public static Object FromJsValue(this JsValue val)
            switch (val.Type)
                case Types.Boolean:
                    return val.AsBoolean();
                case Types.Number:
                    return val.AsNumber();
                case Types.String:
                    return val.AsString();
                case Types.Object:
                    var obj = val.AsObject();
                    var node = obj as DomNodeInstance;

                    if (node != null)
                        return node.Value;

                    return obj;
                case Types.Undefined:
                    return "undefined";
                case Types.Null:
                    return null;

            return val.ToObject();
        /// <summary>
        /// 기간안에 대상 시각이 포함되는지 여부
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="period">기간</param>
        /// <param name="target">대상 일자</param>
        /// <returns>기간에 포함 여부</returns>
        public static bool HasInside(this ITimePeriod period, DateTime target) {
            var hasInside = target >= period.Start && target <= period.End;

                log.Debug("기간[{0}] 에 일자[{1}]가 포함되는지 여부를 알아봅니다... HasInside=[{2}]", period.AsString(), target.ToSortableString(),

            return hasInside;
        internal static Guid FromNative(this NativeGuid guid)
#if __ANDROID__
            return Guid.Parse(guid.ToString());
#elif __IOS__
            return Guid.Parse(guid.AsString());
            return guid;
		/// <summary>
		///		Invokes <see cref="MessagePackObject.AsString()"/> in deserializaton manner.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source"><see cref="MessagePackObject"/>.</param>
		/// <returns>A deserialized value.</returns>
		/// <exception cref="SerializationException"><paramref name="source"/> is not expected type.</exception>
		public static string DeserializeAsString( this MessagePackObject source )
				return source.AsString();
			catch ( InvalidOperationException ex )
				throw new SerializationException( String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "The unpacked value is not expected type. {0}", ex.Message ), ex );
Exemple #5
        public static string ContentBeforeLastNewLine(this IEnumerable<SyntaxTrivia> trivia)
            var leading = trivia.AsString();
            int lastNewLinePos = leading.LastIndexOf(NewLine, StringComparison.Ordinal);
            if (lastNewLinePos == -1)
                return string.Empty;

            return leading.Substring(0, lastNewLinePos);
Exemple #6
        public static string GetRewriteValue(this Rewrite rewrite, int n)
            switch (rewrite)
                case Rewrite.top_terms_boost_n:
                    return "top_terms_boost_" + n;

                case Rewrite.top_terms_n:
                    return "top_terms_" + n;
            return rewrite.AsString();
 public static string ConvertToString(this CBORObject cborObject)
     switch (cborObject.Type)
         case CBORType.ByteString:
             return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(cborObject.GetByteString());
         case CBORType.TextString:
             return cborObject.AsString();
             return cborObject.ToString();
        public static DateTime AsDateTime(this object o)
            if (o == null || o == DBNull.Value)
                return DateTime.MinValue;

                return DateTime.Parse(o.AsString());
                return DateTime.MinValue;
Exemple #9
        public static object Uncast(this JsValue value)
            if (value.IsBoolean()) {
                return value.AsBoolean();
            if (value.IsNumber()) {
                return value.AsNumber();
            if (value.IsObject()) {
                return value.AsObject();
            if (value.IsString()) {
                return value.AsString();

            return null;
 public static ICreateTableColumnOptionOrWithColumnSyntax AsMaxString(this ICreateTableColumnAsTypeSyntax createTableColumnAsTypeSyntax)
     return createTableColumnAsTypeSyntax.AsString(Int32.MaxValue);
 public static IAlterTableColumnOptionOrAddColumnOrAlterColumnSyntax AsMaxString(this IAlterTableColumnAsTypeSyntax createTableColumnAsTypeSyntax)
     return createTableColumnAsTypeSyntax.AsString(Int32.MaxValue);
        // The As*** functions never return null -- if the supplied type does not have the appropriate shape, an encoding of a bad type is returned.
        #region AsPrimitive, AsCollection, AsStructured, ...
        /// <summary>
        /// If this reference is of a primitive type, this will return a valid primitive type reference to the type definition. Otherwise, it will return a bad primitive type reference.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">Reference to the calling object.</param>
        /// <returns>A valid primitive type reference if the definition of the reference is of a primitive type. Otherwise a bad primitive type reference.</returns>
        public static IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference AsPrimitive(this IEdmTypeReference type)
            EdmUtil.CheckArgumentNull(type, "type");
            IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference reference = type as IEdmPrimitiveTypeReference;
            if (reference != null)
                return reference;

            IEdmType typeDefinition = type.Definition;
            if (typeDefinition.TypeKind == EdmTypeKind.Primitive)
                var primitiveDefinition = typeDefinition as IEdmPrimitiveType;
                if (primitiveDefinition != null)
                    switch (primitiveDefinition.PrimitiveKind)
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Boolean:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Byte:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Date:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Double:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Guid:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int16:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int32:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Int64:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.SByte:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Single:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Stream:
                            return new EdmPrimitiveTypeReference(primitiveDefinition, type.IsNullable);
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Binary:
                            return type.AsBinary();
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Decimal:
                            return type.AsDecimal();
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.String:
                            return type.AsString();
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Duration:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.DateTimeOffset:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.TimeOfDay:
                            return type.AsTemporal();
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Geography:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyPoint:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyLineString:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyPolygon:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyCollection:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyMultiPolygon:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyMultiLineString:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeographyMultiPoint:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.Geometry:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeometryPoint:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeometryLineString:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeometryPolygon:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeometryCollection:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeometryMultiPolygon:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeometryMultiLineString:
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.GeometryMultiPoint:
                            return type.AsSpatial();
                        case EdmPrimitiveTypeKind.None:
            else if (typeDefinition.TypeKind == EdmTypeKind.TypeDefinition)
                return new EdmPrimitiveTypeReference(typeDefinition.UnderlyingType(), type.IsNullable);

            string typeFullName = type.FullName();
            List<EdmError> errors = new List<EdmError>(type.Errors());
            if (errors.Count == 0)
                errors.AddRange(ConversionError(type.Location(), typeFullName, EdmConstants.Type_Primitive));

            return new BadPrimitiveTypeReference(typeFullName, type.IsNullable, errors);
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts time string time span
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static TimeSpan? TimeToNullableTimespan(this object o)
            string sTime = o.AsString();
            var arrSplittedTime = sTime.Split(new char[] {' '});
            if (arrSplittedTime.Length != 2)
                return null;

            var amOrPm = arrSplittedTime[1].ToLower();
            if (amOrPm != "am" && amOrPm != "pm")
                return null;

            arrSplittedTime = arrSplittedTime[0].Split(new char[] {':'});
            if (arrSplittedTime.Length != 2)
                return null;

            var hours = arrSplittedTime[0].AsInteger();
            var minutes = arrSplittedTime[1].AsInteger();

            if (hours == 12 && amOrPm == "am")
                hours = 0;
                hours = hours + (amOrPm == "pm" ? 12 : 0);

            return new TimeSpan(hours, minutes, 0);
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts a Polyhedron to a string
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string AsPolyhedron(this Polyhedron value)
     return value.AsString();
 public static bool TryConvert(this IJsonValue value, out object propertyValue)
     propertyValue = null;
     if (!value.IsNull())
         switch (value.ValueType)
             case JsonValueType.Boolean:
                 propertyValue = value.AsBool().Value;
             case JsonValueType.Number:
                 propertyValue = value.AsNumber().Value;
             case JsonValueType.String:
                 propertyValue = value.AsString();
             case JsonValueType.Null:
             case JsonValueType.Object:
             case JsonValueType.Array:
                 return false;
     return true;
 public static ICreateTableColumnOptionOrWithColumnSyntax AsText(this ICreateTableColumnAsTypeSyntax that)
     return that.AsString(int.MaxValue);
 /// <summary>
 /// Compares two strings ignoring case according current culture.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="str1">First string - can be null</param>
 /// <param name="str2">Second string - can be null</param>
 public static bool SameText(this string str1, string str2)
     return str1.AsString().Equals(str2.AsString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
 public static dynamic AsJson(this BrowserResponseBodyWrapper bodyWrapper)
     return JObject.Parse(bodyWrapper.AsString());
 /// <summary>
 /// Try to convert a value to a CLR object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The value to convert.</param>
 /// <param name="propertyValue">The converted value.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// A value indicating whether the conversion was successful.
 /// </returns>
 public static bool TryConvert(this JToken value, out object propertyValue)
     propertyValue = null;
     if (!value.IsNull())
         switch (value.Type)
             case JTokenType.Boolean:
                 propertyValue = value.AsBool().Value;
             case JTokenType.Float:
             case JTokenType.Integer:
                 propertyValue = value.AsNumber().Value;
             case JTokenType.String:
                 propertyValue = value.AsString();
             case JTokenType.Date:
                 propertyValue = value.ToObject<DateTime>(); // AsDateTime() doesn't make sense since DateTime is a reference not object type.  (Can't use 'as' operator)
             case JTokenType.Null:
             case JTokenType.Object:
             case JTokenType.Array:
                 return false;
     return true;
 public static string AsSafeSqlString(this string str)
     return str.AsString().Replace("'", "''");
 public static string AsHtml(this string str)
     return str.AsString().Replace("  ", "&nbsp;&nbsp;").Replace("\n", "<BR />");
 /// <summary>
 /// Try to convert a value to a CLR object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The value to convert.</param>
 /// <param name="propertyValue">The converted value.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// A value indicating whether the conversion was successful.
 /// </returns>
 public static bool TryConvert(this JToken value, out object propertyValue)
     propertyValue = null;
     if (!value.IsNull())
         switch (value.Type)
             case JTokenType.Boolean:
                 propertyValue = value.AsBool().Value;
             case JTokenType.Float:
             case JTokenType.Integer:
                 propertyValue = value.AsNumber().Value;
             case JTokenType.String:
                 propertyValue = value.AsString();
             case JTokenType.Date:
                 propertyValue = value.ToObject<DateTime>().ToRoundtripDateString(); //win8 store json data serialization doesn't have Date type, and is always returning string type, we should do the same
             case JTokenType.Null:
             case JTokenType.Object:
             case JTokenType.Array:
                 return false;
     return true;
 public static ICreateTableColumnOptionOrWithColumnSyntax AsText(this ICreateTableColumnAsTypeSyntax createTableColumnAsTypeSyntax)
     return createTableColumnAsTypeSyntax.AsString(1073741823);
		public static void ShowInConsole(this HbmMapping mapping)
        public static DateTime AsUtcDateTime(this object o, int offsetHours, int offsetMinutes)
            if (o == null || o == DBNull.Value)
                return DateTime.MinValue;

                var dt = DateTime.Parse(o.AsString());

                dt = dt.AddHours(offsetHours);
                if (offsetHours > 0)
                    offsetMinutes = -offsetMinutes;
                dt = dt.AddMinutes(offsetMinutes);
                return dt;
                return DateTime.MinValue;
 public static bool IsUuidEqual(this NSUuid firstUuid, NSUuid secondUuid)
     return firstUuid.AsString().Equals(secondUuid.AsString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
 public static bool IsNullOrEmpty(this object o)
     return string.IsNullOrEmpty(o.AsString());
 public static bool AsBoolean(this IAstNodePropertyCollection properties, string name)
     return Convert.ToBoolean(properties.AsString(name));
Exemple #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Converts RectF to a string
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string AsString(this RectF value)
     return value.AsString();
 public static bool IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this object o)
     return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.AsString());