public int UpdateHashtable(String tableName, Hashtable hashData, Hashtable hashPk) { DB2Connection ncc = OpenConnection(); DB2Command com = null; String sql = "UPDATE {0} SET {1} WHERE {2};"; int affectedRows = 0; try { string set = ""; string where = ""; foreach (string key in hashData.Keys) { string col = key; string value = hashData[key].ToString(); if (!set.Equals("")) { set += ","; } set += String.Format("{0} = {1}", col, value); } foreach (string key in hashPk.Keys) { string col = key; string value = hashPk[key].ToString(); if (!where.Equals("")) { where += " AND "; } where += String.Format("{0} = {1}", col, value); } sql = string.Format(sql, tableName, set, where); com = new DB2Command(sql, ncc); affectedRows = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); QueryCache.removeData(tableName); //limpiando caché de la tabla... HistorialSeguimientoTabla(TABLA_SEGUIR, sql); //Almacenamiento historial de seguimiento a tabla. } catch (Exception e) { AdministradorCarpetasRegistro.GrabarLogs(TipoRegistro.Error, sql, e, e.Message); return(-1); } finally { CloseConnection(ncc); } return(affectedRows); }
public bool SaveHashtable(String tableName, Hashtable hash) { DB2Connection ncc = OpenConnection(); DB2Command com = null; String sql = "INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) VALUES ({2});"; int affectedRows = 0; try { string cols = ""; string values = ""; foreach (string key in hash.Keys) { string col = key; string value = hash[key].ToString(); if (!cols.Equals("")) { cols += ","; } if (!values.Equals("")) { values += ","; } cols += col; values += value; } sql = string.Format(sql, tableName, cols, values); com = new DB2Command(sql, ncc); affectedRows = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); QueryCache.removeData(tableName); //limpiando caché de la tabla... HistorialSeguimientoTabla(TABLA_SEGUIR, sql); //Almacenamiento historial de seguimiento a tabla. } catch (Exception e) { AdministradorCarpetasRegistro.GrabarLogs(TipoRegistro.Error, sql, e, e.Message); //exceptions += e.ToString() + cambioLinea; } finally { CloseConnection(ncc); } return(affectedRows == 1); }
public int DeleteHashtable(string tableName, Hashtable hashPk) { SqlConnection ncc = OpenConnection(); SqlCommand com = null; String sql = "DELETE FROM {0} WHERE {1};"; int affectedRows = 0; try { string where = ""; foreach (string key in hashPk.Keys) { string col = key; string value = hashPk[key].ToString(); if (!where.Equals("")) { where += " AND "; } int n = 0; if (int.TryParse(value, out n)) { where += String.Format("{0} = {1}", col, value); } else { where += String.Format("{0} = '{1}'", col, value); } } sql = string.Format(sql, tableName, where); com = new SqlCommand(sql, ncc); affectedRows = com.ExecuteNonQuery(); QueryCache.removeData(tableName); //limpiando caché de la tabla... HistorialSeguimientoTabla(TABLA_SEGUIR, sql); //Almacenamiento historial de seguimiento a tabla. } catch (Exception e) { AdministradorCarpetasRegistro.GrabarLogs(TipoRegistro.Error, sql, e, e.Message); return(-1); } finally { CloseConnection(ncc); } return(affectedRows); }