Exemple #1
 public EntityPlayer(net.minecraft.src.World world)
     : base(world)
     // Referenced classes of package net.minecraft.src:
     //            EntityLiving, InventoryPlayer, ContainerPlayer, World,
     //            ChunkCoordinates, DataWatcher, Container, StatList,
     //            MathHelper, AxisAlignedBB, Entity, ItemStack,
     //            Item, EntityItem, Material, NBTTagCompound,
     //            NBTTagList, EntityMob, EntityArrow, EntityCreeper,
     //            EntityGhast, EntityWolf, EnumStatus, WorldProvider,
     //            BlockBed, Block, IChunkProvider, EntityMinecart,
     //            AchievementList, EntityBoat, EntityPig, EntityFish,
     //            IInventory, TileEntityFurnace, TileEntityDispenser, TileEntitySign,
     //            StatBase
     inventory                 = new net.minecraft.src.InventoryPlayer(this);
     field_9152_am             = 0;
     score                     = 0;
     isSwinging                = false;
     swingProgressInt          = 0;
     timeUntilPortal           = 20;
     inPortal                  = false;
     damageRemainder           = 0;
     fishEntity                = null;
     personalCraftingInventory = new net.minecraft.src.ContainerPlayer(inventory, !world.singleplayerWorld);
     currentCraftingInventory  = personalCraftingInventory;
     yOffset                   = 1.62F;
     net.minecraft.src.ChunkCoordinates chunkcoordinates = world.GetSpawnPoint();
     SetLocationAndAngles((double)chunkcoordinates.posX + 0.5D, chunkcoordinates.posY + 1, (double)chunkcoordinates.posZ + 0.5D, 0.0F, 0.0F);
     health         = 20;
     entityType     = "humanoid";
     field_9117_aI  = 180F;
     fireResistance = 20;
     texture        = "/mob/char.png";
Exemple #2
 internal SlotArmor(net.minecraft.src.ContainerPlayer containerplayer, net.minecraft.src.IInventory
                    iinventory, int i, int j, int k, int l)
     : base(iinventory, i, j, k)
     // Referenced classes of package net.minecraft.src:
     //            Slot, ItemStack, ItemArmor, Item,
     //            Block, ContainerPlayer, IInventory
     field_20101_b = containerplayer;
     field_20102_a = l;