public Boolean UpdateDocFileName(pim_docm Record, string fldName, string value = "")
            Boolean bRet = false;

            Con_Oracle = new DBConnection();

            if (fldName.ToUpper() == "DOC_FILE_NAME" || fldName.ToUpper() == "DOC_THUMBNAIL")
                sql = "update pim_docm set " + fldName + " = '" + value + "' where doc_pkid = '" + Record.doc_pkid + "'";
                sql = "update " + Record.doc_table_name + " set " + fldName + " = '" + value + "' where doc_parent_id = '" + Record.doc_pkid + "'";

                bRet = true;
            catch (Exception Ex)
                if (Con_Oracle != null)
                bRet = false;
                throw Ex;
        public string AllValid(pim_docm Record, DataRow HeaderRow)
            string str = "";

                if (HeaderRow["tab_sku"].ToString() != "" && HeaderRow["tab_sku_duplication"].ToString() == "N")
                    sql  = "select doc_pkid from (";
                    sql += " select doc_pkid from pim_docm a ";
                    sql += "  where doc_name = '" + Record.doc_name + "' ";
                    sql += "  and doc_table_name  = '" + Record.doc_table_name + "' ";
                    sql += " ) a where doc_pkid <> '" + Record.doc_pkid + "'";
                    if (Con_Oracle.IsRowExists(sql))
                        str = HeaderRow["tab_sku"].ToString() + " Exists";
                else if (HeaderRow["tab_store"].ToString() != "" && HeaderRow["tab_store_duplication"].ToString() == "N")
                    sql  = "select doc_pkid from (";
                    sql += " select doc_pkid from pim_docm a ";
                    sql += "  where doc_store_id = '" + Record.doc_store_id + "' ";
                    sql += "  and doc_table_name  = '" + Record.doc_table_name + "' ";
                    sql += " ) a where doc_pkid <> '" + Record.doc_pkid + "'";
                    if (Con_Oracle.IsRowExists(sql))
                        str = HeaderRow["tab_store"].ToString() + " Exists";
            catch (Exception Ex)
                str = Ex.Message.ToString();
        public Dictionary <string, object> Save(pim_docm Record, tablesd [] Records, string ServerImageUrl)
            DataTable Dt_Tablesm = new DataTable();
            Dictionary <string, object> RetData = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            string  ErrorMessage = "";
            Boolean retvalue     = false;

            DBRecord Rec = null;

            Boolean is_campaign_table = false;

            int iSlno = 0;

                Con_Oracle = new DBConnection();

                sql        = "select * from tablesm where rec_company_code = '" + Record._globalvariables.comp_code + "' and tab_table_name = '" + Record.doc_table_name + "'";
                Dt_Tablesm = Con_Oracle.ExecuteQuery(sql);

                if (Dt_Tablesm.Rows.Count > 0)
                    is_campaign_table = (Dt_Tablesm.Rows[0]["tab_campaign_table"].ToString() == "Y") ? true : false;

                if (Dt_Tablesm.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "Entity Not Found");

                //if (Record.doc_name.Trim().Length <= 0)
                //  Lib.AddError(ref ErrorMessage, "name Cannot Be Empty");

                if (ErrorMessage != "")
                    throw new Exception(ErrorMessage);

                if ((ErrorMessage = AllValid(Record, Dt_Tablesm.Rows[0])) != "")
                    throw new Exception(ErrorMessage);

                if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD")
                    sql = "select nvl(max(doc_slno), 1000) + 1  as slno from pim_docm ";
                    if (Con_Oracle.DB == "SQL")
                        sql = "select isnull(max(doc_slno), 1000) + 1  as slno from pim_docm ";
                    sql += " where rec_company_code = '" + Record._globalvariables.comp_code + "' and doc_table_name ='" + Record.doc_table_name + "'";
                    //sql += " and doc_table_name = '" + Record.doc_table_name + "'";

                    iSlno = Lib.Conv2Integer(Con_Oracle.ExecuteScalar(sql).ToString());

                    Record.doc_slno = iSlno;

                    if (iSlno <= 0)
                        throw new Exception("Invalid SL#");
                    iSlno = Record.doc_slno;

                sql = "";
                string sql1 = "";

                Rec = new DBRecord();
                Rec.CreateRow("pim_docm", Record.rec_mode, "doc_pkid", Record.doc_pkid);
                Rec.InsertString("doc_name", Record.doc_name, "P");
                Rec.InsertString("doc_file_name", Record.doc_file_name, "P");
                Rec.InsertString("doc_store_id", Record.doc_store_id);
                Rec.InsertString("doc_grp_id", Record.doc_grp_id);

                if (Record.doc_file_name.Trim().Trim().Length <= 0)
                    Rec.InsertString("doc_thumbnail", "");
                if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD")
                    Rec.InsertString("doc_slno", Record.doc_slno.ToString());
                    Rec.InsertString("doc_table_name", Record.doc_table_name);
                    Rec.InsertString("rec_company_code", Record._globalvariables.comp_code);
                    Rec.InsertString("rec_created_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code);
                    if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE")
                        Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "SYSDATE");
                        Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "GETDATE()");
                if (Record.rec_mode == "EDIT")
                    Rec.InsertString("rec_edited_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code);
                    if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE")
                        Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "SYSDATE");
                        Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "GETDATE()");
                sql = Rec.UpdateRow();

                Rec = new DBRecord();
                Rec.CreateRow(Record.doc_table_name, Record.rec_mode, "doc_parent_id", Record.doc_pkid);
                foreach (tablesd mRow in Records)
                    if (mRow.tabd_col_type == "DATE")
                        Rec.InsertDate("COL_" + mRow.tabd_col_name, mRow.tabd_col_value);
                    else if (mRow.tabd_col_type == "LIST")
                        Rec.InsertString("COL_" + mRow.tabd_col_name, mRow.tabd_col_id, "P");
                        Rec.InsertString("COL_" + mRow.tabd_col_name, mRow.tabd_col_value, "P");

                if (Record.rec_mode == "ADD")
                    Rec.InsertString("rec_company_code", Record._globalvariables.comp_code);
                    Rec.InsertString("rec_created_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code);
                    if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE")
                        Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "SYSDATE");
                        Rec.InsertFunction("rec_created_date", "GETDATE()");
                if (Record.rec_mode == "EDIT")
                    Rec.InsertString("rec_edited_by", Record._globalvariables.user_code);
                    if (Con_Oracle.DB == "ORACLE")
                        Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "SYSDATE");
                        Rec.InsertFunction("rec_edited_date", "GETDATE()");

                sql1 = Rec.UpdateRow();


                    if (is_campaign_table == false)
                        google_uploader g = new google_uploader();
                        g.bSingle   = true;
                        g.comp_code = Record._globalvariables.comp_code;
                        g.user_id   = Record._globalvariables.user_pkid;
                        string str = g.Process(Record.doc_table_name, "name");
                        if (str != "")
                catch (Exception)

                retvalue = true;
            catch (Exception Ex)
                if (Con_Oracle != null)
                retvalue = false;
                throw Ex;
            RetData.Add("retvalue", retvalue);
            RetData.Add("slno", iSlno);

            string server = Lib.getPath(ServerImageUrl, Record._globalvariables.comp_code, Record.doc_table_name, Record.doc_slno.ToString(), false);

            RetData.Add("server", server);
            RetData.Add("thumbnail", Record.doc_thumbnail);

        public Dictionary <string, object> GetRecord(Dictionary <string, object> SearchData, string ServerImageUrl)
            Dictionary <string, object> RetData = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            DataRow DROW = null;

            pim_docm mRow = new pim_docm();

            List <tablesd> mList = new List <tablesd>();
            tablesd        mRec  = new tablesd();

            LovService Lov = new LovService();

            string pkid       = SearchData["pkid"].ToString();
            string comp_code  = SearchData["comp_code"].ToString();
            string table_name = SearchData["table_name"].ToString();

                DataTable Dt_Rec = new DataTable();

                string str = ReadColumns(table_name, comp_code);

                sql  = " select grp_name, doc_table_name,doc_pkid,doc_grp_id,grp_level_name, doc_store_id, d.comp_name as store_name,  ";
                sql += " doc_slno, doc_name, doc_file_name, doc_thumbnail ";
                if (str.Length > 0)
                    sql += "," + str;
                sql += " from pim_docm a ";
                sql += " left join " + table_name + " b on a.doc_pkid = b.doc_parent_id ";
                sql += " left join pim_groupm c on a.doc_grp_id = c.grp_pkid ";
                sql += " left join companym   d on a.doc_store_id = d.comp_pkid ";
                sql += " where doc_pkid = '" + pkid + "'";

                Con_Oracle = new DBConnection();
                Dt_Rec     = Con_Oracle.ExecuteQuery(sql);

                if (Dt_Rec.Rows.Count > 0)
                    DROW = Dt_Rec.Rows[0];

                foreach (DataRow Dr in Dt_Rec.Rows)
                    mRow          = new pim_docm();
                    mRow.doc_pkid = Dr["doc_pkid"].ToString();
                    mRow.doc_slno = Lib.Conv2Integer(Dr["doc_slno"].ToString());

                    mRow.doc_store_id   = Dr["doc_store_id"].ToString();
                    mRow.doc_store_name = Dr["store_name"].ToString();

                    mRow.doc_grp_id         = Dr["doc_grp_id"].ToString();
                    mRow.doc_grp_level_name = Dr["grp_level_name"].ToString();
                    mRow.doc_name           = Dr["doc_name"].ToString();
                    mRow.doc_file_name      = Dr["doc_file_name"].ToString();
                    mRow.doc_table_name     = Dr["doc_table_name"].ToString();
                    mRow.doc_thumbnail      = Dr["doc_thumbnail"].ToString();
                    mRow.doc_server_folder  = Lib.getPath(ServerImageUrl, comp_code, table_name, mRow.doc_slno.ToString(), false);
                    mRow.doc_file_uploaded  = false;


                Dt_Rec = new DataTable();

                sql  = " select tab_name, tab_table_name, b.* from ";
                sql += " tablesm a inner join tablesd b on a.tab_pkid = tabd_parent_id ";
                sql += " where a.rec_company_code = '" + comp_code + "' and tab_table_name = '" + table_name + "' and b.rec_deleted ='N'";
                sql += " order by tabd_col_order ";

                Con_Oracle = new DBConnection();
                Dt_Rec     = Con_Oracle.ExecuteQuery(sql);

                foreach (DataRow Dr in Dt_Rec.Rows)
                    mRec = new tablesd();
                    mRec.tabd_table_name  = Dr["tab_table_name"].ToString();
                    mRec.tabd_col_name    = Dr["tabd_col_name"].ToString();
                    mRec.tabd_col_caption = Dr["tabd_col_caption"].ToString();
                    mRec.tabd_col_type    = Dr["tabd_col_type"].ToString();

                    mRec.tabd_col_case      = Dr["tabd_col_case"].ToString();
                    mRec.tabd_col_mandatory = Dr["tabd_col_mandatory"].ToString();

                    mRec.tabd_col_rows = Lib.Conv2Integer(Dr["tabd_col_rows"].ToString());

                    if (Dr["tabd_col_type"].ToString() == "DATE")
                        mRec.tabd_col_value = Lib.DatetoString(DROW["COL_" + Dr["tabd_col_name"].ToString()]);
                    else if (Dr["tabd_col_type"].ToString() == "LIST")
                        mRec.tabd_col_list  = Dr["tabd_col_list"].ToString();
                        mRec.tabd_col_id    = DROW["COL_" + Dr["tabd_col_name"].ToString()].ToString();
                        mRec.tabd_col_value = "";
                        if (Dr["tabd_col_id"].ToString().Length > 0)
                            mRec.tabd_col_value = Lov.getParamValue(comp_code, DROW["COL_" + Dr["tabd_col_name"].ToString()].ToString(), "PARAM_NAME");
                        mRec.tabd_col_value = DROW["COL_" + Dr["tabd_col_name"].ToString()].ToString();

                    mRec.tabd_col_len   = Lib.Conv2Integer(Dr["tabd_col_len"].ToString());
                    mRec.tabd_col_dec   = Lib.Conv2Integer(Dr["tabd_col_dec"].ToString());
                    mRec.tabd_col_order = Lib.Conv2Integer(Dr["tabd_col_order"].ToString());

                    mRec.tabd_col_file_uploaded = false;

            catch (Exception Ex)
                if (Con_Oracle != null)
                throw Ex;
            RetData.Add("record", mRow);
            RetData.Add("list", mList);
        public IDictionary <string, object> List(Dictionary <string, object> SearchData, string ServerImagURL)
            string sWhere = "";
            Dictionary <string, object> RetData = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            Con_Oracle = new DBConnection();
            List <pim_docm> mList = new List <pim_docm>();
            pim_docm        mRow;

            string  searchstring  = SearchData["searchstring"].ToString().ToUpper();
            string  table_name    = SearchData["grp_table_name"].ToString();
            string  comp_code     = SearchData["comp_code"].ToString();
            string  type          = SearchData["type"].ToString();
            string  cap_store     = SearchData["cap_store"].ToString();
            string  user_id       = SearchData["user_id"].ToString();
            Boolean user_admin    = (Boolean)SearchData["user_admin"];
            long    page_count    = (long)SearchData["page_count"];
            long    page_current  = (long)SearchData["page_current"];
            long    page_rows     = (long)SearchData["page_rows"];
            long    page_rowcount = (long)SearchData["page_rowcount"];
            long    startrow      = 0;
            long    endrow        = 0;

                sWhere  = " where  a.rec_company_code ='" + comp_code + "' ";
                sWhere += " and doc_table_name = '" + table_name + "'";;

                if (searchstring != "")
                    sWhere += " and (";
                    sWhere += "  doc_name like '%" + searchstring.ToLower() + "%'";
                    if (cap_store != "")
                        sWhere += " or comp_name like '%" + searchstring.ToLower() + "%'";
                    sWhere += " )";

                if (type == "NEW")
                    sql = "SELECT count(*) as total, ceil(COUNT(*) / " + page_rows.ToString() + ") page_total  ";
                    if (Con_Oracle.DB == "SQL")
                        sql = "SELECT count(*) as total, ceiling(COUNT(*) / cast(" + page_rows.ToString() + " as decimal) ) page_total ";

                    sql += " FROM pim_docm a ";
                    sql += " left join pim_groupm c on a.doc_grp_id  = c.grp_pkid ";
                    sql += " left join companym   d on a.doc_store_id = d.comp_pkid ";

                    if (cap_store != "" && !user_admin)
                        sql += " inner join userd e on e.rec_type = 'S' and a.doc_store_id = e.user_branch_id and e.user_id ='" + user_id + "'";

                    sql += sWhere;
                    DataTable Dt_Temp = new DataTable();
                    Dt_Temp = Con_Oracle.ExecuteQuery(sql);
                    if (Dt_Temp.Rows.Count > 0)
                        page_rowcount = Lib.Conv2Integer(Dt_Temp.Rows[0]["total"].ToString());
                        page_count    = Lib.Conv2Integer(Dt_Temp.Rows[0]["page_total"].ToString());
                    page_current = 1;
                    if (type == "FIRST")
                        page_current = 1;
                    if (type == "PREV" && page_current > 1)
                    if (type == "NEXT" && page_current < page_count)
                    if (type == "LAST")
                        page_current = page_count;

                startrow = (page_current - 1) * page_rows + 1;
                endrow   = (startrow + page_rows) - 1;

                DataTable Dt_List = new DataTable();
                sql  = "";
                sql += " select * from ( ";
                sql += " select  a.doc_pkid,doc_slno,doc_name,doc_table_name, doc_file_name, d.comp_name as  store_name, grp_name, grp_level_name, doc_thumbnail, a.rec_created_by, a.rec_created_date ";
                sql += " ,row_number() over(order by doc_slno) rn ";
                sql += " from  pim_docm a  ";
                sql += " left join pim_groupm c on a.doc_grp_id = c.grp_pkid ";
                sql += " left join companym   d on a.doc_store_id = d.comp_pkid ";
                if (cap_store != "" && !user_admin)
                    sql += " inner join userd e on e.rec_type = 'S' and a.doc_store_id = e.user_branch_id and e.user_id ='" + user_id + "'";
                sql += " " + sWhere;
                sql += ") a where rn between {startrow} and {endrow}";
                sql += " order by doc_slno ";

                sql = sql.Replace("{startrow}", startrow.ToString());
                sql = sql.Replace("{endrow}", endrow.ToString());

                Dt_List = Con_Oracle.ExecuteQuery(sql);

                foreach (DataRow Dr in Dt_List.Rows)
                    mRow                    = new pim_docm();
                    mRow.doc_pkid           = Dr["doc_pkid"].ToString();
                    mRow.doc_slno           = Lib.Conv2Integer(Dr["doc_slno"].ToString());
                    mRow.doc_name           = Dr["doc_name"].ToString();
                    mRow.doc_store_name     = Dr["store_name"].ToString();
                    mRow.doc_file_name      = Dr["doc_file_name"].ToString();
                    mRow.doc_grp_level_name = Dr["grp_level_name"].ToString();
                    mRow.doc_table_name     = Dr["doc_table_name"].ToString();
                    mRow.rec_created_by     = Dr["rec_created_by"].ToString();
                    mRow.rec_created_date   = Dr["rec_created_date"].ToString();
                    mRow.doc_server_folder  = Lib.getPath(ServerImagURL, comp_code, table_name, mRow.doc_slno.ToString(), false);
                    mRow.doc_thumbnail      = Dr["doc_thumbnail"].ToString();

            catch (Exception Ex)
                if (Con_Oracle != null)
                throw Ex;

            RetData.Add("page_count", page_count);
            RetData.Add("page_current", page_current);
            RetData.Add("page_rowcount", page_rowcount);
            RetData.Add("list", mList);

Exemple #6
        public IHttpActionResult Save()
            Dictionary <string, object> RetData = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                string     Folder = "";
                string     slno   = "";
                imageTools tools  = new imageTools();

                Boolean isImageFile = false;
                Boolean isPdfFile   = false;

                DataTable Dt_Record  = new DataTable();
                DataTable Dt_Records = new DataTable();

                string uploadError = "";

                Dictionary <string, object> SearchData = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                Dictionary <string, string> Files2Remove = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                var      model  = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["record"];
                pim_docm record = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <pim_docm>(model);

                var        columnList = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["records"];
                tablesd [] records    = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <tablesd[]>(columnList);

                string ServerImageURL   = Lib.GetSeverImageURL(record._globalvariables.comp_code);
                string ServerReportPath = Lib.GetReportPath(record._globalvariables.comp_code);
                string ServerImagePath  = Lib.GetImagePath(record._globalvariables.comp_code);

                using (DocService obj = new DocService())
                    Dt_Record = obj.getDataTableRecord(record.doc_pkid);
                    RetData   = obj.Save(record, records, ServerImageURL);
                    slno      = RetData["slno"].ToString();

                // first save to report/temp folder
                System.Web.HttpFileCollection hfc = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Files;
                string REPID = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper();
                ServerReportPath = Path.Combine(ServerReportPath, System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), REPID);
                string smallname = "";
                for (int iCnt = 0; iCnt <= hfc.Count - 1; iCnt++)
                    isImageFile = false;
                    isPdfFile   = false;
                    if (record.doc_file_name.ToUpper() == hfc[iCnt].FileName.ToUpper())
                        if (hfc[iCnt].ContentType.ToString().ToUpper().StartsWith("IMAGE"))
                            isImageFile = true;
                            smallname   = "ts.jpg";
                        if (Path.GetExtension(hfc[iCnt].FileName).ToUpper() == ".PDF")
                            isPdfFile = true;
                            smallname = "ts.jpg";
                    SaveFile(ServerReportPath, smallname, hfc[iCnt], isImageFile, isPdfFile, record._globalvariables.comp_code);

                if (smallname != "")
                    using (DocService obj = new DocService())
                        obj.UpdateDocFileName(record, "doc_thumbnail", smallname);
                        RetData["thumbnail"] = smallname;

                //then copy to original folder
                string sError = "";
                if (record.doc_file_name.ToString().Trim().Length > 0)
                    Folder = Lib.getPath(ServerImagePath, record._globalvariables.comp_code, record.doc_table_name, record.doc_slno.ToString(), true);
                    sError = Lib.CopyFile(Path.Combine(ServerReportPath, record.doc_file_name), Path.Combine(Folder, record.doc_file_name));
                    if (sError != "")
                        uploadError += "\n" + sError;
                        using (DocService obj = new DocService())
                            obj.UpdateDocFileName(record, "doc_file_name");
                            obj.UpdateDocFileName(record, "doc_thumbnail", "");
                    if (smallname != "")
                        sError = Lib.CopyFile(Path.Combine(ServerReportPath, smallname), Path.Combine(Folder, smallname));

                foreach (tablesd mRow in records)
                    if (mRow.tabd_col_type == "FILE")
                        Folder = Lib.getPath(ServerImagePath, record._globalvariables.comp_code, record.doc_table_name, record.doc_slno.ToString(), true);
                        sError = Lib.CopyFile(Path.Combine(ServerReportPath, mRow.tabd_col_value), Path.Combine(Folder, mRow.tabd_col_value));
                        if (sError != "")
                            uploadError += "\n" + sError;
                            using (DocService obj = new DocService())
                                obj.UpdateDocFileName(record, "COL_" + mRow.tabd_col_name);

                RetData.Add("uploaderror", uploadError);

            catch (Exception Ex)
                return(ResponseMessage(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, Ex.Message.ToString())));