private async void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var dialog1 = new ContentDialog1(); var result = await dialog1.ShowAsync(); if (result == ContentDialogResult.Primary) { var text = dialog1.Text; } }
private async Task <string> ReqName() { var dialog1 = new ContentDialog1(); var result = await dialog1.ShowAsync(); if (result == ContentDialogResult.Primary) { return(dialog1.Text); } return(null); }
private async void LoginLoad() { // Login screen ContentDialog1 signInDialog = new ContentDialog1(); Debug.WriteLine("login"); await signInDialog.ShowAsync(); Debug.WriteLine("login shows"); // Because it is statically allocated all the instances of content dialog share it, thus it only makes sense to access the property from the type itself var client = ContentDialog1.client; sharedClient = client; // Patient list request //Debug.WriteLine(signInDialog.username); string preQuery = String.Format("MATCH (a:doctor)-[: treat]->(b:patient) WHERE a.username = \"{0}\" RETURN b", signInDialog.username); // Preparing a JSON query queryObject query1 = new queryObject(preQuery); string output = await query1.cypherPOST(client); // Deserialization of data JsonObject value = JsonObject.Parse(output); IJsonValue j, k, m; value.TryGetValue("data", out j); JsonArray value2 = j.GetArray(); // In case the search does not return any results, this array will be empty List <PatientSheet> patientList = new List <PatientSheet> { }; // Meaning it will be empty if zero found if (value2.Count != 0) // If there are patients { for (int i = 0; i < value2.Count; i++) { JsonArray value3 = value2[i].GetArray(); JsonObject object2 = value3[0].GetObject(); object2.TryGetValue("data", out k); JsonObject object3 = k.GetObject(); // Switching it to name object3.TryGetValue("username", out m); string username = m.GetString(); string id = await fetchPatientId(username); // patients user Debug.WriteLine(id); string[] keys = await downloadPrivateKeys(signInDialog.username, id); // doctors user Debug.WriteLine(keys[0]); string decryptedDoctorPrivate = keyGenerator.Decrypt(keys[0], signInDialog.password); Debug.WriteLine(keys[1]); // Patient's private key is decrypted. It can be decrypted by doctor's private key, but only in pieces. // Partition string by _ string[] splitKeys = keys[1].Split('_'); string combinedKey = ""; foreach (string splittedKey in splitKeys) { if (splittedKey.Length > 0) { string decryptedKeyPart; Debug.Write("encrypted:"); Debug.WriteLine(splittedKey); keyGenerator.AsymmetricDecrypt(decryptedDoctorPrivate, splittedKey, out decryptedKeyPart); Debug.Write("decrypted:"); Debug.WriteLine(decryptedKeyPart); combinedKey += decryptedKeyPart; } } Debug.WriteLine(combinedKey); // Combined key is patient's private key, with those we can decrypt the other relevant data string dob; object3.TryGetValue("dob", out m); keyGenerator.AsymmetricDecrypt(combinedKey, m.GetString(), out dob); Debug.WriteLine(dob); string name; object3.TryGetValue("name", out m); keyGenerator.AsymmetricDecrypt(combinedKey, m.GetString(), out name); Debug.WriteLine(name); PatientSheet patientItem = new PatientSheet { patientName = name, patientDOB = dob, patientUser = username }; patientList.Add(patientItem); } } ContentDialog2 patientDialog = new ContentDialog2(signInDialog.username); patientDialog.patientList = patientList; // You could make patientlist private if you do an initaliser for it await patientDialog.ShowAsync(); commandBar.Text = String.Format("Currently treating {0}.", patientDialog.patientDisplayName); this.userBeingTreated = patientDialog.patientToTreat; = signInDialog.username; // When everything is done, load the patient measurement data into the plot List <MeasurementPoint> mes = await fetchMeasurements(); Debug.Write("mes:"); Debug.WriteLine(mes.Count); if (mes.Count != 0) { updatePatientPlot(mes); } }
private async void btnNew_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ContentDialog1 dialog = new ContentDialog1(); var dlg = await dialog.ShowAsync(); if (dlg == ContentDialogResult.Primary) { int PlayerNumber = dialog.PlayerNumber; switch (PlayerNumber) { case 0: { lblName1.Text = dialog.Player1; lblName2.Text = dialog.Player2; lblName3.Text = "none"; lblName4.Text = "none"; lblName3.Opacity = 50; lblName4.Opacity = 50; MaxLP = Int32.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); LP1 = Int32.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); LP2 = Int32.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); LP3 = 0; LP4 = 0; lblLP1.Text = dialog.LifePoints; lblLP2.Text = dialog.LifePoints; lblLP3.Text = "-"; lblLP4.Text = "-"; lblLP3.Opacity = 50; lblLP4.Opacity = 50; pbLP1.Maximum = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP1.Value = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP2.Maximum = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP2.Value = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP3.Maximum = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP3.Value = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints);; pbLP4.Maximum = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints);; pbLP4.Value = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints);; pbLP3.Opacity = 50; pbLP4.Opacity = 50; edtLP3.IsEnabled = false; edtLP4.IsEnabled = false; btnLPRem1.IsEnabled = true; btnLPAdd1.IsEnabled = true; btnLPRem2.IsEnabled = true; btnLPAdd2.IsEnabled = true; btnLPRem3.IsEnabled = false; btnLPAdd3.IsEnabled = false; btnLPRem4.IsEnabled = false; btnLPAdd4.IsEnabled = false; lblLP1.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Black); lblLP2.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Black); lblLP3.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Black); lblLP4.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Black); break; } case 1: { lblName1.Text = dialog.Player1; lblName2.Text = dialog.Player2; lblName3.Text = dialog.Player3; lblName4.Text = "none"; lblName3.Opacity = 100; lblName4.Opacity = 50; MaxLP = Int32.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); LP1 = Int32.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); LP2 = Int32.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); LP3 = Int32.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); LP4 = 0; lblLP1.Text = dialog.LifePoints; lblLP2.Text = dialog.LifePoints; lblLP3.Text = dialog.LifePoints; lblLP4.Text = "-"; lblLP3.Opacity = 100; lblLP4.Opacity = 50; pbLP1.Maximum = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP1.Value = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP2.Maximum = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP2.Value = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP3.Maximum = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP3.Value = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP4.Maximum = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints);; pbLP4.Value = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints);; pbLP3.Opacity = 100; pbLP4.Opacity = 50; edtLP3.IsEnabled = true; edtLP4.IsEnabled = false; btnLPRem1.IsEnabled = true; btnLPAdd1.IsEnabled = true; btnLPRem2.IsEnabled = true; btnLPAdd2.IsEnabled = true; btnLPRem3.IsEnabled = true; btnLPAdd3.IsEnabled = true; btnLPRem4.IsEnabled = false; btnLPAdd4.IsEnabled = false; lblLP1.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Black); lblLP2.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Black); lblLP3.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Black); lblLP4.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Black); break; } case 2: { lblName1.Text = dialog.Player1; lblName2.Text = dialog.Player2; lblName3.Text = dialog.Player3; lblName4.Text = dialog.Player4; lblName3.Opacity = 100; lblName4.Opacity = 100; MaxLP = Int32.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); LP1 = Int32.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); LP2 = Int32.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); LP3 = Int32.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); LP4 = Int32.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); lblLP1.Text = dialog.LifePoints; lblLP2.Text = dialog.LifePoints; lblLP3.Text = dialog.LifePoints; lblLP4.Text = dialog.LifePoints; lblLP3.Opacity = 100; lblLP4.Opacity = 100; pbLP1.Maximum = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP1.Value = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP2.Maximum = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP2.Value = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP3.Maximum = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP3.Value = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP4.Maximum = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP4.Value = double.Parse(dialog.LifePoints); pbLP3.Opacity = 100; pbLP4.Opacity = 100; edtLP3.IsEnabled = true; edtLP4.IsEnabled = true; btnLPRem1.IsEnabled = true; btnLPAdd1.IsEnabled = true; btnLPRem2.IsEnabled = true; btnLPAdd2.IsEnabled = true; btnLPRem3.IsEnabled = true; btnLPAdd3.IsEnabled = true; btnLPRem4.IsEnabled = true; btnLPAdd4.IsEnabled = true; lblLP1.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Black); lblLP2.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Black); lblLP3.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Black); lblLP4.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Windows.UI.Colors.Black); break; } } } }