bool IsConnectedCell(int tileX, int tileY) { //주변에 하나라도 붙은 기둥이 있으면 연결된 기둥 for (int direction = (int)eMoveDirection.LEFT; direction < (int)eMoveDirection.DOWN + 1; direction++) { sPosition position; position.x = tileX; position.y = tileY; sPosition nextPosition = GlobalUtility.GetPositionByDirection(position, (eMoveDirection)direction); if (0 <= nextPosition.x && nextPosition.x < _width && 0 <= nextPosition.y && nextPosition.y < _height) { if (false == GetTileCell(nextPosition.x, nextPosition.y).IsPathfindable()) { return(true); } } else { return(true); //맵 밖 } } return(false); }
public bool GetNZNumber(out cByteList rBytes, out uint rNumber) { var lBookmark = Position; rNumber = 0; if (!GetToken(cCharset.Digit, null, null, out rBytes)) { return(false); } if (rBytes[0] == cASCII.ZERO) { Position = lBookmark; return(false); } checked { try { foreach (byte lByte in rBytes) { rNumber = rNumber * 10 + lByte - cASCII.ZERO; } } catch { Position = lBookmark; return(false); } } return(true); }
protected void Neighbors(Node CurrNode, List <Node> neighbors) { int[,] aiRelPos = new int[, ] { { -1, -1 }, { -1, 0 }, { -1, 1 }, { 0, -1 }, { 0, 1 }, { 1, -1 }, { 1, 0 }, { 1, 1 } }; // ii = ++ii; // just to make som variation in sea and air routing for (uint i = 0; i < 8; i++) { sPosition CurPosition = CurrNode.Position; sPosition NewPosition; uint j = (i + ii) % 8; NewPosition.iX = CurPosition.iX + aiRelPos[j, 0]; NewPosition.iX = (NewPosition.iX + Map.WIDTH) % Map.WIDTH; NewPosition.iY = CurPosition.iY + aiRelPos[j, 1]; if (NewPosition.iY < 0 || NewPosition.iY >= Map.HEIGHT) { continue; } Node NewNode = new Node(); NewNode.Position = NewPosition; NewNode.IsClosed = false; NewNode.PreviousPosition = CurPosition; neighbors.Add(NewNode); } }
/* ******************************************************************************************************** */ private bool ChecknNighbours(sPosition position) { int iX, iY; byte _owner = _unit.Owner; iX = position.iX; iY = position.iY; for (int iYY = -1; iYY <= 1; iYY++) { for (int iXX = -1; iXX <= 1; iXX++) { int iXXX = (iXX + iX + Map.WIDTH) % Map.WIDTH; ITile Nighbour = Map[iXXX, iYY + iY]; if (Nighbour == null) { continue; // Ever happens ?? } if (Nighbour.Units.Any(u => u.Owner != _owner)) { return(true); // enemy close } } } return(false); }
public static sPosition GetPositionByDirection(sPosition position, eMoveDirection direction) { int moveX = position.x; int moveY = position.y; switch (direction) { case eMoveDirection.LEFT: moveX--; break; case eMoveDirection.RIGHT: moveX++; break; case eMoveDirection.UP: moveY--; break; case eMoveDirection.DOWN: moveY++; break; } sPosition newPosition; newPosition.x = moveX; newPosition.y = moveY; return(newPosition); }
protected void SettingMovePossibleTiles() { TileMap map = GameManager.Instance.GetMap(); map.ResetVisit(_character); TileCell startTileCell = map.GetTileCell(_character.GetTileX(), _character.GetTileY()); startTileCell.SetPrevTileCell(_character, null); sTileHeuristicInfo startCmd; startCmd.tileCell = startTileCell; startCmd.heuristic = 0.0f; _tileInfoQueue.Add(startCmd); while (0 != _tileInfoQueue.Count) { sTileHeuristicInfo command = _tileInfoQueue[0]; _tileInfoQueue.RemoveAt(0); //가져온 커맨드의 현재 타일셀 방문 표시 if (false == command.tileCell.IsVisited(_character)) { if (_character.GetMoveRange() == command.tileCell.GetDistanceFromStart(_character)) { _tileInfoQueue.Clear(); return; } command.tileCell.SetVisit(_character, true); _movePossibleTiles.Add(command.tileCell); //4방향 next타일들 검사 for (int direction = (int)eMoveDirection.LEFT; direction < (int)eMoveDirection.DOWN + 1; direction++) { sPosition curPosition; curPosition.x = command.tileCell.GetTileX(); curPosition.y = command.tileCell.GetTileY(); sPosition nextPosition = _character.GetPositionByDirection(curPosition, direction); TileCell nextTileCell = map.GetTileCell(nextPosition.x, nextPosition.y); // nextTileCell 방문 안했고, 움직일수 있는 타일일때 if (null != nextTileCell && true == nextTileCell.IsPathfindable() && false == nextTileCell.IsVisited(_character)) { float distanceFromStart = command.tileCell.GetDistanceFromStart(_character) + nextTileCell.GetDistanceFromWeight(); float heuristic = distanceFromStart; if (null == nextTileCell.GetPrevTileCell(_character) || distanceFromStart < nextTileCell.GetDistanceFromStart(_character)) { nextTileCell.SetDistanceFromStart(_character, distanceFromStart); nextTileCell.SetPrevTileCell(_character, command.tileCell); sTileHeuristicInfo nextCommand; nextCommand.tileCell = nextTileCell; nextCommand.heuristic = heuristic; PushSortmoveRangeQueue(nextCommand); } } } } } }
/* ******************************************************************************************************** */ /// Return an estimate of cost of moving from Positition to goal. /// Return 0 when Positition is goal. /// This is an estimate of sum of all costs along the path between Positition and the goal. protected float Heuristic(sPosition Positition) { // maybe we should't use the same value for land unit and air/sea units // float fGoalF = 3.0f; float fGoalF = 1.0f; return(Distance(Positition, _GoalPosition) * fGoalF); }
private void ZAdvance(ref sPosition pPosition) { pPosition.Byte = pPosition.Byte + 1; if (pPosition.Byte < pPosition.BytesLine.Count) { return; } pPosition.Byte = 0; ZAdvancePart(ref pPosition); }
private void LoadVertices() { var positions = new sPosition[_mesh.GetVertexCount()]; _mesh.GetVertices(out positions); NativeVertices = positions; Vertices = positions .Select(p => new Vertex(p)) .ToList(); }
private bool ZGetHexEncodedByte(out byte rByte) { var lBookmark = Position; if (ZGetHexEncodedNibble(out int lMSN) && ZGetHexEncodedNibble(out int lLSN)) { rByte = (byte)(lMSN << 4 | lLSN); return(true); } Position = lBookmark; rByte = 0; return(false); }
sPosition GetDirectionTilePosition(eMoveDirection direction, sPosition position) { switch (direction) { case eMoveDirection.LEFT: position.x--; break; case eMoveDirection.RIGHT: position.x++; break; case eMoveDirection.UP: position.y--; break; case eMoveDirection.DOWN: position.y++; break; } return(position); }
/* ******************************************************************************************************** */ private Node NewNode(sPosition position, sPosition previousPosition, float g, float h) { while (m_nodesCacheIndex >= m_nodesCache.Count) { m_nodesCache.Add(new Node()); } Node node = m_nodesCache[m_nodesCacheIndex++]; node.Position = position; node.PreviousPosition = previousPosition; node.F = g + h; node.G = g; node.H = h; node.IsClosed = false; return(node); }
public bool GetQuoted(out cByteList rBytes) { var lBookmark = Position; if (!SkipByte(cASCII.DQUOTE)) { rBytes = null; return(false); } rBytes = new cByteList(); bool lInQuote = false; while (true) { byte lByte = Position.BytesLine[Position.Byte]; ZAdvance(ref Position); if (lInQuote) { rBytes.Add(lByte); lInQuote = false; } else { if (lByte == cASCII.DQUOTE) { return(true); } if (lByte == cASCII.BACKSL) { lInQuote = true; } else { rBytes.Add(lByte); } } if (Position.AtEnd || Position.BytesLine.Literal) { Position = lBookmark; rBytes = null; return(false); } } }
public bool GetDate(out DateTime rDate) { var lBookmark = Position; if (SkipByte(cASCII.DQUOTE)) { if (!ZGetDate(out rDate)) { Position = lBookmark; return(false); } if (!SkipByte(cASCII.DQUOTE)) { Position = lBookmark; return(false); } return(true); } return(ZGetDate(out rDate)); }
sPosition GetPositionByDirection(sPosition curPosition, eMoveDirection direction) { sPosition tilePosition = curPosition; switch (direction) { case eMoveDirection.LEFT: tilePosition.x--; break; case eMoveDirection.RIGHT: tilePosition.x++; break; case eMoveDirection.UP: tilePosition.y--; break; case eMoveDirection.DOWN: tilePosition.y++; break; } if (tilePosition.x < 0) { tilePosition.x = 0; } if (tilePosition.x > GameManager.Instance.GetMap().GetWidth() - 1) { curPosition.x = GameManager.Instance.GetMap().GetWidth() - 1; } if (tilePosition.y < 0) { tilePosition.y = 0; } if (tilePosition.y > GameManager.Instance.GetMap().GetHeight() - 1) { curPosition.y = GameManager.Instance.GetMap().GetHeight() - 1; } return(tilePosition); }
private void ZAdvancePart(ref sPosition pPosition) { while (true) { pPosition.LineNumber = pPosition.LineNumber + 1; if (pPosition.LineNumber == mLines.Count) { pPosition.AtEnd = true; return; } pPosition.BytesLine = mLines[pPosition.LineNumber]; if (pPosition.BytesLine.Count > 0 || pPosition.BytesLine.Literal) { return; } } }
//position public eMoveDirection GetDirection(sPosition curPosition, sPosition toPosition) { if (toPosition.x < curPosition.x) { return(eMoveDirection.LEFT); } if (toPosition.x > curPosition.x) { return(eMoveDirection.RIGHT); } if (toPosition.y < curPosition.y) { return(eMoveDirection.UP); } if (toPosition.y > curPosition.y) { return(eMoveDirection.DOWN); } return(eMoveDirection.DOWN); }
public void Send_PositionMSG(int player, float px, float py, float pz, float dx, float dy, float dz, float sp, bool fm, bool bm, bool run, bool atk)//위치, 움직임관련 메시지 { sPosition spo = new sPosition(); spo.flag = (char)eMSG.em_USER_POSITION; spo.player = player; spo.px = px; = py; spo.pz = pz; spo.dx = dx; spo.dy = dy; = dz; spo.sp = sp; = fm; = bm; = run; spo.atk = atk; byte[] data = StructureToByte(spo); Send(C_socket, data); }
public sPosition GetPositionByDirection(sPosition curPosition, int direction) { sPosition position = curPosition; eMoveDirection moveDirection = (eMoveDirection)direction; switch (moveDirection) { case eMoveDirection.LEFT: position.x--; if (position.x < 0) { position.x++; } break; case eMoveDirection.RIGHT: position.x++; if (position.x == GameManager.Instance.GetMap().GetWidth()) { position.x--; } break; case eMoveDirection.UP: position.y--; if (position.y < 0) { position.y++; } break; case eMoveDirection.DOWN: position.y++; if (position.y == GameManager.Instance.GetMap().GetHeight()) { position.y--; } break; } return(position); }
eMoveDirection GetDirection(sPosition curPosition, sPosition nextPosition) { if (curPosition.x < nextPosition.x) { return(eMoveDirection.RIGHT); } if (curPosition.x > nextPosition.x) { return(eMoveDirection.LEFT); } if (curPosition.y < nextPosition.y) { return(eMoveDirection.DOWN); } if (curPosition.y > nextPosition.y) { return(eMoveDirection.UP); } return(eMoveDirection.DOWN); }
public static eMoveDirection GetDirection(sPosition curPosition, sPosition nextPosition) { if (nextPosition.x > curPosition.x) { return(eMoveDirection.RIGHT); } else if (curPosition.x > nextPosition.x) { return(eMoveDirection.LEFT); } else if (curPosition.y > nextPosition.y) { return(eMoveDirection.UP); } else if (nextPosition.y > curPosition.y) { return(eMoveDirection.DOWN); } return(eMoveDirection.UP); }
public bool SkipBytes(IList <byte> pBytes, bool pCaseSensitive = false) { if (Position.AtEnd) { return(false); } if (Position.BytesLine.Literal) { return(false); } var lBookmark = Position; int lByte = 0; while (true) { if (!cASCII.Compare(Position.BytesLine[Position.Byte], pBytes[lByte], pCaseSensitive)) { Position = lBookmark; return(false); } ZAdvance(ref Position); lByte = lByte + 1; if (lByte == pBytes.Count) { return(true); } if (Position.AtEnd || Position.BytesLine.Literal) { Position = lBookmark; return(false); } } }
bool IsConnectedCellOnDirection(int tileX, int tileY, eMoveDirection direction) { //진행방향으로만 붙어있는 타일 체크 sPosition position; position.x = tileX; position.y = tileY; sPosition nextPosition = GlobalUtility.GetPositionByDirection(position, (eMoveDirection)direction); if (0 <= nextPosition.x && nextPosition.x < _width && 0 <= nextPosition.y && nextPosition.y < _height) { if (false == GetTileCell(nextPosition.x, nextPosition.y).IsPathfindable()) { return(true); } } else { return(true); //맵 밖 } return(false); }
private bool IsConnectedCell(sPosition position) { //주변에 하나라도 붙은 블럭 있음녀 연결된 블럭 for (int direction = (int)eMoveDirection.LEFT; direction < (int)eMoveDirection.DOWN + 1; direction++) { sPosition curPosition; curPosition.x = position.x; curPosition.y = position.y; sPosition searchPosition = GetDirectionTilePosition((eMoveDirection)direction, curPosition); if (0 <= searchPosition.x && searchPosition.x < _width && 0 <= searchPosition.y && searchPosition.y < _height) { if (false == GetTileCell(searchPosition.x, searchPosition.y).IsPathfindable()) { return(true); } } else { return(true); } } return(false); }
public bool GetNumber(out cByteList rBytes, out uint rNumber, int pMinLength = 1, int pMaxLength = int.MaxValue) { var lBookmark = Position; rNumber = 0; if (!GetToken(cCharset.Digit, null, null, out rBytes, pMinLength, pMaxLength)) { return(false); } checked { try { foreach (byte lByte in rBytes) { rNumber = rNumber * 10 + lByte - cASCII.ZERO; } } catch { Position = lBookmark; return(false); } } return(true); }
public bool GetNumber(out ulong rNumber) { var lBookmark = Position; rNumber = 0; if (!GetToken(cCharset.Digit, null, null, out var lBytes)) { return(false); } checked { try { foreach (byte lByte in lBytes) { rNumber = rNumber * 10 + lByte - cASCII.ZERO; } } catch { Position = lBookmark; return(false); } } return(true); }
sPosition GetPositionByDirection(sPosition curPosition, eMoveDirection direction) { sPosition newPosition = curPosition; switch (direction) { case eMoveDirection.LEFT: newPosition.x--; break; case eMoveDirection.RIGHT: newPosition.x++; break; case eMoveDirection.UP: newPosition.y--; break; case eMoveDirection.DOWN: newPosition.y++; break; } return(newPosition); }
private cByteList ZGetFromAsBytes(sPosition pFrom) { cByteList lBytes = new cByteList(); while (pFrom.LineNumber < Position.LineNumber) { for (int i = pFrom.Byte; i < pFrom.BytesLine.Count; i++) { lBytes.Add(pFrom.BytesLine[i]); } pFrom.Byte = 0; ZAdvancePart(ref pFrom); } if (pFrom.LineNumber == Position.LineNumber) { for (int i = pFrom.Byte; i < Position.Byte; i++) { lBytes.Add(pFrom.BytesLine[i]); } } return(lBytes); }
private bool ZGetDate(out DateTime rDate, int pMinDayLength = 1, int pMaxDayLength = 2) { rDate = new DateTime(); var lBookmark = Position; if (!GetNumber(out _, out uint lDay, pMinDayLength, pMaxDayLength)) { return(false); } if (lDay < 1 || lDay > 31) { Position = lBookmark; return(false); } if (!SkipByte(cASCII.HYPEN)) { Position = lBookmark; return(false); } if (!ZGetMonth(out var lMonth)) { Position = lBookmark; return(false); } if (!SkipByte(cASCII.HYPEN)) { Position = lBookmark; return(false); } if (!GetNumber(out _, out uint lYear, 4, 4)) { Position = lBookmark; return(false); } try { rDate = new DateTime((int)lYear, lMonth, (int)lDay, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); } catch { Position = lBookmark; return(false); } return(true); }
public void FindPath(eFindMode mode, eFindMethod method) { bool isViewRange = (eFindMode.VIEW_MOVERANGE == mode || eFindMode.VIEW_ATTACKRANGE == mode); while (0 != _pathfindingQueue.Count) { sPathCommand command = _pathfindingQueue[0]; _pathfindingQueue.RemoveAt(0); if (false == command.tileCell.IsVisit()) { command.tileCell.Visit(); //FIND TARGET if (eFindMode.FIND_PATH == mode) { if ((_targetTileCell.GetTileX() == command.tileCell.GetTileX()) && (_targetTileCell.GetTileY() == command.tileCell.GetTileY())) { _reverseTileCell = _targetTileCell; return; } } for (eMoveDirection direction = 0; direction <= eMoveDirection.DOWN; direction++) { sPosition curPosition; curPosition.x = command.tileCell.GetTileX(); curPosition.y = command.tileCell.GetTileY(); sPosition nextPosition = GlobalUtility.GetPositionByDirection(curPosition, direction); TileMap map = GameManager.Instance.GetMap(); TileCell nextTileCell = map.GetTileCell(nextPosition.x, nextPosition.y); if (CheckPrecondition(mode, nextTileCell, _targetTileCell)) { float distanceFromStart = command.tileCell.GetDistanceFromStart() + command.tileCell.GetDistanceWeight(); float heuristic = CalcHeuristic(method, distanceFromStart, command.tileCell, nextTileCell, _targetTileCell); if (isViewRange && (_range < distanceFromStart)) { return; } if (null == nextTileCell.GetPrevTileCell()) { nextTileCell.SetDistanceFromStart(distanceFromStart); nextTileCell.SetPrevTileCell(command.tileCell); sPathCommand newCommand; newCommand.tileCell = nextTileCell; newCommand.heuristic = heuristic; PushCommand(newCommand); //검색범위를 그려준다. if (isViewRange) { DrawSearchTile(nextTileCell); } } } } } } }