgumentException("You must submit 4 vertices!");

            var topLine = new LineSegment2(vertices[0], vertices[1]).ToVector();
            var rightLine = new LineSegment2(vertices[1], vertices[2]).ToVector();
            var bottomLine = new LineSegment2(vertices[2], vertices[3]).ToVector();
            var leftLine = new LineSegment2(vertices[3], vertices[0]).ToVector();

            // Check that two lines have equal length

            if (Math.Abs(topLine.Length - bottomLine.Length) < tolerance
                && Math.Abs(rightLine.Length - leftLine.Length) < tolerance)
                // Now ensure that the lines are orthogonal on each other
                bool isRect = topLine.IsPerpendicularTo(rightLine, tolerance);
                isRect &= rightLine.IsPerpendicularTo(bottomLine, tolerance);
                isRect &= bottomLine.IsPerpendicularTo(leftLine, tolerance);

                return isRect;

            return false;
        private bool HasCollision(LineSegment2 other, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
            // Test each line if it has a collision
            var lines = ToLines();

            foreach (var line in lines)
                if (other.HasCollision(line, tolerance))
                    return true; // We have a collision and can stop
            return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Arc - Line Collision
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="uLine">Line to check</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true, if the objects collide, false otherwise</returns>
 private bool InterceptLineWith(LineSegment2 uLine, double tolerance = GeometrySettings.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE)
     return(InterceptLine(uLine, tolerance).Any());
 public VisualLine(LineSegment2 line)
     _line = line;