public static void JQuery(this HtmlDocument doc)
     var script = doc.CreateElement("script");
     script.SetAttribute("text", Resources.Jquery);
     script.SetAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
Exemple #2
        public static XmlElement WithRoot(this XmlDocument document, string name)
            XmlElement element = document.CreateElement(name);

            return element;
 public static XmlElement CreateLineStyleElement(this XmlDocument doc, string lineWidthValue, string lineColorValue)
     XmlElement lineStyleElement = doc.CreateElement("LineStyle");
     return lineStyleElement;
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// The <c>&lt;h1></c> to <c>&lt;h6></c> tags are used to define HTML headings. <remarks></remarks>
 /// <c>&lt;h1></c> defines the most important heading. <c>&lt;h6></c> defines the least important heading. <remarks> </remarks>
 /// For more information see: <see cref=""/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builder">Builder for the Html Component</param>
 /// <param name="tier">The tier of the Heading element</param>
 /// <param name="text">The text value of the Heading element</param>
 /// <param name="attributes">Standard HTML Attributes (optional)</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IHtmlElement Heading(
     this IBuilder builder, 
     string text,
     HeadingTier tier,
     IHtmlAttributes attributes = null)
     return builder.CreateElement(tier.ToString(), false, attributes).SetText(text);
        public static XmlElement AppendElement(this XmlDocument doc, string name, string innerText = null)
            XmlElement newElement = doc.CreateElement(name);
            newElement.InnerText = innerText;

            return newElement;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlDoc"></param>
        /// <param name="nodeName"></param>
        /// <param name="val"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static XmlElement CreateElementWithText(this XmlDocument xmlDoc, string nodeName, string val)
            XmlElement el = xmlDoc.CreateElement(nodeName);
            XmlText txtXml = xmlDoc.CreateTextNode(val);

            return el;
        public static XmlElement AddElement(this XmlDocument document, string name)
            var child = document.CreateElement(name);


            return child;
 public static XmlElement CreatePlacemarkElement(this XmlDocument doc, string name, string styleUrl
     , string extrudeInfo, string modeInfo, string coordinatesInfo)
     XmlElement placeMarkElement = doc.CreateElement("Placemark");
     placeMarkElement.AppendChild(doc.CreatePolygonElement(extrudeInfo, modeInfo, coordinatesInfo));
     return placeMarkElement;
 public static XmlElement CreatePolygonElement(this XmlDocument doc, string extrudeInfo,
     string modeInfo, string coordinatesInfo)
     XmlElement polygonElement = doc.CreateElement("Polygon");
     return polygonElement;
        /// <summary>
        /// Cria um novo elemento e retorna 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">Documento ter como base para o novo elemento</param>
        /// <param name="name">Nome do novo elemento (tag)</param>
        /// <param name="value">Valor atribuído ao novo elemento.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static XmlElement CreateNFeElement(this XmlDocument doc, string name, object value)
            XmlElement el = doc.CreateElement(name);

            if(value != null)
                el.InnerText = value.ToString();

            return el;
Exemple #11
		public static XmlElement AppendElement(this XmlDocument xmlDocument, string name, string value = null, XmlElement parent = null)
			var element = xmlDocument.CreateElement(name);
			if (value != null) element.InnerText = value;
			if (parent == null)
			return element;
        public static void InsertAppSetting(this XmlDocument document, string key, string value)
            var appSettings = document.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("appSettings");

            var node = document.CreateElement("add");
            node.SetAttribute("key", key);
            node.SetAttribute("value", value);
            node.SetAttribute("Transform", ConfigurationTransformer.TransformNamespace, "Insert");

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an element to the document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlDocument">The XML document.</param>
        /// <param name="elementName">The XML element name.</param>
        /// <returns>The XML element.</returns>
        public static XmlElement AddElement(this XmlDocument xmlDocument, string elementName)
            if (xmlDocument == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("xmlDocument");

            XmlElement xmlElement = xmlDocument.CreateElement(elementName);
            return xmlElement;
        private static void AddSheet(this XmlDocument dom, XmlNode head, string cssFilePath, string namespaceIfDesired)
            //we're going to add file:// later
            cssFilePath = cssFilePath.Replace("file:///", "");
            cssFilePath = cssFilePath.Replace("file://", "");
            cssFilePath = "file://" + cssFilePath;

            var link = string.IsNullOrEmpty(namespaceIfDesired) ? dom.CreateElement("link") : dom.CreateElement("link", namespaceIfDesired);
            link.SetAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");

            if(cssFilePath.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString())) // review: not sure about relative vs. complete paths
                link.SetAttribute("href", cssFilePath);
            else //at least with gecko/firefox, something like "file://foo.css" is never found, so just give it raw
            link.SetAttribute("type", "text/css");
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xmlDoc"></param>
        /// <param name="nodeName"></param>
        public static XmlElement AddRootNode(this XmlDocument xmlDoc, string nodeName)
            //let's add the XML declaration section
            XmlNode xmlnode = xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.XmlDeclaration, "", "");

            //let's add the root element
            XmlElement xmlElem = xmlDoc.CreateElement("", nodeName, "");

            return xmlElem;
        public static XmlNode CreateXPath(this XmlDocument doc, string xpath)
            XmlNode node = doc;
            foreach (var part in xpath.Substring(1).Split('/'))
                var nodes = node.SelectNodes(part);
                if (nodes.Count > 1)
                    throw new Exception("Xpath '" + xpath + "' was found multiple times!");

                if (nodes.Count == 1)
                    node = nodes[0];

                if (part.StartsWith("@"))
                    var anode = doc.CreateAttribute(part.Substring(1));
                    node = anode;
                    string elName, attrib = null;
                    if (part.Contains("["))
                        part.SplitOnce("[", out elName, out attrib);
                        if (!attrib.EndsWith("]")) throw new Exception("Unsupported XPath (missing ]): " + part);
                        attrib = attrib.Substring(0, attrib.Length - 1);
                    else elName = part;

                    XmlNode next = doc.CreateElement(elName);
                    node = next;

                    if (attrib != null)
                        if (!attrib.StartsWith("@")) throw new Exception("Unsupported XPath attrib (missing @): " + part);
                        string name, value;
                        attrib.Substring(1).SplitOnce("='", out name, out value);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || !value.EndsWith("'")) throw new Exception("Unsupported XPath attrib: " + part);
                        value = value.Substring(0, value.Length - 1);
                        var anode = doc.CreateAttribute(name);
                        anode.Value = value;
            return node;
		private static void AddSheet(this XmlDocument dom, XmlNode head, string cssFilePath, string namespaceIfDesired)
			// don't modify http paths
			if (!cssFilePath.StartsWith("http"))
				// we're going to add file:// later
				cssFilePath = cssFilePath.Replace("file:///", "").Replace("file://", "");
				// absolute or relative path?
				if (File.Exists(cssFilePath))
					// this is a local file, use absolute path
					var file = new FileInfo(cssFilePath);
					cssFilePath = new Uri(file.FullName).AbsoluteUri;

			var link = string.IsNullOrEmpty(namespaceIfDesired) ? dom.CreateElement("link") : dom.CreateElement("link", namespaceIfDesired);
			link.SetAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
			link.SetAttribute("href", cssFilePath);
			link.SetAttribute("type", "text/css");

        public static void InsertConnectionString(this XmlDocument document, string name, string connectionString, string providerName = null)
            var appSettings = document.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("connectionStrings");

            var node = document.CreateElement("add");
            node.SetAttribute("name", name);
            node.SetAttribute("connectionString", connectionString);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(providerName))
                node.SetAttribute("providerName", providerName);

            node.SetAttribute("Transform", ConfigurationTransformer.TransformNamespace, "Insert");

Exemple #19
 public static XmlElement EL(this XmlDocument doc, string name, AttributeCollection attributes = null, string text = null)
     if (doc == null) {
     throw new ArgumentNullException("doc");
       var rv = doc.CreateElement(name);
       if (text != null) {
     rv.InnerText = text;
       if (attributes != null) {
     foreach (var i in attributes) {
       rv.SetAttribute(i.Key, i.Value);
       return rv;
Exemple #20
 public static XmlElement CreateElement(this XmlDocument doc, string name, string[][] atts, XmlNode[] children)
     XmlElement element = doc.CreateElement (name);
     if (atts != null) {
         for (int i = 0; i < atts.Length; i ++) {
             if (atts[i] == null) continue;
             if (atts[i].Length == 2)
                 element.SetAttribute (atts[i][0], atts[i][1]);
     if (children != null) {
         for (int i = 0; i < children.Length; i ++) {
             if (children[i] != null) {
                 element.AppendChild (children[i]);
     return element;
        public static XmlElement CreateNewNode(this XmlDocument xmldoc, string sNode, string sText, params string[] sAttributes)
            var xmlelem = xmldoc.CreateElement("", sNode, "");
            var xmltext = xmldoc.CreateTextNode(sText);

            for (int i = 0; i < sAttributes.Length; i++)
            if (i % 2 == 0)
                var xmlAttribute = xmldoc.CreateAttribute("", sAttributes[i], "");

                if ((i + 1) < sAttributes.Length)
                    xmlAttribute.Value = sAttributes[i + 1];


            return xmlelem;
     this System.Xml.XmlDocument document,
     string name,
     string value = null,
     string condition = null,
     System.Xml.XmlElement parentEl = null)
     const string ns = "";
     var el = document.CreateElement(name, ns);
     if (null != value)
         el.InnerText = value;
     if (null != condition)
         el.SetAttribute("Condition", condition);
     if (null != parentEl)
     return el;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sync the elements/collections of the given view.
        /// </summary>
        internal static void SyncElementsFrom(this View view, IEnumerable<IAbstractElementInfo> elements)
                .Where(e => !elements.Any(i => i.Id == e.DefinitionId))
                .ForEach(e => e.Delete());

                .GroupBy(x => x.DefinitionId)
                .Where(x => elements.Any(
                    i => x.Key == i.Id &&
                    (i.Cardinality == Cardinality.OneToOne || i.Cardinality == Cardinality.ZeroToOne) &&
                    x.Count() > 1))
                .SelectMany(x => x.Skip(1))
                .ForEach(x => x.Delete());

            var singletonElements = elements
                .Where(i => i.AutoCreate &&
                    !view.Elements.Any(e => e.DefinitionId == i.Id))

            singletonElements.OfType<IElementInfo>().ForEach(x => view.CreateElement(e => e.DefinitionId = x.Id));
            singletonElements.OfType<ICollectionInfo>().ForEach(x => view.CreateCollection(e => e.DefinitionId = x.Id));
 public static IHtmlElement Paragraph(this IBuilder builder, IHtmlAttributes attributes = null)
     return builder.CreateElement("p", false, attributes);
Exemple #25
 /// <summary>
 /// The <c>&lt;aside></c> defines some content aside from the content it is placed in. <remarks></remarks>
 /// The aside content should be related to the surrounding content. <remarks> </remarks>
 /// For more information see: <see cref=""/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="builder">Builder for the Html Component</param>
 /// <param name="attributes">Standard HTML Attributes (optional)</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IHtmlElement Aside(this IBuilder builder, IHtmlAttributes attributes = null)
     return builder.CreateElement("aside", false, attributes);
 public static XmlElement CreatePolyStyleElement(this XmlDocument doc, string polyColorValue)
     XmlElement polyStyleElement = doc.CreateElement("PolyStyle");
     return polyStyleElement;
        /// <summary>
        /// Executa um bloco de código Javascript em um documento DOM
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instance">Documento DOM</param>
        /// <param name="javascriptCode">Block de código Javascript a ser interpretado e executado</param>
        public static void RunJavascript(this HtmlDocument instance, string javascriptCode)
            HtmlElement scriptEl = instance.CreateElement("script");
            IHTMLScriptElement element = (IHTMLScriptElement)scriptEl.DomElement;
            element.text = javascriptCode;

            if (instance.Body != null)
                HtmlElement head = instance.GetElementsByTagName("head")[0];
 public static XmlElement CreateOuterBoundaryIsElement(this XmlDocument doc, string coordinatesInfo)
     XmlElement outerBoundaryIsElement = doc.CreateElement("outerBoundaryIs");
     return outerBoundaryIsElement;
 public static XmlElement CreateGeneralElement(this XmlDocument doc, string elementName, string value)
     XmlElement element = doc.CreateElement(elementName);
     element.InnerText = value;
     return element;
 public static XmlElement CreateLinearRingElement(this XmlDocument doc, string coordinatesInfo)
     XmlElement linearRingElement = doc.CreateElement("LinearRing");
     return linearRingElement;