Exemple #1
 public MultiDrawCall(
     DrawFunc drawfunc,
     GLVertinput vertexin,
     GLVertoutput vertout,
     GLBuffer indexbuf,
     GLBuffer indirect)
     vertin        = vertexin;
     indbuf        = indexbuf;
     this.cmd      = new List <DrawCall>();
     this.drawfunc = drawfunc;
     this.vertexin = vertexin != null ? vertexin.glname : 0;
     this.indexbuf = indexbuf != null ? indexbuf.glname : 0;
     this.vertout  = vertout != null ? vertout.glname : 0;
     this.indirect = indirect != null ? indirect.glname : 0;
     if (drawfunc == DrawFunc.ArraysIndirect)
         this.indirect = this.indexbuf;
         this.indexbuf = 0;
Exemple #2
        private void ParseDrawCall(Compiler.Command cmd, Dict classes, CompileException err)
            var          args      = new List <int>();
            GLVertinput  vertexin  = null;
            GLVertoutput vertout   = null;
            GLBuffer     indexbuf  = null;
            GLBuffer     indirect  = null;
            bool         modeIsSet = false;
            bool         typeIsSet = false;
            PrimType     primitive = 0;
            ElementType  indextype = 0;

            // parse draw call arguments
            foreach (var arg in cmd)
                if (classes.TryGetValue(arg.Text, ref vertexin))
                if (classes.TryGetValue(arg.Text, ref vertout))
                if (classes.TryGetValue(arg.Text, ref indexbuf))
                if (classes.TryGetValue(arg.Text, ref indirect))
                if (int.TryParse(arg.Text, out int val))
                else if (typeIsSet == false && Enum.TryParse(arg.Text, true, out indextype))
                    typeIsSet = true;
                else if (modeIsSet == false && Enum.TryParse(arg.Text, true, out primitive))
                    modeIsSet = true;
                    err.Add($"Unable to process argument '{arg.Text}'.", cmd);

            if (err.HasErrors)

            // a draw call must specify a primitive type
            if (modeIsSet == false)
                err.Add("Draw call must specify a primitive type (e.g. triangles, "
                        + "trianglefan, lines, points, ...).", cmd);

            // determine the right draw call function
            int bits = (vertout != null ? 1 : 0)
                       | (indexbuf != null ? 2 : 0)
                       | (indirect != null ? 4 : 0)
                       | (typeIsSet ? 8 : 0);

            if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DrawFunc), bits))
                err.Add("Draw call function not recognized or ambiguous.", cmd);

            var drawfunc = (DrawFunc)bits;

            // get index buffer object (if present) and find existing MultiDraw class
            var multidrawcall = drawcalls.Find(
                x => x.vertexin == (vertexin != null ? vertexin.glname : 0) &&
                x.indexbuf == (indexbuf != null ? indexbuf.glname : 0) &&
                x.vertout == (vertout != null ? vertout.glname : 0) &&
                x.indirect == (indirect != null ? indirect.glname : 0))
                                ?? new MultiDrawCall(drawfunc, vertexin, vertout, indexbuf, indirect);

            // add new draw command to the MultiDraw class
            multidrawcall.cmd.Add(new DrawCall(drawfunc, primitive, indextype, args));
