// Returns the grid points in XY occupied by the given obstacle
        public List <mPoint> LocalizeObstacle(Obstacle obstacle)
            double currentDirection = AngleUtils.DegreesToRadians(CurrentPose.CurrentDirection);

            // Convert the left and right points from mm to cm
            Vector leftObstaclePoint  = obstacle.leftPoint / 10;
            Vector rightObstaclePoint = obstacle.rightPoint / 10;

            // Find the offset of the left and right of the obstacle from the current position
            Vector leftOffsetVector  = CurrentPose.CurrentDirectionVector + VectorUtils.RotateVector(leftObstaclePoint, currentDirection);
            Vector rightOffsetVector = CurrentPose.CurrentDirectionVector + VectorUtils.RotateVector(rightObstaclePoint, currentDirection);

            // Estimate the locations of the actual grid points
            mPoint leftMapPoint  = new mPoint(CurrentPose.CurrentPositionInXY.X + leftOffsetVector.X, CurrentPose.CurrentPositionInXY.Y + leftOffsetVector.Y, CurrentPose.CurrentRoom);
            mPoint rightMapPoint = new mPoint(CurrentPose.CurrentPositionInXY.X + leftOffsetVector.X, CurrentPose.CurrentPositionInXY.Y + leftOffsetVector.Y, CurrentPose.CurrentRoom);

            // Find the actual grid points from the estimated grid points
            leftMapPoint  = CurrentPose.CurrentRoom.GetClosestGridPoint(leftMapPoint.GetUVFromXY(CurrentPose.CurrentRoom));
            rightMapPoint = CurrentPose.CurrentRoom.GetClosestGridPoint(rightMapPoint.GetUVFromXY(CurrentPose.CurrentRoom));

            List <mPoint> points = new List <mPoint>();

Exemple #2
        private void MapImage_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
            Point  click      = e.GetPosition(MapImage);
            mPoint clickPoint = new mPoint(click.X, click.Y);
            Tuple <mPoint, Tuple <double, double> > clickRegion = Data.Cartographer.GetRoomCornerAndDimentions(clickPoint);


            if (clickRegion != null)
                currentSelectedRoom.Width  = clickRegion.Item2.Item1;
                currentSelectedRoom.Height = clickRegion.Item2.Item2;

                SolidColorBrush solidColorBrush = new SolidColorBrush();

                var r = (byte)0;
                var g = (byte)255;
                var b = (byte)0;
                var a = (byte)50;

                solidColorBrush.Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b);

                currentSelectedRoom.Fill = solidColorBrush;

                Canvas.SetLeft(currentSelectedRoom, clickRegion.Item1.X);
                Canvas.SetTop(currentSelectedRoom, clickRegion.Item1.Y);

Exemple #3
        //****************** Internal Methods ******************

        //looks at the first element of the route and passes it to Cartographer. This will return a vector to get us to that location
        //From there we look at the difference between that vector and our direction vector and calculate the difference in degrees
        //we use this to adjust the desired direction vector to account for our faceing. From there we normalize it and return the vector.
        private Vector NavigateFromMap()
            lock (Route)
                mPoint currentPosition  = CurrentPose.CurrentPositionInUV;
                Vector currentDirection = CurrentPose.CurrentDirectionVector;

                //if we dont have a route to follow or if the path is empty stop
                if (Route.Count == 0 || Path.Count == 0)
                    return(new Vector(0, 0));

                Vector desiredDirection = Cartographer.VectorTo(currentPosition, Path[0]);

                //get the dif in radians between the current direction vector and the desired direction
                double difAngleInRadians = DifInRaidans(desiredDirection, currentDirection);

                // Correct the target angle by 90 degrees
                // Unsure why so far, issue #18 is tracking this
                //difAngleInRadians -= Math.PI;

                // Convert difAngleInRadians to a unit vector
Exemple #4
 public void SetRoute(mPoint nextPointUV)
     lock (Route)
         Route = new List <mPoint>();
         CurrentDriveType = DriveTypeStatus.RoutDriven;
Exemple #5
        private void LetsGo_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            string us = U.Text;
            string vs = V.Text;
            double u; double v;

            Double.TryParse(us, out u);
            Double.TryParse(vs, out v);
            mPoint clickPoint = new mPoint(u, v);

Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Signals the navigator to find a route to the given name destination.
        /// sets the driveType to driven by route unless the rout was null which
        /// means there was an error in cartographer and you cant get to that point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destination">Name of location to route to.</param>
        public void NavigateTo(mPoint destinationPointInUV)
            lock (Route)
                mPoint currentPosition = CurrentPose.CurrentPositionInUV;

                List <mPoint> newRoute = Cartographer.PlanRoute(currentPosition, destinationPointInUV);

                //if we have a valid route set the route and switch to route driven else set to user driven
                if (newRoute != null)
                    Route            = newRoute;
                    Path             = new List <mPoint>();
                    CurrentDriveType = DriveTypeStatus.RoutDriven;
Exemple #7
        //****************** Consturtors ******************
        public Navigator(IObstacleMap obstacleMap, IObstacleDetector obstacleDetector, ObstacleLocalizer obstacleLocalizer,
                         ICartographer cartographer, IDoorDetector doorDetector, Pose pose, SonarDetector sonarDetector,
                         SensorArray sensorArray)
            this.ObstacleDetector  = obstacleDetector;
            this.ObstacleMap       = obstacleMap;
            this.ObstacleLocalizer = obstacleLocalizer;
            this.DoorDetector      = doorDetector;
            this.CurrentPose       = pose;
            this.Cartographer      = cartographer;
            this.SonarDetector     = sonarDetector;
            this.ChairSensorArray  = sensorArray;

            pose.CurrentRoom = Cartographer.GetStartingRoom();
            LastPoint        = pose.CurrentPositionInUV;

            FollowRouteThread      = new Thread(UpdateRoute);
            FollowRouteThread.Name = "FollowRouteThread";

            this.ObstacleDetector.ObstaclesDetected += ObstacleDetector_ObstaclesDetected; // ?
Exemple #8
        //****************** Methods for Threads ******************

        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the current route, poppin the next destination off the
        /// stack if we've arrived at it. If we dont have a route to follow
        /// it will just update the current position.
        /// </summary>
        /// ToDo: might need to update to allow the chair to recover from
        /// door navigation correctly
        private void UpdateRoute()
            while (true)
                //update the position and grab it for use.
                mPoint mostCurrentPosition = CurrentPose.CurrentPositionInUV;

                lock (Route)
                    //if we have a path to follow.
                    if (Path.Count > 0)
                        double pathDestinationDif = Path[0].GetDistanceToPoint(mostCurrentPosition);

                        //if the point are checking is a door then use the DistanceToBeAtDoor else use DistanceToBeAtPoint
                        if (Path[0].IsDoor() && pathDestinationDif < DistanceToBeAtDoor)
                        else if (pathDestinationDif < DistanceToBeAtPoint)

                    //Check if I'm at my next destination and if so, pop it off the stack.
                    //if we have a rout we need to follow
                    if (Route.Count > 0)
                        //get the distance from the current location to the next location
                        double distanceToDestination = Route[0].GetDistanceToPoint(mostCurrentPosition);

                        //if our destination is a door and we are there
                        if (Route[0].IsDoor() && distanceToDestination < DistanceToBeAtDoor)
                            //swap to door driven
                            CurrentDriveType = DriveTypeStatus.DoorDriven;

                        // if we are at the destination
                        else if (distanceToDestination < DistanceToBeAtPoint)

                    //if we have a route but not a path setup the new path and we are still in routeDriven mode.
                    //Note: the RoutDriven check makes sure we are not trying to get through a door and setting up a path for it
                    if ((Route.Count > 0 && Path.Count == 0) && CurrentDriveType == DriveTypeStatus.RoutDriven)
                        List <mPoint> newPath = Cartographer.PlanPath(mostCurrentPosition, Route[0], this.ObstacleMap);

                        //if we can get to the new locating set up the path to do so else set us back to UserDriven
                        if (newPath != null)
                            Path = newPath;

Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the core algorithm to fill the depressions in an image
        /// This concept is masterminded by the self proclaimed genius Ted Dunsford
        /// and is being prepared for publication.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mwSourceGrid">The MapWinGIS.Grid to read the actual elevation values from</param>
        /// <param name="mwDestGrid">The MapWinGIS.Grid to write the elevations to</param>
        /// <param name="SpawnPoints">A list of points on the edges where the algorithm will start </param>
        /// <param name="myFrame">The current sub-division of the overall grid</param>
        /// <param name="DepsExist">A list of booleans for each direction indicating if dependencies were found in neighboring frames</param>
        /// <param name="myProgress">A Dialogs.ProgressDialog indicating the current progress of the algorithm.</param>
        /// <returns>TimeSpan indicating the time the function took to run the algorithm</returns>
        public static System.TimeSpan FloodDependencies(MapWinGIS.Grid mwSourceGrid, MapWinGIS.Grid mwDestGrid, List <Frame.Loc> SpawnPoints, Frame myFrame, bool[] DepsExist, Dialogs.ProgressDialog myProgress)
            string strSpawnPoints = "null";
            string strFrame       = "null";
            int    Prog           = 0;
            int    OldProg        = 0;

            if (SpawnPoints != null)
                strSpawnPoints = SpawnPoints.Count.ToString();
            if (myFrame != null)
                strFrame = "Frame [" + myFrame.Width.ToString() + " x " + myFrame.Height.ToString() + "]";

            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("FloodDependencies(mwSourceGrid: " + Macro.ParamName(mwSourceGrid) + ",\n" +
                                     "                  mwDestGrid: " + Macro.ParamName(mwDestGrid) + ",\n" +
                                     "                  SpawnPoints: " + strSpawnPoints + " Locations,\n" +
                                     "                  myFrame: " + strSpawnPoints + ",\n" +
                                     "                  DepsExist: " + DepsExist.ToString() +
                                     "                  ProgressDialog)");

            if (mwSourceGrid == null)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: mwSourceGrid cannot be null.");
                throw new ArgumentException("mwSourceGrid cannot be null.");

            if (mwDestGrid == null)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: mwDestGrid cannot be null.");
                throw new ArgumentException("mwDestGrid cannot be null.");
            if (SpawnPoints == null)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: SpawnPoints cannot be null.");
                throw new ArgumentException("SpawnPoints cannot be null.");
            if (myFrame == null)
                MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Argument Exception: myFrame cannot be null.");
                throw new ArgumentException("myFrame cannot be null.");
            System.Drawing.Rectangle Window = myFrame.Rectangle;

            float[][] Source;
            float[][] Dest;
            int       numRows = Window.Height;
            int       numCols = Window.Width;
            mPoint    pt;

            Frame.Loc     ptStart;
            List <mPoint> DryCells = new List <mPoint>();
            List <mPoint> WetCells = new List <mPoint>();

            float[] Top    = new float[numCols];
            float[] Bottom = new float[numCols];
            float[] Left   = new float[numRows];
            float[] Right  = new float[numRows];

            // Since we are evaluating this frame, we can clear its dependencies
            myFrame.Set_HasDependencies(UP, false);
            myFrame.Set_HasDependencies(DOWN, false);
            myFrame.Set_HasDependencies(LEFT, false);
            myFrame.Set_HasDependencies(RIGHT, false);

            myProgress.WriteMessage("Loading File...");
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Progress("Loading File...", Prog, OldProg);

            Source = myFrame.GetArrayFromWindow(mwSourceGrid, myProgress.ICallBack);
            // Initialize first time around.  We will be writing over the "copy" with
            // any changes we make, but this should save some time in file handling
            if (myFrame.Parent.First_Time(myFrame.X, myFrame.Y) == true)
                if (myFrame.Parent.numCols * myFrame.Parent.numRows > 64000000)
                    // in the case where we copied the file, we need the middle cells to be set
                    // to the float maximum for the algorithm to work.
                    Dest = myFrame.GetBorders(mwSourceGrid, mwDestGrid, myProgress.ICallBack);
                    myFrame.Parent.set_First_Time(myFrame.X, myFrame.Y, false);
                    Dest = myFrame.GetArrayFromWindow(mwDestGrid, myProgress.ICallBack);
                Dest = myFrame.GetArrayFromWindow(mwDestGrid, myProgress.ICallBack);

            DateTime AlgStart = new DateTime();

            AlgStart = DateTime.Now;
            for (int iPoint = 0; iPoint < SpawnPoints.Count; iPoint++)
                ptStart = SpawnPoints[iPoint];
                pt      = new mPoint(ptStart.Y, ptStart.X, Dest[ptStart.Y][ptStart.X]);
                if (Dest[ptStart.Y][ptStart.X] == Source[ptStart.Y][ptStart.X])
            // Even though we have specific dependency locations for our source, we can potentially
            // effect any other cells on the perimeter

            for (int col = 0; col < numCols; col++)
                Top[col]    = Dest[0][col];
                Bottom[col] = Dest[numRows - 1][col];
            for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++)
                Left[row]  = Dest[row][0];
                Right[row] = Dest[row][numCols - 1];

            if (DryCells.Count > 0)
                WetCells.AddRange(DryUpward(Source, ref Dest, numRows, numCols, DryCells, myProgress.ICallBack));

            FloodFill(Source, ref Dest, numRows, numCols, WetCells, myProgress.ICallBack);

            TimeSpan AlgTime = DateTime.Now - AlgStart;

            myProgress.WriteMessage("Saving Array to File...");
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Progress("Saving Array to File...", Prog, OldProg);
            myFrame.SaveArrayToWindow(Dest, mwDestGrid, myProgress.ICallBack);
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Progress("", Prog, OldProg);
            byte[][] Dependencies = new byte[5][];

            Dependencies[UP]   = new byte[numCols];
            Dependencies[DOWN] = new byte[numCols];
            DepsExist[UP]      = false;
            DepsExist[DOWN]    = false;
            for (int col = 0; col < numCols; col++)
                if (Top[col] != Dest[0][col])
                    DepsExist[UP]         = true;
                    Dependencies[UP][col] = (byte)DOWN;
                    //if (Dest[0][col] < Minima[UP]) Minima[UP] = Dest[0][col];
                    Dependencies[UP][col] = (byte)0;
                if (Bottom[col] != Dest[numRows - 1][col])
                    DepsExist[DOWN]         = true;
                    Dependencies[DOWN][col] = (byte)UP;
                    //if (Dest[numRows - 1][col] < Minima[DOWN]) Minima[DOWN] = Dest[numRows - 1][col];
                    Dependencies[DOWN][col] = (byte)0;
            // Save Dependencies to the files
            myFrame.Write_Dependencies(Dependencies[UP], UP);
            myFrame.Write_Dependencies(Dependencies[DOWN], DOWN);
            Dependencies[LEFT]  = new byte[numRows];
            Dependencies[RIGHT] = new byte[numRows];
            DepsExist[LEFT]     = false;
            DepsExist[RIGHT]    = false;
            for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++)
                if (Left[row] != Dest[row][0])
                    DepsExist[LEFT]         = true;
                    Dependencies[LEFT][row] = (byte)RIGHT;
                    //if (Dest[row][0] < Minima[LEFT]) Minima[LEFT] = Dest[row][0];
                    Dependencies[LEFT][row] = (byte)0;
                if (Right[row] != Dest[row][numCols - 1])
                    DepsExist[RIGHT]         = true;
                    Dependencies[RIGHT][row] = (byte)LEFT;
                    //if (Dest[row][numCols - 1] < Minima[RIGHT]) Minima[RIGHT] = Dest[row][numCols - 1];
                    Dependencies[RIGHT][row] = (byte)0;
            // Save Vertical Dependencies to the file
            myFrame.Write_Dependencies(Dependencies[LEFT], LEFT);
            myFrame.Write_Dependencies(Dependencies[RIGHT], RIGHT);

            // Update the status of the neighbors
            MapWinUtility.Logger.Dbg("Finished FloodDependencies");
Exemple #10
 public void SetRoute(mPoint nextPointUV)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #11
 public void NavigateTo(mPoint destinationPointInUV)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemple #12
        public void DrawMap()
            const DispatcherPriority priority = DispatcherPriority.Render;

            while (true)
                if (Data.Cartographer != null)
                    MapImage.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                        Tuple <double, double> tupleUV = new Tuple <double, double>(0, 0);
                        mPoint myUV = new mPoint(tupleUV);
                        myUV        = this.CurrentPose.CurrentPositionInUV;

                        if (myUV.X < MapImage.Width - 10 && myUV.Y < MapImage.Height - 10)
                            SolidColorBrush solidColorBrush1 = new SolidColorBrush();

                            SetMapDotColor(Data.Navigator.GetCurrentDriveType(), solidColorBrush1);

                            Ellipse dot = new Ellipse();

                            dot.Width  = 10;
                            dot.Height = 10;
                            dot.Fill   = solidColorBrush1;

                            Canvas.SetLeft(dot, myUV.X);
                            Canvas.SetTop(dot, myUV.Y);


                            SolidColorBrush solidColorBrush2 = new SolidColorBrush();
                        if (recentLocations.Children.Count > 5)
                        if (obstacleCanvas.Children.Count > 3)
                    }, priority);

                    roomLabel.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                        roomLabel.Content = "Room Location:   " + this.CurrentPose.CurrentRoom.Name;

                    drivetypeLabel.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                        if (drive_type == DriveType.User)
                            drivetypeLabel.Content = "Drive Type:  User Driven";
                        else if (drive_type == DriveType.Override_user)
                            drivetypeLabel.Content = "Drive Type:  User Override Driven";
                        else if (drive_type == DriveType.Route)
                            drivetypeLabel.Content = "Drive Type:  Route Driven";
                        else if (drive_type == DriveType.Door)
                            drivetypeLabel.Content = "Drive Type:  Door Detected Driven";
                            drivetypeLabel.Content = "Drive Type:  Error Detected";

                    ucoord.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                        mPoint myUV    = CurrentPose.CurrentPositionInUV;
                        mPoint myXY    = CurrentPose.CurrentPositionInXY;
                        ucoord.Content = " Current Location U/X:  " + myUV.X + " / " + myXY.X;

                    vcoord.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                        mPoint myUV    = myUV = CurrentPose.CurrentPositionInUV;
                        mPoint myXY    = CurrentPose.CurrentPositionInXY;
                        vcoord.Content = " Current Location V/Y:  " + myUV.Y + " / " + myXY.Y;
                    compassLabel.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                        double degrees       = CurrentPose.CurrentDirection;
                        compassLabel.Content = "Direction:  " + degrees.ToString();
                    SonarLabel.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                        int distance1      = Data.Navigator.getDistanceFromSonar(0);
                        int distance2      = Data.Navigator.getDistanceFromSonar(1);
                        int distance3      = Data.Navigator.getDistanceFromSonar(2);
                        int distance4      = Data.Navigator.getDistanceFromSonar(3);
                        int distance5      = Data.Navigator.getDistanceFromSonar(4);
                        SonarLabel.Content = "S1:" + distance1 + ";S2:" + distance2 + ";S3:" + distance3 + ";S4:" + distance4 + ";S5:" + distance5;

                Thread.Sleep((int)(100 / FRAMERATE));
Exemple #13
        private void MapImage_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
            Point  click      = e.GetPosition(MapImage);
            mPoint clickPoint = new mPoint(click.X, click.Y);
            Tuple <mPoint, Tuple <double, double> > clickRegion = Data.Cartographer.GetRoomCornerAndDimentions(clickPoint);



            if (clickRegion != null)
                currentSelectedRoom.Width  = clickRegion.Item2.Item1;
                currentSelectedRoom.Height = clickRegion.Item2.Item2;

                SolidColorBrush solidColorBrush = new SolidColorBrush();

                var r = (byte)0;
                var g = (byte)255;
                var b = (byte)0;
                var a = (byte)50;

                // solidColorBrush.Color = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b);
                solidColorBrush.Color    = System.Windows.Media.Colors.LightBlue;
                currentSelectedRoom.Fill = solidColorBrush;

                Canvas.SetLeft(currentSelectedRoom, clickRegion.Item1.X);
                Canvas.SetTop(currentSelectedRoom, clickRegion.Item1.Y);

            if (Data.Navigator.GetCurrentDriveType() == 2)
                //SetMapDotColor(Data.Navigator.GetCurrentDriveType(), solidColorBrush);

                List <mPoint> pathList  = Data.Navigator.GetPath();
                List <mPoint> routeList = Data.Navigator.GetRoute();

                foreach (mPoint rl in routeList)
                    Ellipse dot = new Ellipse();

                    dot.Width  = 10;
                    dot.Height = 10;
                    dot.Fill   = Brushes.Magenta;
                    Canvas.SetLeft(dot, rl.X);
                    Canvas.SetTop(dot, rl.Y);

                foreach (mPoint pl in pathList)
                    Ellipse dot = new Ellipse();

                    dot.Width  = 10;
                    dot.Height = 10;
                    dot.Fill   = Brushes.MediumPurple;

                    Canvas.SetLeft(dot, pl.X);
                    Canvas.SetTop(dot, pl.Y);
Exemple #14
        static void Main()
            //change the test file xml here and make sure it is in bin.
            string startingXMLFile = "ETRL_03_07.xml";
            //string startingXMLFile = "FloorPlanTest.xml";
            //string startingOpenFile = "Sloan46_FINAL.xml";
            double compassToMapOffset = 72.0;

            // List of all the objects we'll be initializing.
            // Default to null, as some of them will only
            // be initialized conditionally e.g.
            // vehicle is only initialized if
            // there is a vehicle connected.
            SerialPort        sp               = null;
            IVehicle          vehicle          = null;
            IImageStream      depthStream      = null;
            IImageStream      videoStream      = null;
            IObstacleDetector obstacleDetector = null;
            ICartographer     cartographer     = null;
            IOdometer         odometer         = null;
            IInputDevice      input            = KeyboardInput.Instance;
            ObstacleMap       obstacleMap      = null;
            INavigator        navigator        = null;
            MainWindow        mainWindow       = null;

            Driver.Driver            driver           = null;
            VisualInputGridPresenter uiInputPresenter = null;
            ObstacleGridPresenter    uiGridPresenter  = null;
            PositioningSystem        ips             = null;
            OverlayRenderer          overlayRenderer = null;
            SensorArray       sensorArray            = null;
            Pose              pose              = null;
            IDoorDetector     doorDetector      = null;
            ObstacleLocalizer obstacleLocalizer = null;
            SonarDetector     sonarDetector     = null;


            //string wheelchair_com_port = Devices.IsWheelchairConnected();
            string wheelchair_com_port = "COM3";//Devices.FindComPort("Arduino Uno");
            bool   WheelChairConnected = false;

            if (wheelchair_com_port != "")
                WheelChairConnected = true;
            //bool WheelChairConnected = true;
            bool EyeTribeConnected   = true; // Devices.IsEyeTribeConnected();
            bool ControllerConnected = true; //Devices.IsControllerConnected();
            bool KinectConnected     = true; //Devices.IsKinectConnected();

            //Console.WriteLine("Kinect Connected: {0}", KinectConnected.ToString());
            //Console.WriteLine("Eyetribe Connected: {0}", EyeTribeConnected.ToString());
            //Console.WriteLine("Wheelchair Connected: {0}", WheelChairConnected.ToString());
            //Console.WriteLine("Controller Connected: {0}", ControllerConnected.ToString());

            // Initialize vehicle and serial connection if
            // there is a vehicle connected.

            if (WheelChairConnected)
                //sp = new SerialPort(wheelchair_com_port, 9600);
                vehicle = Wheelchair.Instance(wheelchair_com_port);
                vehicle = new MockVehicle();

                MockVehicleWindow mockDisplay = new MockVehicleWindow((MockVehicle)vehicle);

            //initalize IPS here

            IByteReader sensorReader = null;

                //sensorReader = new SerialByteReader("Arduino Mega");
                sensorReader = new SerialByteReader("COM4");
            catch (Exception e)

            if (sensorReader != null)
                ILogger logger = new NullLogger();
                sensorArray   = new SensorArray(sensorReader, logger);
                sonarDetector = new SonarDetector();
                sensorReader = new NullByteReader();

                ILogger logger = new NullLogger();
                sensorArray = new SensorArray(sensorReader, logger);

            IByteReader byteReader = null;

                //byteReader = new SerialByteReader(Devices.FindComPort("STMicroelectronics"));
                byteReader = new SerialByteReader("COM3");
            catch (Exception e)

            if (byteReader != null)
                ILogger logger = new NullLogger();
                ips = new MarvelMind(byteReader, logger);
                //Setup Mock IPS

                //IByteReader mockByteReader = new FileByteReader(@"C:\Users\Dana\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\UITests\UITests\Mock_IPS_Data.txt");
                //IByteReader mockByteReader = new XLineFixedYByteReader(800, 100, 200);
                IByteReader mockByteReader = new RandomByteReader(300, 299);
                ILogger     mockLogger     = new NullLogger();
                ips = new MarvelMind(mockByteReader, mockLogger);

            //wait for an iteration of the IPS system that way
            //we can get the starting location
            while (false == ips.XUpdated && false == ips.YUpdated)

            //Tuple<double, double> t = new Tuple<double, double>((double)ips.X, (double)ips.Y);
            Tuple <double, double> t    = new Tuple <double, double>((double)ips.Y, (double)ips.X);
            mPoint startingLocationInXY = new mPoint(t);

            // UI, input, object detection, navigation, and driver are initialized always,
            // as they are not directly dependent on external hardware.
            obstacleMap = new ObstacleMap();
            //cartographer = new Cartographer(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\FloorPlanTest.xml", ips);

            // might need to be changed later. If the location is not in the starting room. add staring room.
            //cartographer = new Cartographer(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\FloorPlanTest.xml", startingLocationInXY);

            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();

            ofd.Filter = "XML | *.xml";
            ofd.Title  = "Open Map";
            if (ofd.ShowDialog() == true)
                startingXMLFile = ofd.FileName;

            cartographer = new Cartographer(startingXMLFile, startingLocationInXY);
            pose         = new Pose(ips, cartographer.GetStartingRoom(), sensorArray.CompassDevice, compassToMapOffset);

            overlayRenderer = new OverlayRenderer();

            if (KinectConnected)
                depthStream = DepthStream.Instance;
                videoStream = VideoStream.Instance;

                // Initialize depthstream if kinect is connected.
                obstacleDetector = new ObstacleDetector(depthStream, false);

                obstacleLocalizer = new ObstacleLocalizer(pose);

                ObstaclesOverlay obstaclesOverlay = new ObstaclesOverlay(obstacleDetector);

                doorDetector = new DepthBasedDoorDetector();

                catch (Exception e)

            // Obstacle detector and driver are only run
            // if both the vehicle and kinect are connected.
            if (vehicle != null && KinectConnected)
                Vector startPoint    = new Vector(7 / 0.75f, 43 / 0.75f);
                Vector startRotation = new Vector(-7, -43);
                odometer = new Odometer();

                navigator = new Navigator(obstacleMap, obstacleDetector, obstacleLocalizer, cartographer, doorDetector, pose, sonarDetector, sensorArray);
                driver    = new Driver.Driver(input, vehicle, navigator);

            mainWindow       = new MainWindow(pose, obstacleMap, cartographer, navigator, doorDetector, overlayRenderer, EyeTribeConnected, ControllerConnected, sensorArray);
            uiInputPresenter = new VisualInputGridPresenter(mainWindow.visualInputGrid);

            //This starts the program.
            Application app = new Application();

            app.ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnMainWindowClose;
            app.MainWindow   = mainWindow;