Exemple #1
        // returns true if koan valid, false if koan invalid. NOTE: Takes care of toupper
        public static bool FillKoanDisplay(Context pContext, FlowLayout pFlow, string sKoan)
            bool bValid = true;

            // reset layout

            // get the image for each piece and add it
            List <string> lPieces = GetPieceParts(sKoan);

            foreach (string sPiece in lPieces)
                int iRes = GetPieceImage(sPiece);
                if (iRes == 0)
                    bValid = false; continue;

                ImageView pImageView = new ImageView(pContext);

            // return whether koan was valid or naw
Exemple #2
        private void FillGoodKoan()
            // clear current koan

            string sKoan = "T" + m_pGoodKoan.Text;

            // get the list of pieces and for each one insert the image into the layout
            List <string> lPieces = Master.GetPieceParts(sKoan);

            foreach (string sPiece in lPieces)
                int iRes = Master.GetPieceImage(sPiece);
                if (iRes == 0)

                ImageView pView = new ImageView(this);
        private void FillKoan()

            string sKoan  = m_pKoanTextEditor.Text;
            bool   bValid = Master.FillKoanDisplay(this, m_pKoanDisplay, sKoan.ToUpper());

            if (!bValid)

            // get list of pieces and insert image into layout for each one

            /*List<string> lPieces = Master.GetPieceParts(sKoan);
             * foreach (string sPiece in lPieces)
             * {
             *      int iRes = Master.GetPieceImage(sPiece);
             *      if (iRes == 0)
             *      {
             *              m_pKoanTextEditor.SetBackgroundColor(Android.Graphics.Color.Red);
             *              continue;
             *      }
             *      ImageView pView = new ImageView(this);
             *      pView.SetImageResource(iRes);
             *      m_pKoanDisplay.AddView(pView);
             * }*/
        private void FillKoan()

            string sKoan = m_pKoanTextEditor.Text;

            // get list of pieces and insert image into layout for each one
            List <string> lPieces = Master.GetPieceParts(sKoan);

            foreach (string sPiece in lPieces)
                int iRes = Master.GetPieceImage(sPiece);
                if (iRes == 0)

                ImageView pView = new ImageView(this);
        private void GetUserBoard()
            // send the request to the server
            string sBody     = Master.BuildCommonBody(Master.BuildGameIDBodyPart(m_sGameID));
            string sResponse = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest(Master.GetBaseURL() + Master.GetGameURL("Zendo") + "GetUserBoard", sBody, true);

            XElement pResponse = Master.ReadResponse(sResponse);

            if (pResponse.Attribute("Type").Value == "Error")
                throw new Exception(pResponse.ToString());

            // get the specific parts
            XElement pStatusXml     = pResponse.Element("Data").Element("Status");
            XElement pActionXml     = pResponse.Element("Data").Element("Action");
            XElement pNumGuessesXml = pResponse.Element("Data").Element("NumGuesses");
            XElement pMasterXml     = pResponse.Element("Data").Element("Master");
            XElement pPlayersXml    = pResponse.Element("Data").Element("Players");
            XElement pEventsXml     = pResponse.Element("Data").Element("Events");
            XElement pKoansXml      = pResponse.Element("Data").Element("Koans");

            TextView pGameStatusText = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.txtGameStatus);

            pGameStatusText.Text = pStatusXml.Element("Text").Value;

            // TODO: handle data tag in status
            FlowLayout pFlow = FindViewById <FlowLayout>(Resource.Id.flowStatusKoan);

            if (pStatusXml.Element("Data").Value != "")
                string sKoan = pStatusXml.Element("Data").Element("Koan").Value;

                Master.FillKoanDisplay(this, pFlow, sKoan);
                LinearLayout.LayoutParams pParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FillParent, LayoutParams.WrapContent));
                pParams.SetMargins(30, 0, 30, 30);
                pFlow.LayoutParameters = pParams;
                LinearLayout.LayoutParams pParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FillParent, LayoutParams.WrapContent));
                pParams.SetMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
                pFlow.LayoutParameters = pParams;

            // set the action button accordingly
            Button pActionButton = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnAction);
            Button pGiveUpButton = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnGiveUp);

            pGiveUpButton.Enabled = true;
            pActionButton.Enabled = true;
            string sAction = pActionXml.Value;

            pActionButton.Click -= m_pActionButtonDelegate;
            if (sAction == "join")
                pActionButton.Text      = "Join Game";
                m_pActionButtonDelegate = delegate
                    string   sResponse2 = WebCommunications.SendPostRequest(Master.GetBaseURL() + Master.GetGameURL("Zendo") + "JoinGame", sBody, true);
                    XElement pResponse2 = Master.ReadResponse(sResponse2);

                    var pBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
                    pBuilder.SetPositiveButton("Ok", (e, s) => { this.GetUserBoard(); });
            else if (sAction == "initial")
                pActionButton.Text      = "Create Initial Koans";
                m_pActionButtonDelegate = delegate
                    Intent pIntent = new Intent(this, (new ZendoCreateRuleActivity()).Class);
                    this.StartActivityForResult(pIntent, 0);
            else if (sAction == "build")
                pActionButton.Text      = "Build Koan";
                m_pActionButtonDelegate = delegate
                    Intent pIntent = new Intent(this, (new ZendoBuildKoanActivity()).Class);
                    pIntent.PutExtra("Koans", pKoansXml.ToString());
                    this.StartActivityForResult(pIntent, 0);
            else if (sAction == "judge")
                pActionButton.Text      = "Analyze Koan";
                m_pActionButtonDelegate = delegate
                    Intent pIntent = new Intent(this, (new ZendoJudgeKoanActivity()).Class);
                    pIntent.PutExtra("Koan", pStatusXml.Element("Data").Element("Koan").Value);
                    pIntent.PutExtra("Rule", pMasterXml.Attribute("Rule").Value);
                    this.StartActivityForResult(pIntent, 0);
            else if (sAction == "predict")
                pActionButton.Text      = "Predict Master's Analysis";
                m_pActionButtonDelegate = delegate
                    Intent pIntent = new Intent(this, (new ZendoPredictActivity()).Class);
                    pIntent.PutExtra("Koan", pStatusXml.Element("Data").Element("Koan").Value);
                    pIntent.PutExtra("Koans", pKoansXml.ToString());
                    this.StartActivityForResult(pIntent, 0);
            else if (sAction == "disprove")
                pActionButton.Text      = "Disprove Guess";
                m_pActionButtonDelegate = delegate
                    Intent pIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(ZendoDisproveActivity));
                    pIntent.PutExtra("Guess", pStatusXml.Attribute("Guess").Value);
                    pIntent.PutExtra("Rule", pMasterXml.Attribute("Rule").Value);
                    this.StartActivityForResult(pIntent, 0);
            else if (sAction == "final")
                pActionButton.Text    = "Game Over!";
                pActionButton.Enabled = false;
                pGiveUpButton.Enabled = false;
            else if (sAction == "waiting")
                pActionButton.Text    = "Waiting...";
                pActionButton.Enabled = false;
            pActionButton.Click += m_pActionButtonDelegate;

            // set number of guesses
            int    iNumGuesses  = Convert.ToInt32(pNumGuessesXml.Value);
            Button pGuessButton = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btnGuess);

            pGuessButton.Text = "Guess (" + iNumGuesses.ToString() + " guess tokens)";
            if (iNumGuesses > 0 && sAction == "build")
                pGuessButton.Enabled = true;
                pGuessButton.Enabled = false;
            pGuessButton.Click    -= m_pGuessButtonDelegate;
            m_pGuessButtonDelegate = delegate
                Intent pIntent = new Intent(this, typeof(ZendoGuessActivity));
                pIntent.PutExtra("Koans", pKoansXml.ToString());
                this.StartActivityForResult(pIntent, 0);
            pGuessButton.Click += m_pGuessButtonDelegate;

            // set master label
            string   sMaster = pMasterXml.Value;
            TextView pMaster = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.txtMaster);

            pMaster.Text = "Master - " + sMaster;

            // fill players box
            LinearLayout pPlayersLayout = FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.lstPlayers);

            foreach (string sPlayer in pPlayersXml.Elements("Player"))
                View pDataRow = LayoutInflater.From(this).Inflate(Resource.Layout.DataRow, pPlayersLayout, false);

                TextView pDataText = pDataRow.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.txtText);
                pDataText.Text = sPlayer;


            // fill log event box
            LinearLayout pLogLayout = FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.lstLog);

            //foreach (XElement pEvent in pEventsXml.Elements("LogEvent"))
            List <XElement> pEventsXmlChildren = pEventsXml.Elements("LogEvent").ToList();

            for (int i = pEventsXmlChildren.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                XElement pEvent = pEventsXmlChildren[i];
                string   sMsg   = pEvent.Element("Message").Value;

                // make the datarow layout
                View pDataRow = LayoutInflater.From(this).Inflate(Resource.Layout.DataRow, pLogLayout, false);

                TextView pDataText = pDataRow.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.txtText);
                pDataText.Text = sMsg;

                // check the data tag
                XElement pData = pEvent.Element("Data");
                if (pData.Value != "")
                    string sKoanContents = pEvent.Element("Data").Element("Koan").Value;

                    FlowLayout pDataRowFlow = pDataRow.FindViewById <FlowLayout>(Resource.Id.flowDataRowKoan);
                    Master.FillKoanDisplay(this, pDataRowFlow, sKoanContents);

                    LinearLayout.LayoutParams pParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FillParent, LayoutParams.WrapContent));
                    pParams.SetMargins(20, 0, 20, 20);
                    pDataRowFlow.LayoutParameters = pParams;

                // add the data row

            // fill koans box
            LinearLayout pKoansLayout = FindViewById <LinearLayout>(Resource.Id.lstKoans);

            List <XElement> pKoansXmlChildren = pKoansXml.Elements("Koan").ToList();

            for (int i = pKoansXmlChildren.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                XElement pKoan = pKoansXmlChildren[i];

                View pView = LayoutInflater.From(this).Inflate(Resource.Layout.Game_ZendoKoanRow, pKoansLayout, false);

                FlowLayout pKoanBoxFlow = pView.FindViewById <FlowLayout>(Resource.Id.lstKoanImages);

                string sKoanText = pKoan.Value;
                Master.FillKoanDisplay(this, pKoanBoxFlow, sKoanText);

                /*List<string> lPieces = Master.GetPieceParts(sKoanText);
                 * foreach (string sPiece in lPieces)
                 * {
                 *      int iRes = Master.GetPieceImage(sPiece);
                 *      if (iRes == 0) { continue; } // TODO: error handling?Jk;lw
                 *      ImageView pKoanView = new ImageView(this);
                 *      pKoanView.SetImageResource(iRes);
                 *      pFlow.AddView(pKoanView);
                 * }*/
